East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 07, 1902, Image 2

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    Men's Clothing
The superiority of our clothing
is apparent at one glanco iuto
our window. The coloring, the
shape the stylo in every suit
shows grace usually to be found
only in the best custom tailored
clothing. Then the saving here
.Is from $2.60 to fi.CO what you
would pay in other stores.
Men's All Wool Suits, wor
steds, tweeds and cheviots
$11 00 $12,00 $15.00
Coats and Pants
$5.00 and $6.00
Coat and Vest, for Bummer,
all sizes $4.00 to $7.00
Coats only. . . . $1.00 to $3.00
Baer & Daley
MONDAY, JULY 7, 1902.
It is understood in London that the
British cabinet has decided not to
accede to the suspension of the con
stitution of Cape Colony, but to en
deavor to compromise the conflicting
interests there.
The Dutch schooner Rigolette -has
arrived at Kingston, Jamaica, from
the Island of Curacoca, bringing 34
Haytians who were compelled to fly
to Curacoca on account of recent
fighting in Hayti.
Nora Ferris, an inmate of the Ohio
State Industrial School, for Girls,
died recently as a result of being
put in a straight-jacket for punish
ment. An investigation has been
made and criminal prosecution will
Eleven men were injured, three of
them fatally, by the overturning of a
wagon near Coal Creek, Col., Sat
urday. The party, which numbered
1C men, and included a baseball team
from Pueblo, was driving to Coal
Creek when the accident occurred.
Samuel F. Emmons, of the geologi
cal survey, now making field exami
nations in the west, has been direct
ed to visit the Thunder Mountain
mining region in Idaho, this summer,
and make a careful reconnoisance of
the entire field, with a view to ascer
The Pendleton.
W. E. Fuller, New York; W. R.
Glendening, E. F. Rockefeller, G. S.
Youngman, E. B. Coman, G. W. Har
ris, Andrew Nylander, William Ma
ker, C. M. Smith, Portland; E. C.
Skiles, La Grande; C. O. Ambs, St.
Louis; R. H. Caston, T. W. Jackson,
A. S. Heatfleld, Spokane; Miss Cox,
Washington, D. C; W. E. Estes,
Washington; A. F. Looritio and fam
ily, George Wilselman, Miss E. P.
Brockman, Baker City; C. L. Cox,
city; D. W. Campbell, Tekoa; Mrs. J.
Blach and boys, Athena; Henry Folk,
J. J. Cleland, Boise; C. J. Freese,
Walla Walla; G. M. Thorusell, Chi
cago; Sig. L. Cohen, Minneapolis; I.
M. Bates, Walla Walla; August Leu-
erke, Louis Louerke, Carl Mittel
stadt, Bob Appleby, Stanton; W. D.
Vera, San Francisco; E. Cora, W. R.
Shepherd, Master Roberts, E. H.
The Golden Rule.
C. Thorn, Maggie Dennis, Minnie
O'Connell, Maggie O'Connell, Katlo
O'Connell, Umatilla; M. J. Hart, Sa
lem; E. S. McNeill. San Francisco;
E. W. Helin, W. C. Cunningham, Z,
Houser, Portland; Miss Ryan, Meach-
am; C. L. Downer, C. P. Burnett, M,
L. Burnett, A. W. Davis, W. R. Mo-
Roberts, James Parlier, Spokane;
Elwood Maichen, Newburg; D. D,
Coulson, Statts Mill; A. P. Knight,
Helix; G. W. Bradley, Miss Bradley,
T. J. Kirk. V. M. Schick and family.
W. & C. R. and Northern Pacific
Unite to Improve Service Red
Men to Entertain Walla Walla
Won Another Game.
Walla Walla, July 7. The now
time card between this city nnd Ta
coma and Seattle, v.ont Into effect
upon the lines of the- Washington &
Columbia River Hallway and the
Northern Pacific yesterday, giving a
straight passenger and regular fast
freight service from this city to the
coast. The new service is the best
over in effect from this place, and
will llkdly be of material benefit to
the wholesale houses of Seattle and
The passenger train leaves this
city at 9 o'clock in the evening, con
necting at Pasco with the Northern
Pacific, landing the passenger on the
coast early in the morning. Passen
gers from the east will take the
train for this city, arriving at 5
o'clock in the morning. A fast freight
will leave this city at 9:30 in the
evening, returning at 10 o'clock the
following morning. This train will
carry passengers for local points, or
points east on the main line.
Dr. E. E. Wiley, supremo head of
the Independent Order of Red Men,
arrived in this city yesterday, and
is the guest of the local tribe. Mr.
Wiley is making an official visit to
the leading lodges in Washington
and Oregon, and several days will bo
spent in this territory. The local
tribe had planned an elaborate en
tertainment for the leader of the or
der and an address by the visitor is
one of the principal features.
Walla Walla won another game
from Athena yesterday afternoon.
Cryderman pithing a second game in
succession with excellent results.
The score stood 5 to 4 against; 4 to
2 for the game on the Fourth. The
two teams played three games here,
Athena winning the first. The game
yesterday was good ball, and the at
tendance was fair. The Athena team
left the city this mornjng for home.
Women Barricaded Their Doors
Against Coming of the Bad Man.
A S. Heatfield, mall clerk on tho
O It & N. between Pendleton nnd
Spokane, says tho whole female pop
ulation of Spokane and somo of the
males wore much worked up over the
report that Tracy, tho man-kllllng
convict, was in town. Some one re
ported that Tracy was seen coming
into Spokano nnd tho news spread
like wlld-flro nnd It was only a few
minutes until the escaped convict s
namo was on everybody's Hps. 1 ho
wires to police station nnd the
Spokesman-Review office were kept
warm by anxious women asking if the
rumor had any foundation, and after
It was denied many could not bollove
but that Tracy was in the town and
would swoop down ' upon them mid
. ill half the population before they
were awaro of what was happening.
How'e This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cue,. yp'--lS& Tob.. Toledo, Oj
We, the nnderslsned, nave mown r.
Cheney for the past lb years, and belle
h m to be perfectly honorable n all busi
ness transactions and Hnancla ly able to
carry out any obligation made by their
flrWRST A TItUAX, Whdleiiilo Druggist,
Toledo, O. ., ,
Wholesale DniRglsts, Toledo, O.
nail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
nxflnir illreMIr tinnn thfi blood and milCOUS
surface of the system. Testimonials sent,'
tree. rnce iuc per uui.nu. huiu vj
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
Delia Burden, Ruby Burden, Athena;
tainine whether tho. stories of their Mrs. Thompson, T. J. Berg, Walla
richness have been exaggerated
.Mrs. Jennie Edwards was Satur
day bound over t appear at the De
cember term of the Kansas court to
answer to the charge of killing her
4-year-old foster-daughter. The wo
man could not give bail and is in
jail. Evidence was introduced show
ing that the child had been poison
ed, as well as kicked and trampled.
Indiana officials are worrying as to
the whereabouts of a check for $635,
000, drawn by the United States for
Indiana in payment of its war claim.
The check was mailed in Washington
on, the 3d, but up to this time it has
not been seen by the state officials.
Tho fact that the checks to Illinois
and several other states In payment
of similar claims have been received,
has increased tho anxiety of the Indi
ana officials.
Walla; H. S. Rogers, city; Minnie
Rickets, Illinois; John Done, John
Kaminger, George W. Done, Pilot
Rock; A. A. Cole, Vinson; P. C. Van
Horn, J. J. Monee, Oregon City; Al
bert Harala, Adams; Mrs. Duineld
and son, Denver; Fred Waff red and
wife, Sumpter; W. Harrison, La
Grande; William Kefsey Pocatelio;
John Shener, Pomeroy; J. Clein, Al
bany; G. W. Proebstel, Weston; F. E.
Wilcox, W. A. Banister, Milton;
Frank Leonard",. Eureka; L. A. Mc
Laughlin, Gurdane; John El Cleg
horn, Echo; W. F. Woodard, Nblin;
J. P. Perkins, Mrs. E. Huntington, R.
H. Wall, Baker City; H. L. Ruddell,
Weiser; Mrs. J. Nance, Ellensburg;
James W. Randall, Moscow; GV W.
Bell, Miss Settlemer, C. F. Buay, Si. A.
Fraus, Coley Fraker, Arthur Lamer,
R. W. Cook, L. P. Parman, E. A.
Hutchlnsou, J. J. Maull.
The Astoria plumbers' strike,
which has been on since July 1, has
been compromised and the men have
returned to work.
A contract made February 1, by
which Jorn Downs sold to Adolph
"Wolf & Sons 10,000 pounds of hops,
at 11 cents, was recorded Saturday.
Two small children of Maurice
Goldstono, of Portland, got hold of
their narents nurse the day before
tho Fjourth and invested ?95 in candy
and other nlc-nacs for the celebra
tlon before they were discovered.
Ben Scott, a well known citizen of
The Dalles, was probably fatally
stabbed on tho afternoon of the
Fourth at that place, by Al Wilcox,
a nrominent Grass Valley resident.
No reason is given for the crime.
Harry Moore had tho little finger
blown off his left hand and was otner
.trlM seriously injured, and A. Col
lins lost the sight of one of his eyes
at Vancouver, Wash., by tho explo
alon of a giant firecracker during tho
celebration of tho Fourth there.
A $10 gold piece Issued by tho San
Francisco mint- In tho year 1852,. has
been uncovered In a potato field at
Corvallls. Tho flold lies directly
where the old overland trail used to
pass and It Is believed the coin was
dropped by some pioneer returning
from California.
Need More Help..
Often the overtaxed organs of di
gestion cry out for help by Dyspep
sia's pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Head
aches, liver complaints, bowel disor
ders. Such troubles call for prompt
use of Dr. King's New Life Ellis.
They are gentle, thorough and guar
anteed to cure. 25c at Tollman &
Co.'s drug store.
Adjudged Insane.
Miss Minnie Jones was adjudged
Insane by Dr. C. J. McFaul Saturday
afternoon and ordered taken to the
Insano asylum at Salem, by Judge
Hartman. Sho Ib about 30 years of
ago and gavo ample ovldonce dur
ing tho examination of her intelll
gence and showed that sho had had
advantages in this world, having a
fair education. Sho used good Eng
Hsh and several letters -written by
her fell into the hands of the court
These showed a well-trained mind,
and' not a misspelled word was found
Sho came from Dakota about a year
ago and has lived In Athena since
until last Thursday, when sho camu
to Pendleton. Sho spent a great deal
of her time on the streets while hero
and ono night at tho county hospital,
whore she became alarmed and de
clared somo one was trying to kill
her. Sho maintained to the last that
sho waB not crazy, but It was evident
from her action and talk. that alio was
East End Strawberry Growers Clean
ed Up $15,000 This Year.
Milton, July 7. A close estimate
of the strawberry crop grown in Mil
ton and Freewater this season gives
the total at 7000 crates, or between
$10,000 and $15,000 worth. .Of course
tho above includes the strawberry
growing territory surrounding the
two places, but most of the berries
are grown in the suburbs-..
The crop was much short this
year of what it was last anlf tho de
crease Is thought to have been near
3000 crates. This was due to the
cold, damp spring. Some loss was
sustained because of a shortage of
hands to pick them.
Tfie prices remained at a high
notch this season. The Hood River
variety ranged at, almost $2 a crate
the whole season, while other vftric
ties range"d from $1.25 to $1.75. As
much as" $275"' worth of berries were
picked off" one? acre by somo growers,,
leaving $200 of more clear profit.
These figures; show that There is" a-
good profit in growing strawberries,,
and each-' year increased acreage is
added to their culture. The present
season Is now almost over so far as
the local growers are concerned.
Grandma Munra's Descendants Gath
ered About Her Hat at Log Cabin.
Meacham was the scone of quite n
gathering Sunday when the major
portion of tho western relatives of
Grandma Munra, of the Log Cabin
dining station, gathered at her home
up rhe mountain and indulged In a
family reunion.
There was a surprising vnrlety of
relationship considering the size of
tho party, the gathering containing,
naming only tho relationships of the
parties present to others in tho as
Three mothers, two grandmothers,
ono great grandmother, ono grand
father, two fathers, eight grandchil
dren, three great grandchildren,
threo children under ago, two babies,
three uncles, threo aunts, one great
aunt, one grand uncle, three nephews
two nieces, one grand nephew, four
sons, but one daughter, eight first
cousins, nine second cousins, threo
third cousins, three husbands, three
wives and three single young people.
And with all this list there were but
12 relatives present.
McReynoId's creamery butter on
ale at all stores. Ask for it.
Handsome Qpeclar Number.
The annual number of the Conv
mercial Review, the Portland grain;
publication, over which Leo Peterson
presides, was Issued' July 1. It is a'
handsome number replete with grain
statistics and information of Inter-
eat nnd valho to gTafn growers and!
grain dealers: The number Is hand
somely illustrated with cuts of ship
ping, cities, public buildings, mills,
harbors, farm scenes and vessels. It
is a credit to Its energetic publisher
and a good advertisement of tho va
ried industry of Portland, "the higr
city on the- Willamette."
Tho rain- at Portland Wednesday
and Thursday is reported the heavlBst
in the hlstoty of tho Portland weather
Baby's Bath
It prevenU cbaflag, ro4Ms, and roughness
of tho skin, Boothoa Inflammation, allays Itch,
log and Irritation, and tUou followed by gen.
Uoappllcatlona ot Cuticuu, Ointment, the
Brcat skin cure, speedily cures all forma tf
ltdn and scalp uuwqm aud restores tho hiiXy
to remembor in PRESCRIPTION
work. Thoy are
Clean Tools
Pare Dregs
Fall Strength
If these points appeal to you as
essential to the best Prescription
Work, we should bo pleased to
servo you. Ask any physician
about this matter when he
hands you a prescription for
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association BJock. Phone 851
MTTTmiff TTTTffiTTmnnrmn rnmnrrmTTTi
iujrAJKa, tne beat brands
I TOBACCO finest for
c smoking and chewing
PDPES-to suit all.
1 " A
veme i
Worth $10 to $12
You M
50c to $Mjl
Boston Store
Uan always ue had at 'Mling1!,
lauy ueiween seasons, mi
If 1 L M 1,1
lines xiave yei many nne 101s
f 1 i. L 1- . .1 1.1
for fall trade. Now is the tima to
cneai). uujuuauia.iromww w
loao thnti nnar
75o Carpetenow T....
60c Camets now
I'rv tun vmrnr enmn Hnaae: l
thing tnis not weaiuer.
Asbestos Sad Irons
Easiest to use and most convenient; detachable .handles.
Guaranteed to be free from defects, and kept in -repair W
two years.
See the display in our window, or better still, come foul
M M. 1 1 W1IU LJWA dfc mm I' ."
There Is No Question
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flour, ana
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used.for bread
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byera, Proprietor.
Court StrMt
ronuNhK i
WAV Y.ti ,
r. ; " 1 ' 7- - IBB 111 1
ror neaitti, Strength and fl
Pleasure Drink ? II
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. '