East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 03, 1902, Image 4

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    OH, MY,
But It Is Delicious !
The Cold, Sparkling Soda Water that cotnes from our
fountain, when enriched by our Pure Fruit Juices.
Thoughts of pleasure linger in your minds after a "visit to
our Soda Fountain.
Our Ice Cream Soda is exactly the thing to quench the
thirst and make you cool and comfortable during the
scorching weather.
Brock & NlcComas Company
The official returns of the recent
election show that Oregon is over
whelmingly republican, by at least
15,000 plurality. Every county in Or
egon gave a plurality for the four
leading republican candidates except
governor. The republican candidate
advancement. "When one man fails
to carry his part of the burden he
throws a double load upon the shoul
ders of some one else, with the result
that shirking becomes general and
nothing is done. Here we have the
reason why there was no celebration
in i'enaieton this year. And next
year if each Pendletonlan will do his
share, contribute in both time and
money, we can have a rousing cele
bration. Let each and every kicker,
because there is no celebration this
lor state nrlnter lost nnlv one countv
out of ,the 33 in the state and that year' bear ms Particularly in mind.
Tinw w tho 0mnii nirniiHr nf Tho8e who cxlect everything to be
45 votes. Oregon is simply solidly
done for them are ot altogether fair
I n. i f x i
republican and will remain so until"1 lou suuuciuzens.
the people tire of the burden inflicted
by the republican machine which will
grow heavier and heavier because Reports from Rome concerning the
those in charge of it know Intrench- negotiations with the Vatican for the
ment in power is no time for re- f"rPse ft purchasing the lands now
. . . , . . held by the friars in the Philippines,
trenchment in office, but an opportu- are encouraging. but vague. It is an
nity of a lifetime in which to feather uounced that the cardinals appointed
nests. by the pope to act for the church are
in agreement with Governor Taft on
Richard Groker cables from London all essential points, but that there are
to Tammany leaders in New York wide differences on matters of detail
thnt .hi iTO itt Neither side has given out any inti
.,. , ,, , , mation of the nature of the issues
Mr. Croker is sensible. He remain- on whIch the differences occur but
eu ju pomics so long as it -paiu" ana it Is probable the question of the
If he went back into it he would find amount to be paid for the lands con
it would not "pay." He worked his stltutes ne of the subjects of dis
error on .i , agreement, as a report from Wash'
ij, m, , ington some time ago announced that
ol U1S rupe. ims question: our government estimates the value
"Where did he get it?" in connection of the lands at about $7,000,'000, while
with Croker has never been answer- tne church estimated it at not less
-ed satisfactorily to the people of New than $10,000,000.
Ynrlr Tin foi fhn l.ir. n..nui. ui.i. I
" " , ; Another cause of difficulty in the
Tie is now spending in England, came reaching of art agreement is probably
"UUi ms m pontics. The old to be found in the character of the
Spartan law holds good. A man is i credentials given to Governor Taft
never really guilty until he is found He . not gone to Rome as an nc'
.out. firmer hn0 ucuura mimsier irom mis country,
. . .. , L auu put simply as an agent to negotiate
found wanting, as well. a business matter. In the instruc-
mho ,,om . ". tions Biven to the governor If Is ex
a iu cuugress, Derore pressly stated: "Your errand will
adjournment, in a caucus meeting, de- not be in any sence diplomatic In Its
nounced "the duplicity of the republl- nature, but will be purely a busfness
can majority in its ,ipaiinPn im, matter or negotiation by you as gov.
,, ' ernor of the Philippines for the pur-
'questions of Cuban reciprocity and chase of property from the owners'
trusts at the late session." The dem- thereof, and the settlement of land
ocrats declare that all responsibility titIes in such a manner as to contrifr
for the failure to grant relief to Cuba $ e J" f th
ami tne cowardly yielding to tne Even in the restricted sense of a
sugar trust must rest with the repub- business agent the governor has not
3ican members. The trouble with the full liberty of action, for whatever he
.rfpmnnrnt In nnrrros 1 thnt W "es muat Subject to action by
importance to the people ot the Phil
ippines and to ourselves. In a recent
Btatemont as to the provisions of the
Philippine bill on the Biibject Sena
tor Lodge said: "It provides ade
quate and comprehensive land laws
which have been woefully lacking
during and since the time Spain lost
supremacy there. Under the laws of
Spain there was. no such thing ns a
title to land. The occupants of the
land exorcised no ownership to It, and
ns a result they were constantly in a
stnte of turmoil. Of the 72,000,000
acres of land there only 5,000,000
acres were held by private individu
als. The remaining 68,000,000 acres
were held by Spain. Under this bill,
homesteads of 40 acres each are to
be given to the nntives. and they will
have n clear title to the land. The
150,000 acres of land which the friars
hold, which is the best agricul
tural land on the . islands,
is to be purchased, and this is to be
disposed of to those who now occupy
these lands. This must necessarily
bring about better conditions in the
way of wages to the Filipinos, and in
other important respects."
There is little doubt that congress
will agree to terms thnt may be
found satisfactory to the church nnd
to'the Philippine government. Hard
ly anything we could do will more po
tently conduce to the welfare of the
islands thnn settling land titles mid
giving the industrious and thrifty
among the people a chance to estab
lish homes of their own upon lands
that are theirs in fee simple. It is
also in the interest of the friars to
get rid of the lands, which they can-j
not profitably use under present con
ditions. Such being the case it may
be readily believed that the two par
ties are already agreed upon the es
sential points in negotiation. The
land will be sold, the United States
will guarantee the payment, and the
old strife between the Filipinos nnd
the friars will end nmicably nnd in a
manner beneficial to all concerned.
San Francisco Call.
into the water. Add n teaspoonful of kero
seneand there ycu are.
SAVK DIAMOND "0" TOAPPERS-Wo rodwsm thom
for all aorta of useful and attractive articles. Illustrated
book showing over 300 premiums e'ven for wrappers, sent
on requeit. A postal will brine it.
Premium Dept., The Cudahy Packing Co So. On. Neb.
-" i- "e ...
take up too much of their time de
bouncing the republican party when
they could use It to better advantage
In doing something themselves. The
democrats in congress appear to make
very poor use of their opportunities.
Too many of them are from the south,
where indolence and ease creep into
men's bones and where lawyers make
a profession out of politics and fol
low It as an avocation.
There are quite a number of busi
ness men In Pendleton who think that
thece should have been a Fourth of
July celebration here this year. If
these business men had thought a lit
tle harder along this line about six
Tveeks ago they could have had a cel
ebration. There was nothing In the
-way of it, but a little thankless work,
which they could have performed in
-their own interests. These business
-men surely do not think that a cele-'b-atlon
is possible without work and
they should be willing to perform
their full share of it, not expecting
others to carry the whole burden, as
In other years. If those who are in
terested in Fourth, of July celebra
tions will take the initiative In the
wrk of arranging for them, Pendle
ton will never be without a celebra
tion. But when they Bit down and
expect others to make the entire sac
rifice, both in time and money, we
-will .have to get along without a cel.
ebratlon frequently. Every business
man, property owner and citizen in'
Pendleton needs to have an Interest
da Buch things and contribute to their
congress. Thus the governor is In
structed "to take up the subject ten
tatively with the ecclesiastical supe
riors, who must ultimately determine
the friars' course of conduct, and en
deavor to reach at least a basis of ne
gotiation along lines which will be
satisfactory to them and to the Phil
ippine government, accompanied by
a full understanding on both sides of
the facts and the views and purposes
of the parties to the negotiation, so
that when congress shall have acted
the business may proceed to conclu
sions without delay."
The measure Is one of the highest
No Guess
done when you leave your
order for painting and
paperhanging with Sharp.
about the style of
paper when selected
from our stock.
For Sharp .Ideas in
Up-to-the-Minute Wall
Is akin to insanity; Man)- a woman re- ,
alizes this as she lies awake hour by
hour, peopling the darkness with plum- i
toms, starting at the creaking of the bed I
or tne rusue oi
the bedclothes, j
Such symp- 1
toms in general
point to disease
of the delicate
womanly or
gans, and a con
stant drain -v of
the vital and
nervous, forces.
This condition
cannot be over
come by sleep
ing powders.
The diseased
condition must
be cured before
the conse
qdences of dis
ease are re
Dr, Pierce's
Favorite Pre
sciiption cures
the womanly
diseases which
cause nervous
ness and sleep-
lessness. It is the best of tomes' and. in
vigorants, nourishing the nerves, en
couraging i ue appeaie una uuiucwg
refreshing sleep. Irregularity, weaken
ing drams, lniiammnUon, ulceration and
female weakness are perfectly cared by
"Favorite I'rescnDtion.
Mv wife was ode tor over dehtreansi" writes
Albert H. FuUe. Em., of Altamonf. Gnradv Co
Tenn. "Sbe bad ntenne rtfawaw and wn treated
by two pliysicans and got no rruei. At uit I
read about Dr. Pierce's medicines nnd we de
cided to try his 'I'aTorite Prescription.' I sent
to the drug store and cot one bottle and (be nt
dose gave rase and sleep. She had not !rpt any
for three niphts. Being rare that itwoaLi core
her I sent tor five-more bottles and when she
had taken the sixth bottle she was soasd and
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with "Favorite Prescription ""when
ever a. laxative ia required.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
For All KiBds of Bulldtag Material.
Screen Doors
and Windows
Building Paper
and Sand
4a4 Dw't FArgct Oir Weed 0 utter
Fer Hera mmi DwelU.ga
Farmers Custom Mill
Fn4 Wetter, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels day
Flour exchanged for wheat
FJour, Mil Feed, Chopped Feed, etc.
always on hand.
Only a Few Left
Taylor, the Hardware Man
741 Alain Street
seise a
Don't bother about putting them up. Call at our
store and select what you want. We have just the
things required to make your lunch complete. Excel
lent canned meats, canned oysters, salmon, lobsters,
shrimps. Fine fresh crackers, cakes, wafers in fact,
everything in the grocery line you may wish 'for.
Summer Baking
Don't heat your homes up and ,maki them un- "
comfortable. Come to us and get bread, Mpies, cakes
or anything else in this line. Our baking is as good
as "your mother used to make."
Delicious Hams and Bacon
For your breakfast.
y Grocery 5 BaReir
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Cheap Furnaces
Are made cheaply. You get just what you pay
or Same way with higher priced ones the
higher priced the better. If you are not thinking
Pr,ce alne, we should like to talk with you.
We G. McPhetson
Heating and Ventilatiig Eigiiear
47 First Street, Portlaia, Ore
Header Beds, Taifc, F:
- "rst class job. LetiJ
"Sure with ypu
Pendleton Planing
.....For Monntaia TruL
We have nnonprf iu .la
Teal Springs where the wfiSI
We makn a anoMf.ll
. , "I--"' .aiiy ui r.
Hwpie 10 una irom Te
The Depot St
Barney Sherry and ElvinOafcS
Everything New EYerjtliijFi
P.VDFilhlnif P.iuA l'i
Mercantile Co.
HaB added a comDleteliasif
Staple and Fancy X
will be made a specialty.
636 Main St.
12 1 uuu -
Health Tjf
Twenty-iwu f