East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 03, 1902, Image 1

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will be delivered at your residence
or place of bnslnes by carrier at
15c A WEEK.
Eastern Oregon Weatln
Tonight nnd Friday partly
cloudy preceded by showers t
night; warmer Friday.
VOL. 15.
NO. 447$
Latest Story of Schilling's
Disappearance Points to His
Having Gone There.
New KJan Is Well Known in Portland
Has Had Long Experience in
Railway Work and Will Undoubt
edly Fill the Office Satisfactorily.
Portland, July 3. Charles W. Stin
ger has been appointed city ticket
agent of the Harriman lines, vice Vic
tor Schilling, disappeared.
Mr. Stinger was formerly cashier
and assistant city ticket and passen
ger agent for the Southern Pacific in
this city before that office was merg
ed, together with that of the Union
Pacific and the Oregon Short Line,
with the 0. R. & N. company. He is
entirely competent and Is certainly
next in the direct line of succession.
He Is a very competent man.
Victor A. Schilling's disappearance
still continues to stir up Railroad
Row, and the general public is fully
as much interested as are the miss
ing man's late associates.
A new story is afloat which at
tempts to point out where Schilling
may have gone. It is rumored that
he had made up his mind to pay Chi
na a visit It is pointed out that he
left Portland for Spokane on June 21.
He was last seen at Spokane. It 1b
known that he made a berth reser
vation for himself from Spokane to
Seattle via the Great Northern. The
train of that line went out from Spo
kane te Seattle Sunday night, June
22. Since then Schilling has not
been seen. The theory now advanced
Is that he actually did go to Seattle,
and that he may have taken a steam
r from there to Victoria, B. C. The
object of so doing, it is shown, was
to have made connection.
Treaty With Spain.
Washington, July 3. Minister Stqr
er, of Spain, cabled the state depart
ment that the commercial treaty be
tween Spain and the "United States,
was signed this morning.
Wet Weather Knocked Out Excur
sionists' Plans for day of Sport
Owing to the rain, parties in
charge of the special excursion to
Meacham tomorrow have cancelled
the arrangements and no special
train will be run.
It Is evident that the rains have
made the grounds too wet for a pleas
ant outing and the trip would not be
an agreeable one. The O. R. & N.
Co., however, will sell round trip tick.
ets to all points within 200 miles of
Pendleton at one and one-third, fare
for the round trip to all desiring to
use the regular train service. Tick
ets good returning up to and includ
ing July 6th.
Crops Near There Are Doing Well,
and Will Yield Heavily.
M. L. Morrison was In town Wed
nesday from his ranch in the Juniper
country. He stated that wheat in
his neighborhood never looked better.
He brought in a fine sample of Win
ter Fife wheat of which he has 176
acres. This is an early variety and
a vigorous, hardy grain plant, which
seems to be particularly adapted to
this section. Mr. Morrison expects
a big yield from his acreage, parti
cularly from this Fife wheat. Mr.
Morrison further stated that bis
brother, J. H. Morrison, a former well
known citizen of Umatilla county,
was now a resident of Welser, Idaho,
where ho was engaged In business,
having tired of the east, where he
went from Oregon several years ago
to remain permanently.
Oregon's Congressmen.
Represemtative Tongue, .of Oregon,
now on his way home from Wash
Jagton, D, C, having left that city
tor the west on Wednesday. Repre
sentative Moody 1b coming by way of
J'ew York, and will not .start west
- a few days. Senator Mitchell,
woo has .devoted his entire winter to
wcesselvely hard work, will go to a
ew England, health ?resort to recu
Jrate before .returning to Oregoa.
Precautions Being Taken to Prevent
Any Possibility of an Anarchistic
Attempt at Assassination of Roos
evelt Washington, July 3. Two secre!
service operators will guard the pres
ident on his way to Pittsburg tonight
and when he reaches that city he will
be surrounded by a cordon of secret
policemen, regular and irregular sol
diers. The precautions will be as
comprehensive and careful as posible
The president himself scouts any
Idea of personal danger, but as a
number of the anarchistic fraternity
are believed to make Pittsburg their
headquarters, it is deemed best to
use caution.
The explosion of firecrackers or
torpedoes will not be tolerated with
ing 100 yards of the presidential
Irisn-AmerlcanPrisoners Will Be Re
leased by British.
London, July 3. In the house of
commons today. Secretary of War
Broderlck Bald the Irish-American
prisoners of war would be released
under the same order affecting the
other prisoners. He did not know
how many there were.
All the Larger Steamers TledUp at
Portland, July 3. All the larger
river steamers are tied up this morn
ing on acount of the strike of engi
neers, as the companies would make
no concessions. Traffic Is at a stand
still and the prospects are that the
strike will be long continued.
Great Fire at Hartford.
Hartford, Conn., July 3. Fire this
morning destroyed the factory of the
Capewell Horse Nail Company. Loss,
Denies Blind Story.
St Louis, July 3.Senator Vest's
son Alexander, denies the printed re
port that the senator has gone blind.
Telescoped the Rear Car of the But
ler Acommodation Badly Injuring
Twenty-Four Passengers, None Fa
Pittsburg, July 3. jBy a misunder
standing between the dispatcher and
an operator. Pittsburg & Western
train No. 43, collided with the rear
pf the Butler accommodation witn tu
passengers at Glensham.
The engine telescoped the rear
coach .and four passengers were seri
ously hurt, none of who will die.
Twenty others were less seriously
Cost of the Boer War.
It has been generally conceded that
England would eventually conquer
the Boer forces in South Africa, but
when the end comes she will find the
cost to have reached an enormous
figure. There are many persons who
spend large sums of money in a vain
search for health. They take all
kinds of medicines, which at' the best
only give temporary relief, and the
patient Is as far from recovery as at
the start. The result is far different
with those who use Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters for indigestion, dyspepsia,
heartburn, constipation, biliousness,
Insomnia or malaria, fever and ague.
It positively cures. Hundreds of peo
ple have said .so, and many promi
nent physicians and druggists always
recommend it. Be sure and try It
Our Private' Stamp la over the neck
of the bottle.
Washout Delayed Train.
O. R. & N. trala No. 1, due in Pen
dleton from the east Wednesday
morning at 8 o'clock, did not arrive
until 9 o'clock in the evening. It
waB delayed n the Piatt river coun
try, Nebraska, by a wash-out A
waterspout struck the train and
washed away ,the track on both sides,
but fortunately no lives were lost.
This morning's train was four hours
late from the same cause.
Proclamation to Be Issued July Fourth Declaring a Termina
tion of Hostilities and Freeing the
Filipino Leaders,
Washington, July 3. A proclama
tion declaring the termination of, hos
tilities In the Philippines and grant
ing amnesty to all political offenders
will be Issued tomorrow over the sig
nature of the president
Under the proclamation the office
of military governor will be abolish
ed; Chaffee's position being that, of
department commander, subject "Ho
the call of the civil authorities.
This proclamation will be the pres
ident's contribution to the Fourth of
July celebration. It will release from
custody Agulnaldo, PIo Del Pilar and
The bill introduced by Representative Moody, providing
for the sale of the unsold portion of the Umatilla reservu-
tion, has become a law, President Roosevelt having affixed
his signature to the measure on Tuesday afternoon, July 1.
Secretary Hitchcock, who had made many objections to
the bill removed these and after considerable argument in
its favor at a personal session with the president tho mea-
sure was finally accepted and signed.
It has not yet been learned when the lands will be put
on the market.
Swift Retribution Overtakes Out
ragers of Woman in Arkansas.
Union, Ark., July 3. A gang of
White Caps whipped Mrs. Guest,
white, Wednesday, then placed dyna
mite under her house and blew It to
Harvey Sexton, a relative of the
woman, whom the mob sought, fled
to the barn. As the crowd approach
ed, he fired, tne bullet striking a
stick of dynamite in the vest pocket
of Pink Gibson, the leader. The ex
plosion tore Gibson's body into a
thousand pieces, scattered flesh and
blood on the trees and fences, and se
verely wounded nine other white
cappers. No Extra Session.
Washington, July 3. It may bo au
thorltatevely stated that the- presi
dent won't call an extra session for
the consideration of the Cuban
treaty for reciprocity. He will pre
pare a commercial treaty covering
the points he 1b anxious to have en
acted into law but won't present it
until congress meets in regular ses
sion. No Gambling In Portland.
Portland, July 3. Mayor Williams
and police" commissioners have order
ed the chief of police to close all
gambling houses tonight.
Big Fire In Turkey.
Constantinople, July 3. Tho town
of Tugla, Turkey, was destroyed by
flro today, and 800 are homeless.
London, July 3, This morning' bulletin says the king slept well last
night and nothing occurred to mar the excellent progress his majesty la
now making.
The king's Jllnees has not yet been mentioned In the court circular,
this being a survival ef the old cuetom of not making such admissions for
fear some rival would take the opportunity to seize the throne.
The latest speculative date far the coronation Is St Edmund's day,
November 20, when it would be of the meat exclusive rellpleus character.
Acting-Governor Wright cabled
Secretary Root this morning as fol.
"The provincial government waB
Inauguarated at Lagunn July 1, thus
completing the establishment of civil
government over all tho civilized peo
ple of tho archipelago. Tho accept
ance of American authority is gener
al and pacification complete. I beg
to offer congratulations to you and
through you to the president on tho
success of the wise and human policy
inaugurated by President McKinloy,
and continued by President Roose
Does Not Like the Strikers' Riots,
Which Have Recently Occurred.
Wllkesbarro, Pa. July 3. President
Mitchell returned to his headquarters
today one day sooner than was ex
pected. Ho was greatly disturbed be
cause of the rioting since his depart
ure. This unrest among the miners is
caused by rumors, unfonded, that the
operators Intend to open the collier
ies, and a break in the strikers! ranks
is the result.
War Ship Dixie to Protect American
Interests There.
Washington, July 3. Tho navy de
partment this afternoon notified Com
mander Berry, of the Dixie, at tho
League Island yard to prepare for
It Is believed the ship la to be sent
to Venezuela to protect American in
terests. It was Intended to put tho
Dixie out of commission.
To Find Teachers.
Washington, July 3. Acting Cover
nor Wright cabled from Manila to
day: "The constabulary Is using
every effort to recapture tho Bchool
teachers. Have killed and captured
several of the gang. It Is claimed
the teachers wtre still allvu m Into
as Jung "
The new officers of Multnomah
county will assume their offices on
Monday next.
This Portion of Fort Hall Reserve
will be Sold to Highest Didder,
None to go at Less Than $10 Per
Washington, July 3. Tho agricul
tural and grazing lauds In tho coded
portion of the Fort Hall reservation
woro oponed to settlement and entry
on Juno 17, tho former nt ?2.60 and
tho latter nt $1.25 per aero. It was
at first proposed to dispose of these
lands by lot, as was done In Okla
homo, but that idea was abandoned
and settlers wore allowed to raako a
rush on tho date named under tho
regulations. However, nil lands
within n rndius of fivo miles of Po
catcllo were reserved from ontry un
der tho rush Bystem and will bo Bold
at public auction on July 17, nt not
less than $10 an ncro. Prior to that
time, however, prospectors will bo al
lowed to go on tho reservo lands nnd
explore for mluornls. Lnnds contain
ing minerals will bo rosorvod from
sale at auction nnd will bo subject to
entry under mineral laws at ?10 an
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, July 3. Tho wheat
market oponed Mi lowor' this morntng
and continued to go down half a cent
lowor, recovering and closing at
78, lowor than Wednesday. Liv
erpool, lowor, closing 02. Corn
Is also lowor, closing t4, off.
There will ho no markets Friday and
Saturday, tho 4th and 5th.
Wheat closed Wednesday, 79.
.Opened today, 78.
llango today, 78 78.
Closed today, 78.
Stocks are higher.
St. Paul, 175.
Steel, 39.
Union Pacific, 105.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, July 3. Wheat 75
Wheat In Portland.
Portland, July 3. iWheatWalla
Walla, CG; valley, 07, bluestom, 70.
Wheat In Tacoma.
Tncomn, July 3. Wheat 65
Letter Received at Postofflce . Notify
Ing That It Has Again Been Put off
by the Department.
Tho establishment of freo mall do
livery has again been postponed. A
letter to this effect waa rocolved by
Assistant Postmaster Bateson this
morning. It reads:
Washington, D. C, Juno 28; Post
master at Pendleton. Sir: Tho post
master-general has Issued an ordor
postponing tho establishment of tho
froo mail dollvory sorvlco at your of
fice from July 1 to Soptembor 1, 1902.
Very respectfully, J, J, Hawloy, act
ing assistant postmaBter-gonoral,
This puts tho tlrao of tho estab
lishment of tho freo dollvory, which
haB beon promised tho cltlzons of
Pendleton for the past year, another
three month off.
Not long ago tho examinations were
held hero of applicants for service as
carriers and tho appolntmont was ox
pectcd ovory day, but now tho post
ponomont of the establishment of the
delivery will glvo plenty of timo.
Nothing haB been heard from
these examinations and It Is not
known who tho lucky onos aro.
Two More Loving Hearts.
Tho Walla Walla Union statos that
a marriage Ilcenso was granted to
Claudo O, Medley and Miss Jcnnlo
W. Cole, In that city yesterday. Mr.
Medley will bo remembered by many
young people of Pendleton, where he
was clerk In the Cleaver Bros, store
for several years and later held a
similar position with the Pendleton
Shoe Company.. Mr. Medley went to
Walla Walla a few months aso and
Is employed In a shoo store. lie and
his brJdo will make their homo there.
Mrs. J. B. Ooff. aired alxtv vaara.
living near Oakland for many yean
oast, died Saturday from an over.
dose of belladonna taken by mistake.
She and her family were highly
Stole a Launch and Compelled
Four Men to Run it for Him
to Seattle.
Was 8een This Morning Walking
Along the Tracks of the Seattl I
International Railway and Is Now j
Surrounded In Ravenna Park.
Seattle, Wnsh., July 3. Convict
Tracy held up four men at Olympla
Inst evening and cohipellod thorn to
run ono of tho Inrgcst launches oa
Pugot Sound from Olympla to Seattl
for him. Ho told tho mon that ha
had murdered Morrill because the
latter becamo faint-hearted, but this
story Is not bollovcd as It Is thought
Merrill Is In hiding in tho vicinity of
lis slstors homo at Shelton.
Tracy landed at Ballard, a suburb
of this city, and was soon at 0:30 this-
morning walking along tho Soattle-
Inturnatlonal railway past Ravenna'
park, at tho edge of tho city.
A. D. Freoman, who recognized
Tracy when at a dlstanco of 100 foot,
walking along tho track with hl
blankets on his back, ran to tho noar
est telephone station and telephoned
tho pollco who were on tho trail with
in 30 minutes with a largo force.
Tho pollco think Tracy Is In Raven
na park, which Is heavily wooded and
brushy, and a battlo 1b oxpoctod at
any minute as they aro closing ia
and will attompt to kill hlra at sight-
Tacoma dispatches say that Tracy
hold up a house at Dolaioro, fivo mllea
west of Olympla, boforo stealing the
launch, strlppod and bound an old;
man and took what clothes he want
ed. Morrill was with him at this tima
and tho two men washed and shaved'
thomsolves. Thoy stayod about tw
hours and from tho conversation
which the old man heard whllo h
was lying thoro bound watching them'
ho Is convinced that tho mon were
tho escaped convicts.
Trance Medium Predicts Attempted1
Killing of the President
J. K. Brooson, a young man resid
ing in Findlay, Ohio, whllo in
tranco last Sunday night made
Btartllng prediction that waB listened,
to aud takon down by trustworthy
witnesses. Ho says an attempt will
tin mndo on tho llfo of Presldeat
Eoosovolt within fifteen months by a
man with a fancied porsonal grudge,
Tho plan will bo frustntod by the ac
tivity aad bravory of tno presiaeac
Klnc Edward will rocovor but ba
wl!! not llvo throo yeare. When hla
eon succeeds him an attempt will be
mado to form a republic and grant
freedom to tho coloulos, including
Ireland and Scotland, but will fall
imnauHo tho wealth of tho country fel
In tho hands of tho nobility.
Tho pope will dlo wlln mo cioso oi
tho year. His death will materially
change tho political map of Europe,
Tho noxt president will bo a repub
lican, but It will not bo noosovolt.
' .... x . ..
Thoro will bo a terrioio siorra our
Ing tho third jvook of August.
Celebrate at Klne's.
Notwithstanding tho dampness of
ii,. .(hi., nnin Pmllh Intends! to
llju - v
I..ui n tilir nrnwil lit KillG'fl CfOVO the
Fourth. Tomorrow morning tho band
will begin playing on the aircc. at
a nitinoU mwi will contlnae until 10.
ihav uriti tin tn the arrova to
furnish muslo during the morula
Tho danco platform is covered aad
Mm iinnolncr will bo carried on de
nnihi thn rain. Now that the Wood
man oxcurBlon Is declared of la
Mnriflinm mora noonlo will M 1
town to celebrate and a good tise
is promised at the grove.
Free Phonegraah Canaart,
This evening at the Balvatl-
Army Hall, a grand phonograph eoaj-
cert will bo givea ay uapiaia avaas,
while tho young ladies or tne orpa
will dispense declclous Ice cream aad,-
cake to all, mat win aave ww'
to pay for the same. Bverylwdjrlg
cordially jnvjiea jo jne m-
free to alj.
ta'4'.' Ml,