East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1902, Image 5

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Big Bargains
Don't Miss Our
We are now showing some BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS in
awns, Percales and Dimities
Kegular Selling j Closing Oct f Q
JllV - I -www
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
Howard, farm loans.
Ping Pong at Maloy'a.
bh vegetables at Martin's.
ib goods sale at Lee Teutsch's
les summer underwear at
River strawberries received
at Hawley Bros.
fcg beans, green peas and caull-
at Hawley Bros.
a cool, refreshing glass -of
beer go to Gratz's.
leynold's creamery butter on
all stores. Ask for it.
ih live crawflBh just received,
Itz's, cooked while you wait
! weather has no terrors at the
Rule basement, where good
beer is on tap.'
into the cool, comfortable
ent I the Golden Rule and en-
glaBB of Schlitz beer.
borate the Fourth at Bingham
Dancing both afternoon and
kg of July 3, 4 and 5.
lee, 305 Court St., agent for
fetic and Davis sewing machines.
heads from $27.50 to $65 on in
tents. Everything guaranteed.
Silas H. Soule, of- Boule Bros.'s
Company, Portland, is in the
prepared to do expert piano
and all kinds of delicate re-
ig. Please leave orders at Tall-
Drug Store.
1 1 will bpII all tti v Ktnntr nf rut pliux
ib heavy discount until July 5. I
tew oao ana enas wmcn i vua
elean up, so sacrifice the whole stock
do so. Belotr are a few sample! of
Iflne whiskey set, regular
price Md.oU, cut to 25 oo
ue water et, regular
price $19.50, cut to 1450
tent-inch bowl, reinilAr
Iprice f 14.00, cut to 10 00
ougar ana Ureamer:
regular 7.J0. nut in s 00
Ine fi-lnnll Tannlu rami.
ParM.25, cut to.. ........ 3 5
vv aierDotue, reg.?7.50 5 5"
Fcruuuer, reg. fi4.75...io 75
not delay In yoar jrarchaie, ai
uiu 11 jour gain. ,
Jeweler and Optician
Next Door to B. Alaxadr
Picnic lunches at Martin's.
Summer baking at Martin's.
Play Ping Pong at Maloy's.
Frazlen's for fireworks and flags.
Fireworks and flags at Frazier's.
See the new parasols at Teutsch's.
Rooms by the day, week or month
at Gratz's.
A fine free lunch from 9 a. m. till
midnight at Grate's.
Lawns, percales, dimities, closing
out sale. Teutsch's store.
McReynold's creamery butter on
sale in all stores. Ask for it
Call up 'phone main 105 for pure
artificial ice. Only place in town
you can get it
Our ice cream and ice cream soda
is delicious. Try It and you will have
n t other. The Delta.
Good lunches at reasonable prices
at Phillip's restaurant, opposite
Tallman's drug store,
Schlitz beer is good beer, and is
served in a nice cool place a. the
Golden Rule basement
We' give free tickets on the bicycle
with every dollar's purchase. Martin's
Family Grocery and Bakery.
Money to loan at lowest rates on
town or country property. J. R.
Dickson, East Oregonian building.
When down street and wishing
postage stamps, drop into the Delta.
We will be pleased to supply you.
Take advantage of the chance to
get bargains at Mrs. Campbell's
closing out sa'.e of summer millinery
Enjoy fresh crawfish. Received:
right from the water every Tuesday
and Saturday morning by Nolte's sa
loon. The social to be given by William
Martin Encampment No. 1, July 2, at
the time of the installation of officers
is for members only.
Join the happy throng . and go to
Bingham Springs to spend the
Fourth. Dancing afternoon and eve
ning of July 3, 4 and 5,
The ladles' aid pf the Congregation
al church will meet at the home of
Mrs. .'Sloan, Thompson street, on
Thursday afternoon at two o'clock.
Doctors predict considerable sick
ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of
your drinking water., Cool it with
pure artificial ice. 'Phone! main 105.
All kinds of real estate for sale.
Homes on easy payments, will fur
nish part of purchase money.
Rlhorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor Eldg.
Dutton will deliver nice, fresh,
sweet cream to you If you will send
in your orders. New and delicious
are the ice cream -sandwiches served
at Dutton's. Only 5 cents.
Special train for Meacham will
leave Pendleton 7:30 a. m., July 4.
Returning wil leave Meacham 7 p.
m. Train will stop at Intermediate.
points both .ways. Round trip $1.00.
Meacham and return, July 4th, H.
Clothing made to order. N. Joer
ger. Wanted A cook. Apply at Alta
Fine fresh red and black rasp'nor
ries at Hawley Bros.
"McReynold's creamery butter on
sale in all stores, Aati for it
Fine old potatoes only $1.25 per
hundred at the Standard Grocery,
Choice spring chickens, 25 cents
each. Cheaper than meat. At the
Standard Grocery.
Excursionists jrolntr to Monnhnm
July Fourth can secure meals at the
famous Log Cabin eatinc house at 50
cents each.
Tho county court In session today
has done little business en far nthor
than reviewing and considering petH
uons ror changes of county roads.
TWO new stages havo honn nloc-.rt
on the road between Pendleton and
Uklah. They are the regulation old
time Concord stage coaches. One
will run from this end and tho othr
from Ukiah.
The Pendleton Woolen Mills has
an artistic display of their beautiful
portiers, couch covers and blankets
in the main window of Alexander's
Department Store, which is attract
ing much attention. Tho display is
made with a view of showincr the con-
venlence of having a Pendleton robe
and the different uses to which it can
be put. This is demonstrated by
photogranhs which Bhow the rohes
in use. Now that tho picnic season
is here. every nerson who contomn-
lates an outing should possess a robe
ror they are just the thing and if
once used they hecome almost indis
Soft White Skin
May be a gift of Nature, but it may also be the
result the application of Pinet Nut .Cream, This
Cream removes the tan and sunburn that comes
with the summer outing.
Is a good thing to have in the house; Nice to use;
BPnce2s cents p.bottle.5
Sprinkle Last Night Caused the
Farmers to Smile.
Did you notice that smile on the
faces of the rarmers this morning 7
It was all caused by the nice show
er that fell last evening.
The farmers are all feeling good
and they have a reason to be as more
than an average crop is assurred.
While the grain was not suffering
for rain, as a genarel rule, it was
acknowjedged that a mild shower
would do no harm and might do
good. .Most of the wheat was far
enough along to insure a" good crop
but in some regions the spring sown
grain was needing moisture.
The weather tho past week haB
been ideal for wheat. It has been
cool and cloudy, with threatening
rain, and the Shower that came last
evening will i settle the uneasiness
about grain burning.
Money put up by Bondsmen Can be
Turned on Fine.
On page 832 of Hill's Annotated
Laws of the state of Oregon, in regard
to the aplication of money held for
bonds of a man charged with crime,
the following will be found:
"When money has been deposited
in lieu of ball, if It remain on deposit
at the time ot judgment for the pay
ment of money, the clerk .must, under
the direction of the court, apply the
money in satisfaction thereof, and af
ter satisfying the same must refund
the surplus. If any, to the defendant."
Qiiite a little has been said recent
ly about tho $800 bonds of John Tharp
having been applied to his fine of
$100 by the court and the above is
quoted to show those who were of
the opinion that a bond for the ap
pearance of a man charged with a
crime "could not be applied upon a
fine after conviction, can bo without
the consent of the bondsmen.
Newly Etected Recorder has Now
Assumed His Position and Others
Will go In Monday.
Tho office of county recorder Is
now In new hands.
W. H. FolsonY. elected at tho Into
election to fill tho offlco ot recorder
Instead of J. W. Maloney, tho old In
cumbent, took his seat this morning
and Mr. Maloney, or his deputies,
stepped down and out. Mr. Folsom
has appointed William N, Valandlng
ham his special, doputy.
C. H. Marsh, who acted as doputy
for Mr. Maloney, has taken a position
with tho Hartman Abstract Co., and
Johnny Beam will remain in tho offi
ce ,for a few weeks 'until Mr. Folsom
and his deputy get the hang of tho
business. Miss Celta Renn, tho
stenographer, will remain in tho of
Other Changes Monday.
Most of tho bonds of the other offi
cers have been filed and will be ap
proved by the' court court Monday;
when they will take their scats. Few
changes will be made in tho offices.
Sheriff-elect T. D. Taylor has not yet
announced who will be his deputy,
further than that no change will be
made in the local force as far as it
reaches. C. P. Davis will remain in
tho office, bt who will bo tho other
man is not given out
County Clerk-olect W. D. Chamber
lain will continue to run his ofllco
with the same force. B. B. Hall is his
deputy. E. J. Summervlllo. elected
to the place of treasurer, will run the
office himself and tho now assessor
will not take his offlco until tho first
Monday in January.
Passenger Tratn Delayed.
O. R. & N. train No. 1, duo through
Pendleton from tho east at 8 o'clock
this morning, will not arrive until
about six o'clock this morning. What
the trouble Is cannot be learned but
It is supposed that something Is
wrong In tho mountains. A special
was made up at Huntington and went
through at 9 o'clock this morning to
take tho place of No. 1.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
Wo will soil TWENTY-FIVE DOZEN Men's and Boys'
Straw Hats, all sizes and shapos ; mon'a 6 3-4 to 7 12 ;
boys' 6 1-4 to 7
Straw Hats
all of whloh wero bought this soason, and we are going
to soil thorn all this season, too, booanso wo never want t
to carry over goods. "Soo ? Then we don't have to i
show old styles.
This is the way we. are going to dispose of thon.
See for Yonrself.
See Display in North Windo
si Piles vidua!
After All, No Place to Trade
Like NolPs,
Small Pox at Milton.
Milton, July 2. Small pox in a
mild form has broken out here in the
home of Frank Kent. Tho patient
Is the eldest daughter and all the
members of the family have been ox
posed. Tho place Is under strict
Meacham Excursion July 4.
Special train leaveB O. R. & N. de
pot at 7:30 a. m. Returning will
leave Meacham at 7 p. m. Round trip
Saves a Woman's Life.
To give up would have meant
death for Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dor
chester, Mass. For years she had en
dured untold misery from severe
lung trouble and obstinate cough
"Often," she writes, "I could scarcely
breathe and sometimes could not
speak. All doctors and remedys
failed, till I used Dr. King's New Dis-
covery for Consumption and was
completely cured." Sufferers from
Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung
Trouble need this -grand remedy, for
it sever disappoints. Cure is guar
anteed by Tallman Co. Price 50c
and '$1.00. Trial bottles free.
Sale Flouring Mill Plant
j Sealed proposals for the purchase
oi ine AtAena Flouring Milt com
pany's plant, at Athena. Umatilla
County, Oregon, will be received by
the undersigned trustee in bankrupt
cy of said ..Milling' Company, to and
J f -1 Ml T l . T ..ill ' r t t i . it .
juuiuuiug juij iviu, xvv2, ai Aiueua,
Oregon. The right to reject any and
an bids 'reserved.:
Llvermore Resigned.
.LittBwasraBMctei oat
handed in his resignation as llbrar-
were taken toward electing a successor.
The advance styles of the Fa
mous W. L. Douglas Shoe have
arrived, t Our stock is now com
plete and you will have no trouble
in getting your size and style.
Just think of it Over four and
one-half million pairs, of the Doug
las Shoe sold last year 1 They
are union made; which means the
shoes are made by skilled work
men and under sanitary condi
tions. P.-S.-Look out fortfie "Jusf
as Good" kind.
Boston Store
Sole Agents for Pendleton.
ioo heavy Japanese napkins 10c
Ladies and Men's bicycle,
strong and good $14.95
Rubber rattles, dolls and
balls fot the babies 5c up
1 8 long sheets shelf paper. . 10c
Ladies' wrist purses the
latest 74tc and 98c
Sticky fly paper, per sheet lc
Crepe paper, plain and
decorated, per roll,5c, 10c, 15c
Feather Dusters
Another Large Shipment This Week
Fine turkey dusters. . ,23c to (9c
Ostrich parlor dusters 35c to$2 75
Wool dusters. . .10c, 20c and C9c
S'hoe' Brushes . .12c, 20c and 25c
Lowest Prices, Reliable
No Guess
done when you leave your
order for painting and
paperhanging with Sharp.
about the style of
paper when selected
from our stock.
Frederick Nolf
Tablets, Pencils, lnk, Office Supplies
and tho only people lu tho saddlory
business that carry a complete stock of
Harness, Baddies, Bridles, Spun, Sweat
Pads, Paek Buddies and Bags, Tents,
Wagon CoveuH and Canvas.
Leadlnrj Harness and fadaian
The Plumber and
For First Class Work at
Rousonablo Prlcos
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joo Store, Near Court St.
opera nwftmm
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
Ladies' colored shirt waists, $2.50, 5 1 . 50, JSi.oo,
down to , , 25c
Ladies' colored petticoats, immense assortment, 5,00,
2.00, $1.00, down to 50c
Needles, card, pf 2, including darners ant)' bpdkin , . , jc
Wrappers, 2.50, $2,00, $1.50, $1.25, 98c and 48c
Curling irons, 5c, 4c and , 3c
Ladies' ,dress skirts, blacka'nd colors, $5.60, $4.00, .
3-io, $2.00 and . . f v . , . .:, , . j, Q8c
Clothes Brushes, regular"wbrth 15c 8c
Ladles' tailor made Bults just received,, dramsiers'
samples; line of spits do two alike tbat we will
sell at, ,. . 25 per cent off regular price
Ladies' silk mitts, others sell them for 25c, our price 15c
5000 yards best calico, much as you want, per yard , , 4c
Chjirenfa1f'andkerchieffi, each lc
3000 yards Scblch lawn, warm weather dress goods,
per yard . ,v 3c
Best lady's shoe on earth or the price . y ... f 2 BO
40b dosseri spool cotton, tjon' better. 2tfc
Ladies' linen collars, each, 5c
Corset stays pdrset . . .'. . , , 5c
Pearl buttons, all sizes, per dozen .,,,.,,,...,,,,,. Be
iry one pair ot our Boys' hose for, 2c
"Sutter I ML
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