... tS HHMI EVENING EHTWI wy evening editki DAILY Eastern Oregon Weather Showers thin afternoon and to night probably fair warmer. bli. is. PEyPLETpy, UVTILLA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, ' JUIiY 2, 11)02. NO. 447 PRINCE ON TRIAL hcis Joseph of Braganza Jharged With a Criminal MFense. WENT ON A TRIP : THROUGH THE SLUMS There Got Into Trouble With a Ming Clerk Police Tried Ho Keep latter Quiet But Facts Leaked ondon, July 2. In the South- k police court today Princg Fran- Joseph, of Braganza, a lieutenant lie Austrian army, -was charged riminal offense with a young clerk. 1th another person the prince was landed. He came to London as envoy to the coronation and a ek ago with another envoy made jtour of the slum district The po- maintained secrec- but the facts leaking out. A BIG TUNNEL COLLAPSED RUMBLING NOISE WAS HEARD FOR SEVERAL MILES Worklngmen are Believed to Have Been Caught But Just How Many Is Not Known, Minerva, Ohio, July 2. At 5 o'clock this morning a tunnel on the Lake Erie, Alliance & "Wheeling railway collapsed for its entire length, the rumbling noise being heard for sev eral miles. How many workmen were caught has not yet been ascertained, but-it is believed only a few. The tunnel has been under construction some time near here. WONT GO BACK TO WORK. DENIES REPORTS. amer St. Paul Brings Word of Portland, Jeanie and Thetis. Ban Francisco, July 2. The steam. St. Paul arrived today contradict- the Centennial news. She says whaler Baylies" arrived at Nome the 20th, and that the natives of omedes stated that the steamers klvedere and Jeanie, and passeng- supposed to be from the Portland, ssed Behring straights between first and the eighth. rhe Thetis was spoken the 18th had not seen overdues. The Cen- snial reported that the Belvedere id seen the Thetis, Jeanie and Port' id on the 17th, AT OYSTER BAY. ssident Will Move Seat of Govern ment to That Point ; "Washington, July 2. President oosevelt leaves for Pittsburg to morrow to participate in the Fourth July celebration. Saturday he eturns to Oyster Bay, where the seat if covenuncr.t will be. The president will have an office the village three and a half miles Dm his residence and will keep jeg- iar office hours. It is his intention discourage political business cal- ers outside of office hours. RUMOR OF SETTLEMENT. "reposition Said to Have Been Made to Heads of Strikers. Wllkesbarrie, July 2. A rumor ras circulated widely this afternoon bat the anthracite magnates had pre ented a proposition for the settle- nent of the strike to the presidents fef three anthracite districts. May Settle Strike. New York, July 2. Reports w,ere current on the street today that a reposition had been made to the I miners looking to a settlement of the anthracite strike. RAPIST AT LARGE. Escaped from Jail and Not Yet Been Captured. Washington, Ind., July 2. Joseph Herbert, the murder- who escaped from jail yesterday, was captured at 2 o'clock this morning at his home In this city. "Bill Edson, the ravlsher of Inna Plehl, who also escaped, Is still at liberty, but a vigorous search Is be ing maintained. ' Payment for- Friar Lands. Rome, July 2. Taft'a note to the Vatican regarding the Philippines Is Jdy. It proposes payment for the friar's lands In three Installments, one-third immediately, and the bal nce in three months Installments fBomW t , , sisting arrest at Whatcom Friday "by ijomoay, July 2. A cyclone blew p0nceman Alvord, was insane. Camp - " "am from the frank t New Ram- . n . i i ...i,ln uvoli Homeward iBiiwjl, , ft everyone who saw Jiim wai ' Vav .Julyi?.-rJTheV-ataer for the purpose of taking -.-wwjru wiia Jtne remaJas or. Lord Campbell's motner claimed nis uouy UMefotetpased ot fey1 the ,Capee Sunday and returned wkh it to bis ."us raoralnr. ' i . Wa i niaoV niirar Junction. Wash. Electric Railway Strikers Refuse In vitation to Return. Portland, July 2. The striking em ployes of the Oregon City road met today and decided to refuse the invi tation of. the road to return to work until the discharge of Superintend ent Tiffany, who was the cause of the strike. The strike of the ship carpenters ties up but little work. NO EARLY CLOSING STORES WILL NOT SHUT AT SIX FOR A WHILE Clerks Realize that at Present it Would Hurt Trade, So Will Wait Until After Harvest. The Clerks' Union, formed in Pen dleton a few months ago, which is making an effort to close all business houses at six o'clock in the evening, have given up the idea of trying to close at that time until fall, or after harvest They realize that to close all business houses in Pendleton at six o'clock in the evening would work a hardship on trade during the har vest season and for that reason they win continue to worn as neretoiore, When harvest is over the movement will again be taken up and all mer chants who signed the early closing petition will be expected to let their names remain on the paper and when the movement is taken up again an other effort will 'be made to get all to sign it THE KING'S TO HEALTH CONTINUES Bulletins Today Say He is Much Better and Suffers Less Pain Great Review of Indian Troops Held in London, MILLIONAIRE SUICIDES. Shot Himself on Account of Continu ed III Health. Chicago , 111., July 2. Sigraund Guthmann, vice-president of the wholesale shoe house of Guthmann, Carnenter & Tellincr. and a million aire, committed suicide this morning by shooting himself. Ill health was the cause. Man Cooked Alive. Independence, July 2. Peter Nairn, a young man who was employed with a steam saw outfit at Ballstown, a few miles north of here, met with a horrible accident which will probab ly prove fatal. He had climbed to the top of the engine to do some oiling, when bis clothes caught In the mov ing machinery and he was thrown in cl.se proximity to the rapidly moving fly wheel. His clothes were torn from his body In an instant and in order to escape Instant death he threw his naked body against the boiler and grasped the smokestack with his arms. In this position, slow ly cooking alive, he remained until steam could be shut off and he was assisted .from his position of torture. Fight is no Go, St Louis, July 2. The police board today decided, after hearing both sides, that the proposed fight between Dave Sullivan and Young Corbett could not be pulled off. Louisville of fers to take the mill. y Chinaman in Trouble. Buffalo, July 2. Charlie Wee, a Chinese laundryman is being held for the murder of five-year-old' Marian Murphy, whose outraged body was found Monday In the lake. It develons that Gerald R. Camp bell, the man who was shot while e- wnat today and 18 were killed -nd conBtant fear of being returned v imurori I . . there. A man in uniform was an ntrra in him. and he was afraid that everyone who saw Jiim was after him taking mm oacK. claimed his body at Black River Junction, Wash. London, July 2. According to nn official bulletin issued from Buckingham Palace at 10 o'clock this morning, the remarkable progress which the King has made since the operation was performed eight days ago continues without interruption. The Indian troops were reviewed today under liko circumstances to those attending tho colonial parade yester day. The troops numbered 1,300 and presented a very brilliant aspect. There were 43 mounted detachments, representing every race and religion of India. English troops commanded by tho Duke of Connaught held the lines. The Queen was a spectator from hor carriage, driving up and down the lines amid the enthusiasm of tho largo crowds which attended. After tho review tho Prince of Wales presented orders and decorations. The 7 o'clock bulletin Bays the King maintains the same steady progress, the local pain being less. FIGHTING IN PENNSYLVANIA COAL AND IRON POLICE AND STRIKERS CLASH Several Shots Were Fired But no One was Hurt Arrests Then Made Caused Much Excitement Hnzelton, l'enn., July 2. Thoro wcro many encounters this morning between special deputies, tho coal and iron poltco and tho strlkors. Mine guardB mot a number of tho strikers at Froolnnd and tho poltco drew pistols and fired. A striker nlso drew- a revolver and a demonstration took placo although none woro wounded. Later tho pollco arrested four min ors thoroby increasing ho oxclto-mont. Choate Was Received. London, July 2. Rear Admiral Crownlnshlold today received Ambas sador Choate and othors aboard tho battleship Illinois ut Gravcscnd. Man Killed at Hubbard. Hubbard, July 2. An unknown man, oll dressed, was killed by tho Southern Pacific train this morning. FOR JULY FOURTH WHERE PENDLETON PEOPLE WILL SPEND THE FOURTH - X & RIOTING IN VIENNA A BIG GOLD FIND KAISER'S REMARKS ABOUT POLES CAUSE TROUBLE Six Thousand Rioters Led by Stu dents, Attacked the German Con 6ulate but Failed. Vienna. July 2. Riotous demon strations occurred at Lemberg. Call- cla, today against the attack on the Poles, made by the kaiser in a recent address. Six thousand demonstrators, led by students, attempted to storm the German consulate, but 'failed. They then attacked the homes of Polish leaders, supporting the emperor's views. The police and the mob clashed and many were Injured. AN UNWELCOME GUEST. Carrie Nation Went to Prohibition Convention Despite Protests. Peoria, 111., July 2. Carrie Nation came to the prohibition convention this afternoon despite telegrams sent her along the route from Minnesota that her presence was not desired. However, the train she came on was two hours late and the conven tion nominated their ticket before her arrival. Big Fire In Norway. Christiana, Norway, July 2. Fire has destroyed 150 buildings at Laur vig, province of Jarlsberg. Loss 2, 000,000 kroner. Cropped a Fool. Vienna, July 2. In a duel today between a student and Pan-German Deputy Berger, the tatter's ear was cut off. MARVELOUS STRIKE RE PORTED AT GRANT'S PASS Chas. Bradbury and Geo. Collins Found a Vein on Pickett Creek Which was Half Gold in Some Places. Grant's Pass, July 2. George Col lins and Charles Bradbury have Tiiado a marvelous strike on Pickett Croek. They found an enormous vein that shows half gold In many spots. The new mine has created, consid erable excitement. CALLS IT A FAKE. NO TRACE FOUND; Disappearance of Victor Schil ling from Portland Romains an Unsolved Mystery, ENGAGED SLEEPING BERTH ' FROM SPOKANE TO SEATTLE That Is What a Newspaper Man 8ays of Thunder Mountain. Kansas City, July 2. C. C. Clino, a newspaper man, has returned from a trip to Thunder Mountain, Idaho, to which thero is a great rush. He says the reports of gold finds are fakes and , that there is not a chunk of free milling ore in the re gion, the mineral being all basic and requiring machinery and railroads to handle it. Gompers Comes West Washington, July 2. President Gompers, of tho Federation of Labor, acompanled by vice-president O'Con nell, left today for San Francisco, whore the executive council meets July 21. Ramsey Dismissed. Boujo, Ida., July 2. United States Marshal Frank C. Ramsey has been summarily dismissed from office. The reason is not known. There are rumors of shortage, but tho marshal denies that thero is any discrepancy, Many Will go to Walla Walla; More to Meacham and Somo Will Cele brate Right Here at Home. "Whore will I Bpend tho Fourth?" This Is tho question that Is somo what agitating tho minds of men, women and children of l'omlloton. Many will remain at' homo and tako In tho colcbratlon at Kino's Grove, In tho oast end of town; some will go to Walla Walla whoro la promised tho greatest celebration of tho na tion's birth that has over boon given In tho Inland Emplro town; while another special train will go to Mea chain; others will go to Bingham and 'Lehman Springs, whllo many parties of a half dozen or so, will go into the country and aloug tho streams to spend tho day in fishing and picnic ing. Tho Woodmon of tho World have aranged to run a special train from tho O. R. & N. dapot to Meacham, leaving horo tho morning of tho Fourth, and thoy, with tholr families, will take tholr lunch and spend tho day among tho hills surrounding that placo. They will bo met at Meacham by Woodmen 'Jom La Grando on a spe cial train and a largo crowd Is ox pocted. An Informal program will bo aranged and such sports as tho "tug of war," foot racing, chopping and sawing, contests will bo had. This picnicking party is not to bo hold down to membera of tho Wood men and their families but all who wlBh to go will bo weclomo. The Ho. llx band will accompany tho plcnlck ers, At Klne'H Grovo Is promised a flno program, consisting of foot and horso races, pie-eating contests, tho pro verbial greased pig, music and danc ing, fireworks and a balloon ascen sion. Tho celebration will begin thero tho morning of tho Fourth and last until tho ovenlng of tho Cth. All tho comforts of homo aro promised, such as places to get meals and a bar whoro all kinds of drinks, soft and hard, will bo dispensed. NEW YORK MARKET. But It It Not Known Whether or Not He Used It Suggested That Heavy Debts Caused His Disappearance Crooked Deals Alleged. Portland, July 2. Absolutely noth ing Is known hbro as to tho whore nbouts of Victor Schilling, tho disap pearing city ticket agent of tho O. R & N., and thero soonis to bo no llkll hopo of any traco being found as hla movements sluco Ho loft Spokano are a profound mystery. It Is loarnod from Spokano that ho engaged a berth in a stooping car going from Spokano to Sonttlo but whether or nit ho occupied this is not known. It may ho that ho took tho trip to Seat tie and thero sailed for Alaska or the Orient, or It may bo that tho pur chaso of tho berth was merely a blind. Tho thoory Is now advancod by frlonds who know much of Schilling's Inner llfo, that ho has becomo hope loaaly Involved In dobt through specu lation In tho Sumpter mining district and finding that ho could not hop to pay out on tho Incomo ho was re celvlng, left for parts unknown. Ills accounts and cash in Portland liavu boon cnecitod ami are porrectiy correct, bo ho can hardly bo classed as n defaulter. Tho road 1b holding tho matter of appointing a successor In nhoyanco In hopes of hearing front him. Tho very latest rumor In connec tion with his disappearance Is that ho skipped out to avoid trouble over crooked dealings with stocks of tha Golconda mine, at Sumpter, prior to tjio salo to Pendleton' people. He Induced parties In Portland to Invest; heavily In this stock, Thon tho mine, was Bold to Pendleton pooplo by the Englishes, father and son, and these Investors lost tholr money. "NOT GUILTY, BDT DON'T DO IT AGAIN" Washington, July 2. The verdict of the courtmartial which tried Gen eral Jacob Smith, of Philippines fame. Is uBique. From an uaques- tipned source It Is learned that .the court holds that Smith to a certain extent exceeded, the authority con ferred by his superiors and y gen eral order No; 100 in Issuing his famous "Kill, burn and howjwg wilderness" orders to Waller. It was the view of the court, how ever, that the General's offense was oalliatatcd by tho conditions of the 3amar campaign. The sentence, therefore, Is that Smith' should be cautioned by the re viewing authority, which is the pres ident, to bo more circumspect In fu ture In bis orders to bis subordinates. In effect, the verdict Is "not guilty. but don't do It again." Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York. July 2. Tho wheat mar ket oponod this morning at 70 79. nearly e hlghor. It continued to go- up until nearly noon, when it took a sharp drop of of of a cent Through tho rest of tho day It con tinucd to go down, closing at 79, ftc lower, Liverpool Is 'Ac lowor, clos ing at 1J.3, Corn steady, closing 60 bid. Wheat: Closod Tuesday, 70'4. Opened today, 70 Range today, 79 to 804. Close today, 79 bid. . Stocks steady: St. Paul, 174; U. S. S., 38; N. Pac, 104. Wheat In Portland. Portland, July.2. Wheat, Walla Walla, C6; bjueslcm, 70, valley, 67, Tacoraa, C5&666. ' Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, July 2, Wheat 75. Wheat In tan Francises. San' Francisco, July 2. Wheat. 11G per cental. The Echo Robbery. B. F. Hoyt was In tho city from Echo today and tolls a different ver sion of tho reported robbery of Drue Parrlsh from that published in the East Orogonlan last wcok. Mr. Hoyt says that, according to tho story of Tom Campbell, Parrlsh went Into the saloon whoro tho robbory was sup p.-.ed to have occurred. He wa fcellng rather oxblloratod and pound ed on tho billiard tablo with his fist until tho bartondor throw him out, as ho refused to desist Thon Parrlab pounded on tho nldo of tho building with his flats until ho had hammered them soro. That wub the foundation of tho story, tho assault and tho sub sequent robbery being creatures of Parriah's fevered brain. Close Votes on Governor. The recent vote for govornor was very closo, but thoro have boon other gubernatorial oloctlons In Orogos closer. In 1878 Thayer was elected over O. C. Houlcman by a plurality of 69, The voto of Thayer was 16, 201; for Beokman, 16,132. In 1861 the contest botween Woods as Koly wua noarly as closo as tho re cent ono between Furnish and Chas berlaln. Tho voto for Woods was 10,283; for Kelly, 0966. Plurality for Woods, 387. Stook on Range. John Lofton, while riding the range " on Canyon mountain between Caa yon creek and Indian creek recently found sevoral head of horses qd csl tin dead on tho range, that from a pouranco had nil died about the came time, having Uea, iea4 a Aay tr Hat: when discovered. Whether the aaV mats died from eating some polaoay ous weed or from eating nelson, put out on the range is Hakmewi, possibly novor wm no known, Milton Creamery DlttributJens. The Milton creamery distribute" $1071.84 among the farmers of that neighborhood in May, paying 31 cent' per pound for butter fat, says tMM . Vf:ston Leader. In April 27 esefcavv was paid and tho amount amrumtm