TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1902. THE FAIR SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE Our Special Sale on Men's and Boys' suits will continue all week. Special reductions on all suits soid this week. Buy your new suit this week and save money enough on it to buy you a nice dress shirt. Tie Fain Where Whole Families Can Trade ml mm mm mm Wji IfJl rM Wit r-M MS 4 ml TWO INTERESTING DECISIONS OPINIONS OF INTEREST TO EASTERN OREGONIANS Sharp Ideas In Dill ! Supreme Court at Salem Has Hand ed Down Decisions in Cases of Much Local Interest. The supreme court at Salem has handed down the following decisions which will be of Interest to the read crs of the East Orcgonian: G. D. Simmons, -respondent, vs. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany appellant; appeal from Umatil la county, Ellis, judge; affirmed. Onintnn liv CMpT JiisHpp Ttflnn. This is an action to recover dam ages for injuries suffered through negligence of the operators of a train J upon which he was riding. He had been a fireman over IS months on helper engines on the Blue Moun tains. He was Injured while riding without a pass or ticket upon one df the freight trains, and was returning" from consultation with the company ! physician. He had paid the regular hospital fees. The defense of the company was that the relation of passenger and carrier did not exist I between plaintiff and defendant, but the supreme court held that plaintiff "was lawfully on the train, for the purpose of being carried home, with the consent and by the permission of the conductor." In an exhaustive opinion the court reaches the conclu sion "that the conductor of the train had apparent authority to receive him thereon as a passenger, and that he must be regarded as a passenger." Oregon lAnd. & Construction Com pany, respondent, vs, the Allen Ditch Company, appellant: appeal from Umatilla county; reversed. Opinion by Justice "Wolverton. This was an action to enjoin the defendant from diverging water from the Umatilla river in disregard of ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice the riparian rights of plaintiff. The opinion elaborately discusses the facts and legal aspects of the case, and concludes "that defendant's rights are dependent entirely upon the statutes of limitations, but, as we have seen, the statute runs in its fa vor, thUB giving It title by prescrip tion to the amount of water that will flow through an aperture seven and a half feet by 12 Inches, under a six inch pressure, and the decree oi the court will be that defendant be en joined from a diversion of any larg er amount. The appellant is entitl ed to costs and disbursements in both courts." A WILD ROUND-UP. At SHARPS, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. f The Strahon Martin BIogIc a 'nnniMlnirimnmrniiiiiMiiminniiMisi Rooming Home Everything New, Clean and first class. 'Good Beds and Well kept and Cool Rooms. CONDUCTED BY MRS. STRAHON Formerly ot (he Dcsptla iiiiiiii..iiitumiuuuuuiiinuiuiiiiiiiiBl 3 Telephone Main 106. No Sediment to Foul Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health ViN ORSDALL & ROSS Indians and Cowboys in Arizona Have a Great Hunt For several months past the moun tain lions, bears and wolves have been playing sad havoc with the stock in the ranges of some parts of Arizona, according to dispatches from there. With 10,000 cattle on the range, the heavy losses in calves and yearlings byN the ravages of the wild animals have cut down the di vidends of the Colin Campbell stock company, which owns the range, con siderably. "Charley" Montgomery, famous all over Arizona as a hunter and who was chief of scouts under General Crook during the trouble with the Apaches, was engaged to exterminate the animals which have been raiding the herds. He engaged 100 men of the Plna tribe and had a big round-up of the "varmints." Early In the morning hl3 Indians and a score of cowboys surrounded a district five miles spuare in the foothills of the Chiricahua range and gradually closed in toward the center, with 200 dogs in the rodeo. As they reached the center of the circle, catamounts, black bears, coy otes and an occasional grizzly bear tried to break through the line, but were met by a shower of bullets. Dozens of animals perished in the at tempt to escape, but 200 others were; finally cornered in a box canyon and the redskins and cowpunchers pick ed them off from the rocks above. There were scores of close con flicts with the enraged and frighten ed brutes and in one melee four In dians were fearfully mangled by a grizzly before their shots finally fin ished the bear. One of the reds, An tonio Hermo, a former chief of the tribe, received fatal wounds from the claws of the big fellow. The dogs closed in on the victims and dozens of them were killed before the' slaughter was -complete. The final count showed nineteen dead moun tain lions, five grizzlies, two lynxes and over 100 coyotes doubtless the biggest round-up of wild animals that has ever occurred in Arizona. 1 Weigh It! fc-B If V When yon buy Diamond ' C" soap you know what yon are getting, as far as weight goes. When yon use DiomondTT Soap you also know what yon are getting, as far as quality goes. It is good soap -goes further and lak better work than any other laundry soap. It is honest weight and does honest work. c rr-p nTA-unvn "C" WRArPEttS We redeem them f ofUoSf Sefal and att&ttr article. Illustrated iihoSS over MO mnh sh uppers, .out on requcstTA postal will brine it. Premium Dept. The Cfldahy Packing Co, So. Onto. Nek. HELIX HAPPENINGS. LIMBER Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. R. Depot "When getting figures from others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget, to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Building Material including shingles, door, win dows, .moulding, screen doors and windows in fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. GOOD FIGS For loimtiii TntTil t We hare opened & Jivery stable at wd Springs where the public will ted good turnouts. We make a specialty of conveying people to and from Teal Spring. Tie Depot Stable, Bimbj Sherry and Elvin Oralg, Propdetan. Good enough for anybody' jAll Havana Filler Ice Cream Socials and Music's Charms While the Passing Hours. Helix, June 30. Robert Montgom ery is here on a visit to his mother and other ' relatives, from his home near Portland where he is engaged In the wheat iusiness. Sam Starr has again returned to Helix for a short period. Prof. Story of McMinnville preach ed at the Baptist church to a large congregation Sunday evening. James Hill, Will Knight and Jack and Lewis Huson went to Pendleton Saturday. Several of the Pendletonians at tended the Degree of Honor lodge here on Thursday evening. Among the visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Peter son, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Shockey, Bessie Hicks, Mr. Alterstead and Mrs. Devinnie. Refreshments were served consisting of ice cream, coffee and cake, and a general good time was reported by all present. Lyman Griswold of Wallulu will spent the summer with his father, Dr. Griswold. Mrs. F. G. Montgomery of Pendle ton and Miss Lottie McNette of Wal lulu visited friends in Helix Thursday and Friday. The ice cream social and entertain ment given by the Lady Maccabees on Saturday evening last was large ly attended. One of the features of the evening was the Maccabee drill I given by twelve guards, which wasi pronounced excellent.. The Helix j band was also present and rendered! excellent music for the occasion. The I $40. , Willie Shannon returned Saturday evening from Washington where he went to attend the bedside of iis mother, who has been seriously ill He reports her slightly improved when he left. THE STANDARD FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ESBERG-GUNST CIGAR CO., Distributing Agents. GRAND FREE PICNIC KIKINE'S grove Dancing Begins at 2 o'clock each Sunday. Bosses to and from the grounds day and Night. RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can be engaged for picnic parties by applying to PETER SMITH, at Hotel St. George. Cheap Ftinaces Are made cheaply. You get just what you pay for. Same way with higher priced ones the higher priced the better. If you are not thinking o' price alone, we should like to talk with you. W. G. McPhetson . Heating and Ventilating Engineer 47 First Street, Portland, Oregon 6 " FLCRODORA " BANDS en of same value as tags from " STAR," " HORSE SHOE," SPEARHEAD," "STANDARD NA VT" " OLD PEACH & HOUEY" "SAW LOG," "OLE VARGINY" or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacte. Vansycle Notes. Vansycle, June 30. Rain Is badlj needed. A dust storm Monday after noon raised the hopes of the people) that rain would follow, but instead ' of the much wished for down-pour only a few drops fell. W. J. Stockman and family have pnnp in Tjlhmnn HnHncn nn o vfult I and will also visit friends in Ukiah before their return. Mrs. Henry Pet erson, Mr, Stockman's daughter is keeping bouse for them during their absence. A number of people from Vansy cle and vicinity will go to Bingham Springs to spend the Fourth. A. C. Brotherton and son Frank went to Wall "Walla Monday, El We have them now. A Sewing Machine for $2$ cash. Warranted, and will be kept in repair for five years without cost. Remember my guaran tee means something. You don't have to send your machine to Portland or Chi cago for repairs. We still have the Kings of all Sewing Machines, the WHITE AND STANDARD io years ahead of all oth ers. Oils and needles. JESSE FAILING. ( fttt We See n... . on the shirt. r . . the male ropulation' h much im-fw., fet , umr tnh. and cuffs ln ai TWa, "'J"5 - lei. atthebu,!,,':'800 laundry trn. ..a neatness ntwi ax , . Ha ft l . . w. vuurces fizht. the mm ni J. . .Robinson, Prop. ITS MIQHTY SELDM that opportnnity knocii it Jon ini tilth an etf a ....(. ' . 1 t ht I ( tip nl wIioaI t.:L. . ".'vw itiuud) "I IT SEES maximum oi value at mintonnoitat fV "UBKJ ana iigni iwa fart cstabliihmcnt is wnmntH , v. and Tn.t.n.t Tin. l . v.. 7 anywhere. Handiome, dtirit!e.eal machines. See Us About Gasoline 1 N EAGLE BROTHERS water St, near Mais, faaSaaJ WHY DOMT I! Buy a Fai WMle They Are CI?!;, N. Berkeh Will Sell Yon Land at $1250 PerAc that will be worth $SIM within five years arf , Pay Fifteen Pet Crfj on the investment in tb while C Mountai) Resort FOR SAW . . i-J llninahaBl 1 The cejeoraieu locatad in the tZ4 the Umatilla iu?c, furniture, IO;T -n-rfl Absolute control of fnt trout fishing -v j sell 80 acre ..gt acres, fann.controllu.g" lease, cauw"- II1U ,