OH, MY, But It Is Delicious ! The Cold, Sparkling Soda Water that comes from our xTi' fountain, vrheti enriched bv-our Pure Fruit Juices. ffi Thoughts of pleasure linger in your minds after a visit to our Soda Fountain. ' Onr Ice Cream Soda is exactly the thing to quench the (b$ thirst and make you cool and comfortable during the scorching weather vy Brock Sl McComas Company E THE nODERN ORU 'GISTS . PENDLETON O the direction of it becoming the PAR TY OF THE MAN, the party of equal rights. There Is no middle ground In this light and there is no room for trimmers! HEN STORY WITH MORAL. fi feast (eoffivxaflj) TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1902 been dedicated forever to equality and freedom. "We, therefore, de nounce the various measures adopted by the republicans for the govern ment of the Philippines as monopc- There was once a Hen who sat down and Wept bitterly. "Why these Tears?" nsked her Friends, observing her Grief. "Alas!" answered the Hen. "I weep because 1 have a Daughter and I fear lest some Masculine creature will snatch her away from me and Marry her." "It seems to me." renlied her Friends, "that if that is all that has gotten you Woozy that you are bor rowing Trouble, for our Experience teaches us that it takes Talent and j nt)f? ,ieVote Industry to get Rid of a Daughter. o0,tiompnts but that Keeping one is a Lead Pipe r stead of overjoyed at this she . Cinch that is Dead Easy." ! ..., about Lamenting her Cruel I "I am not unreasonable, contlnu- ( Fnte wItn manr Tears. the Young Femalo who could play n lj-inp Hand. The Chaperone Idea is a uaoe oi a Theory. Mother's continual pres-i ence works like a Small-pox sign In I, Quarantining a House against Visits i from Masculine Creatures, and itj was not Long before the Pullet found that she was Side Tracked at a Way Station with Nothing Doing. Moth- er's Job was a Sinicure, for Nobody j came to see the Pullet When she; went to Parties she merely Papered) the Walls, and she began to grow! Crow Feet around ber Eyes, strain ing them looking for the Husband, that never came. - ; At last even Mrs. Hen began toj perceive that her Daughter was one of those Females destined to For-j pvpr nerch unon the Parent Roost their lives to College , and Browning, but in-' Everything New Ererjthiug Frak Everything Coed T H If RIEMANN Mercantile Co. Has added a complete line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES TO THEIR BAKERY The BEST BREAD, the BEST BUTTER and the BEST COFFEE wili be made a specialty. "Why do you Weep? again in quired her Friends, seeing her Dis tress. 'Alas I" said the Hen, "I weep be cause all the other Pullets In our set CONSTRUCTION Political platforms are of interest, particularly so when issues are not "well denned or are passing through evolutionary stages and the method of giving expression to them is with out common understanding and ac ceptance. At the present time the platform making of the democrats of the various states is going on and considerable interest, among republi cans as well as democrats, centers upon the work. The state conven tions will make earnest endeavors to formulate the policy of the party upon new issues in the hope that the party's attractions and promises may equal if not excel those of the repub lican organization and at the same time be along different lines. The democrats in congress have acomplished little in the work of de veloping new issues and popularizing them before the people, so the field is left free and fallow to the state ed the Hen. "I jiow a Mothers Duty is to sacrifice herself for her Child, and I shall not object to my Daughter marrying after a while when she is Thirty-Five or Forty if she finds Some One who is Rich,,. ,,ttpn 00a Husbands, while lisUc and autocratic and dangerous j Handsome, Intelligent and of irre-;mv Daughter has Gotten Left" 1UUOV.UOUIC i "na: cnea ner rneuuo, wucu' "To the Pines," cried her friends, j she was youn& Vou wept for fear she as they gave her the Laugh. "Do ; -n-ou,i Marry, and now that she ls you not know that every year there , old vou Wgep for Fear Ehe -oat , is a Fresh Crop of Spring Chickens, ManV- It appears that nothing will; ana tnat no one wants a siring uiu . satisfv T0U anu ve aprehend that Pullet when the market is full of tng ,'s a just juagmeiit on you for Young Birds?" j not lowing enough to pull off a Now, Mrs. Hen's Daughter was a Good ThJ when you had the Pretty and Attractive Young Crea- Cuauce" ture and it was not long before a: 1Iorai. Tuis fable teaches that too number of eligible Roosters began' . ninther makes Mary an old ; sidestepping arouna ner waj, uui maid Dorothy 636 Main St. Pendleton OF PLATFORMS, to liberty at home as well as liberty abroad." The simple words "equal rights" would cover democratic needs far better than all this verbiage, provid ed the democratic party in Illinois really believes in "equal rights" for all men. Down in Tennessee the democratic state convention so declared: "We demand that this government at once i even- time one came within Tele-, announce to the people of the Philip-1 phoning Distance Mrs. Hen handed , pines that when peace is restored out a Furthest North Gaze that sent j , ,, . , . . . .. . his Affections down from Fever they shall be allowed to establish a!faeat tJ bel(m. Xormal. government of their own, and that! when such stable government is j Hen was one of those Mothers ( established they shall be given their ' who are " afflicted with the Chaperone ; independence " I Habit, and everywhere that Mary j LISK'S Never Rust TINWARE and Journal. A positive guarantee with each niece. If not- as claimed, or Dix in American j should ;t rust you w;n be given a , new piece or your money back. we have a large variety . Lisk's tinware went Mama was sure to go. She fol-' lowed her to Balls, where she did the STANDARD BLUE FLAME WICKLESS of A straight "out declaration for equal j rights to all men. with sincerity be- .3hadow Detective act and every time hind it, would signify more, even to ' a Young Rooster would get the Pul Tennessee democrats, than this ' let out under the Palms, and would doubtful and meaningless phrasing. ! be.n. 10 yarm .UD t0J?is Work of deT . . . , , . scriumg. i-ove m a mat to ner, ana . , , . , The Kansas democrats declared as , her what size K Egg he VV J. CLARK & CO taken bv the democratic members of I loom ud on the scene and drasr her conventions, and on what they may national congress with regard to' Daughter back under her wing into, accomplish in this line largely de- d of tne govermnent of the I the Ball Room. , TmZZT StatCS tOWard thC PW,iPPiDe mother's no TntertS he party as an implement of goou in islands and people. ! Daughter's Company, and when a the hands of the people. The task ThJs decIaration s empry because. Fly Cock came of an Evening to Call! of hewing out new planks is not to democrats of the national con- she lnTar,abl5' Roosted on one of the! be accomplished without arduous la- .u v. Parlor Chairs, while she inquired puna a m i upiut !( .nengiuus views, ana regaiea uimi Garden Hose Tnat Is Guaranteed OIL AND GASOLINE iLet Us Save You Some Money STOVES ; Joseph Basle? court street , Complete tiouse Fvrmshet We Mali rhem Save you Header BedsTa Warn We - r-i-.cu tOgtl a first rlac :t . W'l "Sure with y0u Pendleton Planisr Lunikr Tart, ROBERT rOliSTH, The ColumbU Lodging House! IsEWLY FUILMgHE) IN CENTER OF ELoS BET. ALTA & WEBB BIB F.X. SCHEMPP.PrJ 6U. uluci. nsuurms 10 De ei- declaration for equal rightS( fective must stand on something be- with meanin? behJnd it would BeCure sides empty phrases and platitudes. support and endorsement of the If their is neither sincerity nor ear- democrats of Kansas to a mucn nestness behind those who make them er eitent the structures will nzz R.ve support The Gregon democrats said: "We to the cause for which they were ku i. . i pare the people of these islandK Uhe democrats to get ttH! coif o to work in true democratic spirit and Epeedur possible, and when so feeling with the desire to serve the prepared to grant them independence, couutrj uppermost ana witn a deter- Tetainlng such coaling stations and erected. It behooves on the latest Scrap in the Hen Clubs. Ukewise Mrs. Hen did not consid er it Proper for a Young Female to attend places of Amusement alone with a Masculine Creature, and so when the Rooster invited the Pullet to go to the Theater with him, or to have a Feed, he found he was up against it Good and Hard, and that tip hnrt In ctnlro nut tilnpec f nr- Throo This does not suit us," said the I Roosters, to one another, "for if wej had wanted Mother's Company we mlnation to old democratic bring to the front that nortB maT be necessarv to nrot-ct1 , tlasfea ber down ln , nriii0 , P y necessary to protect , First pjace and whne we do not itiC principle Of "equal iolnnflR frnm tnr...T, intorr. c,v., ., t rights. L. every democratic plat- enee and t0 ma5ntJn our trado rela-; and Champaigne for the Pullet, we' lorm was made up cf "equal rights" ton n th oripnt " f 00 not Propose to Grub Stake the planks and the spirit of the organiza- This declaration TCnR --ifhm,t ! vrnole Hen F311" and thereupon g Ice Cream Freezers HAMMOCKS Tne Best, and Prices Are the Lowest -SEE- Taylor, the Hardware Man 741 Atain Street . i-". e- point or meaning. A declaration for! ins no room lor floubt on this point equa, rlght for aU men vouId have -victory would most likely perch on met e needs of democracy even t .e banner of democracy, for if a better and wJth more resuU Tarty would earnestly and ably wage The south Carolina democrats de-, this battle for men, regardless of cJared. ..The Filipinos cannot be race, color or previous condition of citIzen8 wIthout endangering our serritude. guaranteeing equality of civilization; they cannot be subjects opportunity to all men by denying to ithout imperiling our form of gov-j the few privileges, there could be no ernmenti and we are not willing to I uuuui 01 ue result. Recently in Illinois the democrats surrender our civilization or to con vert the republic into an empire, we ""i "sree favor an immediate declaration of upon the planks oifered by the re- the natIon.B purpose tQ glve the F,. spective factions, the phrasing of the pJno8f firt a Btable fom ot govern. jiatform planks being interpreted ment. Becond ndependence, and, uilfeiehtiy by each. One faction was thlrd protectloil from outslde lnter. In favor of adopting a platform de- Ierence. Glaring adherence "to the fundament- ,As far aa wordfl thJs declaratIon al principles of the democratic party can hardly ,mnroved on. hnt nn as laid down in the declaration of in- earnest forceful declaration for equal uuueuc, iUO uuwmuuuB 01 me right8 -would have been- far better United States and our last national than these eloquent terms. The fact convention." The majority of the of the matter is, there are few dem lUU"CUUUU Iti":U IO UULBpi IO.- flB- 0CratB wh0 havfi the forcg of Aem(y ciarauon ana amended It by substi- crat!c convIction behind them. They tuUng "past conventions" Instead of nIde thelr ,ntontion jn a muUltude of xne last convenuon. phrases. They even fool themselves ""-UU11 "tta "I'fo"- more than they fool the voters. If a to making any declaration at all the dem0cratic craft is to be manned concerning the Philippines, but final- bv rfRmnr., ,, vnf flnnf w fh ly the convention agreed to declare: We are opposed to the British sys tem of colonization, by means of which powerful, selfish interests are aid of democratic support, it must set sail for the harbor of equal rights' for tke port of equality of opportun ity for all men, without devious enamea to employ the resources of wnvB np AnMr, matuna n, , the people to enslave Inferior races ure and to enrich themselves. We are If democracy does not Include all la favor of true American expansion, men it Is not what It pretends to be, uch 8 under democratic control has and Jn pretension and masquerading been achieved In th past, and by its cause Is and should be hopeless, means of which vast territories have The hope of the democracy lies In they passed up the Pullet Jn favor of , PATRIOTISM The stomach is a larger factor in "life, ' '& liberty and the pursuit of happiness" than most people are aware. Patriotism ) can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. & peptic Kis fit for Jr ana spoils." The man who goes to the front for his country with a weak stomach will be a weak soldier, and a fault finder. A sound stomach makes for good citi zenship as well as for health and happi ness. Diseases of the stomach and other organs of dige tion and nutrition are promptly and YOUR PICNIC LUNCHES 11 permanently cured by the use cf Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discover-. It builds up the body with sound flesh and solid muscle. After t rrcvivMl thr- adrice which you gar tne in regard to my treatment." writes Geo. Corner. Em., of ion Pulaski Street, Baltimore. Maryland, "I yonr 'Golden Medical DUcovery' according to directions. After using four bottles I considered myself cured, as I hate not felt any aymptoma since. Had tried almost bU remedies that I beard of that were good for dyspepsia, but with out relief. Finally, I became discouraged, and wrote to you for advice, with the above result." The dealer who oilers a substitute for the "Discovery" is only seeking to make the little more profit realized on the sale of less meritorious preparations. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sentr on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. Don't bother about putting them up. Call at our store and select what you want. We have just the things required to make your lunch complete. Excel lent canned meats, canned oysters, salmon, lobsters, shrimps. Fine fresh crackers, cakes, wafers in fact, everything m the grocery line you may wish for. I Summer Baking Don t heat your homes up and maks them un comfortable. Come to us and get bread, pies, cakes or anything else m this line. Our baking is as eood your mother used to make." as in 9 Delicious Hams and Bacon r For your breakfast. - 4' ft ml m R. MARTIN, Proprietor ( & e m m it e 6 ff For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES -CALL ON Colesworthy AT THE CHOP MILL 127 and 129 East AlU Street BUY YOUR- LUMBER AT THE - Oregon Lumber AltaSt., opp. Court Hos PRICES A5 LOW AS THE U For All Kinds of Bulldiflf J Including Doors Windows Screen Do and Building Lime Rrlrlf U Ani Don't Feret 0JJS- For Bana m Always .1 Ate the Meals Served at the French Restaur L-ge, comfortabJej room and goods Positively the Best 25c Vt The MS!f GUS IiAFW eecsiiif