ieE ATTRACTS. QUALITY KCIDES. .FROM... NOW UNTIL THE 4th ...Twenty-five Per Cent... PER OR CENT W OFF On our entire stock of Men's Suits, includ ing 500 Patterns. This reduction only good until the Fourth of July, Nothing Reserved I lexander Dept. Store RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. )HIIMHIMIIMIIIHMM IIIIMIIIIIII ,amp Man lies Guaranteed for 45 Days Peerless Flexo Mantles . . .... . :w thing ir just out BEST IN THE WORLD These mantles are new productions and give 90 and 100 candle power respectively for the single -and triple weaves. They are made in two grades. Price 30 and 40 cents each. he John Barrett Company New Stores : Cor. Sixth and Alder Streets Opposite Oregonian 1RTH OF JULY WORK AT GOLCONDA MINE ASEBALL BETWEEN THE tampions of Eastern and Western Oregon: ENDLETON'S INDIANS -AND- regon City July 4, 5 and 6 THE PROGRESS OF DEVELOP MENT AND THE RESULT first Class Clean Sport Between the Two Fastest Teams in the State- Champions of Eastern Oregon -AND- Champions of . Willamette Valley Large Amount of Ore Outlined for Mill Operation; Nearly a Year's Run for Twenty Stamps. , In the Golconda there has been a steady progress of successful oro strikes. Since the strike of the rich pay shoot on the tunnel level, which is over 200 feet -vertically above the second level, development has been to further prove and outline the ore there. On the 100-foot level the north drift is entering the zone of the shoot, as good values are rapidly coming In, and the grade of oro Is of the same general nature as the shoot. On tho 500-foot level It is apparent that the north drift is entering a large shoot, as steady increase In values is noted with all work. The upper portion of the shoot found on the tunnel level is not In the big cast vein, where It is is found on the second level, but in tho llttic converging vein, which formed the shoot, Finding this vein a few feet from the east vein at this point is the last proof necessary to establish 1 the pitch of the shoot. It also il lustrates how thoroughly the former management missed the shoot. It has been picked up 300 feet south of the shaft on the tunnel level, which de monstrates .that its angle is n drop of 200 feet in 300 ahead. This little vein was cut by the former manage ment on the tunnel level, but nearer the shaft, where it was not near the east vein. Superintendent Meikcl's cross cut was at a point where ho expected a convergence, and he struck within a few feet of it. Work is being continued to reach tho east vein on that level, when drifts on it and the smaller vein will be run. A short distance south of wh?rc the two veins are opened in the pros pector's tunnel is a bold outcrop that has always assayed high. As the two veins dip east and west, and down where the shaft begins are but a short distance apart on the surface, further up the hill on the more ele vated grounds, the dip would bring them together. It is apparent that they meet about the point where the outcrop stands forth, and that is the surface evidence of the shoot. Of greatest importance to the Gol conda company at, present Is the large amount of ore outlined for mill operations. Rough estimates place the quantity at nearly a year's run for the twenty stamps. That is about the 200-foot level. All of the shoots between the second level and prospector's tunnel is virgin ground, as stoplng went but a few feet over the second level drift. With this great quantity of ore above the sec ond level, and good ore coming in on the fifth level, and also good mining ore being opened on the levels of the west vein, the future of the property at the present time is particularly bright. The date for opening the mill is not set by the management, but will undoubtedly be in a short time. Saves a Woman's Life. To give up would have meant death for Mrs. Lois -Cragg, of Dor chester, Mass. For years she had en dured untold misery from severe lung trouble and obstinate cough. "Often," she writes, "I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doctors and reinedys failed till I used Dr. King's Nt. Dis covery for Consumption and was completely cured." Sufferers from Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Trouble need this grand remedy, for it never, disappoints. Cure is guar anteed by Tallman Co. Price 50c and fl.00. Trial bottles free. Good enough for anybody! ll Havana Filler " FLORODORA " BANDS en of same value as tags from " STAR." " HORSB SHOE." "Spearhead:'"standard na vr." " OLD PEACH & HONEY," "SAW LOG." "OLE VARCINY" or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco. 6 Good Prospects for Coal. The Oregon Railroad and Coal Company's coal mine near Heppner promises well. George Wells, an eastern coal expert, In the interests of the O, R. & N. Co., and Thomas Brokey of Spokane, a man who has had experience In coal mining, have been looking over the proposition during the past week, and from re ports sent in by these experts, it is stated upon good authority that the O. R. & N. Co. is now interested In these mines. EimrnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnmrmmnEi Bingham j Springs... ...NOW OPEN... Health and Summer Resort t Twenty-two Miles East of 3 E Pendleton on 0. R, & N. .ExcurHion Rates from all Klnts 3 3 3 3 For further information uddreris Manager ' Bingham Springs 3 GIBBON, Ore. 1 3 f-MiMmniiimiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiin Mv HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quality. Bold by JOHH SCHMIDT The Louvre Saloon PENDLETON OBKOOH If a Man Lie to You. And say some other salve, oint ment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as Bucklin's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns, Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it's the best and cheapest 25c at Tallman & Co.. drug store. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of T. F. Howard, archi tect, up to 12 o'clock noon, of Sat urday, July 12th, 1902, for the erec tion of a two-story dwelling house with attic and stone nasemeni, ror Leon Cohen, according to plans and specifications prepared for the same by T. F. Howard, architect. Separate bids will be received up to noon of Saturday, July Btn, 1802, for all stone work of basement arid chimneys. The right la reserved to reject any and all bids for he work. June 28th, 1902. Lawns, percales, dimities, closing out sale. Teutsch's store. The Pioneers of the Pacific .. A Btrictljr Dp to Dato Inturauc Organ Uatlon. Affordf Absolute Protection and Paji Clalmi Promptly. head or net: ; PENDLETON - OREOON Ii Well EiUbllihed 1 In Beven Btatei. ! 80LICIT0R8 WANTED. SLSLSLSULS 99 99119 9, 0.0.9 .flJLBJLP. A ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNSELLOB-AT-LAW U. 8 Supreme Court REGISTERED ATlORNEV U. S. Patent Office U. f . antf FOREIIPJ PATENTS Trade Markr and ropyriirhU TOO 7th ft., JS W VasljIntotn D, C. Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc. always pn hand. FOB 8AMS AT TUB KABT OKBOONIAN , Urg bund 1 of awBBM, eoa Utah ever 100 fcfe wn eaa fee efc Ulaec for X easts a 6m4U. TIieMush Continues The Great Bargains at Kemter's Closing-Out Sale go merrily along and pricoB aro being cut lower than ever. Daily the crowd of eager purchasers continues to grow larger, and economical ouyors and thrifty people aro taking advantage of tho above ohanco to save dol lars. Every article in our store must bo sold. Don't put off buying, but come now. Everything goes just as advertised. Here ate Some Examples of How We Have Cut the Price : Study them Carefully 7 bars of laundry soap j 25c 2 gallons Komler's Best, syrup 70c All kinds of extracts below cost. 10-pound box Crackers, per box 65c All kinds of Tea, per pound 40c Lamp Chimneys loss than cost French Sardines, per box , JOc Galvanized Tubs .' 70c tq 90c Wash Boards 20c to 40c SYRUPS Komler's best 2-gal jackots cut fr'm $1.15 to 90c Kemler's best 3-gl Komler's best 4-gal " Choo'iato Cream 2-gal " Choc'lato Cream 3-gal " Choc'late Cream 4-gal " (t u 1.65 to $i 25 2.15 to i 75 1.25 to i 00 1.85 to i 45 2.40 to t 90 CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, corn, beans, poas, regular price 2 for 25c por can tOc Monopole fruit,high grado,cut f m 25c cau to 20c Standard table fruits, 7 cans for t 00 Salmon, 4 cans for ' 25c Hams and Bacon, per pound X4c Oatmeal, per pound 4c .Rope, per pound, from 8Jj to i2c Schilling's baking powder, per pound. 40c Schilling's Typical blond coffee, por pound 20c Cano sugar, per sack 4 90 Beet sugar, per sack 4 80 Potatoes, per hundred i 50 Best cream cheese, per pound i 6c Silk soap, 6 bars for , 25c Golden Star soap, 6 bars for 25c Dairy Bait, 50 pound sacks, per sack 90c Flour, per sack 75c Dairy butter, por roll 25c Creamery butter, por roll 50c Macaroni, 1-pound packnge tOc All kinds of Jyo, per can tOc Sea Foam, large packages, 0 for 25c All kinds of axlo grease, por can.. 5c and tOc Arbuckle's and Lion Coffee 8 pekgs $i 00 Mason Fruit Jars, Qts. 75c, Half-gals 90c Do Everything else1, in Our Grocery Cut Accord ingly. Cash Only Goes at this Sale. No Credit Given Anyone, All parties knowing themselves to be in debted to me will please call and settle in cash or by bankable paper before July f. All un settled accounts July i will be put in the hands of my attorney for collection. D. KEMLER Closing Out Sale II! mSUm The Fountain of Vouth And vigor that has been sought (or so eagerly could be found in Schufc's Pilsner Beer The best way to remain young is te kfcp up votir constitutional Btrenrth uliiI iinil i iii r anil inviinrat int "Mm beer l'ke tl,at brewed by the Schultx KYswMl hrewerv. In hot w eather it is both mW '00( anl drink, and is alwayB paUr v)WWM table. LEGAL BLANKS goaian for a frc nifc alogue of them. A full supply always kept in 1 't' V