justness Gaf is and Societies flOFESSIONS AND TRADE-ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANQED. Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. V . TWO LINES. 1 tlrrm 15o 2 time 20o 1 week S0o THREE LINES. 1 time 2 time 1 week ........... PKYSISIANS. trTTcbLB. OFFICE IN JUDD Kfm. Telephone. 77. rnTM. D.. DESPAIN BLOCK, rr eye troubles, catar- 'minni and Unpaired heating. "wS fitted for refractive er- ti SMITH. OFFICE OVKH iuh Lfon Savings bank. Telephone 80; L telephone 81. Afield, m. v., homeopath- ?.,iiV?. Telenhone: Office, black ESS black 24. Fmam house, physician and Kr Office, rooa 20. Jndd building. vsin i-. -- - BANKS AND BROKERS. first national bank of athena, Oregon. Capital. $50,000 snrplus and pronts, ?C000. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. nenry C. Adams, president: T. J. Kirk, vice-president; E. L. Barnett. cashier; F. S. Le Qrow, assistant cashier. FlT MTAl'L, ROOM 17 ABSOCIA IT. m.l.nknn Mult, 03 rM Eephone. black 161. M. HENDER80N, PHTSICIAN Rn. sper,a.es e,e. r (oat. Uiuce iu oii-. kone Main 33. pATlnC & Keyes. Store. PHYSICIANS. DBS. Office one block west t- nT.ATTRST.TIR. CHRONIC fcrvons diseases and diseases of wo- Ipp Hotel renuieion, cor. nm.va fits., i'enaieion, -vre. ruuut lABS AND CARRIAGES. . n LINE. EUWIN BAKER, Prop. lone Main 70. Stand In front of Restaurant. , THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 188Q; capital, $50,000, surplus, ?90,000, Interest allowed on time deposits. Ex- change bought and sold on all;, principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. IV. J. Furnish, president: J. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS' .BANK OFWESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly attended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebstel, rice president: J. R. Kllgore, cashier: di rectors, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Johns, T. J. Price, G. D. Grew, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, G. W '. Proebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PRNDLE ton. Capital $70,000: surplus, $05,000. Transacts, a general banking business. Ex change and. telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago. San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest. Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An keny, president;. W. F. Matlock, vice-president; C. ,B. Wade, cashier; H. C. Guern sey, assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DENTISTS. AirnnAN. dentist, office in Maine. TION block, over Schmidt's new re. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood CamD. No. 2333. meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle: Mrs. Ne.-.e Robblns, Recorder. LMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second nnd toarth Tuesdays in each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parkes, Sec 1ITECTS AND BUILDERS. iOWARD. ARCHITECT AND 8TJ- ndent, makes complete ana reu- ns for buildings in tne city or Room 17 Judd building. . 1 Eft COLE. CONTRACTORS AND, i. Estimates furnished on short fjnb work a specialty. Prompt i Shop on Bluff street near Main. i i aT. CONTRACTOR AND BUILD- itlm.toa fni-n1aTlf(l ATI nil Kinds Ol f cement walks, stone walls, etc. an be lelt at tne east uregonian JOND-HAND DEALERS. lOT)ANIEL. NEW AND SECOND hnnrht ana sola, uonrc be.. block. Call and hlai. 7BLE, DEALER IN BECOHD loods. If there is anytning yon new or second hand furniture, ranlte ware and crockery, call and Iricee. No. 212 Court St PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. H. P., F. F. Wamsley. Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday' of each month In Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL 11am Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hendrick's Hall. Mrs. L. F. -i&tupkln. Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. i. Nowlln. C. C. ; R. W. Fletcher. K. of R. . S. Meets every Mon day in Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA- Tutullla Camo. No. 0390. Meets first and third Mondays 'of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. Hamblln, con sul; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. "1 t'xyect to "Is thot so? ho presented Well' Well' at Court dur.r.j, the coronation week." i nope yo ii E't acouittea. HORSES HUE 5L0W been very prolific, and they have us ually been bo, and each cow in the herd bringing him a calf this year. Mr. Goodman is a firm believer In j good blood of all kinds and tho use 1 nf nothlnir lint nnrn brod sires, from EASTERN OREGON HORSE MARKET IS VERY DULL, pression in the. horse business ho al- ways kept a few good maros and .Owing to the Coming of Peace in bred them to tho best horse ho had Africa and the Withdrawing of and as a result ho has got good prices ---,, Co.- Dhiii-.-.i., .u. for his surplus horses all the tinio . .wwu awn. .i.w l ll.l.MuinbO. bllO , , . finl ,Afnt It enlri alv trt Demand Is Cut Off. and recently sold six for $200 a head t fTViorA la enmn mnnov In linrno nf "Tiie horso market of Eastern Ore- that price. gon is very dull afr present," said a prominent horse dealer Saturday. j BALTIMORE AND OHIO. "With the establishment of i.eace ' a i r. kit n-A In tho PhiUnninoR nossntlnn nf l.na. wne nunnrca ana oqvcniyiM inc uai tilities in Africa and the stopping of the horse purchasing for foreign ser Extra lines; .10 cent each week; 25 cents a line per month. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. fei urns Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 pet day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, Every flodcrn Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 4lr W. or w., are neid in secret society unii every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, J. P., Earl. C. ,C. LECTRICAL SUPPLIE8. BROS.. COURT 8TREET, LA ock. Electricians, dealers In elec- KHes. Houses, stores, wirea ror ;hts, bells or telephones. Electrl res of all kinds. Get onr prices, ork a specialty. ELECTRICAL WORK8. C. P. LProp. Corner Main and Webb loose and bell wiring neatly ana I done. Give ns a trial. All work Phone Red 403, C. F. Klne. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA pher of the city. Harvest views, In dian photos for sale. Finishing done for amatenrs. Main St.. near bridge. Phone Red 276 kES, PELTS AND JUNK. ORT THE HIGHEST MAR- pce for yonr pelts, hides and all nuns, sucn as rnDDer, oraM, cop- l zinc, ras ana Domes, iron oi Fa speclRlty. Ton can bring tn 50 ortn or rags or snip in jaw hides and will be treated In the we have come here to stay. call and von will be satisfied) L. I Co- office and warehouse next to IHotfl. Pendleton. Oregon. Tele- 1. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS SHOE maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. .Shop 117 Alta street MISCELLANEOUS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS 8END for catalogue. Ferney's Stamp Works, Walla Walla, Wash. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IF YOU ARB seeing a position, or need help, call on or address J. C. Spoonamore, 220 Court St, Peuu.eton, Oregon. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. WEBB ST., West of Hotel Eastern. All kinds of re pairing" done at reasonable prices, Bicy cles, gnu and machine repairing a special 'ty. Simmons & Bolln, proprietors. BMITHING AND SHOEING. HOR8E- ND k RON, 314 WEBB STREET Pmas of blacksmlthlng and wagon i horseshoeing a specialty. NCE & LAND BUSINESS. I. PARKES, OFFICE COURT ST. t Golden Rule Hotel,; land of- ""3, ncn as ruing or claims ana contests a specialty. MLEY. JR.. U. S. LAND COM- " Specialty made of land fll- ' proot : insurance and collections. Jndd building, room 16. 3ARD AND LODGING. LODGING HOUSE-CORNER EAST .-""""asireeis, uooa larsv ciean Li.r v,i""oie oeai. luiies aoc ana, gnw Tho,. swart. Prop. , CORNER ALTA AND f ets. Board by the day or week. fd Yard In ronn-tlon. L. rietor. IRN. SAMUEL GEORGE. Lrd by the day itt week. 'Good ""u wen ventilated rooms ; board and lodglBgl $5 per ..stable n connection. ,AND FEED STABLK tTrMMEIi,T' B0ABD AND, SALE Carney, nronrlntnr tnr - wyivvy' Pint. JLT' " ii -j.alJ BTABLES, Q, i y"7. FeedSrt ' waqpts. Cobimi-t W. FROOUB "SFW -D AMD 1 ftLZ WANTED ADVERTISRS TO MAKE USB of these classified columns. If yon have someth.ng yon have no use for, .offer to trade It for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some- tning tnat you may neea in yonr Dnsmess. You may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehi cle. Somebody i mar have the cow and vehicle and want the horse. A fifteen or twenty-five .cent want ad will probably do tne business. KELLAR BROTHERS. PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Estimates furnished free. Work guar anteed. L.eave oraers ai uaoiey m zjtn ners cigar store. Main 8t P. O. box 104. E8TRAYED. FROM MY PLACE. ONE MILE BELOW HA vans Station, aboot three weeks ago, one red bull, one year old last spring. Branded "T. T." on left hip. Reward will be paid for in formation as to its whereabouts. N. Ebr hart, Pendleton, Ore. MOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. Notice 1 hereby given that Mdswttl he re ceived by the County Clerk ot Uumte eoanty, Oregon, on r before 10 o'clock, A. K.. JV Mb. 1902. for repairs to circuit court room f tbe ooBBty court house, In accordance wl plans end specifications prepared byT. F. , Hewsrd. architect, and on file at coonty olerk'i om. A deposit of five per cent of the junoonte! tke bid wlflbe required of each bidder, to be for feited to Umatilla conaty If the seccesrtel Bidder falls to enter into contract as required by the coaaty court of said county. The court reserves the rlht to reject any and all bids. , A . B'er0fCHAliBEBLAIN. Clerk. m stick. BIDS FOR WOOD FOR 0A-. iv Klee' heiebr gives that bids will be re SfSStScvnotS UmatllUcounty ipS : VcJoe , ea July 6tb, is. for fur SbhlM lWcoroi of 'sound 'four foot 'wood. eSt frlta greea timber: SO eord. tobe deliver M theesvMr eort how, ,ad M,crA to be deUvereTaTtbeeoeBty hospital: sal wood to JjgiKMWw-V.DrMkRLAIN.Clerk. ties Fought on or Adjacent to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. (The Baltimore & Ohio railroad nnrt ho fllvll War. 18G1-18GG.1 It Those who raise horses for sale was thQ most deslrauiG point of van vice, there has been a great falling off of business in the horse sales. and those who follow dealing in the animals for a livelihood are rather hopeful that another war will be started in some place, we care not where, to stimulate the horse mar ket. Japan might declare war on Russia or France and England might have a set-to in Africa, over their lit tle difficulties In the settlement of the Afro-English war. It seems cruel to say it, but peace at any price has no charms for the horse dealer. He be lieves in an antiauated adage which runs; "In peace there Is no price at all." For many years, in fact, from the first settling of the west, and espec ially Eastern Oregon, the cayuses have had the supremacy in tho mar kets of this country. The Eastern Oregon cayuse was sought for by the man who wanted to make a long jour ney and wanted a partlcularjy tough animal to do it; he was sought for by the stage driver, the government for cavalry horses, and foreign gov ernments have had their representa tives Invading this country for the past two years gathering horses for service In South Africa. At the present time all of these de- imands are practically cut off. Occa sionally an-animal is wanted to use as pack horses, but as a general rule few of these are used and the demand is almost exhausted. In view of this fact, the horse fancier has abandon ed the Idea of turning his horses on the range and letting them forage for themselves until such a time as he could sell them, and now their atten tion is turning toward better breeds of horses. The cayuse has few charms any more. It will soon bo cast aside and the large draft horse is taking! its place. Men are turning their attention toward the markets for larger animals, animals wanted for draft purposes, as the cayuse, al though the toughest breed on earth, is not in it at drawing loads. Neither can they shine beside the blooded an imals when it comes to moving in a buggy, but they are all right under the saddle and the time will never come when these Indian cayuses will not be used to some extent by stock men for riding over the hills. WILLIAM GOODMAN'S 8UCCE8S. Makes Money Farming and Raising F.lnp Blooded. Cattle.. W. S. Goodman, who lives in the east end of Umatilla cpunty, is one of the farmers of this county who Is making money farming and raising stock, says the Aural Spirit. He has a fine farm of 400 acres in the Hud son Bay country. ICO of which is in alfalfa, and finer alfalfa we have sot tage coveted by both federal and confederate armies. In May, 18C1, the four federal advance columns concen trated at Parkersburg, W. Va., Wheel ing, W. Va Harper's Ferry, W. Va., and at Washington. To retain tho advantage, the federal government established block houses along the railroad from the Monocacy to tho Ohio rl'ver, besides the forts at Win chester, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Piedmont and iier Creek (Koyser). Tho B. & O. was the base of opera tions for the federal army for nearly four years and from which tho gov ernment could not take advance lino earlier than November, 1804. The B. & O. was the means of comniunica tlon between the west and tho army of the Potomac, and was constantly in a continual state of selge.' Har per's Ferry, tho key to tho Shenan- doah valley, first famed through tho fanatical attempt of John Brown, in defying tho laws and customs of his country, was captured and re-captured eight times in three years. The government arsenal and armories which were located there were de stroyed by the government to prevent capture. One hundred and seventy .nine battles of greater or Iobs im portance were fought on or adjacent to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, not taking into consideration the in numerable skirmishes. All through trans from St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chlcngo, Co lumbus, Cleveland, Wheeling and Pittsburg to the east run via Wash ington. Send stamp for battlofleld map. D. B. Martin, Manager Passen ger Traffic, Baltimore, Md.; B, N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. IN KINE'S GROVE. Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson BtreeU, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HEATED BY STEAM. LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American Plan, rates 11.25 to 12.00 a day. European plan, 60c, 76c, f 1.00 Special rates by week or month Free Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial Trade solicited. Fine Sample Rooms Special attention given Country Trade Many Sought Its 8hady Bowers Yes terday Afternoon. The picnic in Kino's Grove Sunday was a greater success than ever be fore. This was the third, week It has been running and the longer it runs tho more popular it is becoming. Tho demand for more room to tho dance platform has necessitated tho build ing of the addition but notwlthstand ing tait it was crowded with dancers all -the afternoon and evening hub day. Ninety couples were on the floor at one time Sunday night, A great time Ja expected by the Jun-lovers dufing the celebration of tho 4th, 6tb and 6th. Don't Use Too Many Words. Multiplication of -words Ucrease the ziease ana1 decrease tbe eee- seen grown'.lhah "that ba'Jii place. tlveMM of- advertising, gay what Part of this-hay' ie pats' iato sheep, you have te say la as few words as ft part of Jtipto his .. Shorthorns, of can be tald-hen stop. By so doing which he 'has a alee herd p feboyt you can set what yot want to say Js 30 head of Scotch topped cows head- larger type, so that It will cowtaoad ed "by the bull Count Gentry, by, the attention of sore readers thaa Grand Duke of Hazelhurst. . would a wordy discourse set la small Mr. Goodman has Bot made much type, stir about hiB Shorthorns', as h.e ba's always jiad local demand for all he McReynold's creamery butter on could raise, although bis cows have sale in alj stores. Ask for it. TRANSPORTATION LINES. mm. AnUWOlHPAClHC oarAkT Time Seheele abito oa From ret.eietoa rwom Chicago- Salt take, Denver, ft. Portland Worth, Omaha. Kan Special auCttr.BtUals,Chl-lia.Bh ft:30p m cajo and XasU , via Hunt is (ton. AtUntle Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Kxpres Worth, Omaha, Kan 6:i& a.m. iaa City, Bt. Louis, cat. UUS f.m. via Hunt- cafo and UL lngton. , Bt. Pul Walla. Walla. Uwliton, Fait Mall Bpokaiio.Watlsce.Pull. 8.15 a.m. man, Minneapolis, fit. S30p. as. rla Paul, Dulutb, Mllwuu Bpokt.no. keo, Chicago and Kait. Ocean and River Schedule. t FROM rOKTLAND. All lulling datei lubjeot to change. 80 p. m, For Ban Francisco tp. m. Ball every fidaji. -"flallr except Columbia River Hunilay 4pm 8 p. m. To Aitorla and War Bnnday Baturdty Lart'llnRi. 10 p. m. Willamette River Boat lcavo Portland, dally, except Bund,y, (ttagoni water permitting) (or Willamette and Yamhill Hlvor points. , Leave . jjQAva Hlparla Snake River Lewliton V.ofi a.m. 7:00 a. a. Dally Rlparla to Lowltton. Dally Excpt Mon Kxcpt Iter F. F. WAM8LKY, Agent, Pendletoa. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, Bt. Paul, St. LouIh, Kan Baa uuy, hi. joo, umann, ana All Points East and Sqnth Portland and eolats oh the Sound TIMK CARD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Sandayi at 7 m pm, Arrlvo Pendleton Monday, Wednesday aa4 Friday 12 aom. Arrive 1'eudleton Tuesday, Thursday Ml Saturday lOttAami V Leave Walla Walla daily, east bosad IMOh. Arrive Wall Walla dally weit bound lMe eai, For Information regarding rateTarid acooxs. modattoni, call on or addret W. ADAMS, Ageat. Pmrllaton. llruM&m a, B. OALDXKIIXAD. O. P. A.. Walla Walla, Wash. OB0. PARVBAU, Pn. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated Ewepeaa Pisa. Slack aad a half treat depot. BmmmiM Daaauaa lai saaiaiaafilaiai apaaaatwpv afav eww'a,a Row Rate Ste, 75c, SI.N Saving's Bank iPree Send yuuk AixmmmnTQ tbe Pacific Newsnaper UnkM. M7 Market St, San Francises, Mi secare fre a beautiful NlekaljBf-l last, paaic, aiso.ruii, paitJOBuug -x. KardtastaenewvThree VeluMeINi ary which ls'now-e!ng furbished te readers of tL paper for only Five Cento a Day. TO RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars ; Elegnnt Dining Cars, Tourist Slteplng Car" f BT. PAUL . MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND VOKKM OROOK0TON WINNXPEG HELKNAand BUTTS, THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADKLPHIA NKW YORK BOSTON and all potato Bast and South aad AMerlsaa llae. viai scaiauLi. TraUs leavs feaaletea dally "iTflfmniif Tklxd, a MeeslaesiMa., ifertaaaeToM. TO CMICH arr. w-trf "-iff IBTf i'JI JCNaUBM aammmBee ssm wPisieeiaBBS?'--"M NtfSawHBV ' 'nii.au ra .4a-. " " irftHfci