East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 30, 1902, Image 3

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    1 r-. HHHHHi
...Twenty-five Per Cent...
On our entire stock of Men's Suits, includ
ing 500 Patterns. This reduction only good
until the Fourth of July,
Nothing Reserved 1
Alexander Dept. Store I
Have the FIXTURES (gas and electric), the OVER
MANTELS, the OPEN FIREPLACES, just right have
them express your taste, and your home is lovely. We
believe we can suit your taste. We offer you hundreds
of styles to choose from.
The John Barrett Company
Corner Sixth and Alder Opposite the Oregonian
'Phone Main J22. PORTLAND, ORE.
Champions of Eastern and
Western Oregon;
July 4, 5 and 6
First Class Clean Sport
Between the Two Fastest
Teams in- the State-
Champions of Eastern Oregon
Ghampions of Willamette Valley
Figuring on Buying Thirteen Sec
tions in Washtucna Country for
Permanent Range.
If Hon. Levi Ankcny, tho banker,
politician and candidate for United
fatates senator from Walla Walla
county, who was In town several
days this week, closes a deal ho Is
working on In the Washtucna coun
try, he will be ono of tho largest
iana owners in tho country. Esnoc
lally will he own the largest acreage
In one tract of any man in the North?
Mr. Ankeny and Grant Copeland,
representative from Walla Walla
county, are both Interested in tho
same deal. They are in tho Wash
tucna country a few days ago and
were negotiating for 13 sections of
grazing land in one body. Mr. Ank
eny and Mr. Copeland aro partners in
tho stoc kbusiness and aro nimliur to
acquire range enough to put their In
dustry on a permanent basis.
Last fall the Walla Walla canital-
ists and politicians bought their first
land In Cow creek country, 15 miles
from Washtucna. Since that time
they have added to their holdings
until today they own in a body near
ly 12,000 acres and the deal now on.
if it goes through, will give them the
huge total of 31 sections, or almost
21,000 acres. This land is costing
them a neat sum of money. From
$2 to $3 an acre was paid for what
has been purchased and the present
deal will be In the same neighbor
This will be one of the finest hold
ings of land for an ideal stock ranch
in the state of Washington. For 10
miles Cow creek runs through It,
which gives It plenty ot water.
Southeastern Adams In a fine, roll
ing buuchgras8 country, splendidly
adapted for cattle. Mr. Ankeny says
It Is one of the ideal stock districts
of America. Last winter 80 per cent
of winter calves on Cow creek were
saved, an average 5 per cent higher
than In the most favored districts
of the Northwest. The Montana av
erage is only about 30 per cent. The
big ranch will contain much line ag
ricultural land, and a big area where
alfalfa can be grown. In fact, Mr.
Ankeny says, it is the owners' inten
tion to put up about 1000 tons annu
ally when everything Is In running
There are already 550 head of cat
tie on the 18 sections. With the buy
contemplated 700 head more will go.
Mr. Ankeny says the ranch will range
3000 easily, and that the Industry
which he thinks has a great future
in Washington, will be put on a last
ing basis here. Severfal hundred tons
of alfalfa were grown this year. Ne
smlth Ankeny, son of Levi Ankeny,
is foreman.
The purchase for cold cash of such
large tracts Ib necessitated by thei
disappearance of government range
in Washington. Stockmen say this
course of Ankeny and Copeland Is
very significant, as Indicating that
the man who proposes following the
cattle industry much longer must for
tify himself by large purchases of
cheap range. Several extensive com
panies In Washington aro doing thiSj
and land values are rising In propor
tion to the demand.
The Ankeny-Copeland farm rivals
some of the wonderful ranches of
Harney, Malheur, Lake and other
Southern Oregon counties.
Married One Woman Three Times,
Divorced Three Times, and Now
Has a Second Wife by His Fourth
Tho marriage of Morlllo H. Gillett
to Mrs. Molllo Porry, which was boI
cmnlzcd Wednesday, recalls an ex
iienence m uio matrimonial careor
that Is seldom met with. This Is tho
fourth timo Mr. Glllott has takon tho
marriage vows. This alono Is noth
lng out of tho ordinary, but three of
his marriages were to tho samo wo
man. Moro thnn 21 years ago ho
married tho first timo and ho and his
wife lived together for nearly 11
One day sho loft him and wont
homo to her mother. A divorce was
sued for and granted. They got to
gethor again, mado up and remar
ried. Separation came again and Mr
and Mrs. Glllott wore married three
different times and tho samo man
bor of times tho obliging Umatilla
county court granted a dlvorco. Sho
was the complaluant twlco and ho
When they agreed and mado up
to get married tho last timo another
woman had crossed tho path of Mr,
Glllott. This was none other than
tho bride lh the last wedding. Mr,
Gillett had mado love to her nnd
when ho and his former wife wore
married tho third timo this Mrs
Porry sued Mr. Gillett for damages
for gaining her affections and giving
her the "go by." This suit was com
promised nnd aftor Mr. and Mrs. Gil-
le't had lived together for a few
months and were divorced tho last
time, Mr. Gillett and Mrs. Porry met,
cooed and mado up and Just as soon
as the six months, required by tho
laws of tho state before a divorced
man or woman can marry ngatn, was
up, they came to town, secured a
marrlnge license and wero mado man
and wife.
Now the acquaintances of Mr. Gil
lette are wondering what will bo tho
outcome of the last marrlnge.
Saved Fro... an Awful Fate.
"Everybody said I had consump
tion," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of
Chambersburg, Pa., "I was so low
after six months of sovero sickness
caused by hay fovor and asthma, that
few thought I could get well, but I
learned of the marvelouB merit of Dr.
Klng'B New Discovery for Consump
tion, used It and was completely
cured." 7or desperate throat and
lung diseases it Ib the snfest cure In
the world, and Ib Infallible for
coughs, colds and bronchial affec
tions. Guaranteed bottles 60c and
SI. Trial bottles free at Tallman &
Known Citizen Doesn't Know
and Doesnf Care,
The friends of a well-known rail
road man who visits Pendleton, are
having the laugh at his expense.
This man has a beautiful home
where, will not be divulged and in
his yard grows a splendid shade tree.
Or the tree did grow, but recently
tho leaves withered from an unknown
cause and he Is mourning Its death.
The cause of the tree's death Is a
puzzle, for it is In a favorable local
ity with all the nourishing surround
ings that apparently could be wished
for a healthy growth, so the owner
bethought himself that he would di
agnose the case and try to learn what
was tho cause of the sudden wither
ing of his tree. He carefully examin
ed the body and roots, digging Into
the ground and could not find any
apparent cause. However, he was
determined and would not give up,
so he got a ladder and climbed to the
top to look at the buds.
He is a man who will weigh about
220 pounds and the slender limbs of
the tree objected tn tho strain of lite
weight and Just as ho was explain
ing to his wife how some small InBect
had bored holes Into the twigs near
the top and no doubt had Inserted
poison therein which had caused the
tree's death, tho limb on which be
stppd broke and let him fall to the
fLe only uttered one word as be
went down, and that can better be
imagined than described,' He now
says that tho tree died from natural
causes and he is glad It is dead. Out
when the fcoya get to Joshing blm
about it he alwayB Baya: "Come on,
have something, it is on me."
Thought He Was a Yankee.
Judgo Ellis tells an amusing story
about a gentleman who was sum
moned to appear on the Jury In the
last term of the district court. Ho
appeared tho first day of the court
and asked the" Judgo to let him off,
giving as an excuse that ho could
not hear well and understood English
with difficulty. Ho talked very brok
enly and tho Judgo asked him what
nationality he was. Tho fellow
laughed and said: "My mother was
born In Finland, my father In ' Ger
many, and I In Norway, so 1 think I
am a Yankee."
Happy Time .n Old Town.
"We felt very happy," writes R. N.
Bevill, Old Town, Va., "when Buck
len'3 Arnica Salve wholly cured our
daughter of a bad case of Braid head."
ft delights all who use (t for cut,
corns, burns, bruises, bolls, ulcers,
eruptions. Infallible for plies. Only
2Gc at Tallman & Co.'b.
McReynold's creamery butter on
sale in all stores. As.: for It.
and the only people in the wddlery
business that carry a complete stock of
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Sweat
Pads, Pttok Baddies and Bags, Tents,
Wagon Coven and Canvas.
Leading Hmrn9 ami Saula'leri
U. 8. Supreme Court
U. S. Patent Office
Trade JUrks sad Copjrrlf nU
TOO 7tk it., ST. W WisUigtou, D. C,
The Mush Continues
The Great Bargains at 'Rentier's Closing-Out Safe
go merrily along and prices aro being cut lower than
evor. Daily tho crowd of eager purchasers continues to
grow larger, and economical buyers and thrifty peoplo
aro taking advantage of tho abovo chanco to savo dol
lars. Every articlo in our atoro must bo sold. Don't
put off buying, but como now. Everything goes juBt as
Here ate Some Examples of How
We Have Ctit the Price :
Study them Carefully
7 bars of laundry soap i 25c
2 gallons Komler's 13ost syrup 70c
All kinds of extracts bdow cost.
10-pound box Crnokors, per bbx 65c
All kinds of Tea, per pound 40c
Lamp Chimneys less than cost
French Sardines, per box 10c
Galvanized Tubs 70c to 90c
Wash Boards 20c tb 40c
Kemler's best 2-gal jackets cut fr'm $1.15 to 90c
Kc mler's best "3-giil " " " l.G5to$25
Kemler's best 4-gal " " 2.15 to 75
Choc'lato Cream 2-gal " " " 1.25 to t 00
Choc'lato Cream 3-gal " " " 1.85 to t 45
Choc'lato Cream 4-gal " " " 2.40 to t 90
Tomatoes, corn, beans, peas, regular price
2 for 25c. per can tOc
Monopole fruit,high grado,cut f m 25c can to 20c
Standard tablo fruits, 7 cans for i 00
Salmon, 4 cans for .... 25c
Hams and Bacon, per pound J 4c
Oatmeal, per pound 4c
Hope, per pound, from 8 to f 2c
Schilling's baking powder, per pound 40c
Schilling's Typical blond coffeo, por pound 20c
Cano sugar, por sack 4 90
Beet sugar, per sack 4 80
Potatoes, per hundred 50
Best cream cheese, por pound 6c
Silk soap, 0 bars for 25c
Golden Star soap, 6 bars for 25c
Dairy salt, 50 pound sacks, per sack 90c
Flour, per sack 75c
Dairy butter, por roll 25c
Creamery butter, per roll 50c
Macaroni, 1-pound package Oc
All kinds of lye, per can JOc
Sea Foam, large packages, 6 for 25c
All kinds of axle grease, per can 5c and f Oc
Ar buckle's and Lion Coffee ft pekgs $t 00
Mason Froit Jars, Qts. 75c, Half-gals 90c Dot
Everything else" in Oar Grocery Cot Accord
ingly. Cash Only Goes at this Sale.
No Credit Given Anyone.
All parties knowing themselves to be in
debted to me will please call and settle in cash
or by bankable paper before July I. All un
settled accounts July I will be pot in the
hands of my attorney for collection.
Closing Oat Sale
The Fountain of Youth
And vigor that has been sought (or
so eagerly could be found in
Scheie's Pilsner Beer
The best way to remain young ii to
keep up your constitutional strength
with a good, pure and invigorating
beer like that brewed by the Schultx .
brewery. In hot weather it ia both
food and drink, and ia alwava pala
table, , pM
i -....ii r V. .:..! .. . . , '..'I
tho remedy tUt euro m cold 1m ooe ij?
-A 4i
4. . irf.
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