East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 27, 1902, Image 5

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Big Bargains
Don't Miss Our
ash nnnns
We are now showing some BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS in
awns. Percales and Dimities
Regular Selling I Closing Oat tZ i. f Q
nrice 12 to 35c Price TO VC
i i ....
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1902.
A. Howard, (arm loans.
fry The Delta Ice cream.
Latest style shirts at Teutsch's.
limmpr iinrtftrwoiir Kft canta n
at Teutsch's.
1 1 . i : A ft n . .
ihuiucu uiiiLca in ii 1 1 r, AiAjvi.i w 1 1 11
rles at Hawley Bros.
nlfnvTinin'o iroomorv Tmttoi w
in all stores. Ask for- it
nt "WPfiThnr hnc tin tflrrnra at tho
riPn mila hn Romnnt whora crrtnrl
1 1 7. IIHHr R riTI I MM
a glass of Schlitz beer.
ir nv k iTi7TYinTi a nrpnonrro
uuee. ouo uuurt ou. aeent lor ua
ii immm in mi mut.mi ixi snn tin in.
TTi UTITD M uOrwT nln f 1 a 1 V A A J-fl
prepared to do expert piano
iTi tr nun nil irinna nr noil nnrn rn-
lrinrr. MmnRR mnvn n trior a nr in ii.
I will sell all my stock of cut glass
at a heavy discount until July 6. I
have . lew odds and ends which I wish
to clean up, so sacrlfico the whole stock
to do so. Below are a few samples ol
the prices:
A line whiskey set, regular
price $33.60, cut to $25 00
Fine Water Set, regular
price $19-60, cut to...... 14 50
Eight-inch bowl, regular
price $14.00, cut to ...... lo 00
Fine Sugar and Creamer;
regular $7.50, cut to 5 00
Fine 5-inch Nappie, regu
lar $4.25, out to "3 50
F ne Water bottle; reg. $7.60 5 50
Fine Pitcher, reg. $14.76:.. 10 75
Do not delay In your purchase, as
this is your gain.
Jeweler and Optician
Next Door to R. Alexander
Straw hats at Teutsch's.
Frazler's for fireworks and flags.
Rooms by the day, week or month
at Gratz's.
A fine free lunch from 9 a. m. till
midnight at Gratz's,
Dutton's ice cream Is fhe best It is
possible to make. Try it.
Save your gjld stampB and get a
dinner set at Teutsch's.
Send your order for sweet cream
to Dutton and have it delivered,
Fresh live crawfish just received,
at Gratz s, cooked while you wait
Our curtain stretchers save your
curtains. Simple and durable. Nolf's,
A new hot weather delicacy. Ice
cream sandwiches, only 5 cents, at
Fresh supply of berries, direct from
Hood River every morning, at Haw
ley Bros.
The superiority of-our ice cream
is known to those who have tried It
The Delta,
Call up 'phone main 105 for pure
artificial ice. Only place in town
you can get It
Schlitz beer is good beer, and is
served in a nice cool place at the
Golden Rule basement
Crawfish at Nolte's saloon are very
fine. They come fresh every Tuesday
and Saturday mornings.
Money to loan at lowest rates on
town or country property. J. R. Dick
son, East Oregonian building.
St Joe Store will sell Saturday,
good crash toweling at 3c per yard.
Only 10 yards to one customer.
Take advantage of the chance to
get bargains at Mrs. Campbell's
closing out Bate of summer millinery
Rooms in the Ea-t Oregonian build
ing or rent. Steam heated, hot and
cold water and lath room In connec
Doctors predict considerable sick
ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of
your drinking water. Cool' it with
pure artificial ice. 'Phone main 105
All kinds of real estate for sale.
Homes on easy payments, will fur
nlsh part of purchase money,
Rihorn & Cook, room 10. Taylor
Wanted Local representative for
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com
pany, of Newark, N. J. Assets, $80,
000,000. Address Arnold S. Rothwell,
state agent, Portland.
At bedtime Itako a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and. my complexion Is better. My
doctor says that it acts gently on the
stomach, liver and kidneys and is a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herbs, and is prepared as easily as
tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine,
Lane's Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price 25c and 60c.
For sale by Tallman & Co., sole
Big special sale Saturday at the St
j 00 store.
The Delta's ice croam parlors aro
me nncst m Pendleton.
uituejnoias creamery butter on
sale in all stores. Ask for it
OA . . . .
pounas Dest granulated sugar
baiuruay for $1.00 St. Joe Store.
or Sale Daniel Best Combined
Harvester; run two years; good con
dition; $800. A. Kunkel & Co.
Free picnic every Sunday at Kino's
grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clock.
Music by Klrkman's orchestra.
St. Joe Store will sell al nrlnta Sat-
urday at 3&c per yard. Not more
than 15 yards to any one customer,
The, firm of Athcrton & Concland.
general blacksmiths and horseshoers.
has dissolved partnership and is suc
ceeded by Copeland & Son. The now
firm Is composed of H. H. Conoland
and son, Charles, both of whom are
nrst-class workmen, thoroughly un
aorstand blacksmlthing in all its
Drenches, and aro expert horse
shoers. Copeland & Son will occupy
the shop at 314 Webb street, where
they will take pleasure in serving the
puDilc. Their shop Is well equipped
to do good Work and reasonable
prices will be charged.
Move In Behalf of Criminal Whom
Dead Man Cleared.
Arguments were heard by Governor
McBrlde, of Washington, Tuesday on
an application for the pardon of Wal
ter H. Erving, who is crvine a 20-
years' sentence at Walla Walla for
the murder, In 1894. of Flnlev Gar
rison, in Island county.. The ampli
cation is based on recent sensational
developments in the case. Erving
was convicted solely on circumstan
tial evidence, Garrison's body having
been found at the bottom of a well
over two years after the murder. The
trial in 1897 was given wide public
ity by the press. Last January an
unknown man committed suicide near
Seattle by blowing his head off with
dynamite. Near the body was found
an unsigned note, ostensibly written
by the suicide, in which was a con
fession of the murder of Garrison,
and an exoneration of Erving. This
alleged confession is the basis for
the application for pardon. Erving
was represented by a Denver attor
ney, N. Q. Tanquary, that city being
the home of Erving's parents, who
made the application for pardon.
The pardon is opposed by Prosecut
ing Attorney Lester Still, of Island
county. The governor has not yet
made a decision in the matter.
mal green. As tho twigs die, how
over, tho bark shrlvlcs moro or less
In other cases tho trouble is mani
rested only In tho cxtremo tips of
the twigs. This last is the ordinary
form of winter injury hero, all sorts
of trees being affected. This sort of
injury has usually been ascribed
mainly to drying out by tho wlntor
The trouble so common this spring
seems to bo much tho samo as tho us
ual winter injury, only, much more
marked. All kinds of fruit trees aro
affected, tipples apparently moro bo
than others. That It is engendered
by climatic causes seems hardly
questionable, but whether It is
brought about by low temperaturo or
drying winds is not evident. It may
bo that tho marked dryness of last
fall is in somo way associated with
tho trouble.
Treatment of Affected Trees.
The following suggestions for
treatment aro given by tho oxpori
mcnt station professors:
"Two things can bo dono toward
saving a badly Injured troo. First,
vigorously pruning it, cutting out all
tho diseased branches that can bo
spared; second, stimulating it to ac
tive growth by tho application of ni
trogenous fertilizers, such as barn
yard manure, fish scraps, etc. It is
probable that by these means many
of the affected branches may recover.
This treatment must be given at
once, other wise there is little hope
of success."
Invitation Extended to Pendletonlans
to Visit There on Fourth.
Mayor T. G. Halley has received a
general Invitation from the Fourth of
July committee at Walla Walla for
the Pendleton people to attend the
celebration. Walla Walla is going to
celebrate in royal style.
She never fails to have a good time
on the nation's birthday and the com
mittee promises all who attend this
year a better time and a more elab
orate demonstration than ever be
fore. Reduced rates are always
given on all railroads and tho cltl
zens of Pendleton who wish to go to
Walla Walla to spend the glorious
Fourth will be accorded a general
The advance styles of the Fa
mous W. L. Douglas Shoe have
arrived. Our stock is now com
plete and you will have no trouble
in getting your size and style.
Just think of it Over four and
one-half million pairs of the Doug
las Shoe sold last year 1 - They
are union made, which means the
shoes are made by skilled work
men and under sanitary conditions.
P. S. Look out for the "Just
as Good kind.
Boston Store
Sole Agents for Pendleton.
Will sour the sweetest disposition as4
transform the luojit even tempered, lor
able nature Into n cross-grained and
Irritable Individual. 3
If impatience or fault-finding- art)
ever excusable it is when the body is
tortured by an eating aud painful sore.
t im t- - ... . 1 " v iwuuniKing 10 nnu alter
months of diligent and faithful use of external remedies that the place
remains ns defiant, angry and offensive ns ever, livery chronic sore no
matter on what part of the body it comes, is nti evidence of some previous
constitutional or organic trouble, and that the dregs of these diseases
remain in the system; or, it may be that some long hidden poisonperhaps
Cancer has come to the surface and becrun Its destructive .wt-
The blood must be purified before the sore will fill up with healthy flesh
and the skin regnins its natural color. It is ,
through the circulation that the acrid, corroding
fluids are carried to the sore or ulcer and keep it
irritated and inflamed; S. S. S. will purify and
invigorate the statriih'til blood when all sediment or
other hurtful materials are washed out, fresh rich blood is carried to the
diseased parts, new tissues form, and the decaying flesh begins to have a
healthy and natural look ; the discharge ceases and the sore heals.
Several yoora ao, my wife had a ae- ., S; ? S' is tlle only blood purifier
vera aoro log aud waa treated by tho that is guaranteed entirely vege
beat phyalolana but received no benollt, table. It builds up the blood and
OurdruirfflBt advUed hor to try S. S.S., tonen ur tlm trmprnl ext IV "
whleh aha did. Fourteen bottle ourod! ,nC9 1,p !,e Kc"crnl system ns no
her and aha haabeon well over alnce. other medicine docs. If you have
J. S. XABOliD, 88 Canal St., a sore of any kind, write us and get
1 t 0.h10,,N'T the advice of experienced and
Skilled physicians for which no charge is made. Book on Blood aud Skin
Diseases free. THE wirr specific co Atum.. c.
Lamp Mantles Guaranteed for 45 Days
Peerless Flexo Mantles
These mantles are new productions and give 90 and
100 candle power respectively for the single and triple
weaves. They are made in two grades. Price 30 and
40 cents each.
New Stores
Barrett Company
Cor. Sixth and Alder Streets
Oppo.lto Oregonian
After All, No Place to Trade
Like Nolf's
A Soft White Skin
May be a gift of Nature, but it may also be the
result of the application of Pine Nut Cream. This
Cream removes the tan and sunburn that comes'
with the summer outing. ' "
Is a good thing to have in the house; Nice to use;
Nothing injurious to the skin; Perfectly safe, too; ,.
No harmful ingredients. Price 25 cents a bottle.
65 Steps from Mala St Toward the Cotfrt Howe
Meridlen. Conn., Business Men Have
Epidemic "of Suicide.
The city of Meridien, Conn., Is
worked up over -the supposed exls
tence of a suicide club. Within tho
paBt eight weeks as many prominent
business men have committed self
destruction and the local detective
force Is hard at work trying to find
If there is any such club existing,
and If so, will endeavor to break it
up lest it depopulate the town of Ub
best cltlzenB. Most of the suicides
have been men of means, one of
them being a millionaire. Tuesday
the last suicide occurred which has
stirred the town to renewed efforts
to locate .the cause. This waB Wil
liam McGovern. The first to take
his own life was Charles N. Blake,
a nrominent merchant and club man.
Following him in rapid succession
came John Douglass, Adam Kanff
man, Frank Wood, William Smith,
Peter McGulre and Thomas Hart.
A Peculiar Affliction Reported From
Different Points.
During the past week a number of
complaints have been received at the
experimental station of the Washing
ton agricultural college concerning
the dying off of fruit trees. These
complaints huve come from Cheney,
Itltzville, Farmington and Ellens
ourg, as well as from this immediate
vicinity. The trouble manifests It
self by some or all of the branches
failing to leaf out, especially near
.the tips; or the leaves do develop
partially and then cur) and wither.
Profee6rs Fletcher and PJper have
.been investigating the matter about
Pullman. Here the trees are mostly
affected on the west and southwest
sides. Only rarely are entire trees
affected. The twigs seem to be per
fectly healthy, the bark being smooth
and the .cambium layer of the nor-
100 heavy Japanese napkins 19c
Ladies' and Men's bicycle,
strong and good $14.05
Rubber . rattles, dolls and
balls foi the babies 5c up
18 long sheets shelf paper. . 10c
Ladies' wrist purses the
latest 74c and 08c
Sticky fly paper, per sheet lc
Crepe paper, plain and
decorated, per roll, 5c, 10c, 15c
The FarU Expotl Uoa
na mad the Gold
Medal Award to
Cold medal, wvra
Alio awnrtled ol
Kw Oriotiu IOQ3
Bold by JOHH BOH M liT
The Louvre Saloon
Telephone Main 4.
Summer School for Bojs
Bummer Season of
Open from July 1 to August SI . For djr
.and boarding students. Scbaol aeaiioa
only 1m forenoon; recreation all the
altera OOH. Kor particulars apply or
write to DR.F. W. Hiul , ,
H1U Military Acadear '
Marshall and 24th St.,
Portland, Oregon,
U. 8. Supreme Court
U. 8. Patent Ofllce
Trade Marks and Copyrights
700 Jtuet,, V. V WaHlitaiTtou. D. C,
oflce, large bundle of newspaper, con
taining orer 100 big paper caa be ob
tained ror w cents a bbsom.
Feather Dusters
Another Large Shipment This Week
Fine turkey dusters. . .23c to (0c
Ostrich parlor dusters 35c to$2 75
Wool dusters. . .10c, 20c and 60c
Shoe Brushes . .12c. 20c and 25c
Lowest Prices, Reliable
Frederick Nolf
Wo are prepared to do your work
and ask you to call on us.
Charges will be right.
Oflice at
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
Kit Hays & Connerley
The Pltimbe and
For First Class Work at
Roasouablo Prions
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joe Store, Near Court St.
Dally East Oregonian by carrier.
only 15 cents a week.
Large ripe Highland Cherries, just right for pieg,
table or canning,
Hood River strawberries, very fine for eating or canning.
The strawberry season is drawing to a close. Now is the
time to put up your winter supply.
PtUz Baking Powde
Beautiful and useful prizes silverware or
given with our high Prize Baking Powder.
Come to Oar Clean Orooery and You Will
Be Pleased
i mi's 1
fin Sim
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
' - -T r