East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 24, 1902, Image 6

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    A Warm Bafcy
isn't always a comfortable one, any
tnoro than a man Is In -warm -weather
with his cuffs and collars wilting, when
they are riot properly laundered. "When
your shirts, collars and cuffs are laun
dered here you can Bally forth under
broiling July sun happy In the know
ledge that your linen will not "tucker
out" before the day Is over. Try a
sample of our summer laundering.
J. F. Kooinson, Prop. Pendleton.
Women's Eyes
jlre windows of observation through which the
ourriatro maker's art is noted with keenest
Judgment. The sex arc fastidious in tills
respect. Our productions,will stand the sever
est criticism and test. Have them in all style
and in great variety. Elegant carriages and
light wagons in handsome designs and beauti
ful finish, at astonishingly low prices. High
grade vehicles. Guarantee with every one.
See Us About Gasoline Engines
His Mind Suddenly Collapses While
He Is Passing Through the Wil
lamette Valley; In Custody at Eu
Tho Eucono Guard of Saturday
sayBB. J. Flynn general freight agent
of the Missouri Pacific railway, ar
rived here this morning at 3 o'clock
on the northbound train in an insano
condition and was turned over by the
trainmen to the night police who
awakened Sheriff "Withers and that
individual took .charge of him and
placed him in tho county jail.
Flynn boarded the train at Cottage
Grove. It is Bald that he acted very
strangely there, giving away his gold
watch and nil the money he had, and
wanted to givo away his fine dia
mond ring, but was restrained from
doing so.
As an evidence of his insanity,
Flynn wrote the following telegram
at tho depot' last night arid wanted
it sent:
Albany, Juno 20, 1902. To Oregon
inn nirv TTnvfi licen delegated
through the great Bpirit of our lord
to advise our beloved President
Roosevelt on matters now in contro
versy between both senate and
house of representatives. Fieaso ar
range to meet mo on arrival.
The case was brought before Coun
ty Judge H. R. Kincaid, on Saturday.
Papers on the unfortunate man's per
son identified him as the general
freight agent of the entire Missouri
Pacific italhvay system. The man
had annual passes on nearly every
railroad in tho United States. Con
sidering him to be' a man of some
importance in railroad circles, Judge
Kincaid sent a telegram to George J.
uould, president of the Missouri Pa
cific system at New York, telling of
the unfortunate man's condition. A
similar tfilwrram was sent to "W. E.
Coman, general freight and passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific, at
Portland. The following reply was
Portland, Ore, June 20, 1902.
H. R. Kincaid, County Judge, Eugene
Ore: Your wire concerning Mr.
TinnrPfsentatlves from Rio
Grand will go to Eugene tonight to
v.ttn' Hon flint ho receives
nronor medical attendance if requir
ed. W. E. COMAN.
Tho demented man is 28 or 30
years of ago, is very well dressed
and has a fine appearance. Tho
cause of his Insanity Is not known.
Tho Portland Telegram of Satur
day says:
E. J. Flynn is one of the most pop
ular railroad men in Portland's Rail
road Row. Ho has been with tho
Missouri Pacific road for a number
of years, and as a business rustler
he has few equals. Alwaj's genial,
wholesouled and a good story teller,
ho has beon popular with all who
know him. When the news of Mr.
Flynn's unfortunate plight, was first
received by his frionds in this city
it was thought that his derangement
was perhaps due to tho excessive
heat and it was hoped that it would
bo only temporary. Now that it is
known that his condition is more
serious general regrets are expressed.
Virulent Cancer Cured.
I Startling proof of a wonderful ad
ivance in medicine is given by drug
gist G. W. Roberts, of Elizabeth, W.
I Va. An old man there had long suft
'ered with what good doctors pro
inounced incurable cancer. They be
, lleved the cas9 hopeless till he used
Electric Bitters and applied buck
len's Arnica Salve, whi-:h treatment
completely cured him. "When Elec
tric Bitters are used to trpel bilious,
kidney and microbe poiions at the
same time this salve exerts its match
less healing power, blood diseases,
skin eruptions, ulcers and sores van
ish. Bitters 50c, Salve, 2F.c, at TaU
man & Co.'s.
Our Special Sale on Men's
and Boys' suits will continue
all week. Special reductions
on all suits sold this week.
Buy your new suit this week
and save money enough on
it to buy you a nice dress
The Fai
Where Whole Families Can
Ice Cream Freeze
The Best, and Prices Are the Low
Taylor, the Hardware
74b Main Street
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C. R. Depot
The Use of Oil.
General Manager W. H. Bancroft,
of the Oregon Short Line, on a trip
nf tnnmvtlnn of thn line. Was Very
I much pleased with the result attain
I ed in laying the dust on the road by
sprinkling with oil.. There is no dust
whatever where the oil has been
used. The roadbed between Medbury
and Caldwell will bo sprinkled with
The sleuths who know exactly how
to catch outlaws continue to remain
at home,
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
j K AINU r ivjcfi rll
Dancing Begins at 2 o'clock each Sunday.
and from the grounds day and Night
msSTAUitAflx ujn uuuujjiiijs. me grove can be euuri
t 1 i-I i x TlTim-T-lT nvM. " V-
U1UU1U i) tunc o uj uyyijws . tu j.jXiA omiifi. it
Oil UUUl'SUi , (
Court Street
For Monntals TnnL'
Teal HpriDgs where the nlft
uuu goou lurnuuiB.
Win mnVn n n.A.Ul. -I .
peopie 10 ana irom leaiBpnaa,
Knrnnr Mtiorrtr ann tf rm
Tatar tu . nMr Vain. Pendleton. Or
June Clothing Sale
Attention, men I We can save you from $4 to $7 on every suit you buy here during the coming week. The
cause the semi-annual cleaning up stock time. We don't wait until after the Fourth of July to do our oleaning up,
but now, right now at the very height of the season yon can buy seasonable, stylish clothes at a saving you'll appre-
i mi l j. i m nvrt 'n oTirl VvrtTTo1 nl nf"hi n o Pop f 1 of nil Tao attar Ittiatitti Wo Til Do aar oonnoD nf on rrnr riniroTiQ
ciate. The best values in men's ana ooys' ciotning renaieton nas ever Known.
last we'ek, and expect to please hundreds this week.
g Suits at $5.10
- Men's Cheviot and Cassimere
Suits in dark gray, brown and mo
dium color mixtures well made
throughout not a Buit in the lot
m worth less than $7.50 all sizes; your
choice during this sale at $5.10.
Suits at $9.65
g- Men's wool fancy worsted, blue
y serge, plain and fancy Cassimeres
mZZ and fancy Cheviot Suits all tho
5 leading styles and materials thor
j oughly tailored, well lined and a per-
feet lit values .that others ask $15.00
for; sale price, $9.65.
Stilts at $14.98
All our $18 and $20 Suits, consist
ing of unfinished worsteds, extra fine
tweeds and cheviots, latest designs,
very latest fashions and finely made
best trimmings c bargain, $14.98.
Suits at $7.10
Men's wool Cassimere Suits in
fancy mixtures, neat striplngs, dark
md medium grays, pin checks
handsome styliBh suits, in splendid
styles and materials sold in other
Vstores at $12.50; sale price $7.10.
Sufts at $i 1.95
w$tire large assortment of $16
lRiMwlBting of new and stylish
pstwMHiyM Jnvisime iancy piaius,
irsteds, cheviots, fancy
fg"? etc this season's
ia'tiM. sizes. Greatest
bargains fo"(iffear at $11.95.
All our finarig gr2les and makes of
$22.50 Suits inworsteds, velours,
serges and fasc peds cut in the'
height of thetM superbly made ,
and your chojiyjiy .$17.65.
Moub' stravNiijjB!in all the best
Men's linen AiMters and Alpaca
Coats and vests jKWwecIal prices.
Suits at $1 3. 5
All our $10.50 and 17.50 suits for
men in all wool fine quality worsteds
and unfinished worsteds, cut in the
latest fashion, best trimmings
throughout, splendid clothing for
Outing Stilts
All our men's fine all wool outlrg
Suits in light weight materials, new
patterns in light or dark colorings,
well made and perfect fitting. You'll
appreciate one of these suits during
the hot days.
All $7.50 values at.. .., ....$5.35
All $9.50 values at $7.15
m mm
Hundreds of parents and guardians have long been aware of the
of the Peoples "Warehouse suits for big and little hoys. We want you
this Week if noHflihln wva nlaced onwfl
lines of boys' clothing. If not, tomorrow, come during the week
Boys light and dark blue Percale
waists, ages 6 to 16 years
special ; LuC
Boys' blouses, light or dark blue per
cales, ages 3 to 8 yrs; great jb
value at .. . .,, IOC
Boys' fine grade all wool blue
serge sailor suits, also fancy mO OQ
mixed cheviots, 3 to 10 yra. iP"'0''
Boys' all wool 2-piece Suits, dou
ble breasted styles, in plaids, checks
f W T n IU JV"- 1IUI
1I WOU1 J '
v st e moil n uii .
n m nAO I a III MV 4' BJ '
i " ! Mil
.-. nnnr mixea -"'-.
na' nnrduroy wc;
75c kind for 60c; JlJJl
5... 25 m-ade. 98c; wv .
Boys' wash suJhat
9 ' ' V