OH, MY, But It Is Delicious ! a In The Cold, Sparkling Soda Water that comes from our fountain, when enriched by our Pure Fruit Extracts. Thoughts of pleasure linger in your minds after n visit to our Soda Fountain. Our Ice Cream Soda is exactly the thing to quench the thirst and make you cool' und comfortable during the scorching weather. Brock & NlcComas Company THE nODERN DRUUQISTS - PENDLETV L TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 190S DEMOCRATS IN CALIFORNIA. charming French woman! Will the Journals run by women give as broad circulation to this statement In favor of the American men as did the journals run by men gave to the statement of Prince Henry in favor of the American women? One good i turn deserves another. The democrats of California arej But can a woman be as charitable, looking around for a candidate for ns liberal, as broad-minded as a man? governor in this fall's election. We only ask the question. We have There is some chance of the demo- not a bit of doubt concerning It our- crats winning in California this year, selves, for we believe the woman is much depending upon the man whom the equal in these things to .the man they select for the gubernatorial of- flee. A number of names are being PENDLETON TO HUNTINGTON. , . , ,. '- 8lecial traveling correspondent Ul. iii"v,u. "-- or tlie Portland Oregonian writes as torney of San Francisco, about follows concerning his observations twelve years ago editor and publish- of the "Bunchgrass lands" between er of the Tacoma News. ! the Willamette and the Snake. T . ... ., 1 The route from Pendleton has a iane is a man ot democratic nevor endln& med,ey Qf BC S as tastes and habits. At heart, he is varied as the picturesque scenes of also a democrat. He is a man of the traveler. It was these Blue moun fine personality, is a good, strong ta,ns tnat made such tribulation for talker, a student of economics and, oanrIj; r.egon .B,"le 11 ,was , , , these mountains which the overland "they do say," has become an able partV( in the wIntep of lsll.12i lawyer. , barely escaped the maw of starva- 'Lane is a popular man in San tio- In their spring garb they look Francisco, where he rapidly rose in lnncent enough, but they have , . . , m many a tale of suffering beneath political favor, going there from Ta- the5r surface coma. The writer knows Franklin So formidable an obstante nnnlrt nnt L L" " 'V i,n ,n,o ; u iaiiziue precipi ,, mmWf nr 1812. Hero they The homllest man in Ponfljoton. m I jfound a "ho lake and here the hot I well as the oTi lake still bubbles, within 50 yards of , are invited to cal Wf the railroad. Ami the uranue onue - - . . a is more beautiful now than when uaisam u u. Crooks, 'McLellan nnd Stuart saw it in its spring garb just 90 years ago this same season of the year. Big Bargains But these explorers did not find Powder or Burnt river ns they are today. Men have enlisted these streams in the quest for gold. The hills are washing away into the sea, in a muddy, copper colored torrent. Great mounds of earth like molo hills after plowing appear on all the moun tain sides. In each of them men nre or have been delving for treasure. The remains of hundreds of pros pects are thus left to view for the rain to wash nway or the sagebrush to reassert dominion over. Over all this hidden wealth the pioneers of Oregon passed unknowing. Had they known perhaps Webfoot Oregon would not be just whnt it Is today. And would anything different have been better? Well that is for you to rub your spectacles over and think about. Powder and Burnt rivers cannot free themselves of their evil color through all the filtering of their sinuous courses. It is only by los ing their individuality in the Snake that they can clear themselves of the odium of their color. In that stream they merge themselves and, thus lost, flow oceanward to hear Port land's commerce to the sea. &U1 AW. , .. . tn rnrn linn remedy tuai is 6"""m" relieve all chronic and ncitte coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall man & Co.. sole agents. V I Fot POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES K. Lane quite intimately and knows but be disastrous to the followers of nothing but good of him. 0reEon trail, who had spent Tf , ,lnn,,roc chM their strength before they reached tnege B,ue mountains him for their candidate for governor Blue, indeed, were those moun and he was elected, the state would tains in early days. But they did not have the benefit of his full capacity, thus get their name. It comes 'from honestly administered, and the peo- UIlf 7?1V tnelr ll,slat r us ' . ' iS , These folds double upon each other pie would be more than satisfied aml rlse above tne5r ueghbors no. with his work. ; body can tell at what point, so ab- With such democrats as Franklin sorbins is the sky blue haze in Iv. Lane in office the democratic which the-v are ed. Where win . , . . . . . tcr meets ti nn.-- there is the snow cause is bound to gain in strengih ,ine TniR ine relreiUB irmhsv and and the jiarty become the real im- furthar up the mountain ? i 1? ei"ry plement of government by the people, day; the dark behind it takes on a The California democrats will make filter hue and wild flowers blossom, , 4. , , , , ... coquette with the summer breezes, no mistake Jn selecting Lane as their ana shed thelr beautj? in hardy n standard bearer. j longer time than it takes to tell their , story. All this is far, far away. Dis. THE JANUS FACED SENATE. tance is longer than the eye. The 1 atmosphere is so pure that it plays There is no doubt that a successful Prarnts with the car window obserr- scheme has been worked in congress uc,? hi lonsest, estImatcs to . , , , , , , , naught. The Oregon pioneers learn to delay the work of digging the isth- rU n0t to trust the desception of the inian canal. The people are expect- distances. Beyond the blue garbed ed to accept what has been done in sentinels they knew was the promis- good faith and probably will do so, f1 ,and land ,vlc the Lord . ... .. . ..... lin(i given them to inherit. uuc lUB B1Bn5 are ominous mat xney Ami tnere are many mounds along are not to nave eitner a Nicaragua or this old trail. Vestiges of them have a Panama canal. If the anti-canal , in- lonE been swept away, but the dear fluences are as powerful and potent on,?s ,)0neath continue to sleep peace 1int. caam in . f"y since the day when the earth as they seem to be. flrst closed -over thom Tne pathos The fact of the matter is a great of the Oregon .trail occupies the many senators are under obligations same graves for want of embalming to these interests for their election reford- ,ver some spots the trees i iu i . , ; , . j reign only and hear no sound only by their state legislatures, and when theIr own murmurings-but the dead the canal proposition came up be- are there. That juniper tree on the such form that their action would be hM twisted and bent but seemingly such form that their action wiuld be no, older than 50 vears ago what a accepted by the people, as satisfac tIf ,tt tory, while to their masters or rath- mother on the" Platte. The mother er clients it would be understood as gave to it sufficient fund of life to in their interests. i bring it this much further, but at in short, he United States senate JS "iitSdi" is carrying water on both shoulders, while fooling tho people and serving' Up in Umatilla and down the the railroads, determined not to spill Grande Hondo and down the Powder It in either isthmian ditch. i river to Br.ker City; thence up again and down to the Burnt river and the Snake all iheso three 'climbs and successive descents have their own shifting scenes. They When Prince Henry was in thia were very toilsome to the ox-team country he gallantly said: "The and the travel worn savers of Ore American women are lovolv. nlmnlv Kn- The railroad has turned them . t. , . i . . J into miniature mountains and val- beautiful, charming!" The men who ,eyB A along were wl,Bdsa h run newspapers as gallantly printed tamed and untamed, sheep and fields these enconlums of the prince and of grain that soon will turn to gold. ,aU over the world the news went The uat'Ha threads smaller and hot o , ,, , . . . .. smaller, until on tho summit it is that a German prince had added his gone Down the other 8,(,c speeds testimony to the charms of American the train and dashes suddenly from women. This was all -very well, por- a crevice of the mountain into the lectly meet and proper. Grande Ronde valley, one of tho Now comes the Countess Rocham- t beautJOil gems of Oregon. It u o a I , " was here that the early settlers re beau. on a visit to America for the stored their famished oxon. Here first time; and declares: "I admire Hunt hastened through in 1811, to American men, oh, so much! They reach Astoria. Here Ramsoy, Crooks re handsomor and stronger than Jbn. ?aJ , Bnt that winter, our" Could anything be more de- gSSS SdfflSf TZiclSZ .llghtful than this, coming from a passed on their return to St. Louis The Snake river is the most treach erous stream in America. For hun dreds of miles it courses along in a succession of cataracts and easy flows. But it gives no warning when about to take a rampage. Many a pioneer, in attempting to follow it in boats has come to grief or death. The mountains had been so labor ions, and the flow of the rivers onj the eastern slope had been so 'easy' that early explorers wer tmpted to embark in boats below Fort Hall. But the Cauldron soon made them re-' pent. This is a raging cataract less than 75 miles west of Fort Hall. For1 miles and miles the river bowls along the level with the plain. Then 1 it plunges deep down into rockbound 1 gorges. Above the gaping passes the ttlnin is nnrnlinil h iha nun rt sum. mev. urcat was tne uistress ot early immigrants whose tongues were thick with thirst, but whom the tan- ces kept from reach- -CALL ON- Colesworthy -AT THE CHOP MILL 127 and 129 East Alta Street v Mi- Laurels Again ! The Pari Exposition bni mane inc uoiu Medal Award to I.W.HMPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY Cold medal were nUo nwarded nt fcwOrieaiu 1063 and Mbr! di Fair Chicago UJVO. Bold by JOHN BUHMIIJT The Louvre Saloon PENDLETON OUEGOB ing water. CHARMING MEN AND WOMEN. Malheur county is one of the ano malies "f. Oregon. Tho name .Mtl heur is passed by, although it is anomaly enough, and the reference is meant to apply to the remoteness of the district from the center of Oregon life. Malheur is French for "bad" or "unhappy hour." Now, there is no unhappy place in Oregon, and Mal heur Is least unhappy of any. The name is the only unhappy thing in Oregon. The dear people there should get the legislature to give a more cheerful name. The world's a wilderness of woe, anyhow; what's the use of woeful names that can be made cheerful? As to the particular anomaly above mentioned. Vale, the county seat, und Ontario, a rival for that honor, are 400 miles from the capi tal of Oregon. From Boise, the cap ital of Idaho, they are one-eighth of that, distance. In order to reach Sa lem by rail, Malheur people have to go through Idaho. Naturally, Mal heur is closely associated with tho life of Idaho. DTTTTTrnrnTlTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTD t c c c c s Bingham Springs... ...NOW OPEN... Health and Summer Resort v-enty-two Miles East Pendleton on 0. R. & N. FRUIT OF THE LOOM. 99 Men and women of taste and judgment ro into ecstacies over the wonderful nat- terns, textures and colors which art; the fruit of the loom." But there is one fruit of the loom they rarely con sider, and that is the frail and faded woman, old before her time, because necessity compels her to work under conditions, which send her more favored sister to bed and the doc tor's care. The diseases which weaken and torment women, may in almost all cases be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce! Favorite Prescription. 1 1 establishes regu larity, dries weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. "I had female trouble for eight years," wrHe am. j. ucnnij, 01 ozo nasi (College street. the medical JacksonTille, Ills, n Words cannot express what i sunerea. toiifnt rthef among the medical ptofeuion and found none. Friends urged me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When I com -enced .taking this medicine I weighed ninety-five pounds. Now I weigh one hundred and fifty-six pounds more than I ever weighed before. I was so bad I would lie from day to day and long for death to come and relieve my suffering-. J had Internal inflammation, a dis agreeable drain, breartag-dowu pain, and such aisiress every monin. out now never have a Earn ao an my own work ana am a strong and ealthy woman." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with "Favorite Prescription" when ever a laxative is required. Excursion Kates troni all points For further information address Manager Bingham Springs GIBBON, Ore. 3 of 1 3 a a a a a a a a a IN WATCHES AND JEWELRY I have a large stock of Unredeemed Pledges which will be sold at the lowest prices ever offered in this city. This stock includes dia monds, solid and filled case gold watches, silver watches, gold rings, watch chains, ear rings and many other articles. Come in, look over the stock and get the prices. v Joseph Basle Complete House Furnisher r?Miiiiumiiiiinijumninimimiiiiimii 5EWE ARE THE PEOPLE nnd the only people in the naddlery business thut carry a complete Btock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Sweat Pads, Puck Saddles uud Bags, Tents, Wtigou Coveas and Canvas. JOSEPH ELL, Leading Harness and Saddlem Summer School for Boys Summer Season of HILL MILITARY ACADEMY I'OIITLAXD, OREGON Open from July 1 to Augunt .11 . For day and boarding students School session only in forenoon; recreutiou all tho afternoon. For particulars npply or write to DR. .). vr. IIIL.L Principal Hill Military Academy Jliu.-liall and IMUi St., l'ortland, Oregon. TRANSFER, TRUCKING, STORAGE. CROWNER , BROS. Telephone Main 4. Cft flh flr: cD a a r c rr rr r -is-tA. . s 9 Q e 9 CHERRIES Large ripe Highland Cherries, just right for pies, table or canning. STRAWBERRIES Hood River strawberries, very fine for eating or canning. The strawberry season is drawing to a close. Now is the time to put up your winter supply. Pbe Baking Powder Beautiful and useful prizes-silverware or chinaware given with our high Prize Baking Powder. Come to Our Clean Grocery and You Will Be Pleased e ihem Header Beds, Tfe IOr li We are nrpnamj . ngure with y0u Pendleton Planing H Lumber M ROBERT FOttSTH, PrwnA. The CoIuibKi; Lodging Houscl - i TXT rrcxTmniT. -.Z-z.r , 1 BET. ALTA AVEBEE F.X. SCHEMPP.Prop, Ml 1 R. MARTIN, Proprietor c WOOD! C0AU WOOD! COAU. WOOD! COJ w. c. SELLS BOTH. Kemerer Coal. First (Mi Orders Promptly RIM Telephone, Eed -101, or call on Odlce Main Street, fust opposite ford (-.Thompson's hardwire tin) BUY YOUR- lumber: AT THE Oregon Lumber Alta St., opp. Court Ho ' PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOf For All Kinds of Bulldfnr Including Doors Windows Qrrpen DOOO ntifi Wiodowi Building Pf Lime Cement Rrirk onri Sand 1 r- , D.Ma mad DWliVP Are the Meals Served at, the French Restaur Large, comfortable W ; roorn and good serv.ee - ?-! l.r YH 1 ' Bat 25c Mai f" The French Jtp i QUB Th Et fr m -.Mil 4vHilnf T