s Stop Your Fretting 5 It is unnecessary, and especially about your shoes. The sure way to settle the shoe problems is to come to our stote, look over the new ideas, select something that "pleases your fancy, and then let us fit you. Sim ple, isn't it ? We guarantee to satisfy you. 'Good Shoes Cheap n' ji isuuunger, Successors to MONDAY, JUNE .23, 1902. THE WHIPPING POST. -The Use of it at the Oregon Peniten tiary at Salem. Governor-elect Geo. E. Chamber lain Buys that as soon as he assumes tne uuues or the office or governor he 'will stop the whipping of prison era at the state penitentiary. Sev eral of the police department in Fort' .land, as well as a number of private c.izens, have appealed to him to stop the practice, which is detriment -1 to the best interests of the prls on and is decidedly inhuman. There Are only three states in the union which permits the whipping of con- -Ticts, and Oregon Is one of them, Under Pennoyer's administration whipping was abolished at the state penitentiary. Under Governor .Lord's administration the whipping post was resumed on account of the conduct of Abe Lawrence, who was sent up from this city. No other way could be found to make him obey the rules of the prison. Since that time the punishment has been general, until at the present time the con victs are unmercifully whipped for ery small petty offenses, such as talking to one another, talking back .$o the guards, laughing or shirking worn. Wuen whipped the. convicts are stripped of their clothes and their hands are elevated above their beads by means of handcuffs. With .Jhe first blow almost the blood comes and nine times out of ten the punishment is so severe that the cul prit faints. After the whipping the prisoner is made to put on his coarse shirt, which scratches the bleeding and raw back until the pain is al most unbearable. Both Tracey and Merrill, the con victs who made their escape last -THE- Time is Here TO TAKE F&SBitters It is a gentle system tonic and a correction for the numerous summer ail ments. TALLMAN & CO. WE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS Our Shoes AND Our Prices Fit the Purse This combination, backed by highest quality means a cutting down of your shoe bill. Just think of us when you want shoes and let us satisfy you. I THE PENDLETON PfcceRet26 rtltlttmnnitlttnltimtiitnntntMMMUmtM Fit Oxm work nd test material tmed by C. BERQU1ST tte SfaMufctr, Skf HthhiaMllUNCMtif. xv 1 p Phone n ustm ot v-iu. mack 9i Cleaver Bros. Monday, have been given many whippings. It was on account of the severe whippings in a measure that the escapes were driven to take such desperate chances. THE MEN WOMEN LIKE. Will Worship Man With Big Muscle and Little Brain. Lady Colin Campbell in London News: Women abhor cowards and still more sneaks, though I regret to say they often endure cads in a way that belies their intelligence and good taste. They have a quite pa thetic desire to look up to men, to feel men their superiors in strength of body and of mind, in calmness of judgment and clearness of intellect And it is indeed a pity that men so often seem to go out of their way to destroy their most cherished illu sions. Above anything a woman admires strength in a man. It may be strength of body she will worship a Hercules with the Drain of a gut nea pig. It may be strength of in tellect she will adore a savant with the body of a Gibbon monkey. It may be strength of character she will break her heart for a politician or a financier who is unswervingly wrapped up in dreams of personal advancement, and who posses no more heart than an oyster. But strength in some form she craves un ceasingly. It is an heritltary instinct that baa been beqeathed to her through Eve's disappointment whun Adam was tried in the balance and found wanting. Women, secretly conscious of her own physical weakness and lack of intellectual strength, demands strength from man to make up her own deficiencies. Even the strongest woman, strong in body and mind, well balanced as Athene herself, though she may shield and protect the weakness of the men they love and stoop to help them, will never do bo without a secret feeling of contempt which is destruction of all Ideals. Man, in spite of that deplorable start made by Adam, was intended to be woman's protector and refuge from all harm, upon -whom she could lean and rely In every event of life's pilgrimage, and when the roles are reversed, as they "often so uniortu- nately are, it Is a bad thing for both man and woman. Strength, however, is what women love in men. Filthy Temples In India. Sacred cows often defile Indian temples, but worse yet la a body that's polluted by constipation. Dont permit it Cleanse yonr system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. They gire live ly livers, active bowels, good diges tion, fine appetite. Only Z5e at Tail man fe Co's drug store. After cashing alleged bogus checks by which he secured over 84, James Richards, alias James Olson, alias James Noah, was arrested In Walla Walla on a charge of forgery and is now In the city Jail. Fit Feet ! SHOE COMPANY 645 Mafa St. BH "H aaVBFiK ifflawBHW awaVaVaaam.alafl HAD HIS "Ah!" Mid the tenderhearted lady to the cynical widower, "I reel for your Mlkter'lnailr'the cmlcal widower, with a hard, hard .mile. PERSONAL MENTION. Frank Curl Is in Weston. L. L. Mann is in town from Pilot Rock. George McPherson and wife are in town from Helix. G. W. Bradley is at the Golden Rule from Athena. R. E. Porter, a business man of Meacham, is In town. Attorney Will King is at Hotel St G-orge from Ontario. Miss Eva Froome is spending a few days in Walla Walla, the guest of frlendB. C. J. Freese, the Spokesman-Re view circulation man, is at the Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. J. T. Brown and son left Sun day evening for Seattle to remain three months with friends. Hon. Levi Ankeny and daughter, Miss Harriet Ankeny of Walla Walla, are in town, the guests of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Cranston, of Baker City, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schmidt for a few days, W. C. Behrins, a recent arrival from Roslyn, B. C, has taken a posi tion with Lee Teutscb, in his dry goods store, Rev. W. H. Zeller passed through town this morning, on hiB way to his home In Adams, from Echo, where he preached Sunday. Mrs. David Allen and daughter, Miss Roenna. of Portland, who have been the guests of Mrs. Rose Camp- hell and Miss Myrtle Smith for sev eral days, left this morning for their home. Owen McLaughlin, whose house burned several weeks ago, has receiv ed his check for the $300 insurance on the home. It was insured through J. M. Bentley. W. A Hunt, of Walla Walla, who had been in town several days with his automobile, left Sunday for home, lur. Hunt made the trip coming over, in three hours. Miss Eva Swltzler, who fell from a cherry tree in Walla Walla and broke her ankle recently, is getting along nicely and is able to be around with the aid of crutches. I. L. Ray, the broker, left Sunday for an extensive eastern trip. Chaa. E. French will attend to Mr. Ray's official duties during his absence, which will be several weeks. C. A. Hales, a prominent sheep man of Walla Walla county, passed through Pendleton Sunday on his way from Heppner and Shanlko, where he has been to dispose of wool. Master Clark Shults, who, with his mother, 1b visiting with his grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nye, is suffering from a bad cut in the bot tom of his foot, which he got while wading in the creek. Canyon City News: Dr. J. H. Fell, wife and baby returned Sunday from Pendleton, where they have been vis iting with, the doctor's parents. The doctor's father, C. E. Fell, Is post master at Pendleton. Mrs. Bryson, mother of R. S. Bry son, who has spent the past several weeks visiting here, left Sunday for her home in Corvallis. Mrs. R. S. Bryson accompanied her and will vis it relatives at Eugene and other places in the valley, Dr. W. L. Dick and wife, who have been in Pendleton several months, where the doctor has been practicing with Dr. C. J .Smith, will leave this evening for their home in Columbus, Ohio. They have become very much rttached to this country and will probably return and make their home in Pendleton. Dr. A. H. Brown, of Long Creek, Is 1- town. Dr. Brown says the roads between here and Long Creek are ex cellent and stockmen all through that country are feeling Jabllant over the good range. "Never before in yean baa grass been as good as this year," -said Dr. Brown, "and stock never 'looked better." Dick aad Mike Fierce were arraign ed before Justice Fits Gerald this SUSPICIONa afternoon charged with larceny and were nlaced under bonds of $100 onnh tn nnnnnr for trial Wednesday. Thomas Bergiven Is the complaining witness. He charges tne derenuants with carrying away from his place nn the reservation, one sack of pota toes, one sack of wheat, one sack of Bhorts, half a crate of strawberries and half a crate of cherries, all of the value of $5.25. Blaine Hallock claims to he the champion flsh catcher so far. He went to Bingham Springs Sunday and returned in the evening with 125 nice trout as a result of one day's work. He micht have caucht more. but 125 is the limit for one fisherman in one day, under the laws of Oregon OWED HIM TEN DOLLARS. It Was the Cause of a Scrap on the Street and an Arrest, Thomas Scott and A. Gasaway were arraigned before Police Judge McCourt this forenoon for assault. Scott was dismissed and Gasaway was fined $10, and In default, went to jail for five days. The cause of the trouble, as near as can be learned, was $10, which Scott says Gasaway owed him. Gasaway had been em ployed by Scott as a bootblack and jiist before election asked Scott to bet $10 for him on Furnish's elec tion. Tom bet and lost. He met Gasaway Sunday morning and told him it was about time for him to settle the debt and Gasaway became angry and swore he would lick him. Scott thought little of this threat, but It was only a few minutes until they met on the street and Gasaway started in to make his threat good. He grabbed Tom by the collar and started In to punch his face. Tom took several licks and tried to argue the case with his assailant, Baying he did not want to fight and tried to get Gasaway to atop. He would not, and after being hit a few times, Tom concluded he would protect himself and proceeded to go after his as sailant He only had time to hit two or three blows when Policeman Fee arrived and arrested them, but he had his antagonist about knocked out when the officer arrived. One Mohr railroad on the Columbia makes a great deal of difference. BUT the BABY a pair of slippers red or black, 60c and up Ladled Low Cut Shoes Welted Soles or Turned Cool, comfortable and worth all they cost every day of this hot weather $1.50 TO $3.50 A PAIR Oxford Ties for Men PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ViaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUaHHaHlBBIlBBiaBBialBBH avaaaaaaaaaaaBanaaaatawaaaMsi WOMEN IN BUSINESS one Rbi I Aiw t tfc QueMtlon, Why Do Tfcer FallT To the question, "Why do women fall In business?" the secretary ef a wo. mnn's employment bureau to. London recently said: "Not long ago I set my self to solve that problem. I had be fore me the particulars of some 250 girls and women for whom a certain socloty had been unable to find work. In nearly n hundred of these, cases 'want of training' was set down as the chief reason that work could not be found. Of another fifty 'deficient edu cation' wbb the main hindrance. "Mhlnk some women fnil in business for these reasons want of training, which is another name for lack of ex perience, and deficient education. If insufficient experience prevents a girl from being accepted as a clerk or a nursery governess, how much more likely 1b it to prevent a woman from holding her own when she attempts, In the face of commercial competition, to establish any kind of business for her self? To rnnsler a business properly one should begin at the bottom and work upward. It Is a fatal mistake to try to learn a business from the top, und thoso who have committed the blunder by constituting themselves em. pioyers and mistresses of large enter prises have often fallen to the bottom more abruptly than was pleasant "Some women ascribe their failure to want of capital, but I do not regard this difficulty as a serious one. Too much capital, which prevents a woman from getting any real knowledge of business and leads her to beextrava gant in her Ideas, Is quite as often a hindrance as the possession of too lit tle. "A girl's education should be both thorough and general, though it need not for commercial purposes be schol arly. She also needs preparation for the special kind of business which she Intends to adopt With tblB dowry and nn average amount of mother wit a girl has little to fear. Indeed I con. eider that in many manufacturing and commercial cntt'rprisPH she lias now an especially good pioniioct of bucccbb." Straw hats at Teutsch's. Our Big Reduction WILL CONTINUE UNTIL JULY 1st, 902 immn nun TBirn b n tbti t.h ith iit wtvx inw tifii'kk in km rt a a i n A g . 1 1 l tt l ments of our big store. T IV C? J T Hjrjwunrl THE LYONS MERCANTILE THE LEADERS We have too Many TBI MMKU move them. This gives the ladies a ohance to get A HAT CHEAP at the height of the seasoa. rATDfl71? MIT J. ntion, and abl to .ppreeiate the ; . . buy . FURNITURE, CABPStS, Mate a Wei Stf tht'8 about It, Mote rm -nest 250 001 Try it once- QA1 nfuo. UU1 WUXT CthrPfflMfhrL. Ranches a n r i . t - . . , Association. Office InRO. P. O. Box 324 M. II Real! 4 vb am m . viir HATS, bo make 1 -.iintf ISVJI .,oi!ltSIJl l; i va uffr. and, J" ,- 1 . . it