Stop Your Fretting It is unnecessary, and especially about your shoes. The sure way to settle the shoe problems is to come to our stote, look over the new -ideas, select something that pleases your fanc3', and then let us fit 3'ou. Sim ple, isn't it ? We guarantee to satisfy you. Good Shoes Cheap Dindinger, Wilson & Co. Successors to Cleaver Bros. Phone Black 91 SATURDAY, JUNE SI, 1902. OREGON NATIONAL GUARD. Valley Will Assemble in Willamette July 17-24. The Oregon National Guard -will Assemble at some centrally located point In the "Willamette valley in brigade camp for Instruction, for a period of eight days, July 17-24, incur jor J. Francis Hughes, assistant ad give. This announcement has been I Jutant general, Salem. made bv Governor Geer. commander- Tne state military board consists -intt-r.nvni n rr n.n(ku I ul beven eignt companies, re- ThnTn tho moHor nt JiZoncrlr' trZl BPctIvely; the First (separate) bat panies will be organized for the pres ent. The official staff of the state guard consists of Governor Geer, as com mander In chief, and the following officers: C. TJ. Gantenbeln, adjutant general; Colonel James Jackson, inspector general; Col S. C. Spencer, judge" advo cate general, Portland; Colonel T. 31. Dunne, commissary general, Portland; Colonel L N. Day, chief of engineers, Portland; Lieutenant Col onel C. A. Johns, aide de camn. Ba ker City; Lieutenant Colonel' M. w. Hunt, aide de camp, Salem, and Ma PERSONAL MENTION. J. "W. Smith is in town from Athe-' na. - W. A. Hunt, of Walla Walla, is in town. - H. H. Hallock left this morning for Portland. F. J. Brownell is at the Golden Rule from La Grande. C. A. Barrett, a prominent business man of Athena, is at Hotel Pendle ton. Mrs. Frank Sharpstein, of Walla Walla, is the guest of Miss Mable Nye. Walla Walla Union: J. E .Beam, of Pendleton, paid a visit to this city Thursday. J. H Lawrey left this morning for Salem to be gone several days on le gal business. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purdy, of Spokane, are in town, the guests of friends and relatives. La Grande Chronicle: Miss Olive Jones is quite ill at the residence of her sister, Mrs Palace hotel, which he is advortls in? for sale. W. R. Dunbar, who has been nom ' lnated by President Roosevelt for re- nnnnJntmnnt as resistor of tne an couver Untfed States land office, and whose appointment is now awaiting confirmation by the senate, has been prominent In official life in the north west for the last quarter 01 a ceu ti.rv. Judco Dunbar was born in 1111 nnlK Anri! 7. 1S30. and comes from old Virginia stock. IN THE DISTRICT COURT. ., a. ,mj. . it I ""'"ii, ftJiu ueuuuuaxiers at ia te'w.rV" .7 ?: consisting of three compan- v Hnttnw A T 1 J - m commendation of the state military V 'w t board, mart, at Bn.ini rr,JJA.' .cavalry, of Lebanon, and two dl- held In Portland the naval battalion ir,"! Darlon: Consists Of ComDanv A. Oreirnn of the Oregon guard, consisting of knn dnitntn.r ,J -1 J!.!.! r- M f Mb A fcJLUXAlt. I nnrl r 1I T" Li 1 M. - liav hn nrriorori ,lU,n mui,, ul ruruaUM. me OUrtn action was taken uponerecome -er-1 iS "S&JX dation of the battalion pnmmitito ' -cuSeiie; u, ir, -c-w f , r I wooauurn; ii, Koseberg; F, Salem: u, Albany, and H, Grants Pass. The In view of the impossibility of secur ing a training ship from the govern ment, and also because of failure of the bill introduced into congress with a view to placing the naval reserve under government control. Is Large Enough. xne uregon .National Guard now consists of 18 companies of infantry, one troop of cavalry, and one battery, -umbering In all about 1350 officers and men. The state is allowed 26 companies of infantry and companies constituting the detached separate battalion east of the moun tains are: Company A of Baker City, Company B of La Grande and Company D of The Dalles. Trade Union Congress. The national congress of Trades Unions of -Italy, which includes 83 as sociations of artisans in session at Florence, was addressed br Cheva two lier Vittorio Zeasio. World's Vair- rpn. uuupo UL iuiu npimuuuun i resentauve to that country, on the uas oeen mane xor xne organization subject of the commercial intercourse vr several auoiuonai .companies m between Italv and the TTntrnrf Rfotoc .different sections of the state, but At the conclusion of his address the Adjutant General Gantenbein and congress passed resolutions declaring iue uutie immury uuara are oi me mat the United States' marVet ntTora opinion mat tne state guara is Verdict for Cunningham, In the Case of Frye vs. Cunningham. District court is still in session and suits are docketed up to next Wed nesdnv. and the indications are that court will be in session until the last of next week. In the case of John Frye against Charles Cunningham for damages al leged to be due for injury to grain and pasture by Mr. Cunningham's sheen, the jury returned a verdict William Masterson. I this morning against Mr. Frye. The Dr. W. R. Campbell is in town to- J complaint a d for ?3 00. The J ury t m ' v, were: R. C. Hager, Hugh McLean, W. M. Scott, S. T. Phillips, O. P. Bow man, James Laing, A. Miller, H. C. Mills, John K. Bahr, J. W. McCor mach, L. E. Penland. The case of J. M. Walker against the First National Bank of Athena, came up for hearing this morning and the forenoon was consumed in getting a jury. The jury is compos ed of H. L .Frazier, James Lalng, G H. McDonald. S. T. Phillips, Alex Manning, D. Howdyshell, H. C. Mills, E. W. Sulste. J. W. McCormach, A. IB. Thompson, W. M. Scott, M. M day from his ranch north of town. He says wheat never looked better. E. F. Redd, employed at Byers' flour mill, left this morning for Wash- tucna on an outing trip and to look up a homestead. E. F. Chapler, of the Athena base ball team, left Friday evening for home, arter spending several days here with friends. John Timmerman, of Helix, is in town. Mr. Timmerman says he never saw wheat looking finer in the Helix country than it does this season. HIT A " WEARY iVILUE" B. P. PARISH REFUSED TO BE HELD UP AT ECHO He was Asked For Fifty Cents and Because He Would Not Pungle the Stranger Attempted to Secure the Loan by Force. B. P. Parrlsh, of Cold Springs, camo to town this morning to have his hand dressed, after hitting a would-be hold-np man on the jaw at Echo Friday. Mr. Parrish says he was passing along the principal street of Echo when a "Weary Wil Ho'" looking fellow stepped up to him and asked for a loan of 50 cents Parrlsh told the fellow ho would loan no hobo money to buy "booze" with. The fellow grabbed him and at tempted to pinion his arms down and get his hand Into Parrish's pocket. Parrlsh pulled away from the would be hold-up man and struck him a blow on the under jaw which com pletely laid the fellow cold for sev eral minutes. As a result of the lick, Parrlsh is wearing his hand in a sung. Knocking tnree Knuckles of the right hand out of place He srj-s I that he had 9150 in his pocket utxd Jid not care to be robbed. A .i uiai 'WW; about it .TWisooe Elmer Starr, of the Eugene Uni- J"CK- versity, nephew of L E Penland, passed through town Friday on his way to Dayton to spend the summer. Heppner Gazette: Miss Harriet -.hompson, who has been the guest of Mrs. G. W. Phelps for some time, left Tuesday for her home in Pendleton. "Henry Nelr, of the Honeyman Hardware Company, passed through1 town this morning on his wav to Echo. He will return to Pendleton, this evening. Mrs. Dave Horn and daughter. Blanche, are in town from Upper McKay preparing to start to Califor nia for Mrs. Horn's health. They will leave Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larone. Mrs. Thomas J. Tweedy and Mrs. Came HAS-BEENS WILL MIX. Farcical List of Coronation Cham pionship Fights Starts Tonight New York, June 21. Followers of the pugilistic game on this side of the water are awaiting with more amusement than interest the results of the so-called championship bouts I to be pulled off in London during the coronatiou festivities. According to) the program the series of events will) be inaugurated tonight with a go be-' tween "Spike" Sullivan of America! and Jabez White of England for the! 134-pound championship of the world. 1 Those who are to mix it up during the coming week are "Denver Ed" Martin and Bob" Armstrong, "Joe" walcott Naarlv DIrl nf Rtannflnn A young man in one of our laree cites was recently found in an nn t i A. conscious common, ana upon exam ination it was found that he was dy ing of starvation. Food was given in small quantities and In a few days the patient recovered. There are many other people starving them selves "because they are afraid to eat good, substantial food. Their stom achs are weak and cannot therefore digest it properly. Consequently the patient loses flesh :jid the blood and nerves become impoverished. A fewl doses of Hostettern Rtnmupfc "mtfoicl wil lrestore the stomach to Its normal condition and cure headache, indiges tion, dyspepsia, flatulency, constipa tion and biliousness. It Is the best stomach strengthener and health builder in existence. Try It and see for yourselZ. Mother' Tie Bert 25c m mi mi ret rv I in . t nut Mm MpmW nf l.T.i. Association. umce in h. a P. 0. Box 324 amply large, and no more new com Rt..rHonm r. aicott ana "Tommy" west, Frank r.; ro'Vu'rfiErne and "Pat" Daly, and last and m"!; ' aU ! least "Tom" Sharkey and "Gus" Ru .. . ' lin, who are slated to decide the Mrs. George A. Hartman returned heavyweight "championship." It iruui rHruaaa Tiuay evening, sue would be difficult to get together a iu.-uuuiij.uubu oj- jsiiss Jessie more representative lot of "has- n4ra. ao nas completed a ; beens" than the American fighters course of studies at St Helen's HalL, named, while the few Britishers to Rev. Rosine M. Edwards, recently appear are of no larger calibre, hav- pnncipai or woodcock Academy. lnE taken their turn a long time aeo -THE- iiuw i manv nrtvnntnfto tn Tfallor. ers. and that international Pmiwi. AIMlllum- wash., arrived in the city heing walloped by second-raters tions in the United States offer snlen- on wettnesday and will spend the Irm "lis side of the water. did faclliUes for Italy to increase her f"1 th her Parents. Rer- and Time is Here TO TAEE f&SBitters It is a gentle system tonic and a correction . for the numerous summer ail ments. ' Bisons ana Degs tne royal govern ment to participate officially in the exposition at SL Louis and to con sider how Italy may figure there In the most creditable manner possible. Special Train Leaves Pendleton 9 O'clock a. m. For benefit of Pendleton people de siring to see a first-class ball game and visit their friends in Walla Walla tomorrow, the O. R. & N. will run a special train leaving this city at 9 a. m. Returning, train leaves Walla "Walla at 6:30 n. m. This makes a very pleasant trip for every' Uail IT 0nly ne dUar ountr for a lo'con! He is well Mrs. Edwards, Freewater Times: Hon. A. D Stillman, of Pendleton, will deliver the oration at the Freewater celebra tion. His ability as an orator is un questioned and the committee Is for tunate in securing his services. James Clark, of Lebanon. Linn county, is m with bronchitis at the nome of his si3ter. Mrs. L. E. Pen iana. Air. Clark came to Pendleton several days ago to spend the sum mer here in the hopes of benefiting . 1 . ... - o ms neaitn. Herman Schwartz, a recent arrirnl from Ohio, is in town looking nwr for the round trip. TALLINN & CO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS Mills Money Maktrs MILLS SLOT MACHINES mm worK ior you -m Hours a aay without I Crompensauon-tj I VARIETI ES, aUI 1 MILLS M0VELTY.C0., Chlcart. I1U t. im I ii uj o ovum jeaerun omeu I MEN'S $2.50 SHOES In Colt Skin, Calf Skin and Vici Kid, both Lace and Congress; all style toes. Wear like iron. REAL BARGAINS THE PENDLETON SHOE COMPANY Phone Red J 26 645 Mafa St Utitmiunttiummm,. inft Brims Your Shoes to C. BERQUIST, the Shn it and have them repaired. Skf lltk PlliilUl Un fliptij. ' pleased with Pendleton and Umatilla county. He will leave in a few davs for Priest river, Idaho, to visit a daughter. David Atkins, who has been visit. Ing his brother-in-law, J. E. Rubedew. of the SL Joe store, left Pridav for Moscow. Mr. Atkins is a lumber man or Port Huron. Mich., and is looKing over tnis country while en. joying a pleasure trip. -Heppner Gazette: Miss Ahlma Hallock, accompanied by her grand mother, returned to her home at Pen dleton last Friday morning, after two weeks' visit with her aunt. Mrs W. P. Dutton. Miss Hallock te quite a iavonie witn tne young people of Heppner, who regret that her stay couia not nave been nroloneed. Dr. W. L. Wood, the oculist, has ro- tnrnea to Portland from Arizona where he went for the benefit of hla health, much improved, and resnmde the practice of his profession. Dr. Wood has many friends all over the Northwest who are glad to hear of ni3 better health and his return -to Oregon. Prof, lu E. story and wife are In town, from the McMinnville College. iney are tne guests of Mr. and Mrs L. E. Penland today and this evening win leave ior jueux, where they will visit Mrs. Frank Richmond, who Is a sister of Mrs. Btory. From there they will go to Miltoa aad anesA the summer with Mrs. Story's mother. mm. mewan. .. Portland Oregonlan: JHx-geaator J. W. Jaorrow of Heppaer, expects soon to take up Jus resMeace with hb family la Portlana. The senator has long been prominently Identi fied with the development of Mor. row county, and Is the ewner of much property there. iacla41nr the Racing at Overland. Denver, Colo., June 21. The run ning meeting of the Overland Trot ting and Running Association, which opens today, promises to be one of tne most successful race meetings ever neici in Colorado. Nearly $20,- uuu m state and special races is offered. The event of the opening day ib tne uoiorauo Derby at one and one- eigbt miles. st .inr cm Our Big Reduction WILL CONTINUE UNTIL JULY 1st, J 902 n M n 3 X 1 - t n . t i m uuiuo ouu Lone Huvmiuuro ui uur low nrwm in ui ments oi our Dig store. T3 if - i t -ww l THE LYONS MERCANTILE THE LEADERS "We are going to have a new treatv with Spain. This one will be cheap er man mat now m use. LADIES' SDMIES SHOES Thin soles; nice pretty toes Medium, Low or French heels Vici or Patent Kids $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 SOFT, WIDE Easy Shoes FOR MEN $2.50 i T iinuii m 'A I W L mam LMJtEJJ JiAIB, 80 ,! We have too many TBI aove them. Tflla triuna -fhrnt Martian a nhanna tn fflt A SAT CHEAP it tie height of the seasol. r. A WW TBW TVITI I. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WANTS MARRY- Ayouug accompii pe income. o;Dfi of vn$f Vind di J a ,.laia ihe fteti T ': uy f UJKN1 A UiCKf M&Ja s .I p.