East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1902, Image 5

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r0 Summer Suits for Women just at the right time when
they win De ine raosi usciui. we oner mem at a wonderful
sacrifice price.
Wonil3nme Summer Suits In Covert Cloth. Tan. Or- mi
rn: Eton Jacket, Tailor-made: Skirt with Flounce trlmmwi
, match Jacket, regular price $2.75 and $3.50, Sale Price. $ 1 49
Tht Monte Carlo Salt In Brown Covert Cloth? f!nt vruv,
tw Collar. Stylishly Trimmed; Flounce Skirt trimmert m
stch Coat, regular price $3.00, Sale price. 1 63
nhoice Selection Tailor-made Suits, made from Linen nd
Buck in pretty effects. Shown only In Blue and White and Tan
nd White Bin pes au nuownaac waiBis Deautiruliy trimmed.
Ith uraauauiijr riuuuw oniru aruBuwuiy inmmea. rices
nge from $3.50 to $5.50. Sale price T , . . o 78
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver BrosTDry Goods Company.
WURDAY, JUNE 21, 1902.
Howard, farm loans.
Edge lunch counter. Court SL
aer underwear, 50 cents a
Be free lunch from 9 a, m. till
lit at Gratz's.
:-class cab, day or night,
tione Main 70.
your gAa stamps and get a
set at Teutsch's.
a cool, refreshing- glass of
beer go to Gratz's.
rnold's creamery butter
all stores. Ask for It
le lunch counter, on Court
is now open. Everything in
ihe things you want for eating
cs and -while camping, at
into our comfortable parlors
served with our superior Ice
The Delta.
to loan at lowest rates on
country property. J. R. Dick-
t Oregonian, building.
omliest man in Pendleton, as
the handsomest, and others.
ted to call on any druggist
free a trial bottle of Kemp's j
for the throat and lungs, a
that is guaranteed to cure and
chronic and acute coughs.
bronchitis and consumption.
c and 50c. For sale by Tall-
Co, sole agents.
Ten at ilnnzlker'g never reeret
F IBanr times hflvA mn hnncrht
Wry and altorward charged the
ypuimmeni 10 .Experience I
Experience mar be a gtod
i u-a api xo prove expensive.
Cne&TMr In th A Anil In hnvnf
W)!e dealer.
;Good Jewelry...
Jte not mew price neccM&riljr.
Imtb good lewelrr In RnUnA
,m& Filled and Solid Cold
ly oi prade, but always good.
vekt and Optician
Ktt Door to E. Alzsdr
Straw hats at Teutsch's.
Fishing tackles at Frazier's.
Lunches at Phillips' restaurant.
Latest style shirts at Teutsch's.
Fresh ripe tomatoes at Hawley
Ring up H. Koplttke, 'phone No. 5,
for ice.
Wool and feather dusters at Fra
zier's. Rooms by the day, week or month
at Gratz's.
Thirty gallons of nice gooseberries
tomorrow at Hawley Bros.
McReynold's creamery butter on
sale in all stores. Ask for it
McReynold's creamery butter on
sale in all stores. Asli for It
Fresh live crawfish just received,
at Gratz's, cooked while you wait
Dutton's ice cream Is Just the thing
to satisfy your desire for something
Let Dutton supply you with nice,
rich, sweet cream. Delivered -any
For Sale A good gentle buggy
horse. Safe for lady or child to drive.
J. M. Leezer.
For Sales Six saddle and pack
horses. Inquire at Dutch Henry Feed
Yard. Herman Schwartz.
Good, large, nice, fresh crawfish,
received every Tuesday and Saturday
mornings at Nolte's saloon.
We give free tickets on the bicycle
with every dollar's purchase. Martin's
Family Grocery and Bakery.
Free picnic every Sunday at KIne's
grove. Dancing begins at 2 o clock.
Music by KIrkman's orchestra.
Take advantage of the chance to
get bargains at Mrs. Campbell's
closing out sa of summer millinery
For Sale or Trade Thresher and
power; almost new. win do good
work. Must go. See W. W. Semple,
Rooms in the Ea"t Oregonian build
Ing ..or rent Steam heated, hot and
cold water and lath room In connec
Baseball tomorrow, Indians vs
Sharpshooters, at Walla Walla. O.
R. & N. special train leaves 9 a. m
$1 round trip.
Your evening will be complete M
you drop into the Delta and enjoy
dish of the finest Ice cream ever serV'
ed in Pendleton.
Xost Pair of gold spectacles on
tb streets of Pendleton Monday
Finder will receive reward by return
ing to this ofllce.
Withee, 305 Court St, agent for Dd-
mestlc and Davis sewing machine.
Drop heads from $27.50 to $65 on in
stallmenta. Everything guaranteed.
All kinds of reai estate for sale,
Homes on easy payments, will fur
nish part of purchase mosey,
Rihorn & Cook, rooss 10, Taylor
Walla Walla and return tomorrow,
sixxnai train, faro ?l round trip
or sale or Trade A good dellv
ery wagon. Will trade for a good
norse. see K, Martin.
faclilltz beer is good beer, and Is
served in a nice cool place at the
uoiden Rule basement
Hot weather has no terrors at the
Golden. Rule basement, where good
bcnntz beer is on tap,
Don't fail to try Spokane Brewing
i waiting company's beer. It will
be on draught Monday.
urop into the cool, comfortable
basement of the Golden Rule and on
joy a glass of Schlitz beer.
Free picnic every Sunday at Kine's
grove, uanclng begins at 2 o'clock.
Music by Kirkman's orchestra.
btraw hats, summer underwear,
Deits, and a big line of golf shirts,
popular price goods, at Baer &
ine annual school meeting at
Freewater, district 31, resulted In the
election of William Miller, director,
ana s. a. Miller, clerk,
The St Joe Store will have a sdoc-
lai sale on groceries. - Saturday, as
well as all other goods in this big
store, will be sold very cheap.. Go
after them.
An Invitation to the coronation of
King Edward has reached Baker
City, mailed from England, in three
envelopes, to a gentleman who dries
not desire his name mentioned.
The St Joe Store will have a
special sale on groceries, Saturday
and Monday, June 21 and 23. Gro
ceries as well as all other goods in
this big store will "be sold very cheap.
Go after them.
A committee of five Walla Walla
Modern Woodmen, of which Jeff Jen
Peter West Tells of a Highway Rob-
bery Friday Night on Pruett Hill
The Pocket Money Amounted to
$35.85 Officers tooklng for High
John llackett and Oscar Wnld are
teutng an exciting anorlcnco tlmv
had Friday night with n bold hold-up
man and are grieving over the loss
or ?36.55
Messrs. Hackott and Wald aro em
ployed on Peter West's fnrni, south
of town, and wore in town Friday
aiiernoon ana evening. Thoy start
ed nonie about 10 o'clock p. m., and
when on the Pruett hill, a man call
ed to them from the road in the rear
of them, asking them to wait, as
he was . going that way and would
walk with them. They stonned and
when the highwayman came within
a few feet ho asked them if thoy had
any money, saying ho wanted it if
they had. Hackett and Wald engag
ed the fellow in a tussel. thinking
they could get the best of him and
get away without giving up thoir
money. One of them! got him down,
ana wnen the other started to help
in the fray the hold-up man drow
a revolver and stood them both off.
Then he relieved Hackett of $35.50
and Wald of 35 cents, all the money
they had on them.
When accosted by the robber ho
had a handkerchief over the lower
part of the face and in tho fight this
was torn off so that a good descrip
tion is given of the man by his vie
nings, of the Walla Walla lodge, hims, He was a large man, weighing
is chairman, is arranging for a picnic
of Modern Woodmen in Milton, July
11, to which lodges of Walla Walla,
Columbia and Umatilla counties will
be invited. This scope of territory
may be enlarged, as the committee's
plans are extended.
It is probable that a Northwest
Bankers' Association will bo formed,
as the result of the meeting of the
Washington State Bankers' Associa
tion, now in session in Seattle At
the request of Hon. H. W .Corbett,
of Portland, W. L. Adams introduced
a resolution providing that a commit
tee of three be appointed by the as
sociation to confer with the Portland
Clearing House Association with that
end in view.
Philip R. Weaver, aged 32 years,
died of Bright's disease at a hospital
in Walla Walla, Thursday night. He
had been a sufferer from! the disease
for several years and recently It was
decided to perform: an operation. The
funeral was held today, Saturday,
from the family residence, four miles
northeast of Milton. The remains
were interred in College Place ceme
tery. The deceased was born in Ill
inois and leaves a mother and three
sisters and three brothers all living
In the west
at least 200 pounds, dark complexion
ed, smooth face and was dressed in
a dark suit
After getting the money ho told
his victims to move on, and they
were glad to move, as he had them
covered with a bad looking gun and
threatened to shoot If they disobey
ed. The marshal was notified this
morning and he and the sheriff aro
looking for the hold-up man, who is
probably having a good time spend
ing "easy money," obtained from a
man who had the robber down and
who permitted himself to bo robbed
after such a victory over the robber,
The story, as related, is certainly a
little fishy,
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
Ladies' colored shirt waists, $2.50, $1.50, $1.00,
down to ( , 25c
Ladies' colored petticoats, immense assortment, $5.00,
Sa.oo, $t.oo, down to 50c
Needles, card of 32, including darners and bodkin ... lc
Wrappers, $2.50, $1.00, $t.Jo, $1.25, 98c and 80
Curling irons, 5c, 4c and 3c
Ladies' dress skirts, black and colors, $5.00, $4.00,
$3.00, $2.00 and 08c
Clothes Brushes, regular worth 15c 8c
Ladies' tailor mado salts just roooivod, drnmmors'
samplos; lino of salts no two aliko that wo will
soil at 25 per cent off regular price
Ladies' silk mitts, others sell them for 25c, our price 15c
5000 yards best calico, much as you want, per yard . . 4c
Children's handkerchiefs, each lc
3000 yards Scotch lawn, warm weather dress goods,
per yard 3c
Best lady's shoe on earth for the price. $2 50
400 dozen spool cotton, none better 2)4c
Ladies' linen collars, each 5c
Corset stays, per set 5c
Pearl buttons, all, sizes, per dozen 5c
Try one pair of our Boys' hose for 22c
t PeoDles Warehouse
Send for
OEPPEN'S drug store
LZ St IWartf tfce CotJft Howe
The Dayton Aggregation Not in
" With the Indians.
Pendleton won the baseball game
with the Dayton team in the latter
city again on Friday, by a score of 9
to 4. This is the sixth game played
by these two teams, and the Indians
have walked away with the honors in
every game. The Pendleton team
made five errors and Dayton made
seven. Eleven hits were scored by
Pendleton and seven by Dayton. Phil
lips made a home run for Dayton.
Score by Innings:
Dayton 01010011 0-4
Pendleton 40221000 09
Thursday's game was won by the
Pendleton team by a score of 16 to
4. The team played Dayton again
this afternoon and will come to Walla
Walla and cross bats with the Sharp
shooters Sunday afternoon.
George Peringer Sells This Splendid
Animal to a enver Man.
Mount Hood, the famous Eastern
Oregon trotter, has been sold to Geo.
H. Easterbrook, of Denver. Mr. Per
inger has Just returned from Colo
rado Springs, where he raced the fa
mous trotter in the grand circuit and
won second money. His new owner
will take the horse' and complete the
circuit, as be is entered in all the
events. While Mr. Peringer will not
state the price paid for Mount Hood,
he said that he brought the largest
figure ever paid for a trotter from
Eastern Oregon.
Rathbone Comes Home.
E. G .Rathbone, former director of
posts in. Cuba, who was sentenced to
10 years' imprisonment, and to pay a
fine of over $35,000, as a result of
the trial of the postofllce frauds, and
who was released in consequence of
the signing of the bill Juno 9,
granting general amnesty to all
Americans in Jail or awaiting trial in
Cuba, has sailed for New York. A
number of prominent Cubans and
Spaniards accompanied him to the
President Lytic, of the Columbia
Southern, says that there will bo a
wool clip of 7,500,000 pounds of wool
brought into the market at Shanlko
this season.
Now Is the Time
for the
to consider their
Oxford Shoes
A fine line to select
$2.50 to $3.50
The prices that please and
the qualities that wear
Crystal Crepe Paper
All Shades, Full Rolls, 10c
New Shipment of
goc, 98c, Si. 19
and $1.33.
Th e H e a v y
Grade, that will
not crack easily.
25c, 39c and
v 5c, ioc and 15c a
TOILET BOA IB Another largo ship
ment 01 uuHuies, Almond, .Jiuttvr
mllk SoapH, Etc., at 48c a dozen.
prices will enable you to celebrate at
a small coat.
Frederick Nolf
We arc prepared to do your work
and ask you to call on us.
Charges will be right.
Office at
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
Kit Hays & Connerley
The Plumber and
For First Class Work ut
RoaBonublo Prlcos
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joo Storo, Near Court St,
' Dally East Oregonian by carrier,
only 15 cents a week.
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples War ehoase
BusIneM at That Point About
CloMd for the Season.
Shanlko, June 2L Last night clos
ed the wool sales at this place and
saw the wind-up of most of the sales
from here for this season. In two
days' sales 1,200,000 pounds of wool
changed from the hands of the grow.
er to the buyer, which is the largest
sales made in Oregon in the same
length of time this season. E. W,
Brigham purchased the Baldwin
SheeD & Land Company's clip, con
sisting of 230.000 pounds, paying 166
cents. The other clips were in small
er lots and sold to George Abbott, ES.
Y. Judd and Mr. Bllery and brought
Boston Store
To Assimilate Pood
see that your stomach pnd
liver are in proper condition.
To do it easily and pleasant
ly take
SoldXwvbM. InboMilOdbadM.
We will soil TWENTY-FIVE DOZEN Mon'a and Boys'
Straw Hats, all sizos and Bhapes ; men's 6 3-4 to 7 1-2 ;
boys' 6 1-4 to 7
Straw Hats
all of whioh were bought this season, and we are going
to sell thorn all this season, too, because we never want
to carry over goods, See ? Then we don't have to
show old styles.
This is tho way we are going to dispose of ikm,
See for Yourself,
r LmmJJ -A
from 13 to 14& cents.