i ii mi i mil 111 iiiimimmmimmn ICC ATTnAUl UECIPES. fl (1 TV fl A DOUBLE EVENT Mil B B B E B B 'B B B B B B B B B Two important events are slated for this week's business 0ne that will benefit you and one that wiirbeneflt others. You will be very much interested in both movements, so please read on. AST YEAR'S SHIRTWAISTS Shirt Waists that were 85c, $1, $150 and $2, NOW 9c 4 Shirt Waists that were $1.50, $2 and $3, NOW 8c IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THEM. Alexander Dept. Moref HIIIIMIIIIMMMIIMMMIIIMMIMIimiUMI It's This Big A bar of Diamond "C" laundry soap is 4j inches long; 2i inches wide and lU inches high. It costs a little more or a little less than five cents a bar depends upon market conditions and the cost of the tallow used in its manufacture. A bar of Diamond TT Soap is.enongh for a week's washing for a family of five. SAVE DIAMOND "C" WRAPPERS -We redeem them for all sorts of useful and attractive articles. Illustrated book showing over 300 premiums civen for wrappers, sent on re quest. A postal will brine it. PrenlMi Befit, The Cwiafcy Facktof S. Omaha, Nek. ' II L3k n nn nm m in mmimmm TmmnuMmnumM': SATURDAY I and MO NBA T 1 - SPECIAL PRICES :-: 3 Ladies' Colored Wash Shirt Waists, One-fifth Off. Lawns and Batistes, price cut to 5c to... 8j6c Swisses and Dimities, price cut to 8 c to 11c White Goods, price cut to 5c to 19c Mercerized Ginghams, price cut to 19c Striped Dress Gingham, price cut to 8C French Gingham, price cut to. 21c Linen Crash for Dresses, price cut to 86c Linen Skirts, price cut to 45c to $1.00 Cap Sheaf Safety Pins 5c Hooks and Eyes, a card for - lc HEW ARRIVALS B ack Taffeta Dress Silks Black Peau de Soie Satin Taffeta Neck Ribbons .., Ladies' Silk Waists (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink and Red) ; ' : j ' j, Ladies White Suede Gloves LarliftR White Button Silk Gloves Ladies Black Button Silk Gloves Ladies Black Lace Gloves Ladies White Lace Gloves Tony Pearl Dress Buttons Newest Creations in Ladies' Belts JUST ARRIVED ! 3 3 a 3 3 BOSTON STORE IV UtllUliUlUU 3 UiUUUIC LEG AL BLANKS HPrt1hmm. A UA mtfflr always kef stock. RAILROAD KING HARRIMAN AS A HORSE TRAINER. E. n. Harriman, the roan who fought J. P. Morgan for the control of Northern Pacific, is one of the roost powerful railroad men in America. He it a scientist and trainer of trotters when not busy in Wall street. MUCH BEER DRUNK SPOKANEITES DRINK MORE THAN THEY EAT More Money Paid for the Product of the Brewery than of the Butcher Shops Nearly 40 Barrels Per Day. There Is $3000 more nor montli spent on beer In Spokane than for meat says the Spokesman-Review. By meat is not meant beef alone, but there Is taken Into consideration beef, pork and mutton. A careful es timate places the monthly consump tion of beer in Spokane at $31,020, and the amount spent for meat at 128,000. 'Of the beer $17,895 is for bulk or keg beer and $13,125 for bot tled beer. Liquor dealers consider this a conservative estimate. Of the money spent on meat $18,000 is for beef. The large butchers of the city es timate that 300 steers are slaughter ed each month to supply the Spokane trade. When dressed and cut up for the retail market the sonsumer pays about $60 per head for the beef. A large amount of mutton is also con sumed. It is estimated that Spokane meat eaters use 1000 head of sheep each month for the table. The re- tall butcher receives about $5 per head for each sheep, making the amount spent for mutton about $5000 a month. For pork there is a great er demand than for mutton. An av erage for the whole year wouid place the total number of hogs slaughtered at 500 head. For these 500 hogs the customer pays about $5000. This brings 'the total amount of meat con sumed up to $28,000. Near y 40 Barrels a Day. An average estimate for the pro duction of beer In Spokane would be 1193 barrels a month. Excluding e amount shipped out to country towns, the retailer realizes from these 1193 barrels at least $15 per barrel. This brings the total amount consumed for Spokane beer up to $17895 per month. There are five breweries in Spokane and the out put is estimated not from the capac ity, mut from the number of stamps sold by the internal revenue office. The wholesale price of beer is $8 a barrel. The income of $15 a barrel Is low and offsets the amount of beer exported. Some , saloons make as high as $24 a barrel from beer, while others do not make more than $12. The size of the glasses used and the class of customers deter mine the amount made from the beer. In many resorts beer is drank from small glasses, more for socia bility than anything else. Ou the other hand the saloons patronized by the laboring classeB a good trade Is acquired by the size of tho glass es. In many places a schooner is the only vessel used. Much Bottled Beer Bought Here. But Spokane beer Js not the only beer used In Spokane. Its five brew eries do not begin to supply tho de mand. There Is a steady and largo trade throughout' the year for tho eastern bottled beers. This demand comes from families and other con sumers. There aro five different brands of beer shipped Into Spokane which aro largely used. It is a queer coincidence that about as much beer of oneNrand 1b consumed as of an other. The "Beer that made Mil waukee famous" has no larger con sumption than other well known brands. A low estimate places the, number of cam of' eastern beer ubipped Into Spokane at 75 per Var, This is al most entirely bottled beer, and a c&t load contains 100 ' barrels. In one barrel there are 70 , bottles, making the total number of bottles of beer consumed in one year 625,000. The beer will bring about the sum of 30 cent per bottle, making a total of $157,500 per year for bottled bcor, or $13,125 per month. This is only $4770 less than tho amount consumed for tho bulk beer. A conservative estimate shows that thoro is paid In Spokane for beer an average of $31, 020 per month. For niteat thoro is spent $28,000 por month, or $3,020 less than for beer. NO GREASE OR DANGEROUS DRUGS. In "Herplclde" The New Scientific and Successful Dandruff Treat ment. Have you dandruff? Then you have a contagious parasite disease, un pleasant, unhealthy and one that will eventually lead to baldness. To cure it you must destroy tho parasite that cats at the root of tho hair: Tho only preparation for destroying these germs Is Newbro's Herplcde. Charles Klein, of Laramie, Wyo., says: "Her plclde allayed tho itching and curod the dandruff and stopped my hair's falling out; and it is bringing a new crop of hair." Herplcldo Is free from grease or dangerous drugs, and makes hair glossy and soft as silk One bottle will convince you of Its merits. ATHENA TO ACCEPT CHALLENGE If It Comes From Cohen, and Not Ziegler, Games Will Be Played. If Manager Cohen, of the Pendle ton baseball team, issues the same challenge that Captain Zleglor has taken upon himself to send forth, there will likely bo a battlo of Pen dleton and Athena baseball teams, before July 4, thinks and says tho Walla Walla Union. Tho series will turn, if it turns at all, on two best out of three games, and Its being played in Walla Walla would mean a great deal to Walla Walla In many ways. All of Athena and Pendleton would be here for tho contests and as they would of necessity bo played on the Second street grounds, tho lo cal baseball club would realize some thing from tho series as well as the visiting teams. One thousand dol lars would be the purse, and it 1b con fldently believed that tho gato re ceipts would more than doublo that figure for three games. Manager Ob born, of Athena, is a conservative man and will not recognize a chal lengo Issued by a mere team captain, realizing that if ho did so there might bo Interference from the real i head of tho Pendleton team. No 1 manager can go about making dates for games with field captains and It is I for this reason, it is claimed in Walla Walla, that Mr. Osbom has lot tho Pendleton open letter go without an- 1 swer. It is positively known here I that Athena stands ready to put up ithe $500 at a moment's notice. AH I Walla Walla hopes tho games will be arranged for and all Walla Walla ... l 11. i n win turn out. io ueu iuuiu i mu Saved Fro,., an Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had consump-1 tion' wnies airs. a. ai. buigius, vi Chambersburg, pa., "i was bo iow after six months of sovero sickness caused by bay fever and authtra, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr, King's New Discovery for Cornump tion, used It and was completely cured." Tor desperate tnroat ana Inn? rifflflanea it la tho Sl.feit Cure in tha world, and Is Infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affec tions. Guaranteed notuea uc ana $1. Trial bottles free at Tallman k Co.'a. Maccabees Social. All Maccabees and ladle are urg ed to bo present at Strawberry .so cial, Tuesday evening, June Uth, 1902, at Secret Society Hall. J. S. Keea, Record Keeper. i i i Free picnic every Sunday at Kiae'a grove. Dancing begins at 3 o'eleck. Music by Klrkaaa'a ercheetra. Is the Komlor Stock at tho Groat Closing-Out Snlo. Peoplo aro nnxiously seizing on to tho goods ' whilo tho opportunity is horo. DOLLARS ARE BEING SAVED Don't lot tho chanco go by LOOK AT THESE PRICES 10-pound box Crackors, per box 65c All kinds of Tea, per pound 40c Lamp Chimneys less than cost French Sardines, por box tOc Galvanized Tubs 70c to 90c Wash Boards 20c to 40c SYRUPS Komler's beat 2-gal jackots cut fr'm $1.16 to ''90c Ktmler's best 3-gol " " " 1.65 to $125 H. 15 to J 75 I. 25 to i 00 1.85 to t 45 2.40 to i 90 Komler's beat 4-gal Ghoc'late Cream 2-gal " Choc' I ate Cream 3-gal " Choc'late Cream 4-gal " CANNED GOODS Tomatoo8, corn, beanB, poaa, regular price 2 for 2oc por can tOc Monopole f ruit,high grado,cut f m 25o can to 20c Standard table fruits, 7 cans for i 00 Salmon, 4 cans for... 25c Hams and Bacon, per pound t4c Oatmeal, per pound 4c Rope, per pound, from to i2c Schilling's baking powder, per pound 40c Schilling's Typical blend coffeo, por pound 20c Cane sugar, per sack 4 90 Beet sugar, per sack 4 80 Potatoes, per hundred t 50 Best cream cheese, per pound J 6c Silk soap, 6 bars for 25c Golden Star soap, 6 bars for... 25c Dairy salt, 50 pound sucks, per sack 90c Flour, per sack 75c Dairy butter, por roll 25c Creamery butter, per roll 50c Macaroni, 1-pound package f Oc All kinds of lye, per can tOc Sea Foam, large packages, 6 for 25c All kinds of axle grease, per can 5c and tOc Arbucklc's and Lion Coffee 8 pekg $t OO Mason Fruit Jars, Qts. 75c, Half-gals 90c Dot Everything elite in Our Grocery Ctst Accord ingly. Cash Only Goes at this Sale. No Credit Given Anyone. , All parties knowing themselves to he in debted to me will please call and settle in cash or by bankable paper before July t. All cm settled, accounts July t will be put in the hands of my attorney for collection. D. KEMLER i Closing Out Sale UAU JTf yri I Pct people to knew Wlia HOW Uv Y VJU you have to Mlllf yon don't The new etore can never be A 0F?CI Tift P? O known unle ft arivertleea nt, w I I I J r GRAND FREE PICNIC mnanv 1lliriA AIAlir sdSday" MPI t o liKUVt Dancing Begins at 2 o'clock each Sunday. Bkssis to and from the grounds day and Night. RESTAURANT OH GROUMDB. The grove oai be Mgaied for ploilo parties by apeiyiig to raxvK bjuth, at Mm A if. J '