East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1902, Image 8

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    Stop Your Fretting
It is unnecessary, and especially about your shoes.
The sure way to settle the shoe problems is to come to
our stote, look over the new ideas, select something
that pleases your fancy, and then let us fit you. Sim
ple, isn't it ? We guarantee to satisfy you.
Go& Dindinger, Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1092.
I. as Recently in Pendleton and Stood
on the Corner Asking Alms.
Thomas Dunraven, a blind tramp,
61 years old, who arrived in Portland
several days ago from Butte, Walla
"Walla, The Dalles and other points,
was escorted to an electric car at the
corner of First and "Washington
streets, In order that he might fol
low his inclination and go to Vancou
ver, "Wash., says the Oregonian.
nnnmvpn -was taken to the police
station on Saturday, and on the way
he displayed a very vicious temper
and scratched one of the officers.
He was taken In as drunk, but yes
terday when questioned about it he
Btoutly denied the charge, and said
"he had just stepped off the train
when the officers picked him up, and
that he did not even suspect that the
police had hold of him, or he would
not have resisted. Dunraven was
sent from the police station to the
court house yesterday for examina
tion for commitment to the poor
form I
Superintendent Hansen of the' poor
farm was present, aiso county rut
alclan Harry F. McKay and Clerk
Ronreo FawcetL County Commis
sioner Showers also dropped in while
the inquiry was in progress, uia
Tom proved to be quite a chracter,
and wen able to take care of himself.
Tria .inthlne vras of the Weary "Willie
style, and his general make-up sug
gested the genus hobo." He said he
-was a native of uuoun, ireianu, auu
he denied any kinship with Lord
Dunraven. He stated that he had
met with a accident seven years ago
by which he lost his eyesight One
eye is completely gone, and the other
Jb sightless. Dr. McKay asked,
-"What did you do before you became
Time is Here
It is a gentle system tonic
and a correction for the
numerous summer ail
ments. TALLMAN & GO.
$2.50 SHOES
In Colt Skin, Calf Skin and Vici Kid, .
both Lace and Congress; all style tbea.
Wear like iron.
PhooeRed J 26
Being Yomt Shoes to C. BERQUIST, fee Shoeauriwr,
and have them repaired. Stop With PMaMll ttM Cwpny.
blind, Tom; I suppose you worked as
a laborer?" "No," answered Tom, "I
never worked hard. I ran a locomo
tive in Nevada once. At the time of
the Hayes presidential campaign I
kept books for General Banning, at
Wilmington, Cal. I've done different
thingB." Asked about his relatives,
the old man answered, "I had a
brother who was a captain In the re
bel nrmy, jnd I have F brother wno
is a detective. I was in the rebel army
myself, in the Twenty-Grst Louis
Tom proved that he was not a pau
per by exhibiting about $10 in cash.
He declined to go to the poor farm,
and said he would go back to Mon
tana, after taking a trip to Vancou
ver. He explained that he made a liv
ing by selling pencils and shoe
strings, or sleeve buttons, and that
he had hopes of recovering the sight
of his eye as an English doctor had
told him that the scum could be re
moved. There was a vein of humor In the
old fellow. He called the city jail the
city hall, and said there was the
hardest crowd of officials he had ever
struck, but the people of "Walla
halla," he said, were all right. He
was put on the car by a good natur
ed person and Bent on his way re
Lately Brought Out by a Portland
Man Much Claimed for it Grow
ers are Interested.
A new strawberry lately brought
out by a Portland man is attracting
much attention from the local grow
ers, says the Walla Walla Statesman.
So much is claimed for the new va
riety that by Introducing it in the
Walla Walla valley a valuable acqui
sition to the berry crop might be the
Mr. Magoon has been experiment
ing for the past three months with
the new berry which he has named
the Black Diamond and it has now
reached such a degree of develop
ment and beauty that he feels war
ranted in calling It a success.
The berry is dark in color dark
er, Mr. Magoon Bays, than any he
has ever seen and It has a most de
licious flavor. It is somewhat smal
ler than the Magoon, and it is so
firm that Mr. Magoon feels sure that
it will be successful as a shipper.
He has half an acre of the Black
Diamond on 'his place at Gravel Hill,
but the output this year will not oe
sufficient for his to place any quanti
ties on the market. However, he
says the Black Diamond iB a prolific
grower, twice as fruitful, he thinks,
ns the Clark Seedling and he looks
for m-eat results in the matter of
quality. Mr. Magoon has this year
about three acres In Dernes. ine
season has been backward, and the
crop comparatively small, due to the
rains that prevented penect poweni
Free picnic every Sunday at Kine'B
grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clocE.
Music by Klrkman's orchestra.
645 Mai St. '
E. C. Rogers is at the Golden Rule
from Adams.
Charles H. Miller is at Hotel Pen
dleton from Echo.
I. M. Bates and George T. Thomp
son, are in town from Walla Walla.
Mrs. Stahl, a well-known business
woman of Walla Walla, was in town
Thursday night.
Attorney M. A. BuUer left Thurs
day evening for Portland after spend
ing the day in town.
Mrs. James Agee is suffering from
mumps. She recently returned from
a visit to relatives in the valley.
Louis Hagen, a prominent farmer
from north of town, is in town today.
He sayB that crops are looking fine.
Mrs. Rudolph Martin will accom
pany her children to Ukiah, Sunday,
where they will spend the summer at
the home of Jacob Born. Mrs. Martin
will return Monday.
W. H. Stamper, of Weston, Is in
town. Mr. Stamper says he never
saw better prospects in Umatilla
county for an immense wheat crop,
and he has been here a long time.
Mrs. Electa E. Benton, representing
Dodd, Mead & Co., of New York and
Chicago, is In Pendleton in the inter
ests of their latest and finest work,
the New International Cyclopedia, a
work which treats 60,000 subjects.
Colonel Dudley Evans, president of
the Wells-Fargo Express Company,
with headquarters in New York, pass
ed through Pendleton this morning
on his way to Portland, where he
resided for" years prior to 1885.
J. J. Stoddard, editor of the Star
buck Signal, was in town Thursday
Mr. Stoddard says that
Starbuct: is a thriving little town at
present, but the most noticeable
things there are the "Weary Wil
lies." J. P. Walker was elected as a del
egate to the grand lodge meeting of
the Woodmen of the World at Crip
ple Creek, from the fifth district con
vention in Weston, Wednesday, in
stead of J. P. Earl, as was published
by the East Oregonian.
Otis Franklin, of the Tenth Bat
tery Artillery, stationed at Fort
Walla Walla, has been visiting his
mother, Mrs. Ida Franklin, in this
city. Bert Kirkwood and Henry
Newton, both of the Tenth, were with
him on a three days' lay-off.
It Is Asserted that Convicts Work
Ten Hours a Day on Diet of Boil
ed Beans.
It one-half is true that is said
about the menu that is Bet before the
convicts in the state penitentiary,
Merrill and Tracey, the escaped out
laws can be scarcely blamed for
escaping from prison. Men in Baker
county who have recently been re
leased from the penitentiary, tell
some hard tales about the prison bill
of fare. Of course it Is not always
god judgment to take the word of an
ex-convict without due allowance,
hut there is a surmising unanimity
about these Btories, and they are co
rroborated from other sources.
is said that the able bodied men
who do hard labor for ten hours a
day make their breakfast on beans
alone and are allowed, no meat
Visitors to the prison say they have
seen men go to work mornings stag
serine from sheer weakness.
If these stories be true, and it
seems reasonable to believe that
thfv are the state Denitentlary
should be investigated. Ample, not
tn rrv liberal. aDDroDrlatlons are an
nually made by the legislature for
the maintenance of the prison as weii
as for other institutions, and if the
bll of fare is as poor as it is said to
be there must be a big graft for
somebody, somewhere, somenow.
The Iniquitous fee system by
which the Blender salaries of all
Oregon state officials is augmented
Is In a measure responsible for this;
but the "Salem hog" and the eternal
Salem habit of grafting is more so,
J. C. Saltmarsh vs. O. R. &. N. Co
for $20,000 Damages.
The case of J. C. Saltmarsh vs
the Oregon Railroad & Navagation
Company, was dismissed from the
court this morning on the ground of
Insufficient evidence to constitute a
case. This is the end of the attempt
to collect $20,000 'from the railroad
company for Injuries received while
crossing the track at the crossing of
Alta street In 1900. The defense
showed that the injury was caused
by negligence on the part of the
Fry vs. Cunningham.
The case of John Fry against Chas.
Cunningham for .damages for the ".de
fondant's sheep running on plaintiff's
land, Is before the court today.
Amount of Water "Required for Each
Acre of Irrigated Land.
Facts of interest in connection
with the amount of water used in
western Irrigation are furnished by
a description of the Vernal Valley ir
rigating Byatom of northeastern Utah
now in preparation for one of the to-
ports of the United States Geological
Survey. The Vernal Valley Is a fer-
. imnfnlv 20 miles
'ng K S to boundaries
Sng sharply defined by the sur
rounding foothills. The soil is a
3 loam and the principal crops
are alfalfa and oats. Like many oth
er sections of the west the mean an
al precipitation in the Vernal Val
lev Is small, being only a little o or
& inches, an amount entirely insula
cient for agricultural Pes; fur
thermore, the annual snowfall Is
light and there is no well defined
rainv season. Hence, without the
use 'of water the land is practically
worthless for cultivation, its value
being placed at $1.25 an acre, "ft 1th
the construction of irrigation ditches
however, and with the assurance : 0(
a good water supply, the same land
at once increases in value to $30 per
According to the Twelfth census
25,000 acres of the Vernal Valley are
under ditch, 17,471 acres of which
"ere being cultivated in 1900 by
means of irrigaton, the population
numbering 6000. All the water which
has been diverted for use upon the
laud is taken from Ashley Creek, a
tributary of the Green river. From
this stream there are three main en
nals, besides a 'number of smaller
ones, each drawing a spewunu,
amount of water which has been al-j
lotted by law.
Measurements have been made at
various times, by the hydrographers
of the United States Geological Sur
vey, of the amount of water appro
priated by the canals and used upon
the land. The combined maximum
capacity of the canals of the valley
was found to be sufficient to allow
350 cubic feet of water to pass in
or,nh Rppnnri of time. The records of
the flow of Ashley Creek and of the
various Irrigation canals, during the
season of 3900 show that 48,355 acre
feet approximately, were used upon
17,471 acres, the area Irrigated that
year, which would be equivalent to
an average depth of 2.8 feet of water
over each acre. The discharge "of
48,355 acre-feet as noted above, for
the six Irrigating months represents
a mean flow of 133 cubic feet per
second or, expressed in other terms,
the duty of water in the Vernal Val
lev was 1 second-foot in 131 acres.
The Portland free swimming baths
are now in operation.
Thin soles; nice
pretty toes
Medium, Low or French
Vici or Patent Kids
$3.00 $3.50
Easy Shoes
Summer School for Boys
Bummer Season of
Open Irom July I to Angu3l. For day
and boarding itudenu. School aeaslon
only In forenoon; recnutlon all the
alternoon. For particular! apply or
write to DR.'j. W. IIIlX
Hill Military Academy Prlnc,P1
liar,-ball and 21th 8t
Portland, Oregon.
Telephone Main 4.
French Notables Visit St Louis and
Are Entertained by Louisiana
Purchase Exposition Officials.
World's Fair GroundB, St. Louis,
June 14. M. Michael Lagrave, Com
missioner general of France to the
Louisiana Purchaso Exposition, ac
companied by Count and Countess
do Rochaniboau and other distin
guished members of tho Rochambeau
party, were delighted with their vlait
to St. Louis, where they were guests
of officers of tho Louisiana Purchase
Fefore his departure from New
York for France, M. Lagrave tele
graphed President Francis of the
World's Fair expressing in behalf of
the French government, his sincere
thanks, and also tho gratitude of the
other members of tho party,. for the
welcome extended to the commission
er general and his party for France
during thoir stay in St. Louis. "We
have all been happy to see what the
future World'B Fair promises to be."
said tho commissioner-general, "and
we are already certain that under
your high direction it Is assured of
a great success.
To this kind expression President
Francis replied: "Wish you pleasan1
and safe journey home. Enjoyed
your visit and hope results wm bring
more closely together the people who
formerly owned this fair country and
those who now inhabit It, the leading
republics of the old world and the
new. We appreciate your kind ex
pressions concerning our exposition;
feel greatly encouraged thereby; and
shall endeavor to make It worthy of
the participation of the great nationB
whose co-operation we have Invited."
During his visit to the World's Fair
grounds M. Lagrave selected a site
on which will be erected tho French
The posse is still Merrllly Tracing
the convicts.
a i aut a un
Our Big Reduction
UNTIL JULY 1st, 902
finrrm and takn arlvaTitae'fi of nnr low nrices lltU
ments of our big store.
Remember: Money Saved Is MoneyMA
Millinery Safe
We have too many TRIMMED HATS, Bo.mafceprwa
move them.
. . .. ... i i- nAf a n
.mis gives tne laaies a ununuo &
HAT CHEAP at the height of the season.
eition, and able
hiiv TTirPrtfT
inn shin rn annrouiKiu y r .
ii mi'i'i inu raKroiw,
Mam afl Wett St"
On rwl ... . fe i
down nn 4 W
that's r
. " we tiki
about n.
.This is one re
me uest 25c COITB -.
Trv it nnnn .
. JUU Will h-. !
J 14
.11)1 CIIIIUW Offm
Wheat Undsaa
ity Property tar su.
Office in E. 0.
P. O. Box 324 PENDL
ii ui i iv -
aCCOH'i""-. ' x.
i iiu r .
mfQ 1 1 l.U r
.1 ini. bum-'
a rM?P'S