East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1902, Image 6

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1 1 HIM W
Minim u
FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1092,
Our Special Sale on Men's
and Boys' suits will continue
all-week. Special reductions
on all suits sold this week.
Buy your new suit this week
and save money enough on
it to buy you a nice dress
The Fait
Where Whole Families Can
Local News and Personal Mention
A Tarantula From California.
The East Oregonian is indebted to
the Weston Leader for the following
W. H. Pruott has greatly declined
in health of late at bis home near
town, causing much uneasiness to his
family and friends.
At the recent conference in Waver
ly, Wash., Rev. W. S. Payne was re
turned to the pastorate of the United
Brethren church at Weston for an
other jear.
Mrs. Fred Taylor and Mrs. James
Estes, who -were the guests during
commencement of Miss Gertrude
Preston, returned Friday to their
homes at Pendleton .
Kester Kirknatrick came over
Take a Look
at the swell new
patterns in
that have won the admira
tion of all who have
looked at them. They are
the cream of the beautiful
things of this season's
We will save you money
if you allow us to figure on
your job. '
Open Home Block
Court 8t.
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
Being one of the largest man
afacturing plants on Puget
sound are able to sell you
lumber cheaper than anyone
else. New lumber coming in
every day. They also make
all kinds of boxes, including
Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry,
and Plumb and berry crates,
and are prepared to make you
prices either in small lots or
Lhe fioneexs oi
the Padftc-
A Strictly Up to Date Inrarance
Afford j Abcolnio Protection and Pays
CUlnu Promptly.
hxad omcx:
It Well established
In Sevan HUtea.
For Mountain Tra? el
r We have opened a livery fltable at
emi npnngs wnere tne public will
mnu gooa turnouts.
We make a specialty of conveying!
Jjeople to and from Teal Springs.
The Depot Stable,
Barney Sherry and Elvin Craig,
Train Men Are Having Plenty of Fun
With the "Weary Willies" All
Along the Road Scarce in Pendle
torii Train crews along the main lines
of the O. It. & N. railroad, and es
pecially out of Portland, aro com
plaining of the surfeit of hobofl. This
is the time of year tliai all the
"Weary Willies" are making their
rounds of the country tryinc to make
a living without work, and every part
of the country is penetrated by them
The brakie salong the line are com- from "Walla Walla Sunday, returning
i,c" lu t-umuut una mese ieuows to the hospital Tuesday, accompa-
on every train mat goes over tneinimi , i,io tnthnv Tin in -miinnllv
lines and especially during the night rAfW.rinr- fmm hi's serimiR sirkness.
time. I nnr) folt mtinh tinnofltoil )iv hid trln
iugj are usuauy noia, too, uiis h,nmo
spring, ana many times when anem- c. A. Barnes recentlv sold a house
pioye of the railroad company lo- nnrt Int or Wallace street. onDosite
cates one and goes to put him off, the normal school grounds, to C. M.i
ne win snow lignt and the brakeman pierce. Mr. Barnes afterward bought
u uuuipeiitju 10 can assisiunce the Coverdale property on Broad,
to put tne fellow off. street, consisting of a house and four
Train Man Talks. lots, to Svhich his family has moved,
In SDeakinc of these cenus of the A restless and discontented taran-
road, a brakemnn running In atif! nnt tula which had been shanghaiied from
of PeniliPtnn hmi this to sav nhmtt its sunny home In California, arrlv-
them to an East Oregonian reporter ed at Culler's grocery the other day
Thursday evening: lu a bunch of bananas. It evinced
"Tramna this voar htp uellnr thnn no inenanncss towaru strangers in
usual. They have to be nut off the a strange land, and was promptly dis
train a dozen times between stations patched and bottled
and if you cive them a chance thev Mr. Alexander McCorkell and Miss
show fiKht The bovs tell me thev Amy N. Taylor were united in mar
are a fright out of Pasco and they riae June 10, at. we resilience ui
are little better out of Pnrtlanrt hut the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
from Pasco thpv jit-p Rr thinL- thnt Frank 'Taylor, near Griggson. C. R.
they cannot be stirred with a stick Lamar, pastor of the Baptist church
and no less than a dozen tussels havn united the young couple, who have
been, had between the dinebats and tne heartiest well wishes of friends
the brakies. .Louis Bonlfer, a pioneer or lobl,
"Trampa are averse to being nut 67 years old, died last week at his
off a train in that section where uome near Athena, after a long sick'
houses are scarce and water is scare- ness- He left a "wife, son and daugfr
er and if a train is stonned and a te-' children being David Bonifer
Weary Willie elected he swincs him- M"-11 Mrs. Clara Duffy. Dave did not
self under on the rods again as quick know of his father's death until he
as the train starts and there is lttle reiurneo. j. uesaay irom anaue river.
chance to keeD him from it unless E. Beam, who 20 years ago was
one of the train crew stands by until Weston's Poo Bah, being chief of po
the last car passes and keeps him llce superintendent of streets, dep
fought off. In doing this the train uty sheriff, constable, baseball urn
man takes his life in his hands. It Plre and factotum extraordinary,
is nothing infrequent for the bum to came UP with the Woodmen from
show fight and he will sometimes Pendleton. Mr. Beam left Weston a
clinch with the employe of the road village and found it a bustling me
to try and make .him miss the train tropolis. He was lost and disheart-
and leave him in the same condition ened untI1 h discovered Bill Powers
as himself. If they accomplish this. In hls accustomed attitude of repose
of course, the train will stop and at the corner of 'Steenth street and
take him on again and the bum slm- aayes avenue.
ply gets another chance at "catching
"There ought to be some law to
deal with these fellows and every
train employe ought to be made a
deputy sheriff, with authority to ar
rest every hobo he finds.
way the "Wearies "
ened to stay away from trains and
some protection would be afforded
the trainmen.'
Hay Carriers
Cable, Forks, Rope, Pulleys, &c
741 Alain Street
Buy a y
Will Sell You
Land at
that a little more money spent at the start, for a furnace, Will
save a whole lot in the end. The majority of people, who
think about it, do, We sell furnaces that cost more at the
start, but pay in the end.
W. G. McPhetson
Heating and Ventilating Engineer
47 First Street, Portland, Oregon
$1250 per
wiui. will nn Wniril .
within flve-JSra
Pay Fifteen Per
on the inve8tmeDt in
A Warm Bak
A FOURTH OF JULY TREAT ton,t always a comfortifc!. m
for Uncle Sam that will make him more than man is In na J
wi;li lib Tnm Irfnrchnll nf if D I wltn his cuffs and collanwil
tnckv did. that hi thrn, D01 WW tamda
j VOUr BUlrtB. col nrs anil Mfli .
'""fa uiuuiai. iimi uc aeea nereyou cansaUy fonii
might enjoy the elongated pleas- broiling July sun happyln M
ure of feeling it all the wav down. Jedge that your linen willHh
is a class of cold, soarkline and out" before the
, 10 Bample of our summer hrm&
cnciU's Pilsner Beer umnLonv yuil
more delicious to the palate of the J F KobhMon, Prop.
thirsty than nectar was to the gods
of yore. Be sure and order a case
of Schultz's Pilsner beer for your
Fourth of July celebration.
Brother and Sister Meet Again
Wllllnm 'PlIHnn nt Tin Tfallr n,in-
I Mwwt li. I.UUU
11 UUll fc ATlcqnllrl la In Wiotnn eoc tUr.
Stit?! ader. to .hto sister. Mrs.
Margaret Lileuallen. He is an uncle
of Mrs. William Kilgore, T. J. and J,
F. laeuallen. J. L. and J. T. Fnann
rcw noons m r-enaieion. urotner and sister had not met
So far the hobo cron has been since the time Mrs. Lieuallen. the
light in Pendleton with the exception bride of a day, started from Missouri
of for a few days several weeks ago. tor Oregon, 38 years ago. Unon eo-
This is perhaps attributed to the ef- inS to her home he attempted to
ncient work of the police force, and snake nanus, which nroceedine she
especially to Policeman Fee. who e-idently considered impertinent, for
manes tne lire or tne wandered bur- B"e aTevr DacK coldly with the re-
densome If he "hangs around" too mark, '-I do not think I know you.
much. A Bystem of chain gang was sir." You ought to know your voune.
inaugurated by Mr. Fee last spring, est brother," he explained, whereun-
wno is aiso Btreet commissioner, and on nis welcome was all that a broth
every man caught bumming and er could ask.
without money to pay his way tr. Fuson recently sold his farm
was thrown into jail, where he was lu Missouri, 200 acres, at $50 an acre.
ieu on oread and water and put to anu is possessed of considerable
work on the streets during the day. means. He may conclude to looat
This plan worked like a charm while m this part of Umatilla county, if he I?
in vogue ana iramps Decame ecarce ran una a piace to suit him at the
in Pendleton, although they are be- right figure, in which event several nf
ginning to come in again and the nis cnuaren would. In all likelihood
A . I r. t . n '
same system, may nave to do inaugur- iuuow aim to uregon, wltn their fam
A sewing machine
Is a neegssity in every home and parents should
not neglect teaching their children how to sew. A
good investment is made when you purchase a
Standard, White -or Wheeler & Wilson. They are
the highest standard of sewing machine excellency
and are the most improved made.
Don't send your money for a cheap machine for we
have them for $20.00, so if you want a cheap ma
chine come in and see ours. Don't buy a "pig in a
bag." Oil, needles and extras for all machines.
Jesse Failing,
Sewing machines, furniture and carpets.
W m
ated again..
Artificial Ice
nies. it not satisfied with the out
look nere, after a two months' visit,
the will probably locate in Oklahoma,')
wflica region ne intends to explore.
U IgBattue U on erery box of the genuine
uuau ve BronKHjuimiie Tablet-
w MUM CUM A f yg 0
The Oregon Pioneers.
Fully 1000 Oregon pioneers march
ed m Portland in a procession from
tne Portland hotel to the Exnosltion
building, where the 30th annual meet
ing or the Pioneers' Association was
held. Many had passed four score
years of life, but they marched in
the ranks with men 30 years their
juniors. The venerable George H.
Williams, mayor-elect of Portland
now In his 80th year, delivered the PRICES AS LOW AS THP i norcr
1.1,1 .. t ...
uuuiroo ut wuiL-uuiu to me pioneers.
nearly every one of whom he is per- For AU'Kladx of Rullrfi
sonally acquainted with. Judge j; 3. UndSil!?
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
Saving's Bank Free
the Pacific Newspaper Unlen,
fC7 Market St, San Francisco, aad
Mcsre free, a beautiful Nickel gay
fogs Bank, also .full particulars rs
gardins the new Three Volume 1Mf
International Encyclopaedic Dletlen
mry which is now being furnished tc
.Mftdars at th paper for oaly Five
Cnts a Dw.
Aioreland, of Portland, was elected
president of the association. At the
conclusion of the business meeting a
nannuec was served and more than
1000 aged men and women sat down
at tables which were waited unon
oy iMauvo uaugnters of Oregon,
xne district convention of the
woodmen of the world, at Woodburn
Thursday, elected &H delegates to
tne bead camp session at Cripple
Creek, Colo., J. C. Jones, W. T. Wood-
coclc, w. A. Moore, Harry Day. C. N.
JUeckwltn, c. CatUngham, C. C. Brad
lev. H. Shade. J. J. Jennlntm T t
Endanger Your HeiTEK Holms' w- M- Halnea. The Women
ut ivuuuuiuil uiuulcu uve aeiegates
to the head circle, as follows; viola
urtacntld, Martha liawrence, Kate
Telephone Main 108.
No Sediment to FouH
Your Refrigerator
No Disease Germs to
A ae" Dei
Screen Doors
and Windows
Building Paper
4 oauu
Mtt FrgH Our Weed a utters
i The Strahon
Rooming Home
Martin Blocfe:
Everything New, Clean
and first class.
Good JBeds and Well
kept and Cool .Rooms.
The tot creglafl EsMeTn
W ftWssenUtlve u
peesle Bclto K ut she
Orton, Grace Newell and Mrs. Ran- " by tn,r "brml patrensse. It Is the
MvertMng meeMwn ef tkle seeMn.
formerly of the Petplalna
Women's Ews :
are window ol observation tirafJJ
i,,l.m lut.r'i art ll BOttS IW
indicment. The lex are lutJj
reaped. OnrproductloM.wwiaw
est crltlclam and teat. Haw UwJ
and In great yaneir. jumi
light wagons in bandiome deU
rrade vehiclei. Goaranteewluw
I 'ST.
See Us About QuoisXji
ffstcr flt, near Hals,
The celebrated "BtDgb I
the Bine
the UmaUlla River, cop.J
furniture, fixtures, 9B
pontrol of bnv
-n fio acre trac;
j vrflter W
acres, as desired;
farm, controlh'ng m1??-,
eTCaU onoraao"-.
FtaiJc B.
CMrt SCrset