CLOSING-OUT SALE OF SUMMER TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND SKIRTS i -o Summer Suits for Women just at the right time when they will uiuai U3um,i sacrifice price. Brown; Eton Jacket, Tailor-made; to niatcb Jacket, regular price $2.75 rri,P Monle Carlo Suit in Brown Bailor Collar, Btylishly Trimmed; match Coat, regular price $3.00, Sale rimlne Selection Tailor-made Suits, made from Linen and Inuck iu pretty effects. Shown only ind Willie oinpea, nuiutuiuc waiaiB oeauuiuiiy tnmmea, ,ith Graduating Flounce Skirt, artistically trimmed. Prices nge irom ja.ou 10 jo.ou. same price Lee Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 10D2. BREVITIES. Howard, farm loans. imer underwear, 50 cents a at Teutsch's. :flne free lunch from 9 a. m. till night at Gratz's. br first-class cab, day or night, 'phone Main 70. Ive your gjld stamps and get a set at Teutsch's. or a cool, refreshing glass of litz beer go to Gratz's. cReynold's creamery butter on in all stores. Ask for it fchlitz beer on draught and fine ies in basement of Golden Hule L bulitz beer on draught and fine ties in basement of Golden Rule !l. ftlace lunch counter, on Court Bt, Is now open. Everything in on. it th thincs tou want for eatinc p.cnlcs and while camping, at rley Bros. rop into our comfortable parlors be served with our superior ice km. The Delta. loney to loan at lowest rates on or country nroDertv. J. R. Dick- East Oregonlan building. rait jars will be very nigh this t nn the nrice has advanced. We ght before the advance and will nnr niRtnmfirn thn advantage of saving. The Standard Grocery. Bavers at Hunzlter'8 never regret khelr purchases. EXPERIENCE How many times have you bought Jewelry and. afterward charged the disappointment to Experience T While Experience may be a good teacher, it's apt to prove expensive. It's lots cheaper in the end to bay ol I reliable dealer. Good Jewelry... Poes not mean price necessarily. w have good Jewelry In Boiled Plate, Gold Filled and 8olld Gold t variety of grades, but always good. L. HUNZIKER Jeweler and Optician Next Door to B. Alexander Uma Soda 5c 4 KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 65 Steps from Main t. unci mem ai a wonaenui Skirt VJth Flounce, trimmed and J3.50, Sale Price $ 1 49 Covert Cloth: Coat with Flounce Skirt, trimmed to price 1 63 in Blue and White and Tan 2 78 Straw hats at Teutsch's. Lunches at Phillips' restaurant. Latest style shirts at Teutsch's. Gilt Edge lunch countur. Court St Fresh ripe tomatoes at Hawley Bros. Ring up H. Kopittke, 'phone No. '5, for ice. Rooms by the day, week or month at Gratz's. A clever accomplished lady wants to marry. See page 8. ' Thirty gallons of nice gooseberries .tomorrow at Hawley Bros. McReynold's creamery butter sale in all stores. Ask for it. McReynold's creamery butter on on sale in all stores. Asl: for it. Fresh live crawfish just received, at Gratz's, cooked while you wait Dutton's ice cream is just the thing to satisfy your desire for something good. Schlitz beer on draught and fine lunches in basement of Golden Rule Hotel. Let Dutton supply you with nice, rich, sweet cream. Delivered any where. For Sale A good gentle buggy horse. Safe for lady or child to drive. J. M. Leezer. Good, large, nice, fresh crawfish, received every Tuesday and Saturday mornings at Nolte's saloon. We give free tickets on the bicycle with every dollar's purchase. Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery. Free picnic every Sunday at KIne's grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clock. Music by Kirkman's orchestra. Take advantage of the chance to get bargains at Mrs. Campbell's closing out sa'o of summer millinery For Sale or Trade Thresher and power; almost new. Will do good work. Must go. See W. W. Semple. Rooms in the Ea-t.Oregonian build ing or rent. Steam heated, hot. and cold water ani ..ath room In connec tion. Your evening will be complete !f you drop into the Delta and enjoy a dish of the finest Ice cream ever serv ed In Pendleton. Lost Pair of gold spectacles on th streets of Pendleton Monday Finder will receive reward by return ing to tbis office. Advertising privilege on the four sprinkling wagons 1b for sale or rent. Bids must be in by June 20. See Frank B. C'.opton, chairman committee. Withee, 306 Court St, agent for Dd mestlc and Davis sewing machines. Drop heads from $27.50 to $65 on in stallments. Everything guaranteed. All kinds of real estate for ale. Homes on easy payments, will fur nish part of purchase money. Rlhorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor Bldg. Toward the Court House EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE One dollar to Walla Walla and re turn next Sunday. Potatoes cut to $1.50 per sack, for cabn, at tno standard Grocery. Schlitz beer is good beer, and is served in a nice cool place at the uoiacn uuio basement Hot weather has no tenors at the Golden Rule basement whero good bcnntz ueer lb on tap. Milton school children havo boon counted by the clerk, and number C27 301 boys and 326 girls. Drop into the cool, comfortable basement of the Golden Rule and en joy a glass of Schlitz beer. Paper and cloth-bound books from 5c to $1.25. Reasonable reading mat ter for vacation time. Nolfs. "Redskins" vs. "Sharpshooters" at Walla Walla Sunday, Juno 22. Round trip, $1.00. Special train. O. R. & N. Free picnic every Sunday at Kino's grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clock. Music by Kirkman's orchestra, E. D. Boyd has sold a lot In the Reservation addition to Pendleton, to James Ghormley. Consideration, $150. $10 reward Bay 3-year-old horse, branded L, left shoulder, left my ranch on Tutuilla, during the winter. Peter West The St Joe Store will have a spec ial sale on groceries, Saturday, as well as all other goods in this biz store, will be sold very cheap. Go after them. The Marion county school teachers will attend the state association meeting in Portland, Juno 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th, in a body, probably going from Salem in a special car engaged for that purpose. Clark Wood, the Weston Leader man, claims that J3 Pine creek straw berries filled a pound box to the brim. They wero grown on ? I. Ray's place, above Weston, without irrigation and it is stated that, this particular section is exceedingly fa vorable to the cultivation of the fruit A deed was recorded this morning with the county recorder for one acre of land from S. S. Parrls et ux., to David E. Ferris, S. S. Parris, R. E. Gallagher, Jerome Buzan and E. M. Mortlmore, trustees of the Free Meth odist church at Waterman Station. The land is to be used for church purposes. Persons having flowers that they are willing to contribute for the fu neral of little Eva Hult, are request ed to communicate with Mrs. Rounds or with the Rev. Mr. Potwine ("phono red 421). A considerable quantity is desired for use at the grave and should be in hand by noon of Satur day. J. W. Noble and E. W. Emerson killed a large rattle snake, just above the Lee street bridge and north of the river Thursday afternoon. They were out along the river with guns looking for suckers in the rimes when the rattler was found. It was as large asga man's wrist, nearly four feet long and had five rattles and a button. At bedtime Itake a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my complexion is bbUer. My doctor says that It acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys and is a pleasant laxative. It e made from herbs, and is prepared as eabily aB tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tallman & Co., sole agents. A large number of Pendleton peo ple Intend to avail themselves of the opportunity to visit their friends in Walla Walla next Sunday. They will go to that city and return same day on the special train which leaves Pendleton at 9 o'clock a. m., return ing, leaves Walla Walla at 6:30 p. m. Fare for round trip is only one dollar. The Independent Order of Odd Fel lows will hold their memorial serv ices in the Odd Fellows' hall next Sunday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. This Is the annual memor ial services of the local orders of Pendleton and the sermon will be delivered by Rev. Jones, pastor of the South Methodist church, who is a member of the order. All members and friends are Invited. The corner stone for the new Cath olic hospital, built by the sisters, will be formally laid this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Archbishop Christie, of Portland, is here and will conduct the laying of the stone and deliver the address. The citizens of Pen dleton are cordially invited to turn out and witness the laying of this stone and show their appreciation. to the promoters of the enterprise for building an up-to-date hospital for the accommodation of the sick and Injured. Big Wool Sales. Wnrfl rnmpq from ShanikO that E, W. Brigham, representing Whitman, Farnsworth & Thayer, or uoston, purchased the clip of the Baldwin Sheep & Land Company, at the wool sales Thursday, paying 16 cent therefor. This Is the largest sale made in Oregon or Washington this season and the price paid was the best. This was an extra fine clip and was light. The sales continued today and most of the wool will be sold out of the Shaniko warehouses. DEATH OF EVA HULT. The Passing Away of One of the Most Popular Children of Pendleton. Eva, tho 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hult, passed away at the family home, on South Garden street this morning at 2 o'clock, of Bright's disease, after an illness of one mouth, although she had been nlling for somothing like a year. Little Eva, as sho was called by her young friends, was tho only daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Hult and was tho idol of thoir hearts, besides bolng a favorlto among her many frlonds and schoolmates. Although she had been ailing for sovoral months, no serious results wero an ticipated and llttlo was thought about it until a month ago, when sho was suddenly taken seriously 111 and grad ually grew worso until tho end. Hor Hfo was not dlspalred of until a few days ago, and when it was found that no earthly aid would savo Llttlo Eva's life, tho parents' hearts wero broken. Tho funeral will take place from the Church of tho Redeemer, Satur day afternoon, at 2:30, conducted by Rev. Potwlno, and the body will be burled in tho Olney cemetery. PETER NELSON RECOVERS. Gets Pay for His Horses Stolen and Slaughtered at the Llnnton Can nery. Judge James A. Fee and Colonel James H. Raley havo returned from Portland, where they were on legal business. They represented Potor Nelson, a farmer living southwest of Pendleton, in a case against the Western Fertilizing & Packing Com pany, to recover $2450 alleged to be tho value of a band of cayuses slaughtered at the Linnton Cannory in 1899. Tho caso was tried boforo Judge, Chcland and a jury, Wednes day, and a verdict was brought in in favor of Mr. Nelson, giving him judgment for $650. According to the contention of tho plaintiff's attorney, about 70 head of his horses wero stolen and driven off the range, taken to tho Linton can ary and sold to tho manager, Samuel Kinsman. These horses wore valued at $35 each by plaintiff, who sued tho company for recovery and was successful. Paid Penalty on Gallows. "Ellicott City, Md., Juno 20. Frank Jones and John Johnson, who mur derod a Hebrew 'neddler for the nur poso of robbery, wero hanged hero this morning. BOSTON .STORE. Now Is the Time for the MEN to consider their Oxford Shoes A fine line to select from $2.50 to $3.50 The prices that please and the qualities that wear Boston Store Big Bargains IN WATCHES AND JEWELRY I have a large stock of Unrdind Pl4g which will be sold at the lowest prices ever offered in this city.t This stock includes dia monds, solid and filled case gold watches, silver watches, gold rings, watch chains, ear rings and many other articles. Come in, look over the stock and get the prices. Joseph Basle Complete House Fttmishef if(0(3 YOUR can do your marketing at you can come yourself, as wc havo but ONE PRICE TO ALL and the quality is guaranteed. If you can't como 4 yourself, send your child. O i THE STRAWBERRY SEASON is drawing to a close, so send us your order now and get nice large sound berries for canning. Remember, our berries arc not specked and dirtied by flics, nor handled by Indians. Wc arc particular in the manner in which we keep them and the quality of the berries we serve you. 1 R. MARTIN, Proprietor Ping Pong AND TABLE TENNIS The now and Popular Games 95c to $3.50 Items and Prices that doBorvo your kind attontion s Japanese Napkins, per hun dred 19c and 25c Crepe paper, full io ft long 5c $2.50 Wringers $1 95 $4.00 Wringers 2 95 2c for 5c bar of Toilet Soap SHEET MUSIC Popular Songs.. 15e, 19c and 23c Hammocks complete lines 75c to $3 95 Toys, Dolls, Albums, Fancy Goods, Dishe3. Vases, Sewing Baskets, etc., etc. Frederick Nolf 1 ablets, Pencils, Ink. Office Supplies I SATURDA Y I and MO NBA T E :-: SPECIAL PRICES Ladies' Colored Wash Shirt Waists, Oncfif th Off. Lawns and Batistes, price cut to 5c to 8C Swisses and Dimities, price cut to 85 c to 11c White Goods, price cut to 5c to 19c Mercerized Ginghams, price cut to..... 19c Striped Dress Gingham, price cut to 86c French Gingham, price cut to , 21c Linen Crash for Dresses, price cut to , 8c Linen Skirts, price cut to 45c to $1.00 Cap Sheaf Safety Pins 5c Hooks and Eyes, a card for lc NEW ARRIVALS B ack Taffeta Dress Silks Black Peau de Soie Satin Taffeta Neck Ribbons Ladies' Silk Waists (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink ; and Red) Ladies White Suede Gloves Ladies White Button Silk Gloves Ladies Black Button Silk Gloves Ladies Black Lace Gloves Ladies White Lace Gloves Tony Pearl Dress Buttons er B B B B B B E Newest Creations io Ladies' Belts I JUST ARRIVED 1 1 BOSTON STORE S0 a 9 CHILD our store just as safely as 9 9 9 9 9 9 m 9 w s w TRUCKING AND DRAYING We are prepared to do your work and ask you to call on us. Charges will be right. TELEPHONE RED 61 ;Omce at The Old Dutch Henry Feed Barn. Kit Hays k Connerley Proprietor! BECK The Ptumhet and Tinner For First Class Work at Reasonable Prlcds Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite St. Joo Storo, Nonr Court St. 3 3 - to u 3 3