East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1902, Image 3

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Two important events are slated for this week's business
...One that will benefit you and one that will benefit others.
You will be very much interested in both movements, so
please read on.
Shirt "Waists that were
85c, $1, $150 and $2,
Shirt Waists that were
$1.50, $2 and $3,
lexander Dept. More i
He lonn B&ttett Umpanv
Corner Sixth and Alder Opposite the Oregonian
'Phone Main J 22. PORTLAND, ORE.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiauiuiiiiuiiiuiiiwiniiiiiiniwi4iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiu in
More Property Listed This Year and
Many Changes made In the Valua
tions of Land.
The assessment for Umatilla coun
ty and Pendleton for thn yut- isno
has been completed and the- field dep-
uiros nave turned In their books to
County Assessor George Buzan. It
will bo weeks beforo thn nrt
amount -of the assessment is known,
but It Is said the amount will total
quite a little more than the assess
ment of last year.
Mr. Buzan has. been wnrlHni
since being placed in office to cot
an equal assessment on all property
according to its exact value. Of
COUrSe this Is miltfi a tnafc nnri
sidering the fact that all values have
ueen taKen heretofore at what the
owner saw fit to nlaco unon his nmn-i
erty, it involves more or less care to
get uiings equal. Some values oav
been lowered, where thn ns:rsn.
thought it was placing thn v.
one man's property a lit.ln nh. v
what the property adjoining him wr
vaiuca at, uut in few cases has nv
thing been taken off but almost
everything saw a raise.
Again, the assessing has been gone
at m a more systematic way than
ever befoe. Blanks wero prepared
in advance for every pieco of proper
ty in the county and every man who
had land registered as deeded was
found. The increased assessment on
values will cause a general voice of
approval from almosfr all taxpayers,
and while it will raise some individ
ual taxes a little it will be better for
them In the long run, for the money
paid into the county this way will go
toward paying off the indebtedness
of the county and stop the large in
terests the taxpayers are paying.
The assessment this year was sev
eral weeks later than usual, which
was owine to the nrenarinir of thn
blanks spoken of above and it makes
a little more worK in transferring the
assessment to the rolls, but one sat
isfaction in doing it is in knowing
that every mian owning property got
it assessed. It will be several weeks
before this work is completed in the
office, but several deputies will be
busy at this after the 26th and It is
expected that they will havo it com
ploted by the time for the sitting of
tne equalization board in AukusL
when all errors ore supposed to bo
tcUusted by the board.
Saved Fro... an Awful Fate.
"Everybody said I had consump
tion." writes Mrs. A. M sthlnMa nr
Chamborsburg, Pa., "I was so low
after six months of sevcro sickness
caused by hay fover and asthma, that
few thought I could cet wnll hut I
learned of tho marvelous merit of Dr.
Kings New Discover" for Consump
tion, used it anil was comnlotolr
cured." 7or deanerntn ihnut .mi
lung diseases It is tho surest euro In
tno world, and is In.alllblo for
coughs, colds and bronchial affec
tions. Guaranteed bottles 50c And
$1. Trial bottles free at Tallman &
Merchants Generally Favor It, But
There Are a Few Opposed.
The early closing movement is
again being agitated, and tho ques
tion is occupying tho minds of tho
clerks as woll as tho -merchants
Thursday afternoon a committee
from the local Clerks' Union, consist
lng of Mrs. A. M. Clark. J. C. Allen
and W. H. Harrison, waited upon all
tho merchants of tho town and asked
them to sign a potltlon agreeing to
close at 6 o clock. This was signed
by most of the merchants, but a few
refused. The clerks commlttco will
endeavor to get all to sign the agree
ment. If these few who are opposed
to closing, continue to refuso to sign
tho petition, what the outcomo will
be is hard to determine. Tho clorks
think they are working too many
hours and are asking for a chance to
have a little time from behind tho
This is their idea, and while they
ask for tho shorter hours, they are
not attempting anything that will In
tentionally injure tho merchants, as
they contend that just as many goods
will bp sold from 8 o'clock in tho
morning to 6 In the evening as will
if the stores stay open day and night.
A great many of the busntess men
look at the thing in the same light,
and nre anxious to close, but a few
cannot close without loss to them
selves, If some stay open.
It Pays to Trade at, the Peoples Warehouse
Ihie atnrriavc Kill at rarp-
Ladies' colored shirt waists, 2.50, 1.50, $1.00,
down to . 25c
Ladies' colored petticoats, immense assortment, $5.00,
$2. 00, $1.00, down to . f 505
Needles, card of 32, including darners and bodkin ... lc
Wrappers, I2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.25, 98c and 4c
Curling irons, 5c, 4c and 3c
Ladies' dress skirts, black and colors, $5.00, $4.00,
$3.00, 2.00 and 98c
Clothes Brushes, regular worth 15c 8c
Ladies' tailor made suits just received, drummers'
samples; line of suits no two alike that we will
sell at 25 per cent off regular price
Ladies' silk mitts, others sell them for 25c, our price 15c
5000 yards best calico, much as you want, per yard . . 4tc
Children's handkerchiefs, each lc
3000 yards Scotch lawn, warm weather dress goods,
per yard 3c
Best lady's shoe on earth for the price $2 50
400 dozen spool cotton, none better 2rC
Ladies' lineh collars, each 5c
Corset stays, per set 5c
Pearl buttons, all sizes, per dozen 5c
Try one pair of our Boys' hose for 22c
Bat and Ball Free with boy's suit. 1
Firecrackers and Pistol and caps free with boy's suit
Try one of our All Wool Men's Suits $5 00
Our 50c overalls, best on earth for the price 50c
Men's cotton sox, 5c per pair, per dozen 50c
Working gloves, $i.50,'$i.35, 1.00, 75c, 50c and ' 25c
Purchase of one pair invariably makes a customer
Our men's shop, best on earth for the price 2 50
You can find everything Plenty Clerks'
that ought tp fee in an And It Is No Trouble
Up to Date Dry Goods Store to Show Goods
Call and Get a Fashion Sheet Free
Mil L
Is the Komlor Stock nt tho Groat Olosing-Out Salo.
Peoplo nro anxiously soiling on to tho goods
whilo tho opportunity is horo.
Don't lot tho clmnco go.by, A
LOOK AT. . . . '
10-pound box Crackors, per box..... 65c
All kinds of Toa, per pound .t... . 40c
Lamp Chimneys less than cost
French Sardines, per box JOc
Galvanized Tubs 70c to 90c
Wash Boards 20c to 40c
Keruler's best 2-gal jackets cut fr'm $1.15 to 90c
Kemler's best 3-gal " " " 1.65 to $ 25
Komler's best 4-gal " " " 2.15 to i 75
Choc'late Cream 2-gal" " " 1.25 to i 00
Choc'late Cream 3-gal " " " 1.85 to t 45
Choc'late Cream 4-gal " " " 2.40 to i 90
Tomatoes, corn, beans, peas,, regular price
2 for 25c per can JOc
Monopole fruit,high grado,cut f m 25c can to 20c
Standard table fruits, 7 cans for t 00
Salmon, 4 cans for 25c
Hams and Bacon, per pound t4c
Oatmeal, per pound 4c
Rope, per pound, from to 2c
Schilling's baking powder, per pound.... 40c
Schilling's Typical blend coffee, per pound 20c
Cane sugar, per sack 4 90
Beet sugar, per sack 4 SO
Potatoes, per hundred i 50
Best cream cheese, per pound J 6c
Silk soap, 6 bars for 25c
Golden Star soap, 6 bars for 25c
Dairy salt, 50 pound sacks, per sack 90c
Flour, per sack 75c
Dairy butter, por roll 25c
Creamery butter, per roll 50c
Macaroni, 1-pound package (Oc
All kinds of lye, per can JOc
Sea Foam, large packages, 6 for 25c
All kinds of axle grease, per can 5c and JOc
Ar buckle's and Lion Coffee 6 pekgs $(00
Mason Fruit Jars, Qts. 75c, Half-gals 90c Dot
Everything else in Our Grocery Cut Accord
ingly. Cash Only Goes at this Sale.
No Credit Given Anyone
All parties knowing themselves to be in
debted to me will please call and settle in cash
or by bankable paper before July I. AH un
settled accounts July i will be put in the
hands of my attorney for collection.
Closing Out Sale
Dancing Begins at 2 o'clock each Sunday, Busse to
and from the grounds day and Night
RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS, The grove can b ragagtf for
lonio parties pjr appiywg to rjGTiiu nmiEu, at Mtel
t. George.
TiiU ignture U oa erery box of the geoUine'
Laxative Bromo'Ouiafoe Tablet
lllmm 1111 mum mi 11