East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1902, Image 2

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m i
Our prices on them are
so low that you can afford
to throw them away in a
few months.
Here we are :
Coats, all sizes, $1 to $3.
Coat and Vest, $4.00 to $7
Coat and Pants, $5 to $8
Pants, $1.25 to $5.00
Bnsmess Suits, $10 to $20
Buy your clothing of
us and be well fitted.
can save you
FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1092.
The Pendleton.
W. A. Cobb, St. Louis; L. H. Lam.
ping, J. E. Martin, M. H. Jones, Seat
tle; M. A. Butler. Baker CAtv- nhns
K. Garey, New York; L. C. Robinson,
Denver; A. A. Carey and wife, F. J.
The Boer general, Louis Botha, is Bates, George T. Thompson, "Walla
going to Dresden, Germany, where
his family has taken refuge for the
purpose of taking them back to South
The meteorological department
predicts a deficiency of rain almost!
"Walla; J. H. Walliss, J. J. Stoddard,
D. i-ord, J. D. Falen, H. A. John
son, A. L. Orreal, G. T. Shaw,. Star
buck; C. Ottershagen, W. L. Clelland,
George Harris. J. H. Klnerk-mnn a
IP. Bradburry, P. C. Holland, w'. C.
everywhere in the Bombay presiden-l Witze1' Portlaml: Mrs. Cuff, Salt
cy, India, particularly at Jucerat La'ke'' Charles H. Miller, Echo; J. L.
and warns the government to nronarp I onnr, Mrs. A. Rose.
X. m . k
for a severe famine
In a dispatch from Brussels, the
correspondent of the London Dally
Express says Mr. Reltz, ex-state sec
retary of the Transvaal, and Gener
al Lucas Meyer purpose making a
tour of the United States to collect
money for poor Boer families.
The conference between the com
mittee of the boilermakers of the
system and officials of the Great
.Northern Railroad company, was be-
euu ax. au .raui Tnursday. Nothing
cuuiu ue learned as to the result, but
It is generally believed that an ami-
wiuie settlement will be reached.
' Dell Baker, one of the jurymen in
the Jessie Morrison case, was arrest
ed "Wednesday at Eldorado, Kan.,
charged with robbing "Walter "War
ner, another juryman, of $65. The
wo men slept togetherTuesday night
and In the morning "Warner missed
the money. He jerked Baker's hat
on anu one of the coins dropped out
The selection of the jury has not been
Thirty-one persons were injured in
a gasoline generator explosion in the
New York Hardware Company's store
at Guthrie. O. T.. Thursdav. At s-an
o'clock fire broke out in the rear of
the store, demanding the attention of
two Are companies. "While the fire
men were fighting the flames an im
mense crowd gathered In the street
oeiore tne plate-glass front of the
Building. The fire ignited gasoline
m me generator, which exploded,
lblow'ng bits of glass all over the
street and severely injuring many of
the crowd.
The Golden Rule.
L. "W. Bristol, Portland; Charles L.
Austin, Orville "Waller, E. S. Fisher,
Eugene; J. L. Stevens, Seattle; H.
"W. Cameron, Spokane; A. "W." Davis,
C. D. Rinker, Spokane; Mrs. Mc
Laughlin. Gurdane: E. O. nosers
Adams; L. W. Brown, The Dalles; "W.
A. Barkley, Pilot Rock; G. H. Cally,
Pilot Rock; J. P. McDemott. Boise:
F. R. Forrest, San Jose; W. Black-
man: Astoria: D. Hiatt. John Smith.
Lee uunntngnam.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Beward
for ATI V rjtftft nf Pufnrrh th.f jnnt Ka
cured by Hall's Catarb Cure.
j. uut-WKi & (JO., Toledo, O
Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe
him to be perfectly honorable In all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
CflrrV out flnv ohllmitlnna maria hv thai.
Arm. '
WEST & TRTJAX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
uaiio Luiarrn jure is taKen Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surface of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by ell
Druggists. '
Hall's Family Pills are the beat
The strawberry crop around Salem
Is reported fully one-third short
Thomas and John Kirk, of St Paul
Marlon county, have contracted to
Faber & Nels, of Albany, 10,000
pounds of the 1903 hop crop at 10
reuia par pound.
The run of flnh fn-r tho.
VW l(Wk l,WU Ul
three-days at Astoria has shown a
warned increase, which has been
gradual for several weeks, and gives
erery promise pf continuing, as the
general size of the fish has Jtept
vw wiia targe rune.
The Booth.KWIir
Iibf finished surveying the land for
uie jocanon or a new sawmill at
Springfield, which will be larger than
any of the company's mills now In
operation. It will have a capacity of
200,000 feet per day. The Bite Is
south of the railroad depot, and
ateam will bo used instead of water
An election contest proceeding was
filed Wednesday In the couaty court
of Multnomah by Eaward; LHtiepage,
Independent candidate for road su
pervisor in the Troutdale (Powell's
Valley) district, against James M.
Hillyard, who has been declared
.elected on the citizens' ticket on the
omctel election board. The returns A debate in . hi-h o,
how that Hillyard received 124 vote decided that negee should be
and Littlepage 115, and the latter disfranchised. Go back and geTvour
mabm tor a iwmmf nt tu kiij , ,. ... uu your
wt uw umimo, uniiuio, uruuaern.
But no One Was HurtEngine Got
Tired of Standing Still.
About one o'clock todn.v an th
pople were at the station waiting for
iuo urnvui oi tne train from Port
land, engine No 45 that was stand
ing on the track near tho rnni hunt
ers, started to make a trip by Itself
and commenced to back toward the
roundhouse, says the La Grande
Chronicle. The first object It struck
was engine No. 201, which stood on
a side track and eravA it nnit
bump, which seemed to cIva it ndHi.
tional momentum. Bv thin tlmo mit
a number of railroad men had arriv
ed ana were doing all In their ppwer
to arrest tne progress of the engine.
As It approached the turntable, It
was movea into such a position as
to guide It Into engine 200 which
checkod its speed, sufficiently to al"
low one of the engineers to enter the
cab and shut Off the steam ftnrt fnln
control of the engine. Nn
Injured, hut Mr. Moon, the, engineer
oi ,io naa a very nrrqw escape. The
incident caused aulte a sensation for
a time and it was very fortunate no
one was Injured, The damage done
was very slight.
Only Question Seems to Be Whether
the League Will Contain Four or
Six Teams Probably the Latter
The proposition which has been on
foot for Borne time past, looking to
the organlzaton of a four or six-team
league to take in the cites of Dayton,
Colfax and Walla Walla, "Wash., and
Pendleton, La Grande and Baker
City. In Orecon. has been trraduallv
getting In shape and It now seems
practically assured that the league
win oe organized.
Baker Cltv enthusiasts lmvn rmp
ceeded In raising sufficient funds to
assure tne securing of a strong team
for that nlace. and are now flcnrlnir
upon' timber for the nine. The Athe
na team, which will be disbanded the
first week in July, contains the best
available material but when the Ba
ker City people came to talk business
with the Athena players they went
up against a propositon which took
their breath. According to the news
papers of Baker City, the Athena
boys wanted salaries such as are not
paid In the Northwest league, bet
ter than $1000 per month being neces
sary to secure the team at the sal
aries asked. An offer of $760 per
month for the team has been made,
and the Baker City enthusiasts de
clare that unless this proposition is
accepted- they will bring in new
players from 'Spokane, Portland.
Butte and other places where good
players are securable. Indeed. It Is
reported on very good authority that
Richard Glendon, Spokane's one-time
wonder, who is now ulavintr at leis.
I ure on account of a sore arm, has
been spoken for as one of the twirlers
ior the new team.
Latest advices from Baker say that
the Monogram team, a Portland ag
gregation which has made an envi
able reputation for themselves dur
ing the past season, has been re
leased and that it may be engaged
intact by Baker City.
LaGrand,e, too, fs enthusiastic over
the proposed league and while her
team is at present disbandetl tlm host
men are being held over to await
the outcome of a meeting to be held
in Pendletoon shortly to consider the
formation of the league. It Is propos
ed to add several new and strong
men to the team, and It is confident
ly believed tha the "hoodoo" which
has relentlessly pursued the team all
uirougn tne season will be broken
with the reorganization.
ine principal weakness of La
Grande has been In the box and on
tnird. Clark, who has done good
work with the team, will be retained
as twirler and will be reinforced by
McBirney. one of the best men on the
coast, ana carter, who was Tacoma's
mainstay last season, the three mak
Ing an exceedlnclv stronir atntr
Black, whoso third base work with
Athena, has attracted much atten
tion, has been engaged to cover the
difficult bag, and Danny Shea will
operate Denmd ttie bat.
TT f.- 1 1 TTT . . . ...
ivujiu. wuua ana .Pendleton are
both willing and ready to enter the
league with strong and well organlz-
ea teams, and it would appear that
me oniy question now to be decided
is whether the new leamie will
sist of four or six teams, there being
Home uouDt as to wnetner Dayton and
Colfax will go into the proposition.
tneir teams not having been nnan
ciaiiy successful this season. It is
practically assured, however, that the
new league will be' a go.
The Pendleton team Is now In Day-
iou, wuere it crosses bats with the
Dusters today and tomorrow
coming to Walla Walla to play Sun
day, wnen a special excursion train
win oo run irom here for the benefit
of the fans. The Indians also nlnv
the sharpshooters on Monday, going
irom mere to Moscow, Idaho, where
they play on the 24th and 26th. and
on the 26th and 27th at Pomeroy,
aatn ana ztn at Colfax, returning to
.renaieion on tne aotn.
The next games on the homo
grounds will be with the Oregon City
team on jmy 4, b and b.
The impression is growing that the
Boer war Is really over. The Boers
tnemseives have begun to believe It
Joe Reyburn Injured by Falling from
Horse, Eighteen Days Without
Joe Reyburu recently had nn ox'
nerienco that came near costing him
his life, says the Antelope rioraiu.
On the 10th of May he started out
on horseback from Shnnlko to go to
the ranch of James Baxter, at which
nlnce he was temporarily stoplng.
i.ntmnini Ttnvtnr'a nnd
1 UU UlOUlUliU uuii.M .
Shaniko is about twolve or fiftconj
miles. He nau scarcely bjjhu "'
than six or seven miles wnon nih
horse stumbled and the saddle cincti
broke hurling iteymirn to me gruiimi,
III lillllliB lu an ..." ..--..
l,1nH fi Vl ril.' u-itlnh fin Inlnrnd
VUIU UlUtV UU iwvu ' "
him that he was unable to move for
two days. During tnat time no w
without water or food nnd on the sec
ond day, driven by extreme thirst, he
.ifontrntl Jilmsnlf ilnwn to the niOllth
of Brush Canyon, a distance of per
haps half a nine ior water, num
illtjlv lie nuincu ii.o "
. . ... . i - I
and dragging nimseii aoout a nine
further whore he was when discov
ered by Ewen McLennan, who chnnc-
ed to be passing on tne -Bin oi muj.
T7 nlnMnnn ilriVC mill Tllf-lltS Mr.
t .a. .!,..,. .oo TvlMinnt alinltnr nr food.
i . , l. 1. - Urt
except sucn roots aim ubius
was able to dig witn ins nanus anu
during the unseasonably cold nights
mtti'flnn ttln II fh flTIM T MP ZALI1 lit Ul
moat froze. Mr. McLennan says that
Keybur nwas mer sum anu noneb
..in Un Vitf1 Yi!m nnil wnc n nftlflll
tttJli 11V 1UU1IU ! " l j
object. Mr. Reyburn is a man close
rrn Tnnr rf nn-n ntifl hut for an
extraordinary vitality would have
Happy Time ;n Old Town.
"We felt very hanDy." wrlteB R. N.
Tinvlll Olil Town. Vn.. "when Buck
lon'o Amlrn RaIva whollv Plirfirt our
rtmirhror nr a hnn rafin nf RP&Iri nenn."
j It delights all who use It for cuts.
nnrns hnrtiq hnilRAR hnllR UIPfirR.
eruptions. Infallible for piles. Only
liuc at Tauman & uo.s.
Qet n in
m 6.50 I
Today i : j ( u .
- . J
And Another lot at $9,;
Also Some Pants at Half Ptkt
For Sale Cheap!
One 18-foot combined harvester.
One 14-foot steel frame header. One
mower nnd rnke. Fnr njirtlrnlnm nri.
dress or inquire of R. Lalng, Pendle
ton, Oregon.
We are getting ready now for the
greatest fall business ever done in
Pendleton. That's the reason we
are making this extraordinary effort
to put out a large quantity of
Boston Store
A Happy Time.
About one thousand PendiAtnn
pie are Jooking forward with antici
pation of a happy time next Bunriav
. . .. . r '
ou account or jne special excursion
that is to take place on that day to
Walla Walla. The occasion Ir
game of baseball luiman t.a
, I
anarpshooters" and the "Redskins.
The sO. R. ,& N, special will leave
Jt'ondleton at 0 o'clock p.illni.
ing, will leay.e Walla Walla at 6:30
v. ui. iiuunu .trio, si.oo.
r Mil U
SifA v5SWqpJu' 8?AP (i(5c. ) . to cleanio
ba.'M4 COTiOTaA'ByaoLVJOT (Mc.), to cool
nd cleatwe the blood. A single etU often
uMdent to care the lerereat humor.
0r., rrf., Ikla. - iUw oCrt Uo HuawiV' J;
We have just received a very
large and elegant line of
Pocket Books
Wrist Bags
Chatclain Bags
These goods we bought direct
from the factory, at factory
prices, and we are thus en
abled to sell them to you at
Y2ry reasonable prices. We
should be pleased to have
you call and look them over.
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Block. Phone 851
Regular beauties. Prettiest ever brought to
t ji4 r t. n t i t
that will save you money on your ice bill
TT !i r- J S x T?i' 'ii
urmturc, oiovea, varpeiat aw.
We Can Supply You witi;
Forks, Pulleys, Rfl
Flexible Steel Gi
And AU Kinds of Haybgl
The Big Carpet
You Can Beat Our Cut-
l t l,a nnMV-thOT 'lH"1
1U junk ui ' ..g
kind of beating all right. J
beat 'em in style, In W"
inamallnesa of cost,
you can Dear iul
,,r nmv line of fiber cup
Main 24.
viw mm raw v-
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. .NotWj
but the choice wheat, enters into flyers' floUr
satisfaction isithe result whererever it is , used lor W"
or fancy baking.
Wp S. Bytef, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::