East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1902, Image 1

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will be dellvured nt your residence
Eastern Oregon Weather
( !
or place 01 Business oj currier
5c A WEEK.
Tonight and Saturday
probably warmer tonight
)L. 15.
NO. 4405
mm speaks
President Delivers Princi
pal Address at Tilden Dem
ocratic Club Dedication.
and Tariff Should Be the Bat
Cry of the Rehabilitated De
nocracy Issues Killed by the
opto at the Polls Should be
andoned, He Declares. .
lew York, June 20. The new club
dine of the Tilden Democratic
of this city, was dedicated last
. Prominent democratic leaders
all parts of the country were
nt and the assemblage was a
liant one. The principal sneech
the evening was delivered by ex-
dent Grover Cleveland, who
e rrom Princeton to attend the
cation. Mr. Cleveland spoke as
have been urged to participate in
occasion by those who have as-
ed me that this handsome struc-
re is to be dedicated tonight by
renabilitation and the consollda
of the democratic party, under
inspiration of a name which dur
the days of democratic strength
achievement, was honored by
try democratic household. Such
assurance made to one who fol-
red with hearty devotion the lead-
thip of Samuel J. Tilden when llv-
and who has since found in his
eor and fame the highest incentive
democratic steadfastness, 'could
T fail to overcome the tempta-
of my contented retirement
political activity. Perhaps there
those who would define my posl
as one of banishment instead
retirement. Against this I shall
enter a protest. It is 'sufficient
me in either case, that I have fol-
red, in matters of difference with-
our party, the teachings and coun-
1 of the great democrat In whose
line party peace and harmony are
Ight invoked. No confession of
irty sin Bhould therefore be .expect-
of me. I have none to make; nor
I crave political absolution.
here to take counsel with others
ifessing the same party faith, con-
irn.ing the democratic situation.
ippose we all are convinced that
lis eituation might be improved;
id some of us may think it is peril-
isly underminded. Whatever the
mre of its impairment may be,
ir condition as an organization can
be Improved by calling each
ler harsh names, nor by inaugurat
; a system of arbitrary proscrlp-
lon and banishment. The democrat-
party is very far from political in-
Jlvency, but no one here should be
tended by the suggestion that its
ipltal and prospects have suffered
lous Injury since Mr. Tilden was
elected president Then and after-
Trars northern, democratic states
were not rare curiosities, northern
democratic senators, now practically
extinct, were quite numerous and
Borthern democratic governors, now
Imcst never seen, were frequently
The Rank and File.
Those of us less prominent in the
party the rank and file are long
ing to be led through old democratic
ays to old democratic victories. We
were never more ready to ,do enthus
iastic battle than now, if we can only
w marshalled outside the shadow of
Predestined defeat. Is it too much
J? ask our leaders to ovoid paths
"iat nro known tn Innil tn disaster?
Is it too much to ask that proven-
errors be abondoned, and that we.be
aelivered from a body of death,, and
relieved from the, hiirilfin nt Issues.
' which have been killed Ji'the de-
: """" ujo American pjsepieT uugui
we to be-led upoMtaaethlng bet.
.-. w than heTAujMvat- defeat? Jfi
J fe quesUrMJiailuh..aa hot-?
' UiAniVttfctfahlrtTi T KaltatrA If will
,1 Productive of tb test kind of
mocraUc harmony., , r
..dealing with hew issues, we of
we democratic faith are extremely
Jnnate In the simplicity of demo-
.m l: 0M"aard8 and .the ease with
government as our fathers nr,inino,i
It and for the purposes which they
ouukiii io estaonsn; a party whose
conservatism opposes dangerous and
u.-jimuiicun experiments and yet
pins no Darner in the way of genuine
and safe progress, ought to be able
to deal with conditions in a manner
quite consistent with democratic doc
trine, and stimulating to democratic
guiseB ana instincts.
New and Gaudy Issues.
Let us not forget, however, that it
is not in tne search of new and
gaudy Issues, nor the lnternretatlons
nt C fOT,.,. ,.!l II i 1 . I .
"l anuuKu woiuus, iiiiiL a. sirone anniHASshn thfmcf vire nr?n at- a r- a r- .
j .. . : I . . .,.,w . urr ni rnm
uuaiiuj umuouracy aispiays us spien-
cua power. Another party may thrive HOUSE AS MEMBERS OF THE POSSE.
on tne ever-shifting treatment of the
ever-shlftinc mnnrte nf nnnnlQi kacI. I ' --0-
u Ui I 114-1
Tracy and. Merrill, the Oregon Convicts, Supply Themselves
With the Necessaries and Take Life Easy.
lessness, or by an Insincere play un- The sheriff anH mnnHh.mri ai..
fin ltnraaonTitni. n.n-l.1tn 1 I o
uu.uauuiUA UiCJUUlLU UilU tit' 1 1 1 S 1 1
anticipation but the democratic
party never. Democracy has already
in store the doctrines for which it
fights its successful battles and it
will have them in store as lone as
tne people are kept from their own,
on the trail of the Criminals With
Little News From the Official or Those Under His Direction Con
victs Have the Best of the Chase, as Country In Which They Are
Now Favors Escape.
i-oruana, june zu. Tracy ana Morrill, tne much-scarcnea-for con-
"uu juov. U.O IUUB U3 LUBII riCntS ana Trto rntnrnn,l in. V.r rp l.. . nrul I- 1. I..
interests are sacrificed, by favoritism , T' , . "T ' uruuK
in government careby Inequality of last evening at 7:15 o clock' and had 8uppon Thoy bouBht 20 Punds ot
government burdens, by the encour- uull'Br ana oacon ana again sirucK ior uie Drusn. wnno at xor-
ceo"iiit 01 uuge inausiriai aggrega- seubons tuey poseo as memoers 01 tne posse, ana tamed rrocly with a
tions that throttle Individual enter- peddler. The farmer's family asked them questions as to tho location of
monVanrbythrie re Tho icts
urles as It underlies nearly all betjmeu uuuenbutua mat xaey were not aeceivmg anyone as to tneir
others, a system of tariff taxation identity and that they were known to be those wanted by tho officers of
whose robbing exactions are far be- the law.
yond tho needs of economical and le
gitimate government expenditures.
which purchases support by appeals
to sordldness and creed, which hut
Marsh Hears the News.
new questions can be measur-
uiobo standards, A party bas
J Pon car for the interests of all
CPIl f ?elr aggregate condl-
ltimn r 'vun no'.unjust lavor-
flevoted to the plan of popular
Sheriff Marsh, of Vancouver, just received tho news this morning of
continually corrupts the nubile con- the reappearance of Tracy and Merrill at Lacenttr, 12 hours afterwards,
What but infatuation with tho vis
age of defeat can exptain the subor
dination of these things by democrats
wfien they prepare for battle?
If we are to have a rehabilitation
and a realignment of our party in
the sense suggested, It Is Important
that it be done openly and with no
mystery or double meaning. Our peo
ple are too much on the alert to ac
cent. noHtipal rlpHvArnripo tliov rln nnt
' " -""J I 1.. ! J 1 1 1 1 .11. 11.
understand, and the enthusiasm of uo t;iir"ou ou "f ucioijuuub oi ieicBraim, wuu mo uxcojjuou
tne aemocratlc ranlc and file does not Places
thrive on mystery.
I believe tho. tlmpa nnlnt tn nunfhor
democratic opportunity as now at THE ANfHKACITE STRIKE BAD WRECK ON THE N. P.
Hand, but I believe we Bhall reap the
fruits of it only by following the
line of conduct I have indicated.
CANAL! nnnTl llin iinnnrn
rutiimno nnunuth
The Senate's Voto Was Expected,
That Body Declaring for the Pan
ama by a Vote of 67 to 6.
Washington, Juno 20. Tho houso
today agreed to non-concur In tho
senate amendment which was ndopt
od yesterday, to the NIcaraua canal
bill, and to send tho bill back to con
The first actunl test on tho lath
niinn proposition was ou an amend
ment onoreil by Mitchell of Oregon,
giving tno president tho cholco ot
routes oven If ho could socuro tltlo
for tho Panama routo. It was laid on
tho table, 42 to 32.
Tho voto on tho Spoonor nmond
ment was 42 to 34 and It was declar
ed adopted.
Fairbank's amendment for tho Ibsu
anco of bonds for tho Isthmian canal
was adopted, 38 to 36.
Tho Spoonor bill for tho construc
tion of tho Panama canal, as amend
oil, passed tho senato by a voto ot C7
to G.
and immediately took the trail again with the bloodhounds.
Country Favors Escape.
It Is Impossible to determine tho chances of capturo of the two des
perate men, as the country which they are in at present Is difficult of
access, and rather favors their escape.
The Posse Unheard From.
No word was been received of tho operations of tho posse on the trail
of the convicts since late yesterday afternoon, as communication cannot
of a few
Cleveland's Abiding Faith.
In any event, I have a comforting
and abiding faith In the Indestructi
bility of the party which has so many
times shown its right to live and Its
power for good, and I am sure the
reserve of patriotic democratic wis-
Mitchell's Reason for Delay of a
Month Explained He Wanted Men
to Thoroughly Understand Situa
tion. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 20. The
dom will at the same time declare leaders of the anthracite miners'
Itself In the rescue of our country strike here attach little or no confl-
and party. dence In the advices from the south
My days of nolitlcal activity are and west, to the effect that the bltu
past, and I Bhall not hereafter as- mlnous miners are far from being
sume to participate in .par,ty councils, unanimously In favor of a general
I am absolutely content with retire- miners- BtriKe. iney say wnen tne
ment. but I still have one burnlne. joint convention meets in Indianapo
anxious politica lasplratlon. I want Hs it will be found that the bitumin
to see before I die the restoration to ous men will stand loyal to the mine
perfect health and supremacy of that workers' organization. It is now said
democracy whose mission it is to President Mitchell's main reason for
bless the neonle si ilfmifiornrv trim waitintr a month for the national
to itself. untemDted bv clamor, un- convention was that a perfect under
moved by the mists of rxDular nas- standing of facts might be obtained
slon and uncorrupted by offers of before the delegates to the conven
tion are instructed,
No Trouble at Wilkesbarre.
Wilkesbarre. Pa., June 20. No se
rlous trouble is reported in this re
gion. The strike leaders say that
tho non-union men and the police are
strange alliance a democracy of
patriotism, the democracy of safety,
the democracy of Tilden and the de
mocracy that deserves and wins suc
Discussed In Washington,
Washington, June 20.Cleveland's leaving here dally.
speech last night was much discuss
ed among the democrats in the house
and commended by many. Floor
Leader Richardson said he had noth'
ing but good to say of it It was
quite u me pomi ne aecmrea ana . publishing an article tho
altogether a democratic speech and McKinley's assassination ex
if democrats are to get together they w aaaaBainannn
must get together, that's all. l"b Z nrnTouneel the
I AJ.bVt v.ua.v
Bryan's Pointless Comment sentence. Most raised his hands and
Lincoln. Neb.. June 20. Bryan, in cried: "This is the funeral day of
today's. Commoner, says: "Why a free press or America.
shpuld it be necessary to harmonize
Two Passenger Trains Came Togeth
er on a Siding at Staples, With
Most Serious Results.
St. Paul, June 20. Six were killed
and four Injured in a collision be
tween Northern Pacific passenger
trains on tho siding at Staples, early
this morning. Tho dead are:
Fireman George Rasmusson, Con
ductor Noble, Baggageman Mueller,
Ernest Schultz, Walter Scott and an
unknown tramp.
Injured: Harry Zioler and three
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, Juno 20. Wheat con
tinued tls upward courso today, ca
bles being higher and weather con
ditions very unsatisfactory In tho
east. In addition to this, tho thresh
ing roturns nro not mooting anticipa
tions. New York oponed at 18 and
closed at 784 for September; 80
for July.
Closed yesterday, 77.
Opened today, 78V6.
Itango today, 7878Mi.
Closed today, 78.
Louis Bogas, Recently From
California, Murdered in
. Portland-Body Found.
Johann Most Sentenced.
New York, June 20. Johann Most,
the anarchist, was today formally
sentenced to one year's imprison
Hill and Cleveland? They alwayB
will be in harmony whenever Wall
street demands harmony."
Race War
Shawnee, Ok.,
in Oklahoma.
Juno 20. A race
riot occurred here last night A mob
of 200 men and boya, armed with
guns, attacked the negro quarters
and fired on the negroes. Three per-
He Is a Democrat He Is Not In
the Office-Seeking Business.
Memphis, Tenn., Juno 20. Richard
Olney, whom tho Olney Club of Mem
phis, indorsed for tho presidency two
weeks ago, has declined to come to
this city to deliver an address, Bay
ing ho is not a candidate for the
presidency and tho acceptance of tho
invitation would placo him in
wrong light.
State Troops Arrive.
Patorson, N. J., Juno 20. Tho state
troops asked for by tho mayor last
night, arrived hero this morning. Tho
strikers show no Intention of causing
trouble. Tho silk manufacturers say
tho presenco of troops will have
great moral effect on tho anarchistic
The King Passed Good Night.
Windsor, June 20. Tho king pass
ed a good night His health Is now
J. P. Morgan Is to dine with KJng
Edward, and tho servants are wor
rying about which to call "your ma
Excursion to Walla Walla, Sunday,
June 22nd.
Special train for Walla Walla next sons were seriously wounded.
Sunday, leaves F.enaieton' via o. - It
& N. Company at 9 o'clock a. m., re
turning, leaves Walla Walla at 6:30
m. Plenty of room tor an going,
Jias -been secured and,, perfect order
on tram will be maintained, jae pail
irame betweeen Pendleton and Walla
Walla promises to be the beat of the
season and no one snouia miss it.
-l-l At At . A f t trv .rl filial
are ior iub iwuu on ,nrt fo.W flrn nvflr fcnm In this
Chicago physicians are puzzled state is Bweepingjorward under a terrific gale. This town la being wiped
th case of a man whose heart out ana also tne town oi uuciuey, wueie uio ooci u.6 u
:r: : vt a hftts are the town of Boise. The Uvea of many woodsmen are tnreatenea, aii m
"v iVl f hc ,.rmn. jfnhitiintn. including women and children are fighting the flames. The
111 1 21 I II V III UU1 V vw ww- I 1 --
1 ' ,
water works here are rendered useless.
How the Water Resources of the
Country are Determined.
In order to ascertain the wntor re
sources of tho country. It Is not suf.
flclont to know merely tho qunntity
or water, but It Is Important to havo
also, fuctB concerning tho quality of
tno water whothor frcsli or sallno.
muddy or clenr, etc. Tho United
States Geological Survoy, in addition
to Its work on the fluctuations of
streams, Is making systematic obser
vations of tho amount of material
carried In suspension by tho flowing
water, rendering It muddy or turbid,
and also observations with roforonco
to tho color of tho wator, resulting
usually from dissolvod or susponded
matter. Tho study of tho color and
turbidity of wator 1b of commercial
Importance, bocauBo clear wator Ib
frequently a necessity In manufac
turing, and It should ho available for
municipal uso, as moat pooplo object
to drinking brownish or muddy wa
ter. In looking for supplies, thoro
fore, it la ncccaaary to know some
thing of tho color and turbidity of
stream wator and of tho changes
which. It undergoes with regard to
these qualities. Tho method of In
vestlgatlon is comparatively simple,
being adapted to Hold work. It con
sIstB In tho main, of comparing
small amount of wator hold In a
glass recoptaclo, with cortaln color
standardB; and for turbidity, of not
Ing tho depth boneath tho wator at
which a small pin can ho scon, A
description of tho molhodB can bo
found In circular No, 8 of the Divi
sion of Hydrography juBt Issued, a
copy or which may bo had on appli
cation to tho director of tho United
States Gcologlcul Survoy,
Stated Man Killed With Sandbag,
Probably, After He Was Given
Knock-Out-Dropa Motive of th
Murder Was Robbery Autoposy
Not Yet Held.
Portland, Juno 20. Ixnils Bogas,
who catno to thl3 city rocontly rrora
Sunta Barbara, Cal., was found mur
dered this morning. It was evldont
that a sand-baK was tho Imnlonumk
ot death. A negro, who was soea
with him, is BiiBuectod. Tho motlva
of tho dcod was robbery.
A Later Report.
Louis Borgus, who was found mur.
dorcd hero, was probably killed h
knock-out drops. An autopsy will bo
hold this afternoon. Tho nollco ar
nftor tho suspect, a nogro, omployod
as a mccuaniu on tho O. R. & N.
Bears Resemblance to Both NlrL.i
and Platinum.
Grant's Push, Juno 20. An un
known metal, occurring In nuggotB ot
uoui largo ana small sizes, Is found
In quantity In tho placer mines occu
pying what Ib known as tho "anciont
Illinois river channel," In tho Waldo
district B. E. Morodlth, manager
and owner of tho Morodlth Hydraullo
mines, on tho Illinois river, brought
in a quantity of tho Btrango nuggota
yostorday frcm his proporty. Mr.
Morodlth says thoy could savo ton
of It from tholr placers oach sooaoa
If tho now metal was of value.
Tho unknown motnl has boon glvem
tho Mimo "Jo8ophlnoito", from th
fact that It Is found only In Josenh.
Ino county. In luBtro and wolirht It
resembles nlckol. It alBo has tho ap
pcarnnco of platinum, and may bo
ono of tho flvo groups of tho latter
Eastorn mineralogists havo become
much lntorestod In tho unknown met.
al and aro trying hard to Identify It
ii u provos or valuo tho Illinois river
placers will become of much greater
noto, as tho metal Is found In great
quantity In them on tho serpentine
Breaks all Records.
Immigration Jn the month of May
at Now York has broken all pre
vious. rccordB, tho arrivals number
ing over 88,500, This compares with
a formor high record of 73,000, which
was cstaaiisiied in tno samo month
of 1893, when that number of Imml'
grants landed at Ellis Island, Then,
however, they camo largely from
Ireland and Northern Europo: now
70 por cent of them como from Italy,
Austria, Hungary and Russia. It Is
stated by ono of tho Immigration
commissioners that at least 63 per
cent of those now coming aro unde
sirable secauao having no trade or
regular yocatJon.
Scores British Admiralty.
London, Juno 20. In tho houso of
commons today, Admiral Charles
Bereaford heavily scored tho British
admiralty for Inefficiency, Ho de
clared the coal supply Inadequate and
tho number of men In reservo should
bo 80,000 instead of 20,000. Ho de
clared tho guns of the British infe
rior to those of Franco and tho Unite0
Oregon Girl 8ulclded.
Adah Coatollo, aged about 29
yoara, committed aulcldo Tuoaday
night In a room In a lodging house on
Eddy street, San Francisco. The
body was found next mornlug lying
on a bed In tho room II lied with gait,
Tho girl'H homo wub at Modford, Or.
Scrawled In almost lllollglblo char
acters was a noto addrosaod to Cor
poral Goorgo Brown, at tho Procdlo
bidding him furowoll. In tho girl's
trunk was a letter uddressod to hor
by hor mother, from Modford. The
mother told of ago and sickness and
iniulo an ippeal In most pathetic
torms for aid in her declining yoara.
in May last, flvo wooks after this
letter was written, tho tnothor came
hero to find hor daughtor. She call
ed on tho pollco, whoso search end
ed today Jn tho discovery ot the
girl's dead body,
Another Case of 'Fool for Luck."
Ed Parka wau In Sumptor. aays the
Minor, from Pino crook, where ho Is
running a store. Ho says largo quan-
tltios ot gold is being takon from
tho placors there this year, that dust
la tho medium of oxchango and troy
Bcaleu of '40 are more needed than
tho modern cash reglator. Ho save
there Is a striking Illustration la the
district of tho old saw, "a fool for
luck." Early In tho spring a tender
foot kid. drifted into camp, found -a
rich streak of gravel the next day.
hod a prospector make out and show
him how to post his location notice,
and has been punning out f4 orlf
a day ovor since ihasn't evon Bene
enougn to work a rocker and
ground sluicing proposition Is not la
tho roach of hia imagination.
The Southern Pacific sent out a
special train to Woodbnrn at 7:39
Wednesday evening to accomodate
perrons attoui'tng the annual stale
meeting of the Woedws ef um
? j