.-'! -u m ,11 "Bt ttBI IE f fit .1 li Hit m m m m m m m m THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1902. mammMmmMmm. THE FAIR SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE Our Special Sale on Men's and Boys' suits will continue all week. Special reductions on all suits sold this week. Buy your new suit this week and save money enough on it to buy you a nice dress shirt. The Fai Where Whole Families Can Trade Take a Look at the swell new patterns in WALL PAPER that have won the admira tion of all who have looked at them. They are the cream of the beautiful things of this season's styles. We will save you money if you allow us to figure on your job. C. C. SHARP Opera House Block Court Bt. I UMBE Gray's Harbor Com. Co. - SUCCESSORS TO A. C. SHAW "& CO. Being one of the largest man- ufacturing plants on Puget sound are able to sell you lumber cheaper than anyone else. New lumber coming in every day. They also make all kinds of boxes, including Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry, and Plumb and berry crates, and are prepared to make you prices either in small lots or BY THE CAR LOAD frorroroy6go The Pioneers of the Pacific A Strictly Up to Date Insurance Organization. Afford Absolute Protection and Payt Claim Promptly. iixad omcx: PENDLETON - OREGON I Well KiUbllihed in Sevan Btatei. SOLICITORS I WANTED. i VJJLgJUUL&ftJt AJULft S. gJLgJUUUUUl GOOD RIGS For Mountain Travel We have opened a Jlvery stable at Teal nprings wnere tno public will Jlnu good turnouts. vWe make a specialty of conveying people to anu irom Teal (springs. The Depot Stable, Barney Sherry and Elvln Oraig, Proprietors. R 8J Saving's Bank Free O END YOUlt ADDRESS TO tho Pacific Newspaper Unlen, 27 Market 8t, Ban Francisco, and Mcare free, a beautiful Nickel Set JrjffB Bank, alHo full particular re jpardlBg -the new Three Volume 1803 International .Encyclopaedic Diction jiry ' which la how being .furnished tc readers of tfc aper for only Flv Cetite a Dew. Waiting By FRANK S. CH1SWIOK Oopyrlcht, 1003, by Anna '8. Richardson Ferris Scaton had meant only to lightly crack the shell, hut when he grasped the napkin to mop the sticky yellow from his vest he realized the fierce energy with which he had struck the unoffending egg. His sister looked across the table In surprise. "What's the matter, Ferry?" she asked. "Is the uinrkct wrong, or Is Audrey? It Is Audrey," she finished for him as she noticed the quick con traction of the bushy brows. "What Is It?" He tossed the morning paper across the table. . "At the head of the -third column," he said briefly as ho continued the cleaning process. The article was a lurid scare head announcing the forthcoming marriage of Audrey Wiley, daughter of the null timllllonalre Thomas Wiley, to the Bar on von Zlnghen of the German embas sy at Washington. At a dinner and ball that evening the formal announce ment of the engagement would be made. . In the early seventies, when Tom Wi ley and Dave Seajon worked adjoining claims In tile Sierras, they una neen fast friends. Seaton had sold his claim to Wiley, who struck It rich ten months afterward. When Wiley came east a multimil lionaire, Seaton was a prosperous mer chant, and the old friendship was re newed. Ferris and Ethel were Invited to play with Audrey, and the compan ionship of the fathers was repeated In the second generation. Then Ferris went to college, only .to be recalled during his senior year by the failure and subsequent death of his father. The friendship between the two families lapsed temporarily until Ferris had placed the wrecked busi ness on Us old basis. Audrey, just back from the finishing school, was a beautiful girl. Between her and Fer ris it was love at first sight, but Wiley pere had other plans for his daughter. "I like you, my boy," he admitted to Ferris, "but, Audrey Is not for you. I've spent thousands on that girl, and she's going to marry more money or marry blood." Ferris replied sharply. Mr. Wiley forbade him the house and Imported from California a sister to act as Au drey's duenna. This had happened six -months ago. Ferris' letters had been returned by her father, and meetings were impossi ble. And now came the announcement of her engagement! "I never thought Audrey would be so mean," declared Ethel hotly aB she threw down the paper. "She's not to blame," declared Fer rls, calmly consuming what remained of the egg nnu its fellow. "I have all faith In her. It's that father of hers." Ethel passed around the table and seized her brother by the shoulder. "Ferris Seaton," she declared, with energy, "you are the most aggravating person I know ofl Why don't you do something?" "I'm going to, If you don't shake out all my Ideas," retorted the young man "Then," she declared, "I will leave you in peace." Ferris smiled as the dining room door slammed, and he finished his breakfast with some appetite. Then he started down town at a brisk walk. The air was sharp and bracing, and the half formed Idea took shape In his brain. He turned his steps to the poor er quarter of tho town, and a twenty minute walk brought blm to on estab lishment, half Baloon, half cafe, over the door of which was a small sign ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice Telephone Main 105. No Sediment to FouIJ Your Refrigerator No Disease Germsto jEndanger Your Health m orsdIl & ross reading, "Headquarters of the Bakers and Confectioners' Union." The place was crowded with clean shaven men. each carrying a small par cel which Seaton knew contained a flrcss suit. They were waltera not reg ularly employed, but hoping for odd JobB with caterers. Here the head waiters for the big catering establish ments secured their staffs for balls and dinners. Tho Planet had announced that Monl co would serve at the Wiley dluner and ball, and Seaton went straight to the proprietor. "Has Fritz come In?" he demanded, naming the well known maltre of the Monlco establishment The proprietor jerked his thumb over his shoulder to whore a stout bloud German sat at a table. Fritz rose as Seaton approached. His memory for faces was good, and he recognized the young merchant Instantly. "Wrnnt a job, Mr. Scaton?" he in quired jocosely. "That's it exactly." "Where's your card? You don't be-j long to the union." Fritz was willing to carry out the joke. "See here," said Ferris, "I'll give $100 to the uuion and another $100 to you if you hire mo at Wiley's tonight." Fritz blinked a moment. Then he put out his hand. All the world loves a lover, and ho knew what Scaton want ed. A bill passed between them. "Better hire a dress suit. Your own will fit too well," suggested Fritz after the details had been concluded. "And bo at the back door of Monico's at 0:30. I'll take you up myself." When the chosen few who had been bidden to both dinner and ball gathered about the board that evening, none rec ognized In the smooth shaven waiter Ferris Seaton. Even Audrey did not know him until a waiter hnnded her a menu enrd on the back of which was written in a familiar hand: Meet me In the conservatory soon as you can after dinner. I am here as a waiter. F. s. Little Von Zinghen, sitting by her side, wondered at tho Hush that sua denly spread over her face and neck, but complacently credited It to maiden modesty and the impending announce .nient. Von Zinghen had his blue blood and his vast estates, but the possession of all Germany could not have made a man of him. Audrey contrasted, with loathing,, the puppet at her side with the clean cut specimen of American manhood who, even in an 111 fitting dress coat, showed his physical perfec tion and whose keen features bore the impress of Intellect. An hour later Ihey were In tho con servatory, where as children they once played among the palms, pretending they were castaways on a tropical Is land. "Ferris," she said as he clasped her hands, "what ever persuaded you to run this risk?" "You," he responded tenderly. couldn't lose you without one last ef fort I want to know if you love me enough to go with me now at once! I have a good income, and I am at least a man." "The dearest man in nil the world!" she whispered softly.- "Then come," he urged. "I have a cab at the corner and a warm wrap for you. The gardener's door, dear, and no one will see us!" So hnnd in hand they went out into the night. The next morning the papers rang with the sensation, and Thomas Wiley over bis coffee was in a frame of mind utterly indescribable. The one touch needed to complete his fury was sup piled when the butler brought In Sea- ton's card. It took Wiley four minutes by the clock to calm down to the point where he could control his voice sufficiently to tell Jorkins, the placid English but ler, to kick Seaton off the step. By that time he bad decided to execute the or der in person. Seaton was not on the front steps, but in the reception room and In the most comfortable chair. He arose as the elder man approached. "I thought," he announced affably, "that I would run In and tell you that Audrey was all .right." "All right! She's disgraced!" Ferris caught Wiley's arm In a grasp that made him wince. "Be careful!" ho warned. "You are speaking of my wife. We were married last night by Dr. Stetson, your own pastor." "Her name's In all the papers!" splut tered Wiley, "So it, was yesterday," retorted Sea ton, "but then It was linked with that of Von 2lnghen, a man whose past life Is notorious. You put It In then. You are responsible for Its appearance this morning. You thought you wanted blood instead of brains. I knew better and corrected your error. You will thank me some day. Better thank me now," He held out bis hand frankly, and Wiley grasped It "Hang mo If I don't! You 'were rbzhtl" J. R. Hamilton, tho world famous mutton buyer, recently closed a deal with William Childress for 5,000 mut tons, 1.B00 dry owes, 2,000 bred ewea and ,1,B00 yearlings, at 12.35 per head. xnese aneep belong to ithe Howard wen ranch, T. T. Thomason bouabt a flock of sheep ,from Mr, Thotnaa of Bosque county for $2 per head. Tho hecp are now ranging In Deer canyon a the. .Pecos. Ozona Kicker. i. why nnirvira. Hay Carriers Cable, Forks, Rope, Pulleys, &c SEE TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAN, 741 Main Slrect BEFORE BUYING GRAND FREE PICNIC iffir-KINE'S GROVE Dancing Begins at 2 o'clock each Stmday. Basses to and from the grounds day and Night. - i n RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. picnic parties by applying St. George. A sewing machine Is ft necessity in every home and parents should not neglect teaching their children how to sew. A good investment is made when you purchase a Standard, White or Wheeler & Wilson. They are the highest standard of sewing machine excellency and are the most improved made. Don't send your money for a cheap machine for wo have them for $20.00, so if you want a cheap ma chine come in and see ours. Don't buy a "pig in a bag." Oil, needles and extras for all machines. Sewing machines, furniture DONTOlYOUJiKNOW that a little more money spent afthe start, for a furnace, will save a whole lot in the end. The majority of people, who think about it, do, We sell furnaces that cost more at the start, but pay in the end. W. G. McPheison Heating and Ventilating Engineer 47 First Street, Portland, Oregon I AMERICAN FUN. $3 00 per Day and Upwards. ItttttLffDfliiBllHnR-?-? HM Ibi 9 1 Uw Tift KJg iafBufrtv Mt?fi1(kHwx THE PORTLAND POHTI.lian iBSClal Patnn tn Paatnt-n n.. fortoruti.adcoS;rcr.rv7v.u:up,o v,BW"? rE- , ., The grove can De engapa lor xo rjuxxiiv owj.au, Jesse Failing, and carpets. A FOURTH OF JULY TREAT for Uncle Sam that will make him wish like Tom Marshall of Ken tucky did, that his throat was as long as the Potomac river that he might enjoy the elongated pleas ure of feeling it all the way down, is a glass of cold, sparkling and amber SchtdtVs Pilsner Beer more delicious to the palate of the thirsty than nectar was to the gods of yore. Be sure and order a case of Schultz's Pilsner beer for your Fourth of July celebration. , Finest Hotel In the Paclflo Northwest t-, - . ... . ... II. bs. BUWKKB. II "VHJ Buy a fart. Wliile They Are Chwpf N.Berkeley Will Sell You i-and at $1250 Per Acre that-will bo worlfi $25.00 within five years and Pay Fifteen Per Cent the invoBtmeiit in the meaa. while A Warm Bafcy Isn't always a comfortable one, of- more thau a man Is in v.'nrm iriw with his culls and collars willing, h they are not properly laundered.Wks I vmir HlilrlH nnllnrd ntifl rnfTa to1.i' j 1 "j w dered hero you can bally forth undei u 1 1 : . t. . 1 . . 1 ... 11.. 1 1 WfiPfl T.niir. vnnr linpii avi nnr, "tnetet out" befoie the day Is over. Try Bample of our summer laundering THE DOMESTIC lilllf r -1-1 t- I. J -r Ti .11.1 Women's Eyes are windows of observation tjiroti'"" narriRcrn Tniitftr'8 art IS HUieu " ,iu Judgment. Tlio eox are i""?" tSSi nr inductions will stwdttS i.t.t. iiti mem tu-i-i. ana in creui variety. . . - nnni Mmuor 4 Iloht iinnni In hnndfome aeugn luTflnlsrl, nt astonishingly low P""" irrade vehicles, uuarameu r v See Us About GasoIineflJ NEAQLE BROTHERS J Mountain Resorts FOR SALE . . iin.'nirliflin Spri"?1 Tbe ceieoraieu - tf locatad in the Blue Mo the Umatilla Jtfver, comply furniture, fixtures, Absolute control of fi trout fishing stream m ,yd sell 80 acre tract f grounds with watet , acres, as aesireu, jQt . Utrt rAflffC 'v farm, contromnB lease, tn" 0B U1 Fank B. Clof Pendleton, 0f : .rnfrTfflTrni simmnnii"""" a TOBACCU- PEPES-t e. wv v ft ts 11 iwnrs miir iiriimin stvit : viiL.i r i i vii u "-j 1 tWI -Alii V Till 1 1 If ' A II I 1 If f 1