East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 19, 1902, Image 2

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w 1902
Our prices on them are
so low that you can afford
to .throw them away in a
few months.
Here we are :
Goats, all Bizes, $1 to $3.
Coat and Vest, $4.00 to $7
Coat and Panta, $5 to $8
Pants, $1,25 to $5,00
Business Salts, $10 to $20
Buy your clothing of
us and be well fitted.
can save you
THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1902.
St. Aloyslus Academy Tuesday re
ceived a gift from Chas. M. Schwab,
president of the United States Steel
Corporation, of a handsome alumni
and assembly hall. The " structure
-which cost 25,000, adjoins the academy.
At the opening session of tho Amer
ican Library Association at Magno
lia, Miss., Tuesday, anouncement was
made of a gift of $100,000 from An
drew Carnegie for the preparation
and publication of reading lists and
Mrs. Sarah A. Haus, GG years old
of Batavia, N. Y., claims to be a rela
tive of Charles Bill, who died at
Los Angeles, Cal., on June 7, leav
ing $142,000. It was believed that
Bill had no living relatives. Mrs.
Baus says Hill was her mother's un
cle, and that she has documentary
evidence to substantiate her claim.
At a meeting held at Pueblo, Col.,
Tuesday afternoon, of the Pueblo
deanery, at Holy Trinity Church,
Bishop Olmstead appointed Rev.
Canon Maurice N. Bywater as arch
deacon of the diocese of Colorado.
Bis headquarters will be in Pueblo.
Canon Bywater comes from the ca
thedral in Topelca, and has accept
ed' the appointment, which is a new
office in the Colorado diocese.
Prominent bicyclists, autdmobilists
and good roads crusaders have form
ed a national alliance to promote
the buiidmg of a sho-t cut rhihway
from New York to Chicago, which
will reduce the, distance of tho pres
ent round about road between tho
netropolltlan cities .,f I tic oast and
ureat from 987 miles to 850 miles
At a meeting held in Now York the
New York and Chilcago Road Asso
elation was organized. Its formation
Is the result of six months of nego
tiation and correspondence among
' -n -ers of th 'unom boilie.-i inter
tsted in highway Improvement.
I . . . i I.I... Tf Innl.-ml lllfl
Wsonoososoloisononooo.jr tho wonis cuokcu ...
P. " m : froHtmle.
HfM Tnll o "rlierc, tncre. wuw
jrr9 I ft . fc And , mlf?nt mi well lie frnim
The Pendleton.
F. E. Ramsey, W. H. Foyle, J. A.
Livingston, "William Maher, C. M.
Smith, Charles I. Dasheill, E. W.
Aldman, A. Stenger, J. C. Lindsey,
George T. Coyne, Portland; "W. R.
Glendening, A. S. Heatfleld, Spokane;
L. A. Fall;, H. W. Harper, San Fran
cisco; A. E. Lorna, Detroit: A. E.
Zoellner, city; Phil Schlesinger, Mil
waukee; A. A. Fanalin, Chicago;
Louis Founsheman, J. L. McCullough,
Prineville; Margaret Yenney, AValla
Walla; Annie M. Markam, H. Charl
ton, at. Paul.
The Golden Rule.
O. J. Ruckman and wife, Illinois
Bert Zerba and wife, A. C. Mclntyre
ana wife, Athena; J. C. Pritchett
Milton; "W. C. Coleman, Walla Walla
H. B. Trow, Bert Applegate, J.
Russell, Spokane; G. D. Galley, W,
lUn, L. W. Bristol, Portland; John
Conklin, Tekoa; Al Vaughan, St.
Paul; L. W. Brown, Tho Dalles; Al
fred A. Hamilton, Indiana; W. P. In
gle, Cottonwood; Cora A. Nowcomb
Miss Courtney, C. J. Fraker, D. HIate,
Mrs. John Smith, Kamelia.
John Harrlgan has been convicted
at Whatcom, Wash,, of being ono of
the men who hold up a saloon in
Fairhaven, May 25, and shot Thomas
Barger ,a bystander, and Policeman
Peterson, who tried to effect their
Nino bids for tho building of the
Riparla-Lewiston lino were received
and opened by tho management of
the O. R. & N. Company. Tuesday,
These cover the work o the entire
line. No awards were made and
none will be made for a day or two
at leaBt. Something in tho neighbor
hood of $1,000,000 will bo involved
In the Improvement.
Strawberries In the vicinity of Le
banon, this year aro unusually cheap.
Beretoforo berries have never sold
for less than 10 cents per gallon in
tho patch, but this year ono grower
put tho price down to 5 cents per
gallon, when ono of his competitors
immediately dropped to 3 cents. Tho
Lorries this yeai are not up to tho
standard, on account of tho lato
W nr; Toney was shot In tho .-Jeh.
l.reast and lr,"Jed by Jerry Daley, nt
BurnB, Thursday afternoon. Both
novo employes at tho Buna "Vleta
ranch of the Fronch Glenn Livestock
Company 50 mllrs from Burns. Da
ley camo to town and Is now In Jail
awaiting examination. Ho claims
self-defonse, Officers have gone to
Mio.eceno and an Inquest will bo held.
Toney left a wife and two children.
In "Herplcide" The New Scientific
and Successful Dandruff Treat.
Have you dandruff? Then you have
a contagious parasite disease, un
pleasant, unhealthy and ono that will
eventually lead to baldness. To cure
it you must destroy the parasite that
rats at the root of the hair. Tho only
preparation for destroying these
germs is Newbro's Herpicde. Charles
Klein, of Laramie. Wyo.. says: "Her-
plcjdo allayed the itching and cured
the dandruff and stopped my hair's
falling out; and it is bringing a now
crop of hair." Herpicido is free from
grease or dangerous drugs, and
makes hair glossy and soft as silk
une Dottle will convince you of Its
Low Rates In Effect to Various Re
sorts, Attractive for Pendleton Peo
Bingham Warm Springs Sixty
nay ticKets, ?1.75; two-day tickets.
including three meals at tho hotel
nnd one bath at tho springs. $2.75,
These rates are for round trip anSf
inciucio stage faro between Bincliam
jaianon ana the springs.
Hot Lake Round trip, $3.30, tick
ets limited 30 days. On salo all the
year round.
Meacham and return Sundays
oniy. until September 30, $1.00.
ncKeis gooa nato of salo only.
Long Beach or Clatsop Beach
Houna trip, $10.00. Dates of eale.
July l. to August 25, Inclusive. Tick
ets good until September 30. No
stop over. Boat or rail between As
toria and Portland.
Yellowstone National Park nnd re
turnvia Monida. Montana. $70,
Routs via. O, R. & N. toHuntingfon,
O. S. L. to Monidt, stago transporta
tion through tho park via. Dwelles,
Lower Geyser Basin. Fountain Hotel,
upper ueysor Basin Hotel, Yellow
stono Lake, Lake Hotel, Grand Can
non, Falls of tho Yellowstone. Grand
iCannon Hotel, Norrls Geyser Basin,
uwoiios, Montda, o. s. L. and O. It.
& N. Sixty day limit
San Francisco and return Sixty-
aajr limit; dates of sale July 29. Au.
s, 6, b. and 7. Rates from Pendleton
via rail in both directions from Port
land, or via. steamer In one direction
and rail the other. $31.85; via.
steamer in both directions from
Portland, 20.85.
Denver rand return Juno 22 and
23 only, $42.00. Tickets nmi until
July 31. tStopovera allowed on re
turn trip.
' Copyright, lOOH, by the b
I'M . i . .r .. . I .. ...I I, ' W
"Do you really thhik it could be ar
ranged?" "Arranged? Of course it could."
"Indeed, Noll, I think you might. It
won't be half so. hnrd to sny goodby
here as to see you in the mob at tho
pier. Papa, do tell her she must go!"
A gray haired man turned away
from a couple of reporters to whom ho
had been insisting that he was taking
his two daughters around the world
purely for rest and pleasure and that
he had not tho slightest intention of
starting a branch house at Calcutta.
"Dear me, what is all this excite
ment nbout? Who must go where?
Blanche, there goes another bunch of
American Beauties. I wager they are
from one of those callow college boys."
"Oh, bother the llowersl" exclaimed
n petite blond, hugging the arm of
stately Nell Bromc. "Wo want Nell
to stay on board with us as far as the
pllotboat goes and then come back on
that. Do say she must!"
Mr. Humphreys smiled into tho eyes
of Nell Bronie, but something he saw
there made his heart contract sudden
ly. Ho had seen that heart hungry
look in her mother's eyes years and
years before, and it had changed the
whole current of his life. But perhaps
it had been better nfter all. And that
other Nell had never known what it
cost him.
"Papa, for heaven's sake, are you
asleep? There goes the bugle!"
And the spoiled younger daughter
hung convulsively on her friend's arm.
The mini spoke hastily as one roused
from a dream.
"Of course she shall go with us to
the ends of the earth, if she likes."
Then in a gentler tone: "It can bo eas
ily arranged, my dear girl. And that
you may fool entirely comfortable in
the matter I'll keep Hunter, too" wav
ing his hand toward his confidential
man "and he shall escort you back."
He did not cntch the grateful gleam
in Jack Hunter's eyes.
"You nre quite sure I can make it,
Mr. Humphreys. ' I must not disap
point father. Ho will be expecting me
for lunch without fail."
A silence fell over the group. Of
course they all understood. Arthur
Reginald Blackmorc, second son of Sir
Roland Blackmore nnd manager of his
father's ranches in the southwest, had
been visiting at the Bromc home for
ten days, his third visit in twelve
months. Mr. Brome was a rich man
and ambitious. Arthur Reginald Black
more's elder brother was at the Rivie
ra for his health, and Arthur Reginald
himself was returning to the southwest
and his ranches on tho afternoon ex
press. The vessel was gliding from the dock,
nnd the young people rushed to the rail
enjoying tho amazement on friendly
faces at sight of Nell still on board.
Mr. Humphreys was not looking at the
crowd on the pier, but nt Jack Hunter,
studying him with the keen, calculat
ing glance or n man of business, and dress or innuire nf R. T.nlntr Pomiio.
yet in time his glnnce softened, and ho , ton, Oregon.
tooi; tne young man's arm Impulsively.
"Come along, Jack, and we'll make
everything sure for your trip back to
New York. Girls, when you got through
waving those absurd flags and have
wiped your eyes, go down to the saloon
and see the flowers and fruit your ex
travngant admirers have sent you."
But the two men did not turn right
In to see either the captain or tho pilot,
They walked to a deserted corner ol
the boat as if by mutual consent, and
the elder man began sententiously:
"Ever been out west, Jack?"
"No, sir."
"Then you don't know what grub
staking is, do you?"
"I've a pretty fair Idea, Mr. Hum
Well, Jack, my lad, I think I'll grub
stake you In this deal. I believe the
Investment will pan out all right. If
you keep things running smoothly
while I'm gone, you'll have an Interest
In tho concern when I come back.
Thnt ought to put you on your mettle."
Hunter tried to sny Homethlng. but
nco " Then with n stamen cimiiB '
milcr and something mt bonlered
eloselv on a wink he added, "Now for
the pilot!"
The last farewells had been spoken.
'V)w Jiwnphroy Imd fi,n tunr"
fully to Nell as their last link with the
i ,.,i..,ni u-iilch had become Inex
plicably and suddenly dear to them,
then pushed her away with messages
nnd flowers, consigning her to the ten
der mercies of Jack, the pilot, and a
saucy little tug.
Noli and .Tack had been sitting in the
diminutive cabin talking of many
things and thinking of but one when
suddenly the girl glanced nt her watch
and littered an exclamation:
"Where are we? I'm dreadfully
afraid we won't get to town In time."
She rushed on deck and gave a dis
mayed little cry.
"Wliv, we're not going back to the
city at' all. AVc'rc still In the Narrows.
Jack, Jack, whatever Bhall I do? Mr.
Blackmore will never forgive my rude
ness." .lack led her back Into tho smnll
cabin safe from inquisitive eyes.
"Do you really care, Nell, whether
ho ever does forgive you?"
Her honest eyes fell before his.
"Father you know how he feels"
"What I want to know Is how you
feel. Are you willing to wait? Oh,
Nell, Mr. Humphreys is going to do all
sorts of tilings for me If only you'll
wait. This was his plan"
He slopped guiltily, nnd Nell's eyes
opened wide.
"Do you mean Jack, Jack, you'ro
not kidnaping me?"
"Gracious, no!" came the astonished
reply. "We I you see tho captain
of this tug and tho pilot want to hang
round the harbor until they pick up nn
Incoming vessel. That's only business,
you know," lie added hastily. "It's i
catching money coming and going, I
don't you see? And by the time we do ,
catch a vessel I reckon the afternoon
express will be headed toward Pitts
burg; that's nil."
"Oh, Jack, you're so clever!" This
in mullled tones, for Jack had followed
up his ndvantage in true lover's fash
ion. He sighed oven in his moment of
"It is only the first move. I'm nfrald
that Arthur Reginald is still in tho
It was dusk when a hansom stopped
before the Brome residence nnd a
somewhat nervous damsel was restor
ed to the bosom of her scandalized
parent. Jack Insisted upon making the
explanation, and how well ho did it
can best bo judged from this extract
from a letter which followed Mr. Hum
phreys by tho next mull:
The first move scored. Mr. Hrome raises
the embargo. I may call. I rather think
he was Impressed by the fact thut n man
who will gamble a month's salary on
bribing a tug pilot and captain to outwit
a rival has tho right stuff in him to make
u llnancler.
For Sale Cheap!
One 18-foot combined harvester.
One 14-foot steel frame header. One
mower and rake. For particulars ad
And Another lot at $9
Also Some Pants at Half
We are getting ready now for the
greatest fall business ever done in
Pendleton. That's the reason we
are making this extraordinary effort
to put out a large quantity of
Boston Ston
Regular beauties. Prettiest ever brought tJ
Pendleton. Largest linte Lowest Prices. ,1
that will save you money on your ice bill
Furniture, Stoves,
Complete internal and Internal
Treutment for Every Humor.
Consisting of Cuticuju soap (25c.). to
cleanse .the skin of crust and scales and
often the thickened cuticle, Cuticuka Olnt.
.juent (flOc.). to Instantly allay itching, Irrlta.
Uon, and lnaammaUop, and sootho and heal
nd CuncDitA Resolvent .v A, ...','
cleanse the blood. ' " "uu
A.slnglojiot Js, often sufficient tn
KtortuHn' lwta.iUn, scalp, and
blood humors, rashes. Ib-hlnoi,
ttOBSi Wlthl loss oMialr. hn ih. ... ......rT
Una and all other remedies fall. f
FALLING HAM p'-2!Lte b'
We have just received a very
large and elegant line of
Pocket Books
Wrist Bags
Chatelain Bags
These goods we bought direct
from the factory, at factory
prices, and we are thus en
abled to sell them to you at
vary reasonable prices. We
should be pleased to have
you call and look them over.
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Block. Phone 861
We Can Supply Youffl
Forks, Pulleys,
Flexible Steel
And All Kinds of Hayi
The Big Carpet
You Can BeaTouf-Cl
i inaf. this one way-IMF"
T,otintf fill rljrb. .
!... ,.,., int.vle.invanetr"
of cost, m 10
fa Ml
you tun ,
selling at . JJJ 1
0r iTew Une of (fiber r3
Main 24.
There Is Mo Que
" " ZT KotbioS j
It is the finest grade it is possible to make.
but the choicebt wheat enters into d jw- j
... .. ... i. i ;t !s useu1" ij
sattstaction is the result wnereicvw
or fancy baking.
W, S.ByetJ, Propriety
V V 4.4
ror neaitn, Strength and ft
Pleasure Drink 7 II
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
j ' ' lj