7J I 1 I The Resiiift Shoe Rebounding cushion centresob Ventilates the shoe at every step Prevents jar to nerves and spine Distributes, pressure over foot sole Spreads wear evenly over shoe sole Dry springy foot-conforming ; Comfort,: FILLED ; M' 2 ill&i53swg SOLD EXCLUSIVELY IN PENDLETON BY NB1NGER, WILSON & 0 GOOD SHOES CHEAP ISSUED BAD CHECKS. An Insurance Man Gets Himself Into Trouble In Canyon City. Some two weeks sien n. mnn hv tlin jiamo of Prank Wilbur arrived in Canyon City, says the Eagle, whose business he clalmpd was writing lire insurance. By board ing at the hotel and drinking quite Amateur and Professional PHOTOGRAPHERS will find it to their advan tage to call on us for their supplies. We have the largest and best selected stock fn Pendleton. You will obtain the best re sults with your work if you use material pur chased of us, and you will be money ahead. I TOLLMAN & CO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS heavllv at the snlnnnR hn ssnrm ha came in debt to a considerable amount, and belnc nressed for tin. v. ment, wrote three checks on the bank of Carmlle, Oklahoma, on each one oDtainlnsr money over and above , tne amount ho owed. One check ho cave Sam Bauer for $85 and received $27 in cash, ono was drawn to Unas. E. corns took and endorsed over to Geo. E. Pattersan on which Wilbur got ?14 in cash, the other was given Guernsey & Clark for ?40, on which he obtained some money. On Monday the parties interested telegraphed to the bank at Carmlle and found that Wilbur had no money there. The next morning C. G. Guern sey had him arrested upon a charge of larceny and he was given a hear ing before N. RuUson, justice of tho peace, who placed his bonds at $250. He gave tho desired bond and was re leased. Wilbur's conduct since arriving in town has at no time been of the best. On Thursdav of last wenlr h rested for using nrofane Inn the street and was fined by Recorder iuurun $t.uu. Long Creek Ranger: Charles O Crowner and Frank Anafnirnr nt fnn. dleton, who had been to Prairie City with loads of goods for tho Cleaver brothers, arrived in tnwn Rnnrinv Mr. Crowner filed, on a homestead' Claim Monday and Intnmln tn rntnrn 10 urant county snortiy to reside. MEN'S $2.50 SHOES In Colt Skin, Calf Skin and Vici Kid, both Lace and Congress; all style toes. Wear like iron. REAL BARGAINS 4 2 2 2 THE 'PENDLETON SHOE COMPANY Phone lied i26 645 Main St. Bring Yoor Shoes to C. BERQUIST, the Shoemaker7 nd have them repaired. Shop With PeidletOB Shoe ConptlJ. 'PERSONAL MENTION. S. B. Calderhead is in town. Dr. J. V. Van Patten, of Dayton, Is at Hotel St. George. Mrs. V. H. Fee was removed from tho hospital to hor home Monday. Robert Burns, general ( agent for tho O. R. & N., is in town from Walla Walla. Senator Walter Piorco has been 111 sqvcral days with lumbago or rheumatism. Mrs. H. E. Hallock, of Ileppnor, Is visiting at tho homo of her son, Ho mer H. Hallock, of this city. Mrs. Bpple left this morning for Butter creek, where she will spend two weeks visiting relatives. Postmaster C. 13. Fell lc reported as bolnc nn hotter nftfir tnnro than a week of confinement to his bed. W. H. Mnnlo ami liricln arrlvnd Sat urday evening from Walla Walla whore they were married a few das ago. John Ulrlch nxnects tn Ifiavo with his family in a few days, for Denver, Col., whore thoy will make their fu ture homo. Mr. nnrl ITrs. finnrtrn Tilnirflr ro urnert Monday evening from Milton where they had been vlsitinjr Mr Biuker's parents. Miss Leila Prlvett. of Haker Cltv who has been the guest of the Misses Winnie and Delia Prlvett, left Sunday evening for hor home. Mrs. Robert Simpson and daugh ter, of Olympla, left this morning for home after spnding several days hero the guests of relatives. Miss Georgie Harman, of La Grande, is in Pendleton visiting her cousin, Mrs. Frank Frazlcr, at her homo on Jackson street. Wirt Minor, tjio well-known Port land lawyer, is in attendant mmn tho circuit court, remaining hero sovenl days, stopping at the Hotel Pendleton. James Cox. of tho Athena hnsehniii team, remained over Monday in Pen dleton on his wav from T.n fi whero the team played Saturday and aunoay. Master Loren and Ross TC nnnpflv I sons of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kennedy are spending a jew days visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J H. Ross, on Camas Prairie. William Coffman and f.imllv loft Monday for Lehman Springs, whore thoy will spend tho snmmnr. Mr Coffman and son have leased the shooting gallery and are going to put a bowling alloy in connection. Mrs. Fredericks will rioii dress before the Women's Auxiliary of the Church of the Redeemer, at the home of Mrs.'-Lena 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.' A cordial invitation Is extended to all Interested in missionary wnrir tn nt. tend. Ladies of tho narish am eanpo. ially requested to ha nreaflnt Pnn. trlbutions received. A. J. Haley arrived In Pnnriintnn from Lacamas and will spend several days visltinc relatives and friends Mr. Halley savs tho neonlo ninn tho river around Lacamas and Oregon ouy, are considerably worked nn over tho escaned convicts In thoir territory. He also said there was no oouDt out Track and Merrill are the fellows who crossed tho Vancouver Sunday. S. T. Philips, who claims t.hn dls. tinotlon of being tho first white child born in Umatilla countv ia in tho city serving on tho jury. Mr. Philips says he was born in a wagon 50 years ago, while his narents worn on rnntn West. He resides about four miles east of Weston, where he has made nis nome since he was 16 years old Frank Darcy, of Portland, has taken a position as salesman at the Pendleton Shoo Store. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, of Newburg state president of tho W. C. T. U., Is in town tho guest of the local organ ization, flho Will civa a lectnro nt tho Thomnson Street M. Vi. ohnmh this evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. No admission will bo charged and all aro Invited to the lecture. Mrs. Harford is a forceful and pleasing speaker and will entertain her audi ence. She and Miss Co2hv T?nlv mncned today at Mrs. B. T. Wado's John Endlcott left this mnrnfhir fnr i.enman springs, where he goes to iqok aiter nis interests. Mr. EndL cott was accomnanied hv twn Mr. penters who are colnc to oret n sum. mor cottage for W. M. Myrick, who win move nis ram y to t in snr n as soon as it ts finished. Mr TCndt. cott says there aro 30 peoplo now at tne springs and ho oxpects 100 within a few days. Ho savs that hunting una USninC IS COOII. A honr wna aann and crippled within a few miles of tho camp last xnursday. A squad of police will lead tho pro cession. Do Caprlo'B band will fol low and a guard of honcr, consisting of Native, win cumu uuai pioneers in the order of the years of their nrrival will bring up tho rear . 1 ...111 Mio Tho lino ot marcn win uu num . .. In.. Itltllll- hotel direct to tne exiiuaiuun uu. Ing, out Morrison street. Tho follow' ing program will bo rendered: MUSIC JLU veil"'" " Calling to order by President Judgo J. H. D. uray, ASlorm, jooj. Prayer by tho chaplain, Rev. J. W . - . -TT 1nwn Address of welcome nuu. ucuiB .nn .. i t- r II. Williams, l&ti-i, muyur-uiuuL ui Portland. Response by tho president. Music by tho band. Annual address Hon. T. A. Mc Bride, Oregon City, 1810. Poom, by Mrs. Juno McMlllen Ord way, to bo read by J. C. Morcland 1S52, Portland, vice-president. Occasional address W. T. Wright Union, 1S52. The annual banquet given by the women's auxiliary, will folllow tho lit- . .'. .1 imtnlnnl nvnrflloOC CI ill J ilUU illUOlLUi UAVi v-w-w. At 7:30 in the evening tho annual business meeting for the election of officers, etc.. Will uo lioni. tho rest of tho evening will bo given up to story-telling and tho renewal oi nc n.,nl.an..nnr rpimi-n will n1c;n lin sp lections by tho veteran double male quartet, and recitations oy miss uzui tioopengarner. Nearly Died of Starvation. A young man in one of our largo cues was recently iounu in un uu- nnncnlnne nnwlltnn nnd llTinn nYani- Ination it was found that ho was dy ing of starvation. Food was given in small nuantitics and in a fow days tho patient recovered. There aro many other peoplo starving them snlvna lipnnnsn thnv aro afraid to Clt rrnn1 aiilistnntliil- fond. Tlioir stom- achs aro weak and cannot therefore digest it properly. Consequently tho nntlont lnsns flesli fnd tho hlnnd and nerves become impoverished. A fow doses of Hostetter's Stomach llltteis vil Irestoro tho stomach to its normal condition and cure headache, Indiges tion, dyspepsia, flatulency, constipa tion and biliousness. It is tho best stomach strengthener and health builder in existence. Try it and soo for yourseL1. OFFICIAL VOTE OF OREGON THE OFFICIAL COUNT OF 33 COUNTIES COMPLETE. Chamberlain's Plurality In the State Is Only 256 Out of a Total Vote In the State of Over 80,000. Official roturns from nil the coun ties of Oregon nre now comploto Multnomah being tho last of tho 33 counties to comploto tho ofllcial count. The following tnblo gives tho official figures; ' COUNTIES linker 11 iiliin Clai'kamns . . . Uai'o Uo umUlu fins Cri.nt i. Curry l)i)llKlll9 milium Orniit I'ltrnev JllClt'OIt Jo'cpliliui.... KlllIMIltll I.five.,, l.auc Lincoln Mi ll Mnllicur .Marion Slurruw '.Multnomah.. I'olk Shoruinu Tillamook..., Umatillia. ... Union Wallowa , Wasco .., Wash 1 li b ton ,, WhiM-lnr , Yamhill- Total? Election oi 1898 Si 1.19 OSS) 'J.lrtl l.f.85 7'JI t',07 31U J, 053 Ml 973 :il7 1560 .; I3'.l 4.-W l.tra 17(1 ,X"2 17 3.-210 XV. 10,3il 478 035 1.817 1,625 KM 1,360 1,713 E a Election ot 1902 c 5 O B Plural-ties. 1.4SH 1.777 631 1,013 J!!' ,6v 1.7.H 071' 4ir. 1,277 S'JI 3 IS 3i l.Hih III "2,713 468 1,017 1,170 323 1.40') l,i.'-:i 314 on 1,210 i','93. 1.-4KI m 2,113 l.ll'Ii t03 1,010 fSO ir,o: 1,W3 145 b'io 1,513 191 2,432 41') 1,740 B43 2,52.1 fi.riy 7,481 1,101 017 1,011 l.CfiO 631 1,401 1,011 437 08 45,Oti3.,ll,54j39,f.06lao.Sffii435l8u'a 2.171 812 1,721 48 7S9 628 1,8-1 309 blfi "l'.C2 7t0 414 2,17:1 227 2.001 bl) 2,815 014 8,2i2 1,12! 311 112 2.177 1,700 823 1,171 1.318 282; 48 31)2 utr .118 271 02 ICO 49 6 31 127 103 200 3 8 230 2C3 15.5 l'8 LET I! tla.'. wh" """ about it. " 'til'- Tli is is one wish to reini4 you of ,j esi 191 102 315 0 322 55 741 120 1160 700 292 Chamberlain's plurality, 25G 'Included in Crook. (Irmit nml nilllnm ir. 1S99. Iowa lias more button fnnfnrlon than any other state in tho Tlnlnn no. cording to tho United States census report, and this fact prompts an Iowan editor to succest that It would be more appropriate to orect a "But ton Palace" instead of n "Corn Pal ace," at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. other's Pnr T1" est 25c nnUl Trytouce;youwillbnylJ OwlTeaH( 301 COURT STREET,' E.T.WAI Real Estate Dealer Wheat Lnds and ( City Property for sale, i Ranches a Specialty, 1 Member of the Interstate IdvJ Association. Office in E. 0, MM PO. ?ox .124 PENDLEIOs'd asasasa k V'VVvsai wwm WVW A A A w a it tt in ri SUMMER SHOES Thin soles; nice pretty toes Medium, Low or French lieels Vici or Patent Kids $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 SOFT, WIDE Easy Shoes FOR MEN $2.50 PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ST. JCE TORE. GENTS' NECKWEAR j We have just received direct from the manufacturers j The Nobbiest and Prettiest Line of Gents' Neckweai ever shown in Pendleton ; All styles and prices. We selected the silk and had them nidi - to our order. ii Come and -look them over if you want the newest thbtsk neckwear. THE LYONS MERCANTILE CO. THE LEADERS k k-iai v: w.to v- tf ir'ti rr.i rr:i OREGON PIONEERS. Are Holding Their Annual Reunion In Portland Tomorrow. Tomorrow tho Oreiron nlnnooro mtu assomblo In Portland fnr thnti. mtv. annual reunion of tho state associa tion. Tho reunion la to be held in exposition bulldlnir in tho feftnrnnnn and evening. At 1:30 v. m. Wednesday Mm nm. cession will be formed at the Portland hotel with J. W. Minto as emnil mai. flhal and T. 0. Belcher, N. H. Bird, p n, ayior anu w. h. warren as aides Fo POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES CALL ON L Colesworthy -1 THE CHOP MILL 127 and 120 East Alta Street Millinery Sale We have too many TRIMMED HATS, so make prices to move them. This gives the ladies a ohance to get A STYLISH ', hai b&hAF at the height of the season. CARRIER MILLINERY ." . if WANTS TO MARRY A young lady, clever, accomplieiied, wi - , pie income, jw onmmintance of a m t; Kit L 1, ss.. vs-s' -tj. muDV J Klliu ,...1, 'l U.4 - irin nn nifinn n-A V1 2. x Cnni. that buy FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC RADER'S Main and WBt Streets, Pen1 J a.' .( f A' 1 n