. m m m m m m m m 3' TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1902. THE FAIR SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE Our Special Sale on Men's and Boys' suits will continue all week. Special reductions on all suits sold this week. Bny your new suit this week arid save money enough on it to buy you a nice dress shirt. The Fak Where Whole Families Can Trade Take a Look at the swell new patterns in WALL PAPER that have won the admira tion of all who have looked at them. They are the cream of the beautiful things of this season's styles. We will save you money if you allow us to figure on your job. C. C. SHARP Opera House Block Court St. , The Pioneers of the Pacific . j A Strictly Up to Date Insurance Organization. Affords Absolute Protection and Fays Claims Promptly. BEAD OFFICE : PENDLETON - OREdON Is Well Established in Seven States. SOLICITORS WANTED. m WOOL SHIES MORE THAN 326,000 POUNDS CHANGED HANDS MONDAY Eastern Oregon Wool Growers' As sociation Sealed Bids Sale Resulted In Heavy Transfers of Umatilla Fleece. On Monday 32(3,000 pounds of wool changed hands in Pendleton at the sealed bid sale of the Eastern Ore gon Woolgrowers association. j The J. E. Smith clip was the lar& est lot sold. It consisted of 130,100 pounds and brought 12 cents. Dan Dewey was the buyer, j The next largest lot was purchased 1 by E. Y. Judd and consited of the Chapman, Nelson Guillifrod Bros and Mathows clips. The Chapman lot of 3S sacks sold for 11 cenbs; Nelson clip, 37 sacks, 11 Yi cento; Guiliford Bros., Ill stacs, 11 cents, Mathows clip, 33 sackB, 12 y8 cents E. W. Brlgham purchased the Ed wards, Salisbury, Smith & Gibson clips. The Edwards clip consisted of CI sacks and sold for 12 cent3; the Salisbury lot of 30 sacks, sold for 11 cents; the Smith & Gibson clips of 38 sacks sold for 11 cents. Chas. Green bought the Bust, Cald well, Stanton Bros. & "Walton clips The Rust clip consisted of 30 sacks sold .for 11 cents; the Caldwell Bros, of 18 sacks sold for 11 cents; Stanton Bros & Walton clips of 5i sacks said for 10 cents. The Cooiier and Wyatt clip, consist ing of 67 sacks, were sold to Mr Cotter and brought 11 cents. Several growers refused to accept the prices offered at sealed bids, thinking they could do better by holding or selling at private sale Ti.non wnm tlin rinmnhell clin of 250 sacks, the Roork clip of 34 sacks, the Rugg clip of 190 sacks, the Doherty clip of 17C, and the Walcup clip of 29 sacks. All o ftho wool sold was exception ally good and especially were some of the clips saught nfter by the buy ers. Those who refused to sell at the prices bid are perhaps Justified In do ing so as the markets aro strong and tho Indications aro that there will bo no drop and is a possibility of being a raise. These sales cleaned out tho larger bulk of the wool In Umatilla conn ty. Sarefill estimation gives the amount already sold in tho county at 2,000,000 pounds and that will only leave something like 600,000 pounds as tho total clip will not exceed a million and a half pounds. To take it as a whole the quality of the clip for this year has been above tho average, and not only are the growers pleased with tho prices they are receiving but tho buyers are pleased with the quality. OUi ON BONDS. ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice Tim Townsend Released from Jail at Canyon City. Tim Townsend, who has, been con fined in tho Grant county jail for sev eral months awaiting trial on a charge of horsestealing, was let out on bonds last Wednesday, says the Blue Mountain Eagle. He was jointly indicted with Wil lie Robinson by the grand jury, and was to have been tried at the last term of court, but Robinson escaping from jail made the matter of convic tion nffw difficult and he secured a postponemnt of his caso until tho November term of court. It is hop ed by that time Robinson will be rjiiitrht ami the caso nrocoeded with Townsend's bonds were placed at $500 and his securities are J. u. wu moth, J. D. Combs and T. T. Tuttle O. R. & N. EXCURSION. Telephone Main 105. No Sediment to Foul Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health VAN ORSDALL k ROSS THE STANDARD FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY BEWARE OF IMITATIONS ESBERG-GUNST CIGAR CO., Distributing Agents. DON'T YOU KNOW that a little more money spent at the start, for a furnace, will save. a whole lot in the end. The majority of people, who think about it, do, We sell furnaces that cost more at the start, but pay in the end. ,, . - ., v.. W. G. McPheson Heating and Ventilating .Engineer 47 First Street, Portland, Oregon Low Rates in Effect to Various Re sorts, Attractive for Pendleton Peo ple. Bingham Warm Springs Sixty day tickets, $1.75; two-day tickets, including three meals at the hotel and one bath at tho springs, $2.75. These rates are for round trip and include stage fare between Bingham Station and the Springs. Hot Lake Round trip, $3.30, tick ets limited 30 days. On sale all tho year round. Meacham and return Sundays only, until September 30, $1.00 Tickets good date of sale only. Long Beach or Clatsop Beach Round trip, $10.00. Dates of sale July 1 to August 25, inclusive. Tick ets good until September 30. No stop over. Boat or rail between As toria and Portland. Yellowstone National Park and re turn Via Monida, Montana, $70 Routs via. O. R. & N. to Huntington O. S. Xi. to Monldt, stage transporta tion through the park via. Dwelles Lower Geyser Basin, Fountain Hotel Upper Geyser Basin Hotel, Yellow stone Lake, Lake Hotel, Grand Can non, Falls of the Yellowstone, Grand Cannon Hotel, Norrls Geyser Basin Dwelles, Mumda, O. S. L. and O. R & N. Sixty day limit. San Francisco and return Sixty day limit; dates of sale July 29, Aug. 3, 5, 6, and 7. Rates from Pendleton via rail in both directions from Port land, or via. steamer in one direction and rail the other, $31.85; via steamer in both directions from Portland, 20.85. ' Denver and return Juno 22- and 23 . only, $42.00. Tickets good until July ,31. Stopovers allowed on re turn trip. BOSTON STORE Shirt Waist and Skirt . SALE- WAIST SALE Bi cut in Ladies' shirt waists, $1.00,. F f $1.35 and $2.00 values, liwt years styles, reduced for this anl to 25c for 75 and $i-00 VALUES Ladies' white pique and duck skirts, fkf $2.00, $3.00, $3,50 and $4 00 values, for this sale SKIRT SALE . I3st $-00 $-25 $'50 and nil $.75 Values Linen skirts, blue trimmed, 75c values, this sale NEW TODAY 50c 45c New capsheaf safety pins 6c, lOe New Onio dr'ss shield 25 and 30o New hose supporters, all prices Now Lyons silk lining 50c Now Pongee ailks New Liberty satin ribbon all prices Now Grenadine silks Now comfortables New trunks ami valises Boston Store HAY TIME MORMON MISSIONARY. Goes to London to "Save" his Fellows at His Own Expense. A farewell reception was given at me Mormon church, at La Grande Friday night, to David Jordan started Sunday on a mission to Great Britain. An add ay president uramwell, music and re citations renuereu, then a dance was given. There Was a Vfrv lnriro n f . tendance of townspeople, and the proceeus go to Air. Jordan to help him on his journey. A Mormon mis sionary gets no salary and pays his own expenses, Mr. Jordan will go to London, where President Bramwell labored when a young man. and will remain tnero live years. Jordan is a young man and has been Hrv pnnrfo t ... . " ------- j cieru ior . iv. west, at La Grande and goes at tho call nf tho ohnmi. This Is tho rule of tho Mormons, who nuiu umi mo scriptures do not war rant tho payment of salaries to cnurcn woricers. Saved Fro,., an Awful Fate. "Evorvhndv snM T lio.i tion," writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of uuuiiiucrHuurir. r-n. -i wna an after six months of severe sickness caused by hay fever and asthma, that few thouKht I couhi cot wnll l.ii T learned of tho marvelous morlt of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, used It and was completely cured." For rinannrnrn thrnnt . W.IWUV llllU lung diseases it is the 8.fest euro In the world, and Is Infallible for COURhS. COldS and hronMilnl n tlons. Guaranteed bottles BOo and SI. Trial bottles free at Tniimnn . Co.'fl. Attention, Farmers ! I have a full line of FORKS, ROPE, CABLE, HAY CARRIERS, Etc. , Prices are lowest, quality considered. T. C. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAN 741 main Street GRAND FREE PICNIC stodIy at KINE'S GROVE Dancing Begins at 2 o'clock each Sunday. Basses to and from the grounds day and Night. ' RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can he engaged for picnic parties by applying to PETER SMITH, at Hotel St, George. A sewing machine Is a necessity in evory home and paronts should not neglect teaching their childron how to sew. A good investment is made when you purchase a Standard, White or Wheeler & Wilson. They are the highest standard of sowing machine excellency and are the most improved made. Don't send your money for a cheap madhine for we have them for $20.00, so if you want a cheap ma chine come in and see ours. Don't buy a "pig in a bag. Oil, needles and extras for all machines. Jesse Failing, Sewing machines, furniture and carpots. THE WISE SOLOMON said there was a time for every thing. The time to drink our invigorating PILSNER BEER is when you are run down, debili tated, nervous, wakeful or fatigued in fact, the time to ,drink it is at ah times when you need a re freshing, appetizing and delicious .drink. Xry a case of Schultz's Pilsner beer and y'ou-will calltif a wonder worker that is welcome in every house. I Have Since Jm ration! -v V Jl 111 U 'PAk vr i r-V i stiii w : cams iib r , 8 UQ list Citv on r"i'ciiv at . i uui i i ii.i: i mi ii " , .,..i imnrmvj . . riu vmgajiauk Building, A Warm Baby 1 isn't aiwivys a comfortable oad muiB iuuu u man is m wanuai with hla cufl's and collars wilting , they are not properly lairoderej.'i your shirts, collars and enffsarti dered here you can sally forth t broiling July sun happy in the i ledge that your linen will tot' out" before the day Is over. Bamplo of our summer laundering, ' THE DOMESTIC Llffl J. F. Ilobiuson, Prop. Pendi Women's Eves nro windows of observation ft-flJ.j'iSj carnoRe maxeri . j JUUgmCUW 11W tOJ. aio '""""7,17. respect. Our productions U1 stul J est criticism and test. Usre 2f and lu great vanevy. "'"''r'TC light wagons in handeome 3eJIW grade vehicles. Guarantee wllheriij See Us About Gasoline Bp N EAGLE BROTHERS Water St., near Main, -WTmtniiimnnnilHIIIIIIHTrfnffWI mmimiiuiiiiiui i E PIPES to suit an. p .....all -i -VMA DlfT .For Mountain Traiel . llrv Btl) llln inVll fHlfll ITU t w ,tt. m T1T1I1 V1MII1 lUWiu" I people iu . Tho IlfOOl h m bv wr i uiiorrv buu'" i wl ' ...-i,-t St.. ean - ,.v,i ar ODm,rfi free, o beauuw .jj mil -iwmfw- aissa n - iinft . r ji. uw Internawo""1 j, vjjjr iun"-- readers m Cento a w -Zt ind the P'jffll, It by thlr j 1 - ---- - s p r