dH . - - - , - - - , , 1 u ii i r inii nig 1 i II H lll.l lib V A 4 van HI EI i Now is the, time to take advantage of the great Dinner Ware Gifts which cost you absolutely nothing v With every TEN CENT PUKCHASE we give a diamond or gold stamp, and when you.have FIFTY stamps we redeem hem with a piece of beautiful decorated porcelain china 3, SEE DISPLAY IN DRY GOODS WINDOW. Lee Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1902. BREVITIES. A, Howard, form loans. in Orsdnll & Ross for pure artl- Ice. Imnier underwear, 60 cents a at Teutsch's. fine free lunch from 9 a. m. till bight at Gratz's. br first-class cab, day or night, f 'phone Main 70. br a cool, refreshing glass of litz beer go to Gratz's. IcReynold's creamery butter on in all stores. Ask for it. fchlltz beer on draught and fine in basement of Golden Rule utton's Ice cream is the best le. Time and trial have proven place lunch counter, on Court et, is now open. Everything in Ion. nothar Invoice of Helnz's apple er, something very fine, at Haw- I Bros. top into our comfortable parlors bo served with our superior ice im. The ueita. loney to loan at lowest rates on t or country property. J. R. Dick- Kant Oregonian building. ult jars will be very high this ir, as the price has advanced. We ght before the advance and will our customers the advantage of saving. The Standard Grocery. Slivers nt Hiinzlkor's never recrnt Ithelr purchases. EXPERIENCE flow manv times hava Ton hntipht Jewelry mid afterward charged the Juappolntment to Experience ? nnue Experience may do a good teacher. It's apt to prove expensive. It's lots cheaper in tho ond to buy of rename aeaier. Good Jewelry... Does not mean price necesiarily. have good jewelry tn Kolled Hats. Gold Ftlled and-Solid Gold- variety ol gradts, but always good. L. HUNZIKER Jeweler and Optician Nxt Door to R. Alexander Straw hats at Teutsch's. Lunches at Phillips' restaurant. Latest style shirts at Teutsch's. Gilt Edge lunch counter, Court St. Eggs, 16c per dozen, at Hawley Bros. Ring up H. Koplttke, "phone No. 5, for ice. Rooms by tho day, week or month at Gratz's. A clever accomplished lady wants to marry. See page 8. McReynold's creamery butter on sale in all stores. Ask for it. Was that glass of lemonade made cool by artilicial ice? Ask for It. Fresh live crawfish just received, at Gratz's, cooked while you wait. Order your sweet cream of Dutton. Plenty on hand. Delivered anywhere. Order Dutton's ice cream for your table. It will be delivered prompt- Sciilitz beer on draught and fine lunches in basement of Golden Rulw Hotel. Fancy line of plain and mustard sardines; full line of lunch goods. Hawley Bros. For Sale A good gentle buggy horse. Safe for lady or child to drive. J. M. Leezer. The Delta Is in a two-story building and is always cool and comfortable Seats for forty people. Good, large, nice, fresh crawfish, received every Tuesday and Saturday mornings at Nolte's saloon. i We give free tickets on the bicycle with every dollar's purchase. Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery. Rooms in the Eart Oregonian build ing or rent. Steam heated, hot and cold water an 3 ath room in connec tion. To close out my entire stock of spring and summer millinery, I will offer great reductions. Mrs. Campbell. Your evening will be complete t you drop into" the Delta and enjoy a dish of the finest ice cream ever serv ed in Pendleton. Withee, 305 Court St, agent for Dd mestic and Davis sewing machines. Drop heads from $27.50 to $65 on in stallments.. Everything guaranteed, Two packages firecrackers, 5c; Roman candles, lc Fireworks at Nolf's. Schlitz beer on draught and fine lunches In basement of Golden Rule Hotel. E. P. Marshal's new residence north of tho'rivor, Is noaring com pletion. Commencement exercises occur at St. Helen's Hall, a school for girls, In Portland, on Wednesday, June IS, ht 8 o'clock. Lost Pair of gold spectacles on tha streets of Pendleton Monday Finder will receive reward by return ing to this office. Workmen have commenced moving the residence of Leo Moorhouso off his lot on Water street, and it will be replaced by a modern cottage. The case of C. S. Drake vs. the Or egon Railroad & Navigation Compa ny, is still occupying the attention of the district court. This case was called the first thing Monday morning and it may be ended tonight and ready to go to the jury, and then It may not. Gus Byers' new residence, on East Court street, is again nearing com pletion. It is to be built on the same foundation whore the other house burned down after It was just com pleted and ready to be turned over to the painters. Advertising privilege on the four sprinkling wagons is for sale or rent, Bids must be In by June 20. See Frank B. C'.opton, chairman committee. All kinds of real estate for sale, Homes on easy payments,- will fur nish part of purchase money. Rihorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor Bldg. Work was commenced on the grouncls of the Christian church, at the corner of Water and Johnson streets. The basement and foundation work will be pushed and the build ing completed as early as possible. TJma Soda 5c EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE wn xvuua x owara tne ovn noose DIOCESE OF OREGON.. Fourteenth Annual Convention to Meet at Portland. Tho 14th annual convention of the Diocese of Oregon will meet in Trin ity Chapel. Portland. Thursday, June 2G, and hold until Monday, the 30th. Bishop Keator, of the jurisdiction of Olympia, will pe present at the open ing of the convention. Following is a list of the services: Thursday morning, 10 o'clock An nual meeting of Women's Auxiliary at St. Stephen's chapel, with address by Bishop Keator and others. Thursday evening, 8 o'clock Open ing service of convention In Trinity chapel, with first portion of the bish op's annual address. Friday morning 10 o'clock Holy communion in Trinity chapel, with conclusion of tho bishop's address, and business of convention. Friday evening General mission ary service m Trinity chapel, with addresses from Bishop Keator, Rev Mr. Glover and Rev. Mr. Goodheart. Sunday morning, St. Peter's day Servico in all the churches, Bishop Keator preaching at Trinity chapel Sunday afternoon Services for all the Sunday schools in Trinity chapel, with addresses from different clergymen. Offering for child's cot No. 3, in Good Samaritana Hospital Sunday evening General mission ary service in Trinity chapel. Monday morning, June 30 Conse cration of All Saint's chapel. Twenty second and Reed streets. Sermon by BishoR Keator. RECEIVED WARNING NOTICE. Gilliam Ccunty Sheepmen Must Not Encroach on Reserve. A tew Gilliam County sheepmen have received a notice from Grant county, where they havo formerly run their sheep during tho summer, warn ing them against encroaching upon a certain reserve. Tho notlco reads: "All sheepmen who nro not residents of Grant county nro notified that they aro rositlvoly forbidden to graze their sheep on tho rnngo west of Dix ie Butte between tho Middle Fork and tho main John Day rlvor. This range is reserved for the use of cat tle and sheep owned by residents of Grant county." Tho above, which ts headed Notice to Sheepmen," is signed "Taxpayers of Grant County." About the RIgrit Price. In tho breach of promlso suit of Edith R. Bursoll, plaintiff, vs. August Llndholm, defendant, at Salem wherein the plaintiff asked for judg ment against tho defendant In tho sum of $15,000 to which extent sho alleges her affections havo been trifl ed with by reason of tho defendant's failure to marry her and marrying an other girl instead, was opened In court and found that tho verdict was for tho plaintiff In tho sum of $26. Special Excursion. A special train will leave Pendleton Sunday morning at 9 o'clock for Valla Walla to catry the fans to wit ness tho ball game between the Indi ans and Sharpshooters. Returning will leave Walla Walla at C:30. Round trip $1. BOSTON .STORE. Now Is the Time for the MEN to consider their Oxford Shoes A fine line to select from $2.50 to $3.50 In Touch with Wool Industry. H. V. Carpenter, of the Pendleton Indian Robe & Picture Company, Is at the Imperial, sayB the Portland Journal. Mr. Carpenter is in touch with the wool industry of Pendleton and the Inland Empire. "This sea son," said he, "has been prosperous; Pendleton has handled more wool than usual; prices have been good clips have been large per fleece, and the prospects are bright Indeed Charles Cunningham, the largest In dividual owner of shee i in Oregon recently sold his 200,000 clip to a Boston house, represented by Mr, Brigham, at 11 cents a pound Considerable wool remains unsold in that territory. The Pendleton scouring and woolen mills are run ning full blast, and are Increasing the volume of business each year Pendleton blankets and Indian robes now have a world wide reputation." Promoter of Telephones. Asa B. Thompson, a prominent stockman of Umatilla county, Is in town says the Portland Journal Mr. Thompson Is the promoter of the farmers' telephone line that now connects 23 ranches in the Butter Creek country with Pendleton and the remainder of the coast. "The line works finely," Bald he. "I am informed that other lines are to be constructed to center at Pendleton and give the ranchers telephonic communication with the markets of the large towns. Wa may now re main at home, learn tho day's quo tatlons, and go to town only when the situation demands our going, The cattle business is flourishing Feeders are now preparing for the market, which will be active in a month." School Director Teutsch. The election of a school director to succeed James A. Fee did not ere ate much excitement Monday. In fact, no interest was taken in the election as no interests were at stake more than the electing of a capable man .for the position and as only one name was placed on the ticket and he suited, no effort was made to keep him from going Into the office with tt walk-over. Only 38 votes were cast and 37 of these wero for Lee Teutsch proprietor of the Teutsch dry goods store. The one was cast for Thomas Ayres', of the Tallman & Co. drug store. The prices that please and the qualities tha.t wear Boston Store Big Bargains IN- WATCHES AND JEWELRY I have a large stock of Unredeemed Pledges which will be sold at the lowest prices ever offered in this city. This stock includes dia monds, solid and filled case gold watches, silver watches, gold rings, watch chains, ear rings and many other articles. Come in, look over the stock and get the prices. Joseph Basle Complete House Furnisher It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse Hot Weather Clothes Just as well be comfortable when you can without neglecting your appcaranco BLUE SERGE COATS single and double breasted the skeleton kind without -lining LIGHT COLORED TROUSERS They are just the thing to go with your dark coats Coats and Pants Light colored, in plaids and stripes; dark onos with small ohalk stripes: sizes 33 to 44 $5.00 $6.00 $7.50 $10.00 $12.00 No Garment Allowed to Loavo tho Store Unloss It Fits mm to Dp bu (111 b (J i o MEN'S OUTFITTERS 00 U Ping Pong AND TABLE TENNIS The now and Popular Games 95c to 3.50 Items and Prices that dosorvo your kind attention : Taoancse Napkins, per hun dred 19c and 25c Crepe paper, full 10 ft long ' 5c $2.50 Wringers $1 95 S4..00 Wringers 2 95 24c for 5c bar of Toilet Soap SHEET MUSIC Popular Songs. .15c, 19c and 23c Hammocks complete lines 75c to $3 95 Toys, Dolls, Albums, Fancy Goods, Dishes. Vases, bewing Baskets, etc., etc, Frederick Nolf Tablets, Pencils, Inks, Office Supplies TRUCKING AND DRAYING We are prepared to do your work and ask you to call on us. Charges will be right. TELEPHONE RED 01 Office at The Old Dutch Henry Feed Barn. Kit Hays & Connerley Proprietors BECK The Plumber and Tinner For First Class Work at Reasonable Prices Shop: Cottonwood Street, OpposiU St. Joo Store, Near Court St. )!ai YOUR CHILD (9 can do your marketing at our store just as safely as you can come yourself, as we havo but 1 ONE PRICE TO ALL and the nualitv is guaranteed. If vou can't come , , o yourself, send your child, WE ARE THE PEOPLE and the only people In the saddlery business that carry a complete stock of Harness. Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Sweat Pads, Pack Baddies and Bags, TeuU, Wagon CoTas and Canvas. JOSEPH ELL, 0 THE STRAWBERRY SEASON is drawing to a close, so send us your order now and get nice large sound berries for canning. Remember, our berries are not specked and dirtied by flies, nor handled by Indians. We are particular in tho mannor in which we keep them and the quality of the berries we serve you. (9 & a a a at (9 a a a m m m & & 0 & 0 9 it in! & ' R. MARTIN, Proprietor es !.! LEGAL BLANKS aigf of them A foil vtfy always aupt J 11 1111 11 mi 11 1 n 1 r 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 I 1 11 I " l"MMBfh'"T'TTr1-1 " "i - i - - 1 " 111 ilMHF 1 TfT-KmnTIMTtMMIMirBMMKua