East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1902, Image 4

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Atwood's Cascata Compound
fa the surest ami ?afe-U nurtlehio for regulating the
action of the livr, kidneys, stomach and bowels.
A never failing remedy for constipation, bllioti
ness, lmida 'he and all i iseass caused by a torpid
liver or irrmiulir action ot the bowels. It is very use
ful to relieve folds and fevers and to purify the blood.
For Bale Wholesale and .Retail by
Brock & HcComas Company
TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1902.
Thirty-four years ago Cornell uni
versity investd 250,000 in Wiscon
Bi nlands, purchased chiefly at 50
cents an acre. As land lias risen in
value and the university needed moil
ed, portions of the tract were sold.
A few days ago the last of the land
was sold in a body, 50,000 acres for
the same monoy which was paid for
500,0u0 acres in the first place. Cor
nell university mado a profit of near
ly $j.2,000 000 on the entiro invest
ment. Prom this it can be seen that spec
ulation in land is a way of "getting
something for nothing," through
"ownership" of the land, (or monopo
ly is a better understood word) there
is placed a permanent burden upon
the shoulders of labor, which is com
pelled to pay a return upon this cap
ital before it is allowed to have any
thing for itself. It is, here that capi
tal has advantage over labor and it
is in this unjust advantage that the
trust and combine evils are given
privilege and power to further op
press and enslave labor.
But we do not want to live as long
as it will take labor or labor organ!
zations to discover the cause of their
Inability to cope ,with capital in its
work of destroying equality of oppor
tunity and placing one man over and
above another one to rule and the
other to slave thus creating the in
stitution of aristocracy.
If capitalization of land were de
nfed to the( individual, monoy would
not have the self-acccumulative pow
er and all uen would have "equal
rights." But with a few ruen "own
ing" the land mind you owning it
the landless many will have about
as much chance of remaining "free"
and "equal" as a bull dog has of be
ing a cherub.
This, doubtless,' is only jargon to
some people, but it is the truth,
which will grow more and more relt
evident as free institutions assert
their rights and are defended from
the assaults of those of tho houses
of monopoly, privilege nnd capitali
A free press is one of the essen
tials in maintaining a government of,
by and for the people. Without a
free press government by the many
could not be continued, for it would
soon pass into the hands and under
tho control of the few and fall from
Its. own rotten weight.
Charles E. Llttlefleld, tho succes
sor In congress of Nelson Dlngley of
Maine, is reported to have recently
said: "If it were not for the news
papers the Jobs which would go
through congress aro terrible to con
tcnplato. If there were no newspa
pers at all, I don't believe I would
be willing to trust myself alone in
the house of representatives for fif
teen minutes."
This is not ail exaggerated state
ment Tho newspapers certainly
keep bad men in check and .they are
a spur to good men. Tho newspa
pers, with all their faults, stand for
good government, and by preaching
virtue so much, learn to really appro
elate and respect it. Tho newspapers
are tho Implements of publicity. It
is their business to turn on the light
and whenever this is done, In the na
ture of things, purification follows.
There Is always danger from the
stagnant pool at least tho danger of
drying up, or dry rot. By agitating
the water you make it healthier and
preserve its volume. Newspaper pub
licity and agitation has this effect
upon tho currents of public life. They
do a vast amount of good for which
they get little credit.
It was Thomas Jefferson who de
clared, if he had to accept govern
ment without newspapers or gov
ernment by newspapers ho would
choose the latter, and it would be
preferable, because government
without newspapers would be gov
ernment by a clique, while govern
ment by newspapers, would be almost
government by the people, because
.the universal voice would have free
expression in their columns, and
wherever there is the freest expres
sion, there is the greatest safety to
life and property and the best gov
. In even a babble of weak voices
there is strength. Were it not for
free speech and a free press we
would bo changed from a democracy
resting on the genius of individual
ism, on the theory that the best gov
ernment is that which governs least;
into a bureaucratic government by
fraternalism and socialism run mad
in which imaginative, weak, para
sitic and corrupt men would have
full play, until the chaos they creat
ed would swallow them.
"Fear, craft and avarice
Cannot "ear a state."
(Synopsis of tho address deliver
ed at tho exercises of the Alumni As
sociation of tho Eastern Oregon
State .normal School at Weston
Thursday, June 12, 1902, by Andreas
Bard, rector of St. Paul's church
Walla Walla:)
As the test of the puddin' is in tho
eating of it, so the test of education
is application. Not everyone who
holds degrees from Harvard or Ox
ford is wise. Some are otherwise.
The school is but tho means, lifo and
end; and only v inasmuch as history
philosophy, literature and science
deepen and heighten tho significance
of human existance and add lustre
to the moving phantasmagoria that
dance across the grave and cradle
circle-scene only so much they
have a right to be.
This education ought to do and I
believe it does. Tho argument that
wo have too much education seems
unfair. What the critics really mean
is that we have too much of tho
wrong, kind of education.. Who can
help but smllo, when hearing the
great Hegel exclaim on his death
bed: "Only one has understood mo,"
and then add in a whining tone "and
oven ho didn't understand me." That
kind of education ' seems a useless
appendix. Or when Emerson tells us
of tho young student who for about
an hour watches a wheel-barrow and
being asked why, replies, that ho
wonders whether tho thing ought to
be pushed or pulled then wo feel
that wo wouldn't give a rap for that
kind of education. We may go even
farther and observe so great a think
er as Darwin, losing his love for
poetry, music and all the beautiful
arts. What Is tho cause that a man
so highly educated should arrive at
such a state of degeneration? The
reply must bo that his education, too,
was not of the right kind, because it
was so one-sidedly scientific that it
allowed no room for anything else.
Tho modern idea of training will ad
vocate an all round culture; it will
give a duo share to tho hand, tho
head and the heart and when these
three aro harmoniously developed, ho
tnat tho same man can plow a field.
enjoy tho love songs of Mooro and
write an intelligent article for tho
dally paper-then I boliovo wo havo
the modern ideal of education. He
has a dextorious hand, a logical
mind and a sympathetic heart and
tho three produce tho kind of beauty
which we admire In a quartet when
soprano, alto, tenor and bass coming-
10 tneir voices in harmony. William
Morris could make good furniture
and wrlto fine poetry, Michael Ango.
io was a sculptor, -a poet and a paint'
er. John Burroughs nlants aanara.
gus and creates literature. Xono
phon was a general and a historian.
"Let there be many, windows in your
Till all tho glories of the Universe,
Will beautify It!"
It will bo tho task of tho Twenti
eth century to solve the labor ques
tion and I beliove that the school
ought to add Its share to the solu
tion. Tho demand of tho working
man that a larger profit should bo
given to tho hand than hertofore, 's
perfectly just Look at your now
school building, for instance. First
wo need the architect to design the
structure; wo need the brain of tho
contractor; wo need the board of ed
ucation to arrange Intelligently the
different apartments but who will
mix the mortal', who carry the
stones, who drive tho nails? The ar
gument between labor and capital re
minds me of Emerson's poem on
"The Mountain and the Squirrel."
When the mountain brags that he
alone can carry a forest on his back
tho squirrel challenges him to crack
a nut. We need to recognize that
all forces operate for tho common
good, that each is dependent on the
other and that for that reason the
man who works with his hands is as
much entitled to our respect as the
one who works with his head. Hur
rah for the girl who, graduating, can
cook a good meal as well as translate
tho Metamorphoses of Ovid! Hur
rah for the boy who can deliver an
oration as well as brea ka horse!
Hurrah for the man with the hoe!
Let us uncover in reverence before
the tiller of the soil, tho pioneer who
makes tho wilderness blossom as tho
rose, who breaks the path of civili
zation thru the aged forests! Let
us do homago to the muscled king of
creation, the companion of the sky
the woods and tho field 1 wrink
les of enervated society upon his
forehead, no moods, no dyspepsia.
He can eat his bread in the sweat of
his brow, but he is sure to digest it!
Three cheers vfor the hand that
wnrlf a ! V
But the hand without the head is
fully as incompetent as tho head
without tho hand. The employer of
today does not need workmen; he
needs intelligent workmen. Machin
ery has long since taken the place of
moro labor. Brain and brawn are no
longer divorced. They are close
cousins. They are one. But do you
know, that the first" thing to know
is to lenow that wo don't know? Tho
Arabians have put tho facts of tho
case in the" following rule:
"He who knows not and knows not
that he knows not, is a fool, shun him.
He who knows not and knows that ho
knows not, is simple, teach him; Ho
who knows and knows not that he
knows, Is asleep; wake him. He who
knows and knows that lie knows, is
wise; lollow him."
You will And that the real masters
of knowledge were humble; the
boasters are pretenders. A modern
scientist has asserted that tho uni
verse now-a-days has no more myster
ies, but tho king of nineteenth centu
ry thinkers admitted "that the orig
in of all things will remain a mys
tery to us." There lies tho differ
ence between sham and genius. Hu
mility and Truth aro sisters.
But there are some things we do
know and life becomes moro beauti
ful because we know them. Is not
tho whole world populated with
birds and flowers and trees, which
give us their song, their fragrance
and their shade and does it not speak
In divine language to the eye trained
for color, to tho ear, trained for
sound, to tho mind familiar with the
architecture of tho robin's nest and
the pedigree of tho rose and the in
dustry of the beo hivo?
And does not Literature furnish an
Open-Sesame to thousands of fascl
nations an around us? Tnere are
millions to whom Shakespeare Is a
sealed book, who never heard of Em
erson, who cannot derive any mean
ing from a printed page. Only when
we realize tho intellectual blindness
of these, wo shall appreciate how tho
school opens our oyes for tho thought
of others that wo can make compan
ions or Longteuow and Bryant and
walk with Wordsworth over the
fields or read tho beautiful thoughts
tnat rise from the soli of Tenuyson,
Jje is more tnan meat. Llfo
thought. Man llvoth not of bread
only. And to possess a library, oveiy
page of which ha3 a meaning for
you, raising you into a hlcher
sphere of thinking and securing for
you tne friendship of the masters of
all time how Inestlmablo the nri
vilege. Gold and silver cannot buy
mo mercnanaise of culture. It mav
secure Stelnway pianos, but it cannot
maito souls that apprecJato music. It
may purchaso gilt-edged editions of
great books, but It cannot give a
power to comprehend. Tho mindjles
oeyonu tno monopoly of capital.
All true teaching is practical
teaching. Geography makes us a broth"
or to all nations and extnds tho
boundaries of our homo unto tho cor
ners of tho earth. History shows,
how all ages are working out the in
finite plan of God and that wo are
to shoulder the musket while it is
day and fight out little battle for the
great cause of progress. Astronomy
unveils the grandeur of the Eternal
anU science lays bare the secrets of
his work-shop. Let the mind of man
.... f .nittni.cn In r.nmnas
rise tin nu uiu-u"" -
sed by its thought and tho orbs of
tho stars ho cradled in its embrace
There cannot ho too much education
for truth is Infinite
Finally the heart Bowaro, young
friends, of being Intellectual ma
chines. There aro sonic things
which logic cannot reach and these
things aro worth while. La Plnce
beheld the heavens thru his telescope
and failed to find a placo for God.
Uuochener dissected tho human body
and was surprised not to dlscovo:
the soul. There are more things be
tween heaven and earth than aro
dreamed of m our philosophy. Who
can explain the rise of love? Who
has seen virtue's abode? Who can
say of God: he is here or there?
But Tennyson had more than logic
when he said:
"Speak to Him thoug for he hears
And spirit with spirit can meet;
Closer Ib he than breathing
Nearer than hands and feet."
I admire a fine intellect, but I love
a great heart; and surely if a fine in
tellect goes hand in hand with n
great heart, we have the most won
derful combination on earth. But, if
I had to choose between tho two, I
should say without hesitation: give
me tho heart and keep tho Intellect.
A heart which can throb echoes to all
the voices of human woe and weal;
a heart which can weep with tho sor
rowful and rejoice with tho jubilant;
a heart which has vibrated a thous
and times the grand, old song of love
oxirt which oven upon tho tombstone
writes with unerring pencil the death
less gospel of hope.
Semercr Coal. First Class Wood
Orders Promptly Pilled.
Telephone, Red 401, or call on
Office Main Street, Just opposite Hans
ford & Thompson's hardware Htore.
"I was weak, nervous and dizzy, with a
fainting sensation when walking," writes
Jesse Childress, Esq., of Samuel, Sullivan
Co., Tenu "Could not walk any distance;
always felt bad after eating; felt as though
something- was sticking in my throat, al
ways uneasiness in stomach. Doctored
with three physicians but they did not
relieve me. I grew worse and used
everything I could think of; was nearly
ready to give up and then some one told
me that Dr. I'ierce's medicine was good,
so I began taking his 'Golden Medical
Discovery. I have taken seven bottles of
that now nnd am as stout as ever, and en
joying health as much as ever before. I
worked all summer and this winter aa
much as any one. My case was liver dis
ease and nervous dyspepsia of which your
medicine has ciiml me. In September
iSoS my weight was about 95 pounds, now
it is 195, Please accept my biucere thanks."
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
For AIIKlnd8 of Building Material,
Screen Doors
and Windows
Building Paper
and Sand
And Don't Forget Our Wood Clutters
For Burns and Dwellings
rvw 14
w I IVil
1 r t.
x.youare going to build , j
. .. ul nnm. t ...
...1. "uurovet...
7 wuumo' u-
arm you will be mnn .,
iui s nn t. .
with the above articles an
""""1 JUUK.S anA tit
. "MS
10 uiibiirnnQtjfiM
Pendleton Planing 1
Umber Yard, ;
for Gentlemen
vho cherish
The Louvre Saloon
Court Street
Summer School for Boys
Summer Season of
Open from July 1 to August HI . For day
and boarding stuilcnts. School tu&slon
only in forenoon; recreation nil tho
iiltofiiooii. Kor particulars npply or
writoto )R. J. "V. HILL
Hill Milltarv Academy,
ilurjhnll nnd 21th St.,
Portland, Oregon.
world, In barn, l'rlce SI per bar, at the
r,nL irrfirnninii OITK'O
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
Shirt Waists
BUT ONF 6 t yrU 1 ackledge that there is
Pondle? w f these summer desirables .in
r 7 PRICES are beyond the shadow of a doubt less
than the same goods can be bought for elsewhere.
SHIRT WAISTS 35c, 58c, 75c, 98c and $t.25
BELTS, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 '
And all the time our JUNE SELLING goes
on at prices like this : K
Scotch lawns, per yard 3C
Spool cotton, 2 for ... .
Lonsdale Muslin.. c
Good calico, ner varrl
Women's and Chlld'B lioee
equal beat 250 hoseou earth aac
I) i
Bend for
The Columbia
Lodging House
Are the Meals
) Served at the
French Rest
.Large, comionauie u"s ,
room and good service
Positively the
v . n...JUu
- T
' hA Krpnrn nPSTMH
HLj X IU11UU awm
I The Strahon
Rooming House
I - M arUnBloG j
Everything New, Clean j
4 r - i. .inr
t: ana nrsi
Good Beds and We"
kept and Cool Rooms. J
Formerly of HeJW