is. fpglCEATTRACTl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m m ii 1 1 1 1 1 mi n 1 1 1 n n n n QUALITY DECIDES. ? Hen's Furnishings STRICKLAND FREE ACQUITTED OF CHARGE OF RAPING A CHILD. Our large and magnificent stock of Men's Furnishing floods has boon strengthened and made more attractive by the addition of a t New Line of NcScwear ! Men's Fine Fancy Hose - 25c I $I5,00Men's New Suits. priceS.950 j $IO.OOMen s Fine Worsted Sifts I Safe Prime, $6.50 mRlirTlflNQ HW Suspenders, Boys' Clothing, nLUUulllJIlO U M Gloves, Men's Shoes and Pants Alexander Dept. Store intffmmmnmffififiHfifiTifimimiriiHninfifiiiiififiiinfinfiTwwwifnwmfwia The John Bart ett Company NEW STORES Corner Sixth and Alder Opposite the Oregonian 'Phone Main 22. PORTLAND, ORE. 3 5 3 31 3 iiiuiiiiuiiiiuuiiAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiaiiiiaiiuiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiuiiiiuuuiiJii Bloodhounds Are Back in Walla Walla After Chase of Tracy and Merrill Convicts Plan Celebration of the Fourth. Walla Walla, Juno 17. A. W. Strickland was yesterday acquitted by a jury of the charge of attempt ing to commit rape upon the 5-year-old daughter of Mrs. Burt, of Walts burg, and he at onco left the city for his homo. His aged mother stood by him through .the trial, which lasted most of the day, and but little fear of conviction seemed evident. The case weut to tho jury late in the afternoon and after being out an hour a verdict was returned by tho 12 men giving Strickland his liberty. Trainer M. E. Carson, and the two bloodhounds returned from Oregon where the search for Tracy and Mer rill the convicts was given up after several days of hard work. Tho dogs were worn out with the hard travel1 Ing which had been forced upon them' and they are enjoying a needed rest While tho hounds aro exercised a great deal and given training regu larly, it is far from the hard work of chasing fugities in heavy wood and over a rough country. This is tho first actual experience of tho dogs, and has been of great valuo in train ing them for hard service. Superin tendent Catron has refused to let tho hounds go to Western Washington, where it is said the convicts are now in hiuing. As is tho custom at tho state peni tentiary, a celebration is being plan ned for the Fourth, and a program of sports and athletic events is being prepared by a number of convicts The celebration will bo public and a largo number of people will be allow ed to see the work from tho walls no ono being allowed in the enclosure. A special dinner wil lbe prepared and become part of the exercises. Music by thp convicts will also form a feat ure of the occasion, a number of ex cellent singers being among tho prisoners. I i .w Be good to her I Give her tho best water, tho best tubs the best soap Didmoud'C Diamond "C" Soap is not n new soap. Behind It la n record of seven years of success. It is used by tens of thousands of the brightest housekeepers in tho country They use it because it is Rood; because it docs b.ctter work and goes further than any other laundry soap. SAVK DIAMOND "C" WRAITKnS. Wo redeem them for nil sorts of useful ntul uttrnotlvo articles. Illustrated book showinir 300 premiums given for wrappers, sent on request. A ixjstul will brim; It. Premium Dept., The Cudahy Packing Co., So. Omaha, Neb. The Chance of a Lifetime TO SAVE MONEY IN GROCERIES EVERYTHING MUST GO AT THE GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE! AT D. KEMLER'S STUDY THESE PRICES : SYRUPS Kemler's best 2-gal jackets cut fr'm $1.15 to 90c Kemler's best 3-gal " " " 1.65 to $i 25 Kemler's best 4-eal " " " 2.15 to i 75 Ohoc'late Cream 2-gal " " " 1,25 to Ohoc'late Cream 3-gal" " " 1.85 to Ohoc'late Cream 4-gal " " " 2,40 to CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, corn, beans, peas, regular price 2 for 25c per can Monopblefruit,high grade,cutf m 25c can to too i 45 i 90 iOc 20c Standard table fruits, 7 cans for i 00 Salmon, 4 cans for 25c Hams and Bacon, per pound ..' J 4c Oatmeal, per pound 4c Rope, per. pound, from 8 to t2c Schilling's baking powder, per pound 40c Schilling's Typical blend coffee, per pound 20c Cane sugar, per sack 4 90 Beet sugar, per sack , 4 80 Potatoes, per hundred i 50 Best cream cheese, per pound.. 6c Si'k soap, 6 bars for : , 25c Golden Star soap, 6 bars for : 25c Dairy salt, 50 pound sacks, per sack 90c Flour, per sack , , 75c Dairy butter, per roll , 25c Creamery butter, per roll , 50c Macaroni, 1-pound package . JOc All kinds of lye, per can ..., JOc Sea Foam, largo packages, 6 for 25c All kinds of axle grease, por can 5c and 10c Arbtfckle's and Lion Coffee 8 pcfcgs $i 00 Mason Frtiit Jars, Qts. 75c, Half-gals 90c Dot Everything else in Oar Grocery Cut Accordingly. Cash Only Goes at this Sale. No Credit Given Anyone. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please call and settle in cash or by bankable paper before Jaly i . All unsettled accounts Jcly i will be pot in the hands of my attorney for collection. D. KEMLER Closing Ott Sale 1 3 53 3 i t -V . A. 'rt-t W .i