East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1902, Image 2

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    Sit?, "is
SB ? ?
Our prices on them are
so low that you can afford
to throw them away in a
few months.
Here we are :
Coats, all sizes, $1 to $3.
Coafbnd Vest, $4.00 to $7
Coat and Pants, $5 to $8
Pants, $1.25 to $5.00
Business Suits, $10 to $20
Buy your clothing of
us and be well fitted.
We can save you
TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1902.
ed to have been killed by bolo men
who had captured them, near Teresa
in Morons province, Luzon.
Arthur Underwood, of Boston,, a
prominent member of the Castle
Square Opera Company, playing an
engagement at Cleveland, O., was
struck and killed Sunday night by a
street car at the corner of Euclid and
Wilson avenues.
The Indian war veterans' bill has
now passed both houses of congress
and goes to the president for approv
al. Representative Tongue has been
laboring in its behalf for years, and is
very happy over its final passage. It
provides a pension for Oregonia'is
-ho fought in the Indian wars.
Strong earthquake shocks, accom
panied by a sound of underground
rumblings were experienced at Syr
acuse, Sicily, Sunday night. The in
habitants of Syracuse became panic
stricken. The disturbances did not
do any damage.. For several days the
sky over Sicitly had been overcast
and the heat very oppressive. Shocks
of earthquake are reported from
other parts of the island of Sicily.
A lone bandit held up a saloon at
Red Bluff, Cal., Sunday morning.
While the bartender was serving four
men playing poker, with drinks, a
man entered the saloon. He had a
can un'der his arm and It was pre
sumed he came for beer. As he near
ed the table he whipped out a long
revnivnr n"d commanded all present
It xalee their bauds. He then raked
ovei $"uu in com that was on the
table into his can and backed from
the rear door.
The Pendleton.
H. W. Goddard, Portland.
P. H. Hocker.
J. C. Lindsey, Portland.
J. L. Haas, San Francisco.
J. E. Howard, Portland.
Henry F. Conner, Portland.
W. Casey, Portland.
Thomas D. McCann San Francisco.
J. B. Cransfield, Portland.
It. L. Beach, Lewiston.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
T. W. Jackson, Spokane.
G. J. Kauffman, Portland.
Dan Dewey, Boston.
W. E. Jones, Philadelphia.
Mrs. It. Simpson, Olympia.
Miss Simpson, Olympia.
Mick Prae, Portland.
George B..Bell Portland.
H. E. Martin, Chicago.
R. Burns, Walla Walla.
Mrs. J. H. Hughes, Spokane.
M. H. Patton, Spokane.
The Golden Rule.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
George P. Sink, ICqnt.
F. W. Sink and wife, Wasco.
Robert A. Leoner, Portland.
Mrs. J. C. McKenzie, Walla Walla.
Claude Estes, Walla Walla.
. A. E. McBreen, Portland.
Lee Cunningham, Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
Walter Gay, Heppner.
A. S. Shadduck.
Mrs. Dora Horsman, Pueblo.
J. B. Geisey, Portland.
Thomas Cotter, San Francisco.
William K. Kehr.
W. Wivens, Omaha.
C. F. Drake, Portland.
A. S. White, Iowa.
C. F. Mason, Iowa.
Joel Ware, one of the best known
pioneers of Lane county, died at Eu
gene early Sunday morning. Ho came
to Oregon in 1857.
L. L. Shaw, who had been 111 at Sa
lem for the past few months, with
spinal meningitis, died there Sunday
evening, aged 25 years.
William Blrgfleld, Jr., the third son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Blrgfleld
died at the family residence In The
Dalles Sunday evening from rheuma
tims of the heart. Ho had been ill
about three days.
Chehalis, the famous Oregon pacer
who made a mark of 2:04, has been
sold by Jack O'Neil of Boston, to J
Ishman, of Morrisvllle, Vt., and it is
predicted that the great horse will bo
returned to Oregon, where Frank Fra
zler will again hold the reins over
Two droves of cattle left Roseburg
last week for Klamath county, ono
Including 320 head, owned by E. B
Sherwood being taken over the East
TJmpqua trail, and the other, of 750
head, owned by E. R. Hanan, going
over the south Umpqua or Crater
Lake route. They were sent over for.
summer range.
George Beldleman, formerly dputy
county recorder of Union county
has disappeared and a warrant Is to
be sworn out charging him with adul
tery and defaulting with money.
Mrs. Catherine Stewart, an old res.
ident of Portland, died at her home
there Monday morning. Asthma was
the cause of her demise.
In "Herpicide" The New Scientific
and Successful Dandruff Treat
Havo you dandruff? Then you have
a contagious .parasite disease, un
pleasant, unhealthy and one that will
eventually load to baldness. To cure
It you must destroy the parasite that
eats at the root of the hair. The only
preparation for destroying these
germs Is Newbro's Herplcde. Charles
Klein, of Laramie, Wyo., says: "Her
plcido allayed the Itching and cured
the dandruff and stopped my hair's
falling out; and It is bringing a new
crop of hair." Herpicide is free from
grease or dangerous drugs, and
makes hair glossy and soft as Silk
One bottle will convince you of Its
Farmers Say Crop Prospecto Are
Flrst-Class, But a Little Rain Right
Now Would Help Considerable.
The farmers around Pendleton
could use a little more rain. Espec
ially is. this so in the dryer portions
nt i.o ninttrv nnrth and west. While
there is no pressing need for more
rainfall yet the farmers of the coun
ty Would not object to having a lit
tle more moisture.
"We never get too much water,"
said a prominent farmer Monday,
"and so if it begins to rain tomorrow
you will hear no objection from the
Most of the farmers spoken to
about the grain conditions express
t-emselves that no grain is particular
ly needed unless there is an unusual
amount of wind to dry out the ground
wheat will mature without another
drop of water falling but at the same
time a little shower or two would not
hurt anything.
H. C. Branstettor, a farmer of Stage
Gulch, who was in town Saturday,
says that he does not think there will
be any need for rain in his section al
though it would hurt nothing to have
a shower. He says that the ground
is plenty moist to mature the grain
as he has examined the roots and the
earth is damp almost to the surface
Farmers from other sections say the
same thing.
Hot winds are, of course, being
spoken of with awe by many. They
are the chief bugbear which haunts
the farmers' slumbers at night and
if they come the granger will bid
farewell to. profits on his grain. It
hoc ltifn sAvnrnl vears since these
winds did material damage in this
section, but it is admitted that they
may come, and if so serious times
will follow.
Haying Is On.
For the past two weeks haying has
been in full blast. Of course, most
cut so far has been alfalfa, although
a little grain hay has been cut in the
we3t end of the county. It will only
be a few days until wheat and barley
haying will be in full blast all over
Harvest Will Be Late.
Harvest will not commence this
year as early as usual unless the
weather stays hot and dry. The
spring was backward, at least two
weeks later than a year ago, although
with the present weather harvest will
not be more than a week or 10 days
late. Some heading will commence
in the earlier part of the county
about the 10th of the month, but it
will not become general until after
the middle or near the last.
Harvesting Hands Plentiful.
Thfrn -will be no shortage of men
to. handle the machinery for harvest
In the irraln in Oregon unless some
thing happens to tako them out of the
country before that time. In the
Walla Walla valley the tamers are
somewhat alarmed again over the
possibility of having to import men
and having to pay Harvest nanns
more than the usual wages in order
to iret them. It Is different here. The
farmers say plenty of men can be
found to harvest the crops. Last year
men were a little scarce, out no
trouble Is anticipated this season
owing to the immigration of the past
winter and spring.
Happy Time .n Old Town.
"Wo felt very happy," writes R. N.
Bevill, Old Town, Va., 'when Buck
len's Arnica Salvo wholly cured our
daughter of a bad case of scald head."
It deliuhts all who use It for cuts,
corns, burns, bruises, bolls, ulcers,
eruptions. Infallible for piles. Onl
25c at Tallman & Co.'s.
Gurdanc Items.
Gurdanc, June 14.-Mrs. Emma Mc
Broom and daughter, Bfflo nro visit
Ing here for a fow days Avlth Mrs.
M-ircum and other friends.
Mwiliam Wright will commence
work on his now residence shortly
John Cummings, of Halsey, Linn
countv, is horc to spend a month or
two with his sister, Mrs. Joe Mc
L Tin' Ka'glc saw mill Is making a fine
run with Ashley Bird, of Bin Creek
on as head sawyer and Jack now
laSs.e Wright, of Nye, is very
RICK ill iiiuaciii. ,
The grass and grain was never bet
ter in this neighhohrood.
Frank Jones, our road supervisor, 1b
getting the roads In fine shape.
The homllest man hi Pendleton, as
well as the handsomest, and others.
Se invited to call on any druggist
and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all chronic and acute coughs,
asthma, bronchitis and consumption.
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall
man & Co.. sole agents.
For Sale Cheap!
One 18-foot combined harvester.
One 14-foot steel frame header. One
mower and rake. For particulars ad
dress or Inquire of R. Lalng, Pendle
Sunday Was the Hottest and Wednes
day the Coolest.
Voluntary Weather Observer Wll
Ham Hilton gives the following
weather conditions for tho seven days
preceding Sunday, the 15th:
Maximum temperature Sunday,
94; Monday, 85; Tuesday, 82; Wed
nesday, 82; Thursday, 70; Friday, 7C;
Saturday, 78; average, 82.2.
Minimum Sunday, 50; Monday, 53;
Tuesday, 54; Wednsday, 42; Thurs
day, 45; Friday, 50; Saturday, 48;
average, 48.8.
Although Friday was cloudy and
Thursday was partly so, with threats
of rain, no water fell during the
week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Saturday were clear.
The wind blew from the south Sun
day and Monday and from the west
Tuesday and Thursday, from the
north Wednesday and Saturday, and
from the east Friday.
Save your gold stamps and get a
dinner set at Teuuch'a.
We have just received a very
large and elegant line of
Pocket Books
Wrist Bags
Chatelain Bags
These goods we bought direct
from the factory, at factory
prices, and we are thus en
abled to sell them to you at
very reasonable prices. We
should be pleased to have
you call and look them over.
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Block. Phone 851
I Springs...
...NOW OPEN...
Health, and Summer
Twenty-two Miles East
Pendloton on 0. R. & N.
Excursion .Rates
Ironl all points
of a
For further information
Get : 1 JuSt
a a Rii While
Suit O-OU . They;
Today ! Last
And Anothe lot at $9,50
Also Some Pants at Half Price
We are getting ready now for the
greatest fall business ever done in
Pendleton. That's the reason we
are making this extraordinary effort
to put out a large quantity of
oston Store)
t Manager
i Bine-ham Serines
g GIBBON, Ore.
Hit a Chinaman.
Jim Sharp, the barber, created a
panic in Chinatown Sunday night by
going into the Chinese noodle joint
on Alta street, and raising a racket
with ono of tho occupants. Tho Chi
naman got tho worst of tho scrap us
his face was badly bruised by coming
in contact with Sharp's clenched flst
hut tho latter was out $10 for his
fun, as that was tho price Judge Mc
Court sot on -it at police court Mon
day morning.
The most effective skin purifying and
TMAUtlfying soap in the world, as wellaa
Ivuresi ana sweetest lor toilet, bath, and
Bursery, It strikes at tho cause of bad
nnuiiuiuui, reu, ruunu nanus, railing
bair. and baby blemishes, viz. , the clogged.
Irritated, Inflamed, overworked, or slug
fish Pobks. ,
BoM Uinuhtit lh wgrki. Pott IE D. aid O. Oosiu
fit. i
tor P
Regular beauties. Prettiest ever brought to
rencneioii. inrgeHt nuo uuwwir i uw.
that will save you money on your ice bill
Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Bto;
We Can Supply You with
Fnrks. Pulleys, R
Flexible Steel Cal
And All Kinds of Hayfoi
IB ;
The Big Cafpet
you Can Beat Our W
In just this ono j ' T(,
kind of beating n
ji7A w in nil v iiuuw - -..
"W,K """'""JJ'T.T
111 ""J o r. WIU"''
vou can beat OakJ1
,7w line of 1
Main 24.
There Is Mo Qnt
It is the finest grade.it is possible to
but the choicest wheat enters into dfofbtel
satisfaction is the result whererevw
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Propr
For Health, Strength and (1
Pleasure Drink ::::::: 1
Polydore Moens, Proprietor, j
ton, Oregon.