East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1902, Image 1

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VLIIH Ml Ml- rill I II IM
Eastern Oregon Weather
Fair tonight, nnd Wednesday
- 1 K
NO. 4-102
.... lAnr!incr Man in llnitprl
li I , . - - mm
States May Be Asked to
Assist the Coal Strike.
r-i r ,i a t a o A?n
iirou X W I VI I J UV DHl Il
. i i . o.. j. i r i
Only uommencea ana i nai nan-
rilH Ml 1 IV li MLL1UL1U11 1 5 llilH 1 II
1 H? 1 A nn1nU .1 1
all the mine workers but that
r rnmnaimi is iinr. ver. comn fltn .
will bo called out if it is found
i J-1. ii. i ii.
nerlcnn workman n.fniin.rfln with
national organization to suspend
ilLIUII. I II I LI II tit ! II 11 V H III II KJ I HI ill
h ;i i risiN.
his would result in tying up the
Quay Gave Notice of Motion to Dis
charge Committee Which Made Up.
favorable Report.
Washington, Juno 17. There is a
contest in prospect in the senate over
the omniuus statehood bill. Quay
gave notice this morning that on
Thursday ho would move for a dis
charge of the committee on territor
ies from further consideration of the
bill providing for admission into
statehood of Arizona, New Mexico
and Oklahoma. The committee which
has the matter in charce. recently, hv
a majority of one vote, decided the
bill should not be reported to the sen
ate until the next session.
an Fighters Are Swntminn Remi-
in&CKiirf k in nnrr nnn i amqii
r - nuur uuj .u J. J 1 biuttu
-... "WW ( ykuiuitu, UU UltJ
lJl'r Ilfrrirnff I I I ivnnrnn ittl
coast are holding! their annual
frying uays. Aitnougn no one
from here about 400 vntnrnnn
tieir families are now in Port
attendinc the festivities nnri
r Al.l
1. 1 1. i 1 1 ,
utfhiuui.ib v . 1 1. 1 r. iiniiiii in 1 - r-
roll of members was called and
e afternoon t'he dull monotonies
music. Miss Adella Luce and
Anna Ditchburn, two accom
ed elocutionists, recited for the
lamment or me assemoiy, ana
leterans' double male quartet
Miss Evelyn Hurley furnished
widows and everyone is being
to feel at home. The sons and
evening a musical and liter-
rtO' A A 111. v.
umbers are growing small as
?ear passes by, the interest and
"6ry member makes a snecial
w be present.
yt 11 I ... .
vmu ciuiuuH win lunu yai.i
Safecracker Shot by Watchman
Nampa, Idaho.
Nampa, Idaho, Juno 17. At 2:30
yesterday morning Night Watchman
Miller shot and fatally wounded a
burglar who was caught in the act
of burglarizing the safe of the Cot
tingham's lumber office. The officer
was making his rounds when he was
attracted to the office by the sounds
of nounding. As he approached the
place the thief ran out and down the
Jtroet. Miller called on him twice to
Halt. The burglar continued to run
and the officer fired.
Miller thought he had missed his
man, as fbe fellow continued his" "mad
pace. After running a short dis
tance, however, he fell.
It was found he had been shot
through the lungs, the bullet having
passed almost through his body. He
was taken to the city hall.
-Up to this time the burglar has re
fused to disclose his name .or to re
veal the identity of his partner. An
other man was soon with him during
aunciay. it is believed he was on
guard outside the lumber office and
gave the burglar a warning signal on
the approach of the officer.
Tools in the possession of the
wounded burglar indicate he is a pro
fessional cracksman.
Guard at Salmon Creek Bridge Exchanged Shots
With the Desperadoes. .
Portland, June 17. Word comes from Vancouver that two
guards on the bridge over Salmon river, near Orchard, jhad a fight
this morning at 2 o'clock with Tracy and Merrill. Shots wcro ex
changed. Guard Stcbccker was slightly wounded in the shoulder. It
is not known whether the convicts were hurt. Guard Carson is on
Ills' way here with bloodhounds to track the convicts. A fight Is
A report from Vancouver, Wash., at 9: -10 o'clock a. hi., says the
posse is at the scene of the battle near Salmon creek bridge last
night, with the convicts, with bloodhounds, which are now in the
bush on a hot trail. Bert Biesecker, the man shot, was only hit
through the coat under his right arm.
Vancouver, Wash., June 17. 'William Morris, a member of the
citizens' posse from here was brought to the hospital last night with
'a shattered thigh, by a rifle ball flred by a member of the searching
party from Portland. Morris, with a companion, was watching the
bridge across Salmon creek when he was mistaken for ona of the
convicts by another of the party a quarter of a mile 'away. Two
shots were flred with the .result that Morris fell wounded. Morris
was sitting in a crouching position nnd the bullet struck in the front
part of his thigh, crushing the bone. It Is thought the limb may
have to be amputated. Morris is well known here. He is n painter
by trade and has a wife and several &mall children.
A Curiosity at Milton.
J- Mclntyre has a curiosity in
"ow -window that is .unique in Its
W tho Milton Eagle. He calls
Jerusalem" plant. It comes
i? of a hen ogS and l00ks
DUIlCh Of drifirt fArns TTnon
P'aced in water it swells and
until u ji i . .
want. On bolng taken from tho
1 it Prnt..nli
.." """""iiy resumes us ior-
up appearance. It was
6."t irom tho PMiir,.,. .i i
- "H U1B SCnnf la on Uatnato.
DPH K,. " M MlUhUDhV
-- uugs mat thev will .not. ntjiv
sa,e building where one is.
8hlnn nnl r-iti-
Miiu ruiiHn.
vwj tnf tionrAni it. i
W Wnrsnun,n. No. i which
of soo nrmed with a member-
Pledge 4 uuioniais gave
MttonnM poat conspicuously
vut inno - r .ni m
a' i vwu jl .u i .r ii in iiir
...7 U 111 nantn -sJ
VUi QTn.. " ,
r co:; ,u PaD.se calling, on
. n uuvn nil nrnn.ia
" O'ftlnnl, '
n. 1 1 uii nil mi u v nTin
, "'HIS tno OatlV.llr,T.w. A. -s
no. - . MullBUUlHnL UL
lar rising '.boot-
Church Says Woman Must Leave
Either Husband or Religion.
A queer dilemma confronts Mrs
Mary Douthwaite, a prominent soci
ety woman of Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs
Douthwaite was a widow a year and
a half ago, with three children to sup
port. Her husband died several years
ago and left her with a little means
and this the brave woman used for
purchasing a little stock of dry goods
and took up the battle for a living
for herself and children by selling
goods. She prospered and at the same
time was a prominent member and
worker in the Broadway Church of
Christ. For 15 years she waB a mem
ber of this church and was on"e of the
leaders in any move toward further
ing the interests of the church. Eigh
teen months ago she married Mr.
Douthwaite. Now her church says
that she cannot continue her name
on the rolls because she married a
divorced man. The church has issued
its ultimatum. Mrs. Douthwaite must
leave her church or her husband. The
church says it would like to have
her continue working with them, but
her name will have to be dropped
from the roll.
Mrs. Douthwaite takes the matter
very seriously and declares that she
will appeal to the entire congregation
and demand an open trial and make
tho members wnom sne nas aiaea
and worked with take a stand for or
against her.
A Wild Experience.
A man named Jim Lyle, who has
recently been working in a sheep
camp near Mountain Hme, had a
thrilling experience early Wednesday
morning, according to the Huntington
Herald. He was beating his way o
Huntington by riding on top of a
pf.ssonger coach, and while the train
want crossing a bridge near town he
fell from the car into Burnt river
40 feet below. He managed to get,out
of-4 he water and in the forenoon was
brought to town by the section crew
Lyle received a severe shaking up
but fortunately no bones were broken
He is being cared for by the city au
thorities. Sir Sydney Fisher, Minister of Ag
riculture for Canada, has appointed
Mr. William Hutchinson as Cana
dian Commissioner to tho World's
Fair at St. Louis. Mr. Hutchinson
will have charge of all the prelimin
ary arrangements for Canada's big
.exhibit at tho Exposition in 1004
His headquarters will bo with the
department of agriculture, Ottawa
Hopkins Called Harrison to Time for
Saying That He Was Unable to Be
Elected Without the Use of Boodle
Friends, Intervened.
Springfield, 111., June 17. Just be
fore the democratic state convention
was called to order here today at
noon, State Chairman Hopkins and
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, had a
sensational encounter.
Hopkins demanded to know if Har
rison had been correctlj' quoted in
the Chicago papers, wbich made him
say tnat Hopkins could not be re
elected without the uso of boodle
Harrison reiterated the statement.
Hopkins became furious and called
Harrison a damned little pinhead
He psid Harrison never came by an
honest dollar except through inheri
tance, and also accused him of adding
to his fortune by extorting money
from harlots and gamblers, and sell
ing out in franchise deals.
It looked at one timp as though the
men would come to blows, but friends
of each were there and prevented
President of Venezuela Is Being De
feated by the Revolutionists.
New York, June 17. Advices from
Port of Spain, Trinidad, state that
the fall of President Castro, of Ven
ezuela, Is momentarily expected.
The dispatches state there is an
exodus from Venezuela of Castro's
followers, and that the government
forces have received severe setbacks
from the revolutionists.
To Run Five Years and Provides for
a 20 Per Cent Reciprocity Perkins
of California, .Opposed Panama
Route for the Canal.
Washington, Juno 17. At tho cab
inet meeting today it was decided that
one or two war shins would bo sent
I to Venezuela for the purpose of pro
I tecting American interests which are
ueuevea 10 ue enaangerea on account
of the revolution now progressing in
that country. President Roosevelt is
worried over tho fact that no answer
has been received to a message sent
by him to Minister Bowen, at Cara
cas. Tho republican members of tho sen
ate committee on Cuba this morning
agreed upon the Spooner bill .provid
ing for a 20 per cent reciprocity ar
rangement with Cuba, to continue live
years with safeguards whereby the
benefits of tho measure are ssured to
Cuban planters.
The bill is to bo presented to the
republican caucus, which meets to
morrow night.
When the Isthmian canal bill was
laid before tho senate today, Perkins,
of California, delivered an exhaustive
argument in favor of tho Nicaragua
route, saying he bejioved that taking
noia or tne ranama canai property
and attempting to complete the pro
ject that from its inception had been
marked by gigantic fraud, would in
volve the United States In political
and financial difficulties that might bo
England's Ruler Passed a Good Night
and Is Feeling Better.
Windsor, June 17. The king slept
comfortably through the night and is
progressing favorably today. His
majesty, however, looks weak and
weary, and his physicians are pre
scribing the utmost quiet.
"He will conserve his energies until
coronation time. He was greatly dis
appointed at not being able to atted
the opening of the Ascot races today.
The queen and royal family, how
ever, attended.
Operators Are Afraid That In the
Event of a Call for a General Strike
the - Northwest Collieries Would
aeattlo, Juno 17.-Tho coal opera
tors of tho ontlro northwest foar a
strike agitation In sympathy with tho
Wilkosbarrc struggle.
Only 25 por cont of tho union
miners are employed at the great col
lories but it is believed a call for a
general coal strlko from tho east
would bo responded to by a comploto
tie-up of the northwest.
Miners in many Holds are roported
to bo holding secret meetings nnd dis
cussing tho events.
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trado and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, Juno 17. Wheat was
dull today tho weather conditions be
ing somewhat improved and cables
unchanged. Tho weather map is tho
main Influence in tho market at pres
ent. Now York oponcd 709:1 and clos
ed 70. Chicago closed 71.
Closed yesterday, 7!1A.
Opoiiod today, 70.
.Ttnngo today, 7G7G!.1.
Clcsod today, 7G.
Sugare, 1271,.. .
Steel, 38.
St. Paul. 173.
Union Pacific, 105.
Wheat In Portland.
Portland, Juno 17. Whoat Walla
Walla, 0G; blucstoin, 07ya; valley, G7.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Juno 17. Wlieat 7272
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco, Juno 17. Wheat
$1.12 4.
Chief Executive of Minneapo
lis Placed Under- Arrest on
Grand Jury Indictment.
Promised Two County Commissioners
the Sum of $5000 Each to Vote for
His Candidate for Sheriff, to Suc
ceed a Man Removed by the Gov
Minneapolis, Juno 17. Tho local
police scandal culminated this morn
lug in tho arrest of Mayor Ames on
nn indictment returned by tho grand
jury, charging him with offorlng a
Tho ehargo Is that tho mayor prom
ised County Commissioners Sweet
and Nash $50d0 each to voto for Tom
Brown for sheriff to succeed Phil
Mcgaardcn, after' Mogaardon had boon
roinoved by tho governor for alloged
Tho mayor was arraignod soon
r.ftor his arroBt.
Thousands Joined In the Rush for
Mineral Lands.
Pocatello, Juno 17. Fort Hall res
ervation was opened for settlement
at noon today and thousands of home
seekers and miners joined in the
rush for the ' mineral deposits sup
posed to exist on tho reservation;
The Iowa educational institutions
are organizing for the purpose of
sending an All-Iowa team of ath
letes to participate in the athletic
games at the World's Fair in 1904
The matter is in the hands of a com
mittee appointed at the Btate field
meet recently. Iowa, Ames and
Drake colleges i-re represented on
the committtee.
Miss Efflo Nelson and Henry Lloyd
were united in marriage Monday at
the home of the bride'a parents, Mr
and Mrs. James Nelson, seven miles
northeast of Pendleton. Rev. Q. W.
Rigby officiated. Several friends
were present at the wedding and
many presents were received by the
happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
came to Pendleton Monday evening
and remained at Hotel St. George
over night and tbi3 morning left tor
Milton, where Mr. Lloyd's parents
live. There they will remain a day
or two before going to Moscow
Wash., where they will make their
London, Juno 17. An official dispatch from Lord Kitchener says tho
surronder of the Boars in the Transvaal is now completed. The Orongo
River colony surrenders will be completed .tomorrow. There aro only 150
more to come in from Cape Colony.
It Is an Extinct Volcano, Crater now
Filled with Water.
It is well 'known that Bald Moun
tain, tho well known land mark noar
Sumptcr, contnins nn extinct crator
This crater is filled with wutor and
is known as Bald Mountain lake
It is evident from surroundings that
at somo remote dato Bald Mountain
was an active volcano, but it must
have been nt a timo when man was
not known in these parts. FIshormon
who have been out on tho lako have
tried to find bottof of tho crator, but
in vain. One man is known to have
let a lino with a rock at tho end of
it down COO feet, nnd then did not
find tho bottom. While nono of our
citizens have any fear that "Old Bai
dy" will repeat tho oxporionco of
Mount Poleo and La Houirriore
many freely express tho opinion that
it is in tho lino of possibilities. The
oistanco from Sumptor to tho crator
of tho mountain is ton miles.
Discussing Philippines.
Rome, Juno 17. Tho committee ot
cardinals appointed to discuss Philip
plno mattors, met In tho Vatican to
day. Tho dohato was strictly socro:
The Troubles of a Man Who Is the
Victim of Inherited Wealth.
Sitting under tho purplo awnings
of his splendid yacht, tho Valiant, as
she steamed into Southampton water
August 22, 1001, M. W. K. Vander
hilt thus blttorly inveighed against
his fate:
"My life never was destined to be
quite liapi.y. It was laid on llnot
that I could foresee almost from my
earliest childhood. It has loft mo
with nothing to hope for, with noth
Ing definite to Beck or strive for.
InheriKd weaitn is a nig nanui
can to happiness. It is as cortaln
death to ambition as cocaine is to
morality. If a man makes monoy, no
matter how much, ho nnds a certain
happiness In its possession, for in tho
desire to increase his business no nas
constant use for it; but the man who
inherits woalth has nono of this.
"Tho first und tho greatest f atls
faction, tho building of tho founda
tion of a fortune is denied him. Ho
must labor, if he does, labor, simply
to add to what may bo an over-sufficiency."
Alphabets from 12 to 15 Words,
Letters n tho alphabets' of tho dif
ferent nations vary in number. The
Sandwich Islandors have 12; the Bur
mese. 18; Italian, 26; Bengali, 21;
Hebrew, Syrlac, Chaldeo and Samar
itan, 22 each; Latin, 25; Greek, 21;
German, Dutch and English, 26 each;
Slavonic, 27; Arabic, 28; Persian and
Coptic, 32 each! Georgian, 35; Ar
menian, 38; Russian, 41; old Mosco-
vite, 43; Sanskrit and many of the
original languages have 50 each.
The College has Received $G5,000 In
the Past Year.
President Penrose in Ills report
speaking ot tho gifts to Whitman
collogo this year says: "At tho be
ginning of tho year, Dr. Poarsons,
tho great bouefactor of tho college
wroto that ho would givo $50,000 for
further andowmont provided that we
secured $25,000 for tho girls' dormi
tory, plans of which ho proposed to
Bond. Whon tho plans arrlvod Mr.
N. F. Butler, who superintended tho
construction of both tho Memorial
building and Billings hall, figured
that tho proposed dormitory coulfl
ho built within $15,000. 1 wroto Im
mediately to Dr. Poarsons aBklng 1C
ho would consider that wo had mot
tho conditions if wo oroctod a dor
mitory practically according to the
plans which ho furniBhod. Ho wrote
back that If wo would have the first
story of tho building up and paid- for
by the 15th of Juno ho would send big
chock for $50,000 boforo July lut
Whon thof letter was presented to the
executive commlttoo Mr. Ankeny at
once volunteored to givo tho amount
noccssary to- pay for tho first s'ory,'
which was estimatod at $6000, and
wo at onco procoodod with tho con
struction of tho building, Within a
fow days afterwards the Reverend
and Mrs. E. L. Smi'.h of Seattle
wroto that thoy would give $6000 to
wards tho 'proposod dormitory on
condition that Dr. Poarson's gift for
andowmont was paid, and havo re
quested that t Ii o building bo named
"Itoynolds Holl," in honor of Mrs. L.
J. Reynolds of Walla Walla and the
services of her sons to the college.
These gifts make possiblo tho erec
tion ot tho much needed dormitory
and tho obtaining of Dr. Pearson's
Mcney for Columbia.
Captain Langfltt was all smiles
Saturday, says tho Portland Tele
gram, Tho presldnt, having signed
tho river and harbor bill, tho head of
tho Unitor, Engineering Corps is now
in a position to go ahead with the
plans for Improving tho Columbia
river basin. A good deal of work Is
to be dono at tho mouth, including
tho oxtonsion of the jotty. Tho cap--taln
has boon anxious to get started
on this work, and had thoro boon
much moro delay in getting the bill
jmsped it would havo been Impossi
ble to accomplish any telling work
this season. Now there will be time
to do something.
Pon't Use Too Many Words.
Multiplication qt words Increases
the expense and decreases the, effec
tiveness of advertising, say .what
you have to say In as few words as It
can be told then stqp. By so dojps
you can set what yoii'want to Bay la
larger typo, so that will coramM
the attention of more readers, .ts
would u wordy, discourse. st. fSsaM