East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 16, 1902, Image 2

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I t A
Our prices on them are
so low that you can afford
to throw them away in a
few months.
Here we are :
Goats, all sizes, $1 to $3.
Coat and Vest, $4.00 to $7
Coat and Pants, $5 to $8
Pants, $1.25 to $5.00
Business Suits, $10 to $20
Buy your clothing of
us and be well fitted.
We can save you
MONDAY, June 10, 1902.
Senator Boveridge Saturday re
ported from the committee on terri
tories a bill giving Alaska a delegate
In congress. He also introduced a bill
providing for a delegate from Indian
The general deficiency bill before
congress carries ?3000 for road con
struction and the general improve
ment of Crater Lake, National Park,
-and y4C3 to pay H. A. Rands for sur
veys in Oregon.
The senate committee on territories
Saturday decided to take up for con
sideration early next session the om
nlhus statehood bill, admitting into
the "Union the territories of Oklaho
ma, New Mexico and Arizona.
The Susquehanna Iron Company
posted notices in Its mill at Colum
bia, Pa., Saturday, granting its 1000
puddlers $4.50 per ton, and thus end
ing the strike ther. The men were re
ceiving ?4.25 and six weeks ago struck
for $4.50.
As a result of a decision rendered
by the court of criminal appeals,
third district, affirming the judgment
of the lower court in the case of Har
vey Fullerton, of Greenville, convict
ed of operating a bucket shop or deal
ing in futures, every bucket shop in
the state of Texas will have to close.
It is said.
H. L. Smock, a brakemaD on the
Southern Pacific, lost his life at
Brandt, a switch between Whiteson
an dSully on Friday. He was caught
between the freight cars.
Itev. Robert McLean, pastor of the
Third Presbyterian church, In Port
land, and one of the best known
ministers m Oregon, has resigned nil
charge to begin work In Porto Rico
G. W. Adkins was found 3ad in beJ
at Junction City, Lane county. Ho
was supposed to have died of heart
failure. He was born In Missouri iu
38330 and has lived in Or-jon since
1872. g
Governor T. T. Geer afte. consult
ing with Superintendent J. D Lea
decided to increase the reward for
the capture and return, do id or alive
of the two convicts and he offered a
reward of $1500 for each nmn.
Terrence Mallon, a traveling sales
man, fell down the shaft of the
freight elevator at E. W. Newhall &
Co.'s dry goods establishment at Se
attle, and sustained injuries causing
his death In a few hours afterward.
The unfortunato man fell two stories.
What may practically do termed
the first gold to arrive from the Klon
dike this season, was brought to Van
couver, B. C, Friday, on the steamer
Princess May. Approximately $150,
000 in dust came on that boat. About
$70,000 came down on tho City of Se
attle. A woman named Mrs. Hoberg
Stranger, was killed 20 miles east of
Portland In a runaway accident. She
was driving with her son when" the
horse became frightened and ran
away, throwing her under the
heavy wagon which passed over her
neck, breaking it.
The probate court at Oregon City
lias made an order approving the sec
tlement of the "Willamette Pulp and
Paper Company, with tho adminis
trator, releasing It from all 'further
claims or liabilities on the payment of
$260 for the death of J. B. Faulkner
who was killed about three months
go by his clothing catching in somo
The Pendleton.
George Harris, Portland.
G. W. Hunt, Portland.
William Neubaur, Portland.
J. M. Stevens, Lewiston.
H. R. Lacy, Kansas Cftv.
H. W. Holden, Portland.
Blanche Campbell, Burns.
J. F. Walker, Memphis.
E. F. Brockway, Spokane.
G. O. Barnhart, Spokane
J. J. Downing, Ashland.
E. W. Brigham, Boston.
W. R. Glendening, Portland.
T. B. Johnson.
E. L. Tatom.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
A. Sinsheimer, Portland.
E. S. Bowman and wife.
R. M. H. Britton, Indiana.
W. O. Johnson, Kansas
Will Jensen, Weston.
William Maker, Portland.
H. B. Reese, Spokane.
Charles E. Dupuis, Weston.'
E. M. Walter, Idaho.
Fred Kuhn.
W. Daggett.
A. W. Cole, Chicago.
E. C. Skiles, Spokane.
J. A. St. Clair, Kansas City.
T. D. Weatherby, Boston.
J. L. McCullough, Prinevllle.
R. H. Caston, Spokane.
E. B. Coman, Portland.
T. R. Cutley, Kamela.
E. G. Hill, San Francisco.
J. W. Missur, San Francisco.
Molllo Couch.
J. R. Norri3, Chicago.
J. E. Levy, Portland.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
G. O. Barnhart, Spokane.
T. "W. Eckstrom, San Francisco.
Ed Morrison, Boise City.
J. N. Leasia and wife. .
The Golden Rule.
Ed Morrison. Boise.
William Howard.
W. W. Williams, Portland.
E. Blanche Chamberlain, Dayton.
M. E. Penland, Heppnor.
Mrs. Lizzie Barker, Colfax.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
H. C. Adams, Weston.
G. W. Hewitt, Helix.
D. C. Kirk, Weston.'
Thomas Cotter, Oakland.
G. W. Bradley, Ashland.
Z. Houser, Portland.
T. J. Tweedy.
S. Herrick, Ogden.
B. Abertn. Idaho.
M. Guthrie, Union.
Frank Davidson, Minnesota.
Belle Wilson, Minnesota.
R. H. Barber, Minnesota.
C. Ades, Spokane.
E. R. Bowlby, Enterprise.
Lavina Tawny.
S. J. SImpklns, Denver.
John Mackedon, Mexico.
G. F. Yantls, Mexico.
F. R. Forest, California.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
William K. Kehr, Dakota.
H. D. Ehey, Portland;
Jesse Daniels, Walla Walla.
H. W. Cameron, Spokane.
J. F. Harryman and wife,
Anson Georgo, Portland.
John G. Helfrlch, Spokane.
C. ,D. Rlnker, Spokane.
Mrs. E. Tausick, Walla Walla.
Ross Estes.
Happy Time in Old Town.
"Wo felt very happy," write it. N.
Bovlll, Old Town, Va.( 'when Buck-
len's Arnica Salve wholly cured our
daughter of a bad case of scald head."
It delights1 all who use It for cuts,
corns, burns, bruises, bolls, ulcere,
eruptions. Infallible for plies. Only
2Gc at Tollman & Co.'s,
Save your gold stamps and get a
dinner set at TeuUch'a..
They arc Not Only Suitable for Dres
sy Wear but are Also Valuable or
Account of their Washable Quality.
New York, Juno 16. AVhen you aro
in doubt select a lace gown. This
is the advice given the women of
lashion this year, for lace effects are
mdlspensible to tho woman of mod
ish pretensions.
Not only for dressy wear is tho
lace gown a la mode, but it is design
ed for washable purposes. Valen
ciennes and the fine throat laces are
designed upon lines which permit of
the most thorough scrubbing, and as
white lace is used there is nothing
to tear on account of color.
One noticeable feature about the
lace dresses this year is the combin
ation of two or three guipures upon
one gown. These, however, are in
the more elaborate costumes. For
instance, a lovely dress is made en
tirely of insertions of Valenceinnes
and Irish point, and the effect of the
two laces, so different in texture, is
exquisite over a dreamy foundation
of Liberty satin.
Originality is shown in the treat
ment of the sleeves. From shoulder
to. wrist they are in thick Irish lace,
with a voluminous fan-like arrange
ment of Valenciennes, starting from
above the elbow and joining the
Irish lace at the wrist.
Nothing is smarter and at the same
time more unique, than lace trimmed
with cloth. In reversing tho order of
things in this manner, the cloth is
jetted and bodices of lace so orna
mented show the cloth jetted and
shaped into the most delightful gird
les and stocks. Bretelles are also
used as a decoration upon these
waists and not Infrequently are
stitches -of moire seen.
For elegance at little cost wash
able chiffon is worthy a trial. The
fabric is thin, summery and inexpen
sive, combining with these qualities
the sheen and daintiness of tho genu
ine article. BKirts tucked around
the waistline or shirred, as the fancy
may dictate, are clinging and grace
ful. The material has the advantage
of noltling its own without a lining,
and every well dressed woman
knows what it means to save the
expense of a foundation for even the
simplest gown.
A trimming which to some extent
is taking the place of Valenciennes
lace, is a niching of fine net, the not
being doubled and gathered to form a
tiny niching along the edge of ruf
fles of the dress material. Net, sin
gle fold, is also used for insertions
finished on either side with the nar
rowest of Valenciennes edgings, and
the effect is very pretty indeed.
The sleeves of wash gowns aro
taking on all the fanclfulness of more
expensive fabrics. Even the elbow
design has its series of ruffles. Many
of the newest sleeves are covered
with little frills below which are
puffs, and though the effect is the de
light of tho summer, it is the de
spair of the laundress.
Undorsleeves still constitute an im
portant part of tho fancy sleeve,
which may be elaborately made with
lace, chmon, embroidery and ap
plique. Stitched bands of taffeta and
velvet ribbons aro special features
of popular decoration in tho matter
of sleeves and the variety of design
afforded is great.
Almost as popular as tho shirt
waist of this wash goods is the mod
el in China silk. Certainly nothing
is so cool and comfortable on a hot
day. A smart manner of treating
these waists is to Etitch them all over
in tucks about half an Inch wide,
then smooth down tho tucks so they
form little plaits over the surface of
the silk.
. Unless ono specially desires the
combination of lace with waists of
this silk they are much more service
able made without tho trimming, for
having once received tho water cure,
they aro unable to retain their pris
tine freshness.
There Is a tendency In the lace
waists, whether of silk or cotton, to
fit snugly on the shoulders, pouching
in a medium fulness. The sleeves
havo an easy fulness at the top,
though from this point there Is ab
For Sanative Uses.
Its remarkable, emollient, cleaning, and
Iuruyiuf pruperuea, us.
rived 'from Cuticuua, the
great akin cure, warrant the
uee of Cuticura SoAr, In
the formot batha for annoy,
lng .Irritations, lnllamuia.
Uong, and chaungs, tor too
free or offensive persplr
aUon, and also In tho form of
internal vraihee and colli.
Monaforulceratlvo weaknesses, ami for many
Maatlye, lutUsepUOjpurponesiwhlch readily
mureett themselves to women, and especially
to mother. The uso of Cuticuiu. Ointment
with Cuticuiu Boxv will suggest lUelf in
toe severer coses.
tcU tkroachaat tin world. Puma D. jlwd C. Coar..
YawM-.$Mea. Uoncvu kor Mooi, to Wubmo.
aolutoly no certainty whatever about
the finish down to uiu
It is almost impossible to omploy
embroideries too lavishly upon sum
mer gowns, whether they bo or ho
! kiv or for evening wear." For tho lat
ter howover, there aro uusuu
Slues in chiffon and ribbon work
too fragile for uso anywhoro except
the ball room.
For those fond of fancy work there
arc simple and offectlvo ombroidories
which can bo easily managed, such
as yokes, fronts and bands of satin
or taffeta worked with colored
spravs, and tiny spots or Ironch
knots, which arc as popular ns any
trimming this season.
A great deal of interest is centered
Just no win the correct figure, which
seen on profile, is undeniably large,
owing to the straight fronted corsets
now so generally worn by those who
dress according to the dictates of
Dame Fashion. Tho French corset
or rather the Parisian corset with
straight front, is perfectly rigid, and
the lower part of the figure disap
pears in a marvelous, if not myster
ious manner.
Among the smartest bits of lingerie
shown in Gotham's exclusive shops
Is the armless corset cover. This
reaches only to the bust line and is
made on the bias so that there Is
only one seam and this serves also as
the opening of the design. The cor
rect shape is round and by omitting
ti.o rIpovps. the contour is uninter
rupted when the thin lace yokes aro
worn upon diaphanous irocivs.
Though late In the season, a word
concerning tho fashionable coat is
not amiss, for this is indspensible to
the well dressed woman. The ap
proved model is made of taffeta
that is said to be dust as well as
water proof and non-heat producing.
Tlioy were worn so universally by
the summer woman on her little
tours back and forth from tho city
until ono wonders how she has ever
gotten along during the period that
has elapsed since tho long linen
dusters were en regie some years
Tho modish tint is silver grey In
termingled with black, for service,
stitched with black taffeta. The coat
reaches to the bottom of tho skirt
and around tho shoulders there aro
three circular ruffles stitched with
white silk.
At the fashioable resorts in the vi
cinty of Gotham, they aro wearing
red linen hats. Fedoras, pnglish
walking hats and golf shapes in the
flaming color are trimmed with bands
of plaid silk knotted loosely at tho
left side and run through with two
quills, one black, the other red.
Ping-pong shirt waists aro very
smart now, they are made of pique
and duck. On tho left sleeve near
the shoulder ping-pong racquets are
worked with washable silk in blue or
red or brown, as desired, and the belt
shows a border of the little designs
over the entire surface.
Hats come to match these waists
and these aro of regular sailor shape,
but developed in Panama straw fin
ished with a band of white taffeta.
Instead of having a bow at tho left
side as is customary, the band ex
tends in to streamers at tho back
which reach to the waist, tho end be
ing embroidered with ping-pong rac
Importors of grain bags' paid duties
Friday amounting to $125,000, tho
largest amount of money ever taken
in at the Portland custom house in
ono day.
Get 1 j
;-, 6.50 ; H
Suit Tl
Today ' y
And Another lot at $9,;
Also Some Pants at Half Price
We are getting ready now for the
greatest fall business ever done in
Pendleton. That's the reason we
are making this extraordinary effort
to put out a large quantity of
are the ones that leave
the skin as good or
better than they find
it. You can't pick up
safe soaps everywhere.
Some makers depend
on scents rather than
quality to sell their
of toilet soaps la to cleanse
and to do nothing else. We
oiler you reliable soape. We
buy them as carefully as we
do drugs, aud buy only of
makers who havo reputa
tions at stake.
Try a cake of Curative soap,
15 cents.
oston Store
We Can Supply You will
Forks, Pulleys, Re
Flexible Steel Ci
And All Kinds of Hayingl
The Big Carpet
You Can Beat Our Carp
In Inst this one wav they'lls
kind of beating all right. Yj
beat 'em hi style, in variety pi
in amnihiPftfl of cost. In length i
nuallty. J
., n.m boflt that WIMOSi
oniitnn. nt si.as a vard. TakeM
our new line ofifiber carpeU
Main 24.
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Block. Vhone 861
Regular beauties. Prettiest over brought to j
Lowest Prices.
that will save you money on your ice
L' hi iiiuurc, ouuvco, f
Thnna im. Nn nuestlon
nuwui J. XI d X O vx- '
It is the finest graQ it is possible to make. j
0 DyC read 1
satisfaction ,5s th rMiilt whererever it IS useu w m
or fancy baking.
but the choicebt wheat enters into
W. S. Byeirs, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
11 i 1