East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 16, 1902, Image 1

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I Eastern Oregon Weather 1
Tonight and Tuesday, cloudy I
and threatening, with possibly I
sliowora this afternoon and to I
night. - 1
teel 'SK' bySlot nt
u, -place -XTrcrjV
pen vy --v.
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NO. 4461
11 II I I I I II I . Ill I .11111
land's Ruler is Said to Be
Seriously Indisposed, Al-
lough This is Denied.
L His Majesty Is Much Improv.
iThere Is a Possibility of it Br-
Necessary to Lay Over the Cer-
bnles Indefinitely.
Unn June 1G. While no Infor-
ln has yet been vouchsafed, the
k cainlnc Ground that the 111-
iof the king 1b of a serious na-
There wore several Incidents to
Igthen this belief. In the first
tho king did not attena tne re
nf trnnns at Aldershot. This
ling the queen, princess of Wales
Princess Victoria went instead.
air of depression noticeable
tho roval navilion at Alder-
where the king Is housed and
iintincr rumors about the place
w . . ...
other siens that the kings illness
Iparently more than a temporary
position. It is stated that the
suffered great pain yesteraay
lmifinnum was administered .o
i-p it. The doctors are watching
hnl closely with the purpose of
Eg to diagnose his disoraer. .vvnen
Hnctors are satisfied on tms point
Ifflcial announcement may oe ex
A Great Review.
Ire than 30,000 troops participat
k the Aldershot review. The evo-
his were of the slmnlest charac-
Ithe whole force marching before
gueen by companies, BO men
nst. She had her carriage placed
lose to the line of march that tho
I at times brushed against her as
I passed by.
May Postpone It.
le postbility of the coronation
g postponed is now neing aia
ed and the proprietors of stands
Says Ed Is All Right.
ieplying late this afternoon to a
km? rfiirardinc serious develop
its in the king's illness, Sir Fran
iKnollys, his majesty's secretary
fed as follows: "The nest answer
In give you Is that the king goes
Windsor this afternoon
Kino Goes to Windsor.
Idershot, June 1C Late this after
a public apprehension regarding
vw Tima prAatlv relieved by an
iouncement that the king left the
Li nntiinn tnf Wlnrtsnr in an au-
ni yuniiuu ' ' .
I'nhtin the niiofin accompanying
P ' 11 A.
k. This was taken to mean mi
llrlno tnnr thin COlirSO tO ShOW tb.6
iple that hlB indisposition Is not
Serious as reported, Tne kibb
kduled to entrtaln 100 guests at a
duet at Windsor castle tonigui
Visited Wall Street and Was Not
ndrAw rifimecie la not often a
Utcr to Wall street, and when he
nt down there a few weeks ago
I passed unobserved down the fa-
lus thoroughfare, richt Into the
IIS of ii ninnor fnr n hunlcAt Bhon
fComc to put a little money on the
or tho market?" asked the run-
"Sue thins: can't lose. Stocks
golnc un. I'll show vou where
Ii ,can double your money in half
fDonhln nil T tnn77" nnked Mr.
negie. assuming an air of eager
!0W much have rom cot?" In
ilrpd tho ...
n. a little less than .$175,000,000,"
mo canny Scotchman simpiy.
pitttl. ....
u-wr.at!" gasned the man.
n . . i .
all 1 SHI twiner tn rrat flri nf It
OOUhlo It." TOftnt nn tho Iron
"hy, are you Andrew Carnejde?"
me runner.
::.am, said he, and went on quiet
I ""utttUDE to hlniHfilf.
After a Brief Battle They Were Re
pulsed, the Only Lives Lost Being
Those of Non-Combatants.
Willomstad, Island of Curacoa, June
16. Laguayra, Tort of Caracas, Vene
zuela, was attacked by tho Venezue
lan revolutionists, Saturday. The
government forces answered by bom
barding Maiqueta, a suburb of Laguayra.
The only persons killed were a
number of peaceful woodmen. After a
brief engagement the revolutionists
were repulsed. The people of Caracas
are panic-stricken, Believing tne place
will he besieged. The situation In
Venezuela is serious and a crisis is
Union May Refuse
Handle Coal.
Wllkesharro. .Tnnfi 1G. Jasner
Clark, president of the International ,
Teamsters' union, is here today, con-
ferrlng with Mitchell. The members i
of this organization are in hearty ac-
cord with the strike. Clark has the
power to order the 30,000 members of
his organization to refuse to handle
hard or soft coal or to strike.
Henry Belts Dead.
Henry Belts, an invalid since Feb
ruary, passed into the great beyond
early Sunday morning, of heart trou
ble. Mr. Belts has been a resident
of the Pilot Rock country for several
years and was prominent among the
citizens of that country. He was a
brother of Douglas and Phylandcr
Belts and leaves a wife and five chil
dren, the' youngest a daughter being
horn --lust 24 hours after the death
Mr. Bolts. They had moved to town
only a few weeks ago, hoping to get
near a physician who couia ao some
thine for Mr. Belts, who was failing
very fast, but nothing could be dope.
He was 50 years or age ana a mem
ber of the Artisan and Pioneer lodges.
The funeral was held this afternoon.
The accompanying picture is from a pliotosnioh tnken of M. Santos-Diimont, tho
famous Brazilian aeronaut, as hu rose from tho ronnd in his latest airship. M. faantoH sa
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trado and
New YorA Stock Exchange Brokers.
Mow York, Juno 1C Tho wheat
market was Armor today on account
01 tho unfavorable weather conditions
in tho winter wheat states, also in
Franco, whoro tho market has ad
vanced 3sc during tho wcok. Tho
vislblo. supply shows a decrcaso of
2,520,000, making a total of 23.570'.000.
compared with 35,130,000 at this timo
last year. Now York opened 75,
September, closed
Closed Saturday, 7G.
Opened today, 75.
Range today, 75SP7C&.
Closed today, 7G1.
Sugar, 12S.
Steel, 30
St. Paul, 178.
Union Pnclilc, 105.
Wheat In Portland. '
Portland, Juno 16. Wheat Walla
Walla, 06; bluostom, G7&; valloy, G7.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Juno 10. Wheat 71 (0
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco. Juno 1G. Wheat
Ice to Water Consumers
w namr itunsumern
U water will be shut 'off in the
L't mains, west of Garden
.i,..;,pe bomB laid is the cause
."wng off water. :
Sup't "Water Works.
Tracy and Merrill Crossed tho
Columbia in a Boat and Are
Now in Washington.
Mentally Deranged, Mrs. Louise
Wlstrope, Shot Five of Her Child
ren and Burned the Sixth Alive.
Mfimnhls. June 16. Mrs. Louise
Wlstrope, wife of a prominent plant
er, of Brandywlne, Miss., wnne men
killed her six small
children Sunday while her husband
was at church. Five oi tne cmiurou
she shot to death, and the sixth was
vmmeri in death in their home, which
the woman fired. She has .disappear
Something About the Power Demand
ed by a Burlington Flyer.
a raiirnnd man with a penchant for
figures has just produced some sui
ticdnn n thA Tiiirlinirton's Chicago
LIDUB V w w .
Special which are not at all dull. He
finds that on tne uauy i.vwuiw
journey of thiB train from Denver to
m,otrn vin nmnha. the six engines
which pull it consume 81,567 pounds
of coal, more than iorty tone, una
nf water auite enough
UI,UV (jMitV" I J
to supply the wants or. a gooa
To prevent hot ooxes on me vaits
oa rouiilt of the fast running. 176
pounds of cotton waste and 704 pints
of lubricating on are necessary oijr
day in the year. This means that in
the twelve momue muio mu m..;
two tons of waste and over 26,600 gar-
Ions of oil aro used. The ngures giv
nn ore token from careful observa
xi tho fim nf the Sneclal from
11UUD UU lr
Denver to Chicago, and are approxi
mately correct for tne unicago-weu
ver iuu. . ..
The endues make an orajnury
speed of from fifty to sixty miles an
hour, while bursts of from sixty-
fl.to tn oeventv mnea u uuui o
aw nnonrenees. The ranroaa-
B " ... i thlp
er with the pencil ubu "
n ..anal sneerl enual to uUU
,ning at - i.it.k.t
hnrso nower. ana at no "'6"
v.,.Dt nf tmeed as much as lout)
i. if this enormous ener-
gy in the flight of the train across
the country could be harnessed It
would furnish more, than enough
power to run all tho trolley cars in
OmaL 4.
For Some Reason They Deserted the
Property Which They Were Guard
ing and Fled Closely Pursued by
the Strikers.
Old Forge, Pa., June 16. A desper
ate encounter between a score of dep
uties employed at Williams, a col
liery here, and 200 armed Italian
strikers, occurred late last night.
At least 20 shots were fired but, so
far as known, no one was hurt.
For some unknown reason, the dep
uties left the colliery, just before
midnight, and started for the city.
The strikers heard that they had de
serted the mine and pursued the
guards who tuok to the woods.
The Italians fired upon them- ana
the guards returned the fire. It is
thought- all the shots went widb. Cit-
Wanu trn nrmed tnrlav.
tw "
Tho nniiierv a without nrotoction
and the whereabouts of the deputies
is unknown.
The Emperor, However, Keeps the
Police In a Fever of Excitement by
Driving Through the Streets In an
Open Carriage, Regardless of s
sasslns' Bullets.
Vienna, Juno 1G. An anarchist plot
to assassinate Emperor Franz Josef
has been discovered. A Trieste tall
"or Who wa3 allotted tho task, has
disappeared. The police aro in a fe
ver of apprehension as the emperor
disdains to accept close guard and
u.-ves "daily to tho palaco in Vienna
in an open carriage.
His maiestv nasses throuKh crowd
ed streets and Is an easy mark for-an
assassin's bu.let. Tho detective force
has been strengthened by 1000 picked
Clark Goes Up.
WnshiiiKton. Juno 10. Tho presi
dent, iodav nominated Cantnln Charles
Clark, who commanded tho Oregon in
tho Santiago ongngemoni, to uo rear
Wool Sales.
Today and tomorrow aro tho days
for the wool sales under tho auspices
nf the Knntnru Oroiron WoolErOWCrB'
Association, and during tho forenoon1
of today somothiiig over 100,000
pounds wore disposed of by tho grow
ers. Thesft. wero tho clips of J. W
Salsbmy, C. ".V. Mathows, M. A. Colo
and J. A. Rust. J. W. Brigham, of
Boston, bought tho Salshury lot; R. Y.
Tiwi.i the Mntiinws anil Colo lots, and
Charles Green, of San Francisco, tho
.jst clip. Tho sales or mis aucr
noon wore too Into to bo recorded.
Roosevelt at Fair.
Wnshinston. Juno 16. The
Posso Has Now Divided .Into Tw
Parties and Are Pressing Hard Up
n the Trail of the Fleeing Fugi
tives. Portland. Juno 10. Tranv and Mer
rill forced a mnn to row them across
tho Columbia river four miles above
Vnneouvor, Saturday afternoon. Thoy
aro now boing pursued by dozens or
doputles and detectives from hero.
Various reports como to tho orroci
that tho convicts havo boon seen nt
several points, though thero Is little
crodonco for any, oxcoptlng tho state
ment of tho men who took thorn ovor
tho rivor in a boat. Warden Catron,
of Walla Walla nonitontlarv. refuses
to permit tho bloodhounds to coma
Held Up a Farmer.
Advices received hero this mornnig
from tho Journal's correspondent in
tho Hold, states that two men, auppos
od to bo Trncy and Morrill, hold up
a farmor namod Poodoy, four and a
half miles northeast of Vancouver,
near Orchard. Thoy hound him to hla
bod and thon enrriod away from hla
houso such food nB thoy wanted.
Posse Divided.
Tator on word came that tho nossa
was divided Into two dotnehmonts to
miles north Trom orchard aoN...-n
follow Tracy and Morrill, now bIx
miles north from Orchard in the
woods botwoon tho mill plain and
Fourth plain roads. Governor Mc
Rrldo, of Washington, has boon ap
plied to send bloodhounds.
dent today promised Senator Quarles
that ho would attend the La Crosse
state fair. The exact date was not
From the Sumpter American.
rv.r, the nid mosnect tunnel level
of the Golconda Mr. Meikle has taken
-95 rock- at a point further tesuus
his north pitch theory of the big ore
t t Attar, nneninir the famous
shoot in the winze from the 200-foot
level, and noting by urn
tion the sharp northerly pitch, work
was pushed on both the 300-foot and
500-foot levels. as tne
the second level had been stopped,
little otd to the engineer
mere who - ,
In forming estimates of the angle of
the Pitch. As runner
and to derive knowledge of the dls-
. J: i hnvo to run before
tance no uuiu - . 1o
cutting the shoot on the lower evels
he began a thorougn exuui4u"
n.e i the old nrospector's
Eunnel, which, wasabout 75 feet on
tho vein, Legmmue uu
the shaft collar.
A cross cut from the tunnel w
former owners, hut ore still exists
there. It Is unlikely that much can
be secured between tho tunnel level
t.nd the turface.
President Robbins and Secretary
Howard brought a few hundred
nnunds of rock from the lowest nart
of the 200-foot level winze Wednes
day and a few nieces of the sulphide
fro mthe tunnel strike. Tho winze
ore is the most striking exhibit made
in the cltv. and takes Sumnterites
back to the old days when tho Messrs
Enghsh wero startling tho west, it is
phot with free crold and affords on
portunlty for mlnoralogical study not
found in other specimens from the
property that first made Eastern Or
cgon famous.
By the discovery in the prospector's
tunnel, the pitch tliere and the strik
ing of the 200-foot level, with tho
pitch of the rich shoot thore, Mr. Mel
A cross cut irom me muuv. pucn ui me ncu ouuui muio,
driven 20 feeet, where it crossed a J Me is now abie to calculate accurate-
. .ihn,n inches wiae.
streaK o'S"""" .7. i. ,oo
lowest assay from tms
S95. while the averauo
lm. It is Plainly the upper part of
the rich shoot, as it corresponds in
tne ncu ui . , values, etc.
nei it is near tne buw-" "
L nt nxnected to have such
SSUf a U "SS at ftg
300-foot level.
The strike reveals that there will
fnd I tho tunnel level, 225 feet hher.
A portion was broken down by the
ly where he will strike tho rich shoot
in tho lower levels. This was tne ena
f.miiiit liv the exnloration work in the
tunnel, and has been successful in a
remarkable aegree.
TO-aatrtnnt Ttnhhins stated that good
ore is still Jn the face of tho 500-foot
iovel north drift, although not yet
near where the rich shoot would be
encountered. Good ore is still had in
the 300-foot level, north drift Every
foot of development, under the pres
ent scientific plan gives added assur
ance of the Golconda'fl futuro and
more than ever before do men of the
district feel that it is destined to take
Its position among the great producers.
Representatives of the Building
Trades' Strikers and the Mill Men
Are in Conference This Afternoon.
PorMand Juno 16. A mooting is in
session this afternoon which may
eventuate in a Bettlomont of tho strlko
Lore In which tho building trades aro
Johan Paulson represents tho inter
ests of the Bawmlll owners. Ropro
santatlves of tho Amalgamated Wood
workers, tho managers of tho several
planing mills and J. E. Lawton, rop
tim nnlldlncr Trades, aro
Many Going From Oregon to That
Tho influx of cattle from Oregon to
Montana this season promises to bo
no small thing, says tho Montana
Dally Record, of Helona. Yesterday
a train load of young stock belonging
to M. E. Milnor passed through Hel
ena op tho way to Malta, while Sun
day another train load of young Bteors
belonging to Robert Coburn, pasaod
through bound for tho Bamo place.
Still another train load is destined
for tho Malta ranges, and this will go
through today. Tho cattle aro own
ed by Major Cummlngs and his asso
ciates. M. E. Milnor was In Holena yester
day and said that ho thought tho
rango in tho vicinity of Malta was be
ing overstocked, and ho looked to Bee
It fed off soon if such an influx con
tinued, He Bald that a large number
of Texas steers wero being brought
to the state and put on the Malta
range, which wero solicited last win
ter by tho agent of the Great North
ern Railroad Company.
Between the Milk river and tho
Canadian line there is a largo scope
of country which 1b not overcrowded
and the southern cattle Bhould have
been put In thero, Mr. Milnor said.
Revolver In Place of a Scalpel la
Used as Cure for Snake Bite.
Miles from any habitation whoro
medical aid could bo secured, J. S.
McKonzio, of Dayton, a few days ago
wns ultton.by a rnttlesuako in tne
fleshy part of tho hand. No other
means being nvullablo to cut out the
poisoned (loah, Mr. McKonzio whip
pod out n rovolvor and shot th
wounded part of flesh away.
Mr. McKonzio was on tho Tucan
non Just below tho Patrick placo, and
feeling dry wont to a spring branch
to get a drink of water. Ho had laid
down bo ho could reach tho water,
when a rattlesnake at his elbow,
quick as a flash struck him with it
fanga In tho fleshy part of the palm
of his loft hand. Ho had not seea
tho viper and did not know of it
proximity until ho folt tho bite. Ho
wns a Iohk way from a doctor and ha
know ho must act quickly If ho wiBh
od to savo his llfo. Ho had no knife
Hhnrp enough to cut out the poison
ed and In a few momontB tho vlrua
would bo convoyed to hia veins. A
momont'Q thought decided hlB ac
tion. Pulling hla trusty revolver
from his pockot ho took careful aim
at tho spot and pullod tho trlggor.
Tho bullet wont truo and struck the
exact spot taking tho pleco clear odt.
A small vein was Bovorod and the
groonlsh-hlack poison stained blood
gushed ou which it was allowed to
do until ho was satisfied tho poisoa
had been brought out. It was a ner
vy thing to do and many a mar
would not havo thought of It. Hie
hand Bwolled up sotno, but ho did not
como to town to havo w0!m
dressed by Dr. Day until Monday,
and ho Is now nearly all right.
Rhodes Appetite.
A curious phaBo of tho houso of
commonB' Investigation of Cecil
Rhodes was tho revelation of bw
Gargantuan appotlto. While be WM
miidentialv lecturing the bewilder
i nnd hnniimhnd committee on the
history and politics of South Afriee,
and tho projects and dreams oi ueou
Rhodes, tho great man himself wm
calmly eating jargo sanqwicnea. iroai
a huge heap before hjrn, and 'wae
washing the BandwJches down wit
plentlouB potiopa rrom a largo an
long glass of foaming stout.
Free picnic every Sunday at Klne'a
prove. Danclne begins at 2 o'clock.
Music by Kirimaa's orchestra.
The intonse heat caused Ave death
vabI. rurw liar niuw. .
iu now
City laat rritirr