East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1902, Image 8

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    " " ' HHHIM
there shown
W "will delight them aud please you with the price.,
yover, no never. In the history 01 Jendieioh WAS ti
bucu a ueautuui une 01
Children's and Babies' Shoes
- than we hnvejuat received. Our new arrivat Includes
Patent leather vamps with white, pink and bine tops; ox
blooa, inlaid with black; black kid with mat kid trimmings,
and black kid with purple trimmings.
To be appreciated they must be Been.
xxTt-t c r
cheap utnamgez, v nson oo u. Biact 9t
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1902
Walker vs. Northwestern Warehouse
Company Occupies the Court.
The case of J.M. "Walker against
the Northwestern "Warehouse Compa
ny Is still occupying the attention of
the court. This case came up Thurs
day morning and the complaint occu
pied all day yesterday and a part of
today with its testimony and the case
"will not go to the jury before late
some kind providence Intervenes Mr.
Tatom will he short many head be
fore long. The doctor also stated
that John Crow, a farmer Hvlng south
of here, had the disease on his place
and several others In the county are
It will be remembered that many
hogs In and around Pendleton died
last winter from some disease which
was pronounced hog cholera by some
and s.wlne plague by others, and for
several weeks considerable alarm
reigned among the hog raisers. The
state veterinarian came up from
Portland and examined several cases
and pronounced' the disease
Outlines the Propositions Which They
Are Making In Asking Their Fran
chises. Frank B. Homo, one of the promot
ers of the proposed electric railway
from Pendlcto nto Dayton, Is in town
and this afternoon had a conference
with County Commissioners Walker
and Gllliland In regard to getting a
50-year franchise for that proposed
Mr. Romo was represented by At
torney A. D. Stillman and the Inter
ests of the county were represented
by District Attorney T. G. Halley.
County Judge Hartman was not pres
ent and the commissioners decided
to take no action ou the matter until
he was present.
The franchise through the county
for an electric railway has been the
subject of discussion for several
weeks as the idea was started sev
eral weeks ago by Messrs. Romo and
Mellmann, of California, nnd since
that time they have secured fran
chises for Columbia, and "Walla
"Walla counties and the franchise for
the city of "Walla Walla has been dis
cussed in the council nnd passed up-
4Me? omnlnir nnd norhnnQ tnmnrrnw
This Is a case which grew out of the I Then it -somewhat died out and noth
fnmniw Athena Flourinc Mill cases.; hig "was heard regarding it until re-
and pronounces tne disease swine. on favorauiy, but is not entirely set
plague and enidunat it wouia aie outuipli
with proper sanitary conditions, oui
quite a few hogs died thereafter.
which have been brought against the
corporation for grains stored in the
-warehouse of the company and was
sold and shipped out without the con
Bent of the owners and without the
owners getting any pay for their
grain. There are several other cases
to come before the court at this term
involving the defunct flouring mill
company, and it is understood that
they will be heard as soon as the
present case is disposed of.
Said to Have Made Its Appearance
on Birch Creek.
Dr. J. Christie, veterinarian, gives
the information to an East Oregonian
reporter that hog cholera, or swine
plague, has again broken out In the
centlv. when it has again broken
loose and Dr. Christie predicts an
other epidemic.
Dr. Christie Reports That Several
Cases Have Appeared.
The granting of these franchises
carries along with them certain condl"
tlons and agreements from the pro
moters of the enterprise to protect
the county from any loss or Injury
from their road. Now they come be
fore the authorities of Umatilla coun
ty and ask that they be given a 50
year franchise to run through the
county from the east line to Pendle
ton .along the county road. 1
The question that exercised the of-
Several cases of glandered horses flc,als Qt flrjJt wng whethor or not the
are reported from north of Athena nmnl of a car Hne al the conn
and Dr. Christie who was out in thatt road wou(1 be a aetriment to the
neighborhood a few days ago says; travell blic Also th were not
John Hagen killed two recently by his satisfied as to whether they were at
1 Mi. a i a i. e 1. 1
since looking into the matter thor-
xpiii m. Peterson, who at
tended the first few days of the prcs
out term of the district court, loft for
his home In Athena Thursday oven
lng. .
jmlgo Stephen A. Lowell was ask
ed to deliver an Independence Day
oration nt Baker City, but declined
on account of being engaged other
wise. Cecil "Wade is at home from Whit
man -college whore he attended
school during the past year. Ho hns
one more year in college before grad
uating. W. F. Butcher, of Baker City, was
defeated as a democratic candidate
for congress, but elected grand mas
ter of the Oregon Masons, which is a
position of nt least equal honor.
Fred Kershaw, operator for the W.
& C. R. Railroad Company, at Athena,
left for home Thursday evening, after
spending a few days hero as a wit
ness in the Walker vs. Northwestern
Warehouse Company case, now beforo
the court.
Mrs. C. S. Wheeler returned last
evening from Weston, where she at
tended the commencement exercises
of the normal school. In the class
of graduates were Misses Maud nnd
Edna Swaggert, of Hcppnor, who are
nieces of Mrs. Wheeler.
J. E. Ferguson has returned from
Hot Lake and shows little sign of in
jury from falling into the boiling
water of the lake, as reported a few
davs ago. At least few blisters yet
remain in sight on "Fergy" and his
friends are pleased to see him back,
where they can care for him.
The Washington & Oregon Electric
Railway, Light and Power Company,
has appointed A. D. Stillman ns their
attorney to transact their business in
the state of Oregon. This Is the com
pany headed by Frank B. Romo and
H. Mellmann and the intention Is to
build and operate an electric railway
from Pendleton to Dayton.
M. B. Keys has returned from sev
eral days' sojourn at Lehmnn
Springs. Mr. Keys went up with John
Endicott, who is runnnig the springs
this season, and was at the opening
dance Tuesday night. He says 15
people are at the springs now and
tho Indications aro that many more
will bo there In a row days. "The
weathor Is good and everything is
lovely there, whilo fishing Is out ot
sight," sayB Mr. Keys, "and the fol
lower of Iko Walton can get his fill
of catching tho spockled beauties."
Mrs. W. F. Matlock has recolyed a
letter from Senator Matipck, who Is
in Alaska, stating that he had sold
some of his interests In tho north
and leased other Interests. The Jot
ter stated that he did not Know wnen
ho would return to Pendleton, but It
would be several weeks for It would
take him some time to wind up hls(
business affairs.
Colonel Leo Thompson, of Golden-'
dale, Wash., Is guest of tho Golden
Rule hotel in Pondloton, arriving
Thursday afternoon. Colonel Thomp-.
sonMias a numbor of friends in Pen
dleton, among them Colonel E. D.
Boyd, whom he know in tho "days
of reconstruction" in Arkansas, both
of them taking prominent parts in
politics in that state in tho "dark
days" following tho war. Colonel
Thompson will Btart on his roturn to
his home at Goldondale today or to
morrow. Ho says Goldendale, which
is a prosperous town 10 miles "back
from the Columbia river on the Wash
ington side, opposite Grants, on the
Oregon side, will soon have a rail
road, which will start at a point on
tho north side of the Columbia, sever
al miles below Grants, near Grand
We thought wchad i
of those water Sets iHM
- summer, but aftU.' jm
are going we wft E
fore Saturday aie! i
crystal sale ends , htO0;f
tumblers and a n,W.
AIo Dn2 HoMeI '
1?0R 27CENTS
Owl Tea Hf
Saving's Bank h
927 Mr(re:"!i
uail rranci
secure free, a beautiful Nw
ings Bank, also full partla
gardlng the new Three Voli
International Encyclopaedic
aru wi1rVi In - t -
j to uuw ueing im
readers of th paper for (
Cents a Day.
orders and Isaac II a gen has an aui
mal or tw.o sick with this disease,
while a man named Rhodie, in the
same neighborhood, had several head
that were effected.
Glanders is one of the most fatal
diseases that can attack horses and
when It once gets a foothold It is
county. The latest cases, according almost impossible to stamp It out,
to the doctor, are from the farm of i for It Is incurable. This Is a disease
Sean Tatom, on Birch Creek. He re- which attacks the salivary glands and
l ii i m x i nn .
pons inai air. ratum aas uuuui u . causes tneir enlargement and a con-
lead which are affected but the dis
ease Is in a mild form so far and few
fatalities have resulted to date, but
it Is only a question of time until
they will begin to die and unless
Amateur and Professional
will find it to their advan
tage to call on us for their
supplies. We have the
largest and best selected
stock fn Pendleton. You
will obtain the best re
sults with your work if
you use material pur
chased of us, and you
will be money ahead.
stant discharge of matter from the
nose. It is highly contagious and Is
not entirely confined to horses, as It
sometimes attacks dogs, goats, sheep
and in a few instances has attacked
human beings.
Best Butter Made.
Charles McReynolds, of TJkiah, was
in the city yesterday with a load of
his famous creamery butter, which is
pronounced by those who have tried
it, to be the finest butter made. Mr.
McReynolds has arranged to have the
superior product of his creamery on
sale in all the leading groceries of
Pendleton. DeMott & Co. have been
secured as distributors and will keep
a fresh supply on hand nt all times,
so that purchasers of McReynold's
butter will never get a rancid article.
Mr. McReynolds started the first
creamery at Camas Prairie and has
been manufacturing butter there for
the past 30 years.
California Excursion.
On July 30 and August 4 for pas
sage by steamer from Portland and
on August G, 7 and 8 by rail, the O.
R. & N. will sell tickets Pendleton
tn Ran FrnnnlBpn nnrl rntnm nf
THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND , via steamer or $31.85 via ralL Call
STATIONERS 'particulars.
vrraygB tmryvreffTmrrflire abb vsvru o a b a a
$2.50 SHOES
In Colt Skin, Calf Skin and Vici Kid,
both Lace and Congress; all style toes.
Wear like iron.
Phone Red 126
645 Main St.
miMiitiyinntmniin)g6Ptn)iPB.. i
Jkhg Yor S6mm to C. BERQUIST, the Shoemaker,
and have them repaired. SJiflp Wltk PttdJttM SkM CMtytlJ.
oughly it has been found that the,
company can take a right of way'
through the county and build its road
anyway, but they prefer to have the
consent of the officials and then there
will be no ill feeling or jar between
the people and the company. J
For the privilege of running their,
road through the county the promot-'
era offer -very liberal terms. Theyj
want to follow the county road and
take a part of the already fenced
road where It goes through levels!
where the full 45 feet Is given to the
road and where the roadway crosses ,
ravines and climbs hills and is not
wide enough to allow the electric
road and a wagon road In the grade,'
the company will make their roadbed ,
and leave a wagon road as good as at(
present. They will also enter an (
agreement and put up a reasonable
bond to secure the county against
any damages that might arise to the
county or individuals from the opera
tion of the road. A bond will be put
up with the county that work will be
started upon the road within six
months from the time of the granting
of the franchise and that it will be
In operation within two years. This
forfeit will fall to the county and the
franchise be void unless this Is done.
Tho company further agrees to fur
nish lights for tho county court house
and hospital free of charge during the
life of their franchise. This item will
save the county in the neighborhood
of ?25,000, as it now costs the coun
ty almost $500 per year for lights
While the commissioners have not
yet taken definite action on the fran
chise, they are favorable to the prop
osition, believing that It is better to
grant the franchise and have a bind
ing contract with the nromotera that
will protect the Interests of the coun
ty, and Its people, rather than have
them build the road independently of
the action of the officials and have
no agreement whatever to -protect the
It Will Be
for you if you dress your
feet in
Low Shoes
$2.50 TO $3.50
$1.50 TO $3.50
75 CENTS TO $1.50
J. A. Henry Is In town from Athena
Dr. W. G. Cole left this morning
for Portland.
County Judge G. A. Hartman left
mis morning for Portland.
Al Vaughn and A. H. Huntington
uio ju town irom linker City.
-Henry Blackman, the late demo
cratic candidate for state treasurer.
Is at Hotel Pendleton.
Miss Cozble Raley returned Thurs
day evening from her extonded so
journ in sunny California.
Mrs. W. C. Wheoler haB returned
from Weston, whore she attended the
graduating exercises of the state nor
mal. J..W. baloney left thte morning
for Goldendale, where he baa dispos
ed of some land and goes to settle up
the deal.
G. A. Barrett, the hardware man,
and Jack Bwart, both of Athena, have
returned home after attendlm n.,.
In .Pendleton.
Largest stock and great
est variety ever shown in
Pendleton. Iron beds
are the neatest, most
comfortable, most attract
ive and easiest to keep
clean of any articles of
lurnuure ever put
Campers' Outfits
Camp Stools, Camp
stoves, folding chairs,
folding cots, tents, wagon
covers or anything else
the camper may need. .
Joseph Basle
Complete House Furnisher
We have just received direct from the manufacturers 1
The Nobbiest and Prettiest Line of Gents' Ne
ever shown in .Pendleton j
All styles and prices. "Ve selected te silk and had tbemmada
to our order.
Come and look them over if you want the newest things in
Millinery Sale
We have too many TRIMMED HATS, bo make prices b :
move them.
TMb giveB the ladies a chance to get A SHUSH
HAT CHEAP at the height of the season.
No matter what you BMjn
furniture line yon w l
usforit. We have all t
designs of this season,
niece of odd furniture W
up the home. We W
nobby new pieces uu
the bill.
Finest and biff1
Low Sellers ot Furniture taiCui"
Lee's U. S. Hog Remedy for swine Pg'j
Stock Food for horses and cattle. Linseed Uii m i i0
Kpw Kure for Milch cows.
Poultry foods n--r k
rT T7CUI lK lf
U nM mrtrt FlM
I imjy uriu . .ffia
127. km 129 Jttait Alta Street.