"isnr-TnWf li li IHIMg iii WWMIIH m 1 L1 i Classified Advertisements "Count six average words to the line. i PHYSISIANS, . ZZr-rmn 1 VT TTTTVTk w. 0. cum., wiysr - . " rxtr.A imnrn. iu lu a 4 iu .W S: m. Telephone 77. u ?i "and Erects'' eye troubles, catnr Ail and Impaired hearing. coretuj . . I .1 1 1 1U ' - " . . t - i.nnt Tjilnhnn nil" readieton '.ir-M telenhone 31. S. 0."I j Omt, . noire In . , -c I r T I !1 mill UMhiv M buiwins. ; residence, -WILUAM HOUS ISICIAN AND Main 7" Residence Phone Bed 23. "TT'm'FAT.TL, ROOM 17 ASSOCIA- in block. Telephone Mam ua; reni fione, black 161. ; "t M. nENDBUSON, PHYSICIAN a Rnreeon. Specialties eye, ear, nose ! raone Main 33. j En & Keycs. Office one block west faton Store. vr m.ATTRST.KR. CHRONIC till nerTcms diseases and diseases of wo t Onn Hotel Pendleton, cor. Water MMD SIS., 1 eiltiiei.uuf uic i'uu 2TS. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. I Mnnir aIj "stables, g. w. froome) rop I.lverv, i-een ana uonruiim. ah r of turnouts. Competent drlTers. Op le Hotel Tendleton, telephone 18. T STABLES. T. W. AYERS. TROP. Itmt. feed and boardlnc. The best outs In the city. Alta St, between i. and Cottonwood Sts., Prone Main 70. !00N FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON op. Special care Riven to horses left I me. L.0wer i cdd oircei. xuuue am i I MISCELLANEOUS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS SEND . ?.r ctR. osai erncy's Stamp Works, ttalla Walla, Wash. IV PODND-TIIK FOLLOWING DESCRIBED "n'",nl has been taken up by the marstal of the City of Pendleton, to wit: One black horse, about 8 years old; wfight about l,0t pounds; a deficient In tho risht hind left, sweaneved on the Wp an, branded "66" on left stlftle. If said animal In not claimed by tho owners or those entlMed to tho possession of It, cots and expenses against It paid and it taken awst with n ten days from tho date hereof, then at 2 o'clock, p. m. r.f the 14th day of June.lftW. the said animal will bo sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at tho city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets, in said city of Pendleton, tho proceeds of snch salo to bo applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making se. Pated this 3rd H. nf Inni T . ti l . i ... . . r v. uu, xtnu. jv. jimiuey, Annum, KELLAR BROTaERS, PLA8TERINQ and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Estimates furnished free. Work guar anteed. Leave orders at Badley & Zata ner's cigar store. Main St. P. O. box 104. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. RUSE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND tad goods bonght and sold. Conrt St, house block. Call and see him. BTROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND nd poods. If there Is anything you In new or second hand furniture, . granite ware and crockery, call and Ills prices. No. 212 Conrt 8t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that bids will be re ceived by the Connty Clerk of Umatilla county, Oregon, on or before 10 o'clock, A. M July 6th, 1902, for repairs to circuit court room of the county court house, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by T. P. Howard, architect, and on file at connty clerk's office. A deposit of five per centof ttie amount of the bid will be required of each bidder, to bo for feited to Umatilla county If the successful bidder fails to enfr into contract as required by the county court of said connty. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bid. By order of County Conrt. W. D. CHAMBERLAIN, Clerk. NOTICE. BIDS FOR WOOD FOR U MA TILL ACOUNTY. Notice Is hereby given that bids will be re ceived by the County Clerk of Umatilla county up to 12 o'clock, M., on Ju'y 5th, 1902, for fur nishing 130 corns of sound four foot Mr wood, cut from green timber; 90 cords to be delivered at the county court house, and 43 cords to be delivered at tbe county hospital; said wool to b delivered on or before November 1st, 1902. The Court reserves the rleht to reject any and all bids. By order of the County Court. V. D. CHAMBERLAIN, Clerk. CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. All Umatilla county warrants registered in January and February, 1901, will be paid at my office at the court house upon presentation. Interest cuases on date of publication. Pendleton, Oregon, June 10, 1P02. 8. K. YATES Trnrr of TTmHll fountr. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. LE BROS.. COURT STREET, LA w block. Electricians, dealers In elec I suplles. nouses, Btores, wired for rlc lights, bells or telephones. Electrl Ixtnres of all kinds. Get our prices. Ir work a specialty. HON ELECTRICAL WORKS. C. P. (NE Prop. Corner Main and Webb tf. House and bell wiring neatly and Iptly done. Give us a trial. All work tnteed. Phone Red 403, C. P. Klne, PHOTOGRAPHERS. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAR- price for your pelts, hides and all of Jnnk, such as rubber, brass, cop- lead, zinc, rags and boitles. Iron of tods a specialty. Yon can bring In 50 worth of rags or ship In $500 i of hides and will be treated In the way. We have come here to stay. us a call and you will be satisfied. L. k w Co., office and warehouse next to srn Hotel. Pendleton, Oregon. Tele- Bed 221. f W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA pher of the city. Harvest views, In dian photos for Bale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St, near bridge. Phone Red 270. mm jrtt Xrar Ilorse Don't notice her. Kittle. She's got on her last year's lion- HOME GROWN V0LCAN0E A MOUNTAIN NEAR COVE SPOUTS FIRE. DENTISTS. H. A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN J odd building. eTa." MANN,DENXIST, OFFICE IN AS SOCIATION block, over Schmidt's new drug store. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDER8. T. P. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND Su perintendent makes complete and reli able plans for buildings In tbe city or country. Room 17 Judd building. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CAB LINE. ERWIN BAKER. PROP. Wione Main 79 Stand in front of French 6HEEK & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short notice. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on Bluff street near Main. D. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Orders can be left at the East JOregonlau office. sewing machine Is a necessity in every home and parents should not neglect teaching their children how to sqw. A good investment is made when you purchase a Standard, White or Wheeler & Wilson. Thjjy are the highest standard of sewing machine excellency and are the most improved made. Don't send your money for a cheap machine for we have them for $20.00, so if you want a cheap ma chine come in and see ours. Don't buy a "pig in a bag," Oil, needles and extras for all machines. Jesse Failing, ewing machines, furniture and carpets. TtHinnnwnTrofiw?THn?mnrfiTwnrTrTiTWTmnnrTnwnrinrTnnn'a he John Batrett Company NEW STORES Cner Sixth and Alder Oppose the Oregonian 'PWe Main $22. PORTLAND, ORE. Uiillimmintiu.,i,riif,,uii..iiuuii,.miUiiUiiiiuuuiiiiiinmiiL TUa sjps.tnrw U m every box ot tbe goaulne Laxative mm ymmnr Mount Fanny Has Startled the Resl dents of Grand Ronde Valley by Learning to Smoke Mount Hcod Also Bucking. For several days past ominous rumblings have been heard In the vi cinity of Mount Fanny, and slight tremblings of tho earth have been felt on several occasions in that di rection, says the La Grande Chroni cle. Sherman Reese, of the Mount Fanny Flouring Mill, who has been a resident of Cove for many years, was a passenger on the west-bound train a few nights ago on his way to Port land, and informed Adam Crossman the people of Cove were somewhat startled by what they suppose was a brilliant display of Aurora Borealis followed by heavy detonations, and upon looking towards Mount Fanny saw a column of light shoot up from its summit many feet high, accompa nied by what apeared to be a volume of smoke or steam. Immediately afterward the mountain was wrapped in darkness, followed by a sound as that of the discharge of a cannon at a distance, while a very perceptiole odor of gas filled the atmosphere The cause of the singular phenom ena has not yet been ascertained and much speculation is being indulged in as to what occasioned it. It is also understood that the water in the warm springs near the town has in creased several degrees in heat. Who knows but what Grande Ronde vallej may yet produce a volcano of its own? Mount Hood Also. "Mount Hood is smoking," was tin news phoned to the Oregonian by a number of residents of Portland Just before sunset yesterday evening, says that paper in a recent issue. An in vestigation disclosed that to all ap pearances the report was true, yet those who have seen the same phe nomena many times before gave the matter little thought. The atmos phere was clear between this city and Mount Hood, and the descending sun shone full upon the western side of the mountain. From the very sum mit of the peak rolled a very largo volume of what had every appearance of smoke wafted by a strong breeze, In ordinary times the observer would have concluded promptly that the stream of dark-colored cloud was light snow blown over the peak by the wind, but since the story of Mount Pelee is fresh in tho minds of all, It was easier to imagine old Hood belch' ing forth smoke and ashes from the fiery furnace In Its deep interior. The appearance of the mountain, how' ever, was not unlike the impressions all have received concerning volca noes from the pictures in well-thumb ed geographies of by-gone. days, and should Mount Hood have a genuine eruption it might not look, at thib diS' tance, much different from what It did yesterday. blacksmiths, and has been appointed to a position at tho Presidio, San Francisco. Mr. Case contemplates moving to that city when his business affairs are adjusted here. Hon. L. B. Reeder, Professor F. B. Conklin, Mrs. S. A. Lowell and Mrs. B. P. Curtis wore among tho visitors who came up from Pendleton this morning to attend the dedication ex erclses. Mrs. Curtis, who now re sides in Chicago, was formerly n member of the normal school fac ulty. Lewis E. Huson and two other of the Huson boys, were here from He lix Monday on their way to Walla Walla. They were on a graud, Inter state sightseeing tour, they said, and having missed the train at Athena, concluded to explore Weston as one of the most Interesting points en route. GREAT RICH ORE BODY. Development Work In the Golconda Is Fruitful of. Result. Mayor Robbins and J. A. Howard, returned from the Golconda last eve ning, bringing with them several hundred pounds of tho rich ore re cently uncovered there, says tho Sumpter Miner. An interesting Inter view accorded tho writer by these gentlemen today would fill this page, were Jt done Justice; but lack ot tlmo and space forbids more than a brief notice here. Superintendent Mclklo has demonstrated the accuracy of his theory, that this rich pay shoot dips at an angle of fully 45 degrees. Ho has uncovered It at a point 250 feet distant from where It was encounter ed in the 200-foot level, 100 feot from the surface, and traced It to an out cropping 300 feet further up tho mountain side. Knowing Its direction and dip, he Is driving for it on both tho -100 and 500-footlevels. If it is found where he estimates it will be, -then this marvelously. rich ore body will be proven for a distance of 1200 feet, will supply the 20-stamp mill for Ave years and tho Golconda will un questionably bo tho most valuablo mine the world has ever known. two lines. 1 tlmo .15o 2 times ,..20o 1 week 30c THREE LINES. 1 time 20s 2 times 80 1 week , 4S Extra lines: .10 cents each week; 25 cents a tine per month. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as good as any. Headquarters for Traveling Hen. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 pet day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, Every flodcrn Convenience. TRANSPORTATION LINE. mm. OREGON Shot line Ujvcon Pacific DKPAKT roa Chicago rortlaud BpocUl 5'J0 p in tU fltltlt lni;ton. Atlantic Kxpreva ft: 15 s. m. TU Hunt lngton. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Corner Court and Johiuon Htroeti, I'endleton, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprlotor. Save your gold stamps and got a dinner set at Teutsch's. THE WESTON NEIGHBORHOOD. Personal and Local Mention Change in Hotel Management The East Oregonian Is Indebted to the Weston Leader for the following Items: T. P. Page and family have located at Santa Anna, Cal., where they have purchased, a 10-acro fruit and nut farm. They are delighted with their new home. Miss Florence L. Ballou, a member of this year's graduating class at the Weston Normal, and Miss Alan S. Mc Caw, class ofa'98, have been elected as teacners in tne waua waua pun lie schools. George Rldenour has recovered from bis recent illness and will have charge of the commissary department ot tne. government survey expedition In the .Blues east of Weston, which Is inspecting a former survey. h. L. Lewis, formerly professor of sciences la the Weston Normal; will be graduated this year from the law department of the University of Mich igan, at Aan Arbor. The commence ment exercises Vlll occur from June 15 to 19. Ben Case, the well-known Weston blacksmith, has passed the civil serv ice exasaiBatloa for - government DTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTTT7TTTTTTTTTTT7TTC Bingham Springs... ...NOW OPEN... Health and Summer Resort p Twenty-two Miles East of g E Pendleton on 0. R. & N. 3 Excursion Rates irom all points For further Information address E Manager Bingham Springs GIBBON, Ore. Kiiiimwimiiiiuimiiiiiiiuiiuuuiiiiiiua WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! W. C. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. Kejserer CoaL First Class Wood Orders Promptly Filled. Telephone, Bed 401, or eall en W. O. MINNML Omem Ifala Street, Jwt opposite HftBC- fBM fcTBPpSW MM WM MM. HEATED BY STEAM. LIQHTED BY ELECTRICITY American Plan, rati; a 1.25 to $'2.00 a day, European plan, fiOc, 76o, 71.00 Bpeclal ratoi by wook or mouth st. rni Pant -Mail 8.16 a. in. via Bpokano, Time Seheduls Prom Pai.dlston 8U Lake. Denrer. Ft ..v. vui.h.i natu Cttr.Bt Louli, Chi- iKKiiauu nail. 8:00 a. 3lt I.ako, Denrer, Ft. norm, omaha. Kan at Cltr.Bt. Louli, Chi cago anil Rait. Walla Walla, LewUton, Spokane, WallHce.rulI man, Mlnncapolli, fit. 1'aul. milutti, Milwau kee, Chicago and Kant. mm raoM U:10 p. i .20 p. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM 1'OKTXANI). 8:00 p. m, All galling date mibjcot io cnniiRo. For Ban Krancl.ico Ball every 6 dayi. llally OXOIipt Bun day 8 p. m. Baturday 11) p. m. p. m. Columbia Rlvor To Aitorla and Way ljlnlltlKl. 4pm Banday Willamette Rlvor Boats loavo Portland dally, except Bunday, (utaRo ot water permitting) for WillamotU and lamhill Klvor point. Loavo Riparla 4:ora. m Dally Rxcpt Hon Snake Klvor 111 pari to Lewliton. Leave Lovrliton 7:00 a. m. Dally Kxopt Mor F. F. WAMBI.KY, Agent, I'ondlotmn Free Eua Hcvto it( TtftW. Commercial Trade Solicited Fine Sample Rooms Special attention given Country Trade flnH i m GEO. 0ARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated Ewvpcaa Plan Mack aad a ball tram 4ft. ffsftaMsatlat DataMH lM fiMaintlia Room Rate 51c, 75c, $I.M Fanners Custom Mill Fred WalUrs, Prtfrieter Capacity 160 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flmir. If III Vcttri. niinnruul liry on Uaud, RUNS Pullman Sleeping Girs Elegnnt Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. TAUL MINNEAPOLIS DUEtUTH ri'AHOO TO i GRAND FOIUCH OROOK8TON WINNEPEG HELENA Mini I BUTTE. TIIR0UGII TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOItK BOSTON and all polnta Eaat uml South Through tlckoti to Japan and China, via Ttroma and Northern racido Htorahln Co. and American Hue, TIMU SCHKDULB. Traini lflavn pMnillAtiii rfnllw u.. . M at 7.-00 p. m. ' " For further Information, time carda, inapt, and ticket!, call on or writo W. Adamt, Pen dleton, Oregon, or A. D. UIIAKLTON, "u " mutriiun nu., i nriiann, vie. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, SI. Paul, St. LouIb, Kan. Ban uny, ot. joe, unmua, ana All Points East aid South PertfauHl aa4 jralata a the Seaaa TUfl OABD, Laava PandlalAS. dallr airul MmimAmwm 7m pa. ' Arrive FtadleUa Moaday, Wadxaaday aa4 Friday it us pa. Irrlra HudbUa Vuulu. Tkj.. m.M IstardaylOAisati VatSillSC: nil.nnniih a a vvs wans waua, vfSM. The last C re aen Ian la laaesra C fan' rear ewteMv aaaen H laaa aUial Mlaa BaaaaaaJal AAaaJatlaaaaa 1st aaaaaaf mAM aavnel ejTlv wWnw WnWWWfwW aa 9BFaBa aajsaearaajr It by their tMaii stXaaa , WW