East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1902, Image 3

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Men's Furnishings
maenificeiit stock of Mmi's T?mMi1jhlnrr
UUi O" TT" "
Goods has been strengthened ana made more attractive
by the addition of a
lew Line of Neckwear f
ens rine ramy iiuae - - lzz
15,00-Men's New Suits, priceS9.50
?I0.OOMen s Fine Worsted Su'ts 1
Sale Price, $6.50
itnllPTinWQ HW Snspenders, Boys' Clothing, J
itUUlIIUllO U IN Gloves, Men's Shoes -and Pants
Iexander Dept. Store
said there was a time for every
thing. The time to drink our
is when you are run down, debili
tated, nervous, wakeful or fatigued
in fact, the time to drink it is
at all times when you need a re
freshing, appetizing and delicious
drink. Try a case of Schultz's
Pilsner beer and you will call it a
wonder worker that is welcome in
everj' house.
Banks In all Parts of the Country
Solicited to Join; A Big Bank !n
Each of the Big Centers and a
Smaller Bank at Smaller Centers.
A circular letter, dated Now York,
June 9. hns ben issuori on thn lnttnr
heads of the North American 'Trust
company, signed by S. C. Scudder,
iew orK. giving the details o tho
plan for combining the national
banks in all state capitals and finan
cial centers under one ownership,
one bank in each center. At the top
Of the plrmlor Is limrl.-oH Wmflilnn.
jtial," and was sent to each banker
with whom the company was nego
tiating is the following:
"American Bankers' Corporation,
capital ?5,000,000, surplus $45,000,000
chartered under the laws of New Jer
sey, general corporation act Fifty
thousand shares, par value ?100, a?
$1000 per share."
"Recently the banking net has been
amended to permit of expansion by
the establishment of small banks
all over the country, so that, barring
the question of taxation, there would
seem to be at first thought little to
prevent the organization of an im
mense national "bank with this very
purpose in view, providing it were
established with large enough sur
plus to acquire a sufficient number
of banks throughout the country.
However, aside from the question
of taxation there are other objec
tions to the ownership of such banks
under the national banking law., A
safer and more profitable plan would
be the formation' of a corporation
which could purchase and control a
number of national banks, also state
banks and trust companies wher
ever it would seem profitable to do
"To this end such an institution
has been chartered under the gener
al corporation acts of New Jersey.
The only taxes payable will be tho an
nual one-tenth of one per cent on tho
capital of $5,000,000.
"The main office, (nominally Jer
sey City) will be the only meeting
place of the stockholders once a
year. No deposit will be accepted by
tho parent organization which will
confine its operations to tho Invest
ment of capital and surplus.
"Its first purchaso will bo tho
large New York City national bank.
In fact New York City will bo tho
practical headquarters and from this
tho regulation and tho transfer ot tho
surplus balances belonging to tho
corporation banks throughout tho
country w.l bo carried on. Tho offi
cers of tho New York city bank will
also bo tho executives ot this corporation.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollar Howard'
for any case ot Catarrh that cannot bei
cured by Unll's Catnrh Cure. '
P. J. CUKAKY & CO., Toledo, O.
"Wc, the umlerslRncd, have known V. 3. '
Cheney tor the past IB years, and bellero
hlrato be perfectly honorAble In atl busl-,
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by tbelr
WKST & TUUAX, Wholesale Druggists,'
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surface of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Hairs Family Pills nro the best.
mm m mm m tf Are "l ,na"y respects like other ulcers or
mm M Mm L C sores, nrtd this resemblance often proves fatal.
Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal
the sore with washes and salves, because the germs of Cancer that are multi
plying in the blood and tlic new Cancer cells which are constantly develop
ing keep up the irritation and discharge, and at last sharp shooting pains
announce the approach of the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous,
sickening cancerous sore begins its
destructive work. In February, 1000, 1 noticed a small
vr- !,. r c,.,, ovi'cf with. luP on ny lower Up. Tho dootor oa
No ttlccr or sore can exist with- terUod lt out nnotucr CRmo una broko
out some predisposing internal cause out into an opm ore. I beirnn to tak
that has poisoned the blood, and the S. S. s. nml rtor I had taken sovon bot-
open discharging ulcer, or the fester- "JjJ"0 ,,Vril f.;'!Sn
. 1 J", . , i .ki 1riib of tho alioano linvo uonn boh
mg sore on the hp, cheek or other lnc6. w, r, jjrown, noiuuds, s. O.
part of the body will continue to
spread and cat deeper into the-flesh unless the blood is purified and the
Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation.
S. S. S. cleanses the blood of nil decaying effete matter. It has great
antidotal null purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons
and restore the blood to its natural coudition. And when pure blood is
carried to the ulcer or sore the healing process
begins, the discharge censes and the place heals
over and new skin forms. S. S. S. is a strictly vege
table blood purifier containing no mercury or
minerals of nnv description.
If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, write us nbout it, medi
cal advice will cost you nothing. Hooks on Cancer and other diseases ol
the blood will be sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G.
Attention, Farmers !
I have a full lino of FORKS, ROPE, CABLEi
Pricos aro lowost, quality oonsidorod.
741 Alain Street
Everything in My Store Must Go. Nothing Reserved.
Great Bargains in Groceries
I have disposed of my fixtures to Lee Teutsch, and will retire July 1st. The sooner I dispose of my
stock of groceries the better I will be pleased. Prices will be cut to the lowest possible figure, and cash
only will be accepted. No Credit will be given.
All parties knowing themselves to fee indebted to me will please call and settle in cash
or iby bankable paper before July i. AH unsettled accounts Jaly i will be put in the hands of
my attorney for collection
, t St.
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