East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1902, Image 2

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We are acquainting greater num
bers of the men or this vicinity with
the many ndvnntngvs tftat lie in
making selections from our excep
tionally well appointed stocks of
faultlessly tailored garments.
S.SU to $5.00 Snveil on Every
Suit or Ointbtns IIouKlit nt Our
Suits of Fancy Mixed Cheviots
and Tweed, J9.50 to $17.50.
Suits of Serges, $10 to $15.
Outing Suit" in lart variety.
Ti oust re, $1.50 to 1ST.
Summer Underwear, good goods,
25 and 50 cents a garment.
FRIDAY. JVSE 13, 1902.
During a dance at McLean. 111., a,
cyclone struck the building in which J
the light fantistic was being tripped, j
and a number of the dancers were;
killed. I
An oil gusher has been struck at,
Red Fork, I. T., which is pronounced j
by experts as being one of the most;
promising discoveries in the Indian'
Territory oil field. !
With S250.000 for his work inSouth i
Africa, and ?150,000 for his Egyptian!
services. Lord Kitchener will find i
himself in easy circumstances when j
he gets ready to give up soldiering, j
In the collapse of a building at the
southeast corner of Pine and Nlne-j
ieenth streets, St, Louis, formerly;
Clark's Natatorium, which was being j
razed, by wreckers, six negro work-!
men were injured, oneHarry Adams
probably fatally...
The Tumor which has been sent out (
from London to the effect that agents j
of the United States government were)
recruiting soiaiers in Jngianu iorj
Philippine service, is officially de-,'
clared ridiculous and unfounded by
the authorities at Washington.
Dark, high, ugly looking columns of
vapor and gas have within the last'
few days been arising from the crat-j
ered cones known as Momotombo andj
Santa Maria, on the large mountain-
ous range of volcanic ejecta west of!
Lake Managua, Nicaragua, causing an!
uneasy feeling among many of the(
people in th eadjacent towns. j
A full-grown town, with all the;
trimmings, has been formally opened .
near the Bassick and Hector mines, j
eight miles east of Silver Cliff, Col., i
and near the Bassick mine. Its name,
Is Custer City. The houses were '
built in sections and shipped to West
Cliff and then by teams up the hill. J
Speeches, music and feasting were
The Pendleton.
George E. Mossu, Spokane.
George McNaniara, Philadelphia.
M. S. Marks. Portland.
W. W. Robinson, Portland.
W. G. Berden. San Francisco.
George McGilvery, Spokane.
J. B. Crossfield, St. Paul.
George Harris, Portland.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
Martin Doty, Portland.
Miss St. Clair. Silver City.
J. C. Wallock, Republic.
A. Hemphill and wife. New ork.
George W. Long, Spokane.
Charles Wallace and wife, Joseph.
John Hendrickson, Mullan.
M. Mitrosky, New York.
J .Davis, St. Paul.
H. C. Gregg, San Francisco.
P.. H. Eaton, Portland.
Ed Blackburn, Omaha.
F. J. Ginger, Spokane.
H. Mish, San Francisco.
W. C. Witzel, Portland.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
J. C. Lonergan, Tacoma.
M. M. Chapman, Colorado.
W. R. Allison and wife, San Fran
cisco. Mrs. C. E. Morse.
E. J. Smith, Chicago.
Otto Stein, Spokane.
Addie Cornahan, Elgin.
Al Vaughn, Baker City.
A. H. Huntington, Baker City.
... Inpnimllle
ze that l am uiwj " , ' , -i
giving a fair opinion upon baseball or,
'any other subject.! .
I can not convince hiy innermost,
soul tfant my classic countenance
i would appear to advantage within
the narrow confines or a musie.
bad enough to have to wear a high ;
collar these hot days-but a muz
zle." Why. I might as well be shot
for a mad dog nt once, 1
Of course, from the comfortable
shadv and secluded confines of the;
ernnd stand or the more torrid glare i
of the bleachers, a man who linSj
never seen the game played before, j
can not be expected to determine,
-ift, nnrvnlonedie accuracy the exact,
definition of "balls" and ''ftrs."
But, from the purlieus of the side lines
even a mnn with a glass eye can ns
nortnln with some show of reason.
whether a pitched ball passes above
the level of the batsman's snouiaer or
flits past him below the altitude of
his knee cap. This decision is ap
parently unattainable from the dan
cerous position occupied by the um
pireat least that is what I should
judge from some of the decisions
rendered by Mr. Maskrey while occu
pving said affluent position.
' n lnstification of my unfortunate
Evans, vice-president; Mlss Lnmjaud entirel yuncalled for error I can
HIngate, secretary; P. M. Winnns.oniy urge that some of the decisions
treasurer. The six graduates of Whit-i rendered by this gentleman during
man were added to the membership I the Berkeley-Pendleton game were soi
mil. The banouet is a snecial feat- nrtinnlmiR ns to be really sublime
I ruanncunnTCDC I OCT TO
Score Was 5 to 3 Whitman Annual
Reunion High School Closed An
other Old Man's Darling.
Walla Walla, June 13. Everett
won from Walla Walla yesterday
nfternoon. in a pretty game, the score
standlne 5 to 3. Schock pitched an
evcellnnt came throughout for the'
visitors, striking out 12 men. Walla
Walla made six hits and six errors.
j while Everett made eight hits and but
t two errors. The game was pronounc
; ed one of the most scientific played
here this season. The attendance
was nearly up to the maximum for
week-day games.
The alumni association of Whitman
college held the annual reunion and
banquet Wednesday evening at Bil
lings hall, when a large number of
graduates of Whitman- were present.
Officers were chosen as follows: Os
car Drumnener. presiuent; .uarvm
ure of these annual reunions follow
ing commencement at Whitman.
The opera house was packed last
night at the commencement exercises
of the city high school, when 10 stu
dents completed the regular course.
and with my usual lack of inteiu
cence I was led by such decisions to
assert that the UMPIRING was
"fierce" nnd "rotten." These asser
tions I now humbly beg to retract
nnil nssert in their stead that the
The exercises were in charge of Pro- work of the UMPIRE throughout the
fessor F. M. Burke, superintendent, t game was classic in its monumental
and a pleasing program was rentier- accuracy.
Trusting that I have not weaned
you. the public, by thus inflicting,
myself upon yon. I once more apolo
gize to Mr. Maskrey and everyone I
else, and solemnly promise thnt such!
a terrible atrocity shall never again '
public. j
The resignation of Professor W. P.
Drew, of the chair of Latin and Greek
at the Willamette University, has
been accepted.
Active preparations have been com
menced for the annual encampment
of the Oregon National Guard at Al
bany, June 17 to 27.
Frank Baly, alias Frank Roberts,
alias Frank Williams a notorious des
perado and horse thief, has been cap
tured in the Red Butte coun'rj after
a pitched battle In wLich he was shot
in the shoulder.
The present weather has added ma
terially to the crop prospects of the
year, and the outlook Is good for a
large yield of wheat and oats, both of
the fall and spring yields, is the re
port from .farmers near AJr-anv.
Mrs. Fred Miller and child, of
JJuttevllle, were seriously Injured In a
runaway accident near Woodburn
"Wednesday afternoon. The child suf
fered a broken rib and serious inter
nal injuries. Both will recover.
Logan Stillwell, while bathing with
"his brother in Daugherty slough was
drowned at noon Wednesday. He was
16 years of age and a son of M. 8U11--well.
He was in the water 20 minutes
Xofore tho body was recovered.
The ,case against Mattl Jarvi, charg
ed with the murder of his father last
winter, will not be tried during the
session of the circuit court, which
eeavenoa next Monday at Astoria, a
sono .of the principal witnesses have
goae to Alaska for the fishing season.
The Golden Rule
George P. Craig, San Francisco.
Frank B. Reno, Walla Walla.
Lee L. Thompson, Portland.
E. H. Thompson. Portland.
J. A. Henry. Athena.
Bert Applegale, Spokane.
H. L. Randall, Nebraska.
Dora Williams, Nebraska.
Emma Williams, Nebraska.
J. C. Russell, Spokane.
E. M. Temple, city.
B. A. Morton, city.
A. S. Shadduck.
H. W. Vogt
F. H. Crombie, Spokane.
C. C. Garrett. Salt Lake.
W. H. Blackney, Summerville.
Joe Zienglbl, Spokane.
William Brobstedt, Wallace.
J. W. Herod and wife, Texas.
J. Stimson.
William Fellows, Idaho.
C. T. Drake, Portland.
T. J. Kirk, Athena.
Mrs. C. L. Davis, Palo Alto.
Carrie Hathaway. Nebraska.
E. H. Burke, Portland.
Autumn and spring were united
again in this city yesterday, when a
man G9 years of age and a woman 27
were married by the judge of the su
perior court. James Baldwin, a
wealthy farmer of Umatilla county, j be foisted upon the
Oregon, and Mrs. Rilla Marchcroft. of j Truly. !
the same county, came to the city THE MAN WHO WOULD HAVE TO
yesterday and were married by Judge WEAR THE JIUiiZLL.
Brents. Mr. Baldwin and his bride'
have returned to Umatilla countv, , Virulent Cancer Cured,
where they will make their home. j Startling proof of a wonderful nd
Richard Ferrell. a well-to-do farm- ranee in medicine is given by drug
er residing in this city, died vester- tfst G. W. Roberts, of Elizabeth, W.
day of heart disease, aged 69 years. Va. An old man there had long suff
Mr. Ferrell was a native of Ireland. ! ered wlth what sood doctors pro-
and came to this countrv manv years ! nounced incurable cancer. They be-
ago, following farming all his life.
He had large land holdings several
miles from this city.
Filthy Temples in India.
Sacred cows often defile Indian
temples, but worse yet is a body
that's polluted by constipation.
Don't permit It Cleanse your system
With Dr. King's New Life Pills and
avoid untold misery. They give live
ly livers, active bowels, good diges
tion, fine appetite. Only 25c at Tall
man & Co's drug store.
Northwest Dead.
Michael McKiuney died Wednesday
at Durkee. Baker county. He was 67
years of age. The remains were sent
to Portland for interment.
Miss Maud Barnes, one of the most
attractive young ladles of Baker City,
died Wednesday at the home of her
father, John Barnes, In that city.
Heart failure caused her demise. She
was 19 years of age.
Mrs. Alice Jory died at her home,
six miles south of Salem, June 9,
aged 50 years and 2 months. She was
an Oregon pioneer, bavins come to
the state in 1878.
Edward .H. Niles, a popular young
ma not Pomeroy, died Wednesday,
night at Walla walla, after having
been operated upon for appendicitis.
The disease had taken too firm a hold
upon his system.
Man Who Would Have to Wear the
Muzzle Asks Mr. Maskrey's Pardon.
To the Gentle Public: Noticing in
the East Oregonian of Thursday UM-j
PIRE Maskrey's ample and pathetic
vindication of himself from the n.ild'
insinuation in my article of the even-'
ing before that his work in the Berk-ley-Pendleton
baseball game was
"fierce" and "rotten," I beg of you
to bear with me while I make humble
and abject apology for the base insin
uations contained therein upon Mr. '
'.Maskrey's intelligence and ability.
I must concede, after perusing his
brilliant article, that in the shade of
his remarkable knowledge and fluent'
diction, my own poor insignificance t
becomes truly infinitesimal. In the'
language of the poet, I can only "go!
way back and sit down" in sack cloth'
and ashes to repent that I should have!
by word of tongue or pen cast even !
the suspicion of slur upon the won
derful sagacity of so important a
man as Umpire Chas. A. Maskrey.
I regret most sincerely that poor,
little, unimportant "me" who has
only been in the newspaper business;
a matter oi out little better than 20.
years, and who has only perhaps um-!
plred as many games of baseball asj
Mr. Maskrey, and written up perhaps
more games than he ever witnessed,'
should have dared to pit my Ignorant j
opinion against the decisions of such
a massive brain as that contained
within the cranium of the genial and
popular gentleman under discussion.
I humbly beg to apologize to that
honored gentleman for having filled
his cup to the brim with wormwood,
or bug juice, or any other old thing,
and I earnestly beg that he will re
call hiB dictum of yesterday that
henceforth in reporting a game where
ho officiates behind the pitcher I
shall wear a muzzle (as I sadly real-;
lieved the cose hopeless till he used
Electric Bitters and applied Buck
Ien's Arnica Salve, whinn treatment
completely cured him. When Elec
tric Bitters are used to e?:pel bilious,
kidney and microbe pouons at the!
tame time this salve exerts its match
less healing power, blood diseases,
skin eruptions, ulcers and sores van-. 1
ish. Bitters 50c, Salve, 25c, at Tall-,
man & Co.'s.
are the ones that leave
the skin as good or
better than they find
it. You can't pick up
safe soaps everywhere.
Some makers depend
on scents rather than
quality to sell their
of toilet soaps is to cleanse
and to do nothing else. We
' offer you reliable soaps. AVe
buy them as carefully as we
do drugs, and buy only of
makers who have reputn
tione at stake.
Try a cake of Curative soap,
15 cents.
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Block. Phone 851
Burning Scaly
Complete External Mi Internal
Trutnttit 51.25
ConiUuBg ofCmctnuSoAPrXeJ.tocleaBM
the aUn.of create and nculea and toftcotbe
Ifelckeneu cuticle, CuncUKA Ointment (30c.),
to allarJtcMog and Inflammation and toothe
and pea), and CtmcimA Kolvbit(50c., to
cool and eleaote the hUiotX. A single aet la
often taCdeat to cure the moat torturing,
dintynriog, and humiliating akin, ecalp, and
blood humors, wlUi Iom of batr, when all ela
Form D ra i d C m . Cotr.. BU Jfreat., KwMk.
- Ham to Ou. luklat Hjumo." I ra.
Summer School for Boys
Summer Season of
Openfrom Jolr I to Anguit31. Ford
2?,,Ji.-,oreSoon! "creation all the
Hill Military Academj I'rinc,P,a
Marshall andsttb 8t
Portland, Oregon.
Shirt Waist and
Big cut in Ladies' shirt waists, $1.00,
$1.35 and 2.00 values, last year's
styles, reduced For this sale to
25c for 75 and $1.00 VALl
Ladies' white pique ana aucic skirts. k
82 00, S3.00, 3,50 and $4 00 values, l I
for this sale Wi'
$.00f $.25, $J.50 and
$$.75 Values
Linen skirts, blue' trimmed, 75c values,
this sale '.
New capabeaf safely plus 5c, lOo
New Omo dr'bs shields 2-5 and 80c
New hose supporters, all prices
New Lyons silk lining 50c
New Pongee silks
New Liberty satin rlM
New Grenadine sUV.
New comfortables M
New trunks and Yalta .VJ
Boston Ston
We Can Supply You wiAJ
Forks, Pulleys, h
Flexible Steel Ca
And All Kinds of Haying!
Thompson mm
The Big Carpet
You Can Beat Our Can
in iust this one waythey'll
kind of beating all right !
beat 'em in style, iu varietyof?
in smallness of cost, in lcil
in anv cood carpet quality. Ja
vou can beat that WILTOSi
eelling at f 1.25 a yard. Tiiei
our new line of fiber cup ;
Main 24.
Regular beauties. Prettiest ever brought to j
Pendleton. Largest line- Lowest races.
that will save you money on your ice bill
Oarnpta. EtC-
There Is Mo Quests
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Not1
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flotuv j
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for r
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byta,
For Health, Strength and
neasure Urink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.