East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 13, 1902, Image 1

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1 VC
Eastern Oregon Weather
P jiirercd t yonr residence
F&fo rSSdnew br carrier at
Tonight and Saturday, partly
NO. 4450
fc. 15.
AWAY WITH $16,000.
T 11
ihilitv of 43,000 Illinois
L, Miners Being Ordered
Ud That All Soft Coal Workers
the United States Will Be Ord-
to Go Out at a Conference to
i Held Sunday,
ncfield. 111.. June 13. The offi
! of the Illinois district, United
wnrv-pxs. have received a se-
Inrder to attend a conference a
erbarre next Sunday.
Proceded In Solemn State to Buck
ingham to Congratulate the King
on Peace.
London, June 13. The lord mayor
and city corporation proceeded in
state to Buckingham palaco this
morning and presented to the king an
address of congratulation because of
peace being obtained In-South Africa.
During the presentation all the
church hells throughout the city wore
tolled. Replying to the address, the
king said ho heartily joined in the
expression of thankfulness for the
termination of the struggle, which,
though it had entailed on his people
both at home and across tne seas,
mnnv snrrifipes. had resulted In an
increased unity and strength for the
Fiend Was Hanged.
San Quentin. Cal.. Juno 13. James
F. Wheelock was hanged this morn
ing for the murder of need Mrs. Em
ir, -HmJ ily Martin, at Coutellne, Butte county.
erosm. ' March ID, 1901. He criminally as-
ie fact that it was reported las. branded his victim
to death. "Wheelock died protesting
his Innocence.
that 42 .000 soft coal miners in
bis would he called out, it is be-
that a general call-out of all
soft coal miners in the united
b will be decided on at the Sun
I conference.
Brotherhood to Meet
feesharre. Pa.. June 13. It was
today that a meeting ,ot tne
herhood emnloyes of the Dela
T.nrfc:iwanna & western will oe
Sunday to discuss their position
he anthracite strike and aeciae
n nnlirv
fesident Mitchell, of the striking
K -
lers, announced today that the sit-
Ion is unchanged
PtMstset s o Tacy and
Cosicede Escape of the
Portland, Ore., June 12. A telephone message from
Sheriff Durbin at 2 this afternoon says that all trace of the
fugitives has been lost, and that the capture of the eseapes
is improbable. The conviefs have undoubtedly got away.
The only ohanco of the posse now is to await the appearance
of the fucitives at farm houses. The militia returned to
their homes tonight.
Wllhelmlna Weak.
Amsterdam, June 13. Reports
from Castle Schaumburg state that
Queen Wilhelmina is so weak that
she is still carried about on a stretch
er. It is believed the operation has
permanently injured her.
Boers Coming In.
Pretoria. June 13. Kitchener re
ports that surrenders of Boers to date
exceed 12,000.
Great Steamers Came Together
In the Yellow Sea.
hemulno. Korea. June 13. The
amers Kumuga -Maru and Klsog-
Marn collided today in the Yel-
' sea, off the southwestern coast pf
rea. Tne tormer rounaerea in aeep
r. Some of the passengers and
were saved, but it is feared the
halnder went down with the ves-
Repeats His Previous Urgent Mes
sage Asking Passage of the Cuban
Bill. Which Now Hangs Fire.
Washington, June 13. The presi
dent this afternoon sent a special
mpecico tn pnneTCSS. reiterating his
former recommendations for the pas
sage of a law creating reciprocity
Kruger Still Serious.
of Kruger continues to cause Cuba, and presenting additional
li.Mitnn Tin Tint" vflt T(L I j i .
x.ib arguments mereua.
the shock caused by The message contains no reference
of the Boers. tn ttm rprent disclosures regarding
the appropriation by General Woods,
of Cuban funds for tne circulation 01
His Last Put-Out
this morning of consumption.
tn ry i
i i irrjnuiu nuvc r &n
After miotlne extracts from his first
message urging reciprocity, the pres
ident says:
"Yesterday I received by cable irom
the American minister to Cuba
most earnest anneal from President
Palma for legislative relief before it
is too late and Cuba financially ruin-
"We are a wealthy and powerful
nation and Cuba a young republic
still weak, who owes to the United
states her birth, whose whole future
whose very life must depend on our
attitude toward her. I asK mat we
Vioin iipr as eha strueeles along the
painfully difficult road of self-govern
Portland, June 13. A message
from Needy, the nearest station to
where the escaped convicts were sup
posed to be surrounded, says the
posse has absolutely no traco of the
men and it is feared that they have
escaped Into the mountains.
The militia and posse are guarding
all the roads and trails. A report has
been received that a man answering
Trapv's descrlDtlon was seen at a
country store near Needy at 8 o'clock
this morning, while another report
says that both the escapes wore seen
thin moraine. coiner toward Barlow
Pass. Sheriff Durbin discredits these
reports, however, and has gone to the
timber, w!H!urd Carson, the blood
hounds and" a parr "of the posse ana
will search the thickets where mo
men are sunnosed to be hiding.
The Impression is fast gaming
cTonnd here that the two men for
whom the posse have been searching
for the past few days are not Tracy
and Merrill', but a couple of hobos,
who have been using the prestige of
the desperados to work rarm nouses
for their meals. It Is furtner Denev
ed" that the escaped convicts have
gotten clear away and that If they are
ever caught It will be by someone
outside the present list of pursuers.
A man who has arrived in Portland
from the neighborhood of where the
chase is on, says that there is very
little doubt that the convicts have
gotten out of the country and the
sheriff and hlB men are merely en
gaged in trailing up wild gooso
storjes which are started by people
IIP Klnlnn a MIUI MJ in
Front of an Electric Car and Was
Instantly Killed.
uuiauu. juiie id. ui. v. i. mt-
iM- vi i ..i . m i r oeV thia airf fnr nrr necause sue
ic car this morning and was in- is weak, because she needs it, De-
1 . - 1 1 ... . I ita tiavo alrofl riv ntneri fler. 1
j mucu. xxe aiteuiineu w troo .v - -
track ah part of tha iqv Ann Ms ask that Cubans be given zn possible
"heel slipped. chance to use to the best advantage
that freedom wnicn Americauu nave
Williamson Birthplace. such a right to be proud oi and for
Williamson, who has been wnicn so many American
' w wUglCDO LgVW IUC BOWyMU " w v"
fll4l.u . . I
was Dorn wovemoer 8, iew,
( n T
w Lane county, Oregon. He remov
al with his parents to Salem In 1864,
here he attended the Willamette
wuTersity for several terms. In
6 he began working on a ranch
How He Managed the Penitentiary
When He Wat Superintendent.
Si KhSffi Ind ha's A. Bush used fa TbeTuperintendent of
2J the'lScit bnusl5esBB.beprinclS the penitentiary He was a democrat
P. ever since. He edited the only as he fwto
Ik. 5, "' J" . i m. T. .sre not .11 flemocraU
in 1885 and was choaea aa a mem- own. wnen b"""" avi a
Wrfti.. , . -u",'f. . "Vr I nn,uinn br truard. if he needed a
WVS'lXtott. guard and looked with any sort of
"oce!iMIitiS; favor upon the .applicant, he woud
Joint sector 2r Z Strict have the warden take the man out
Coinr4.in n. . . . a i Ma mnrksmanshlp to see II
tbZZ"?' uroolr' WKe ana .trafeht and culck.
, "m counties I uc vuwiu - - -
If he could, and otner requireiuem
Tha um.1. . . . ' .. I ..(infontnrr ti a man was taken
Hew u.i 7 '. V t,a a democrat or a re-
.". anrt v. . IT n,.Hn rt would be a very good
Wilei.- """STLSy ' Tow and in the future to have
7 hlt rrw 1 - rfvli service aPDUed to the
VH. - w .xUU ill K V WltH I BlOHJ I a w - ' .
raaafM. . n.t I institution and. a system or prUHJir
, r7 wind
When He Was Arrested In New York
He Promptly Confessed His Pocu
Now York, Juno 13. Clmrlos Shtv-
lor, for years a respected employe
tho Western Union and Amorlcnn
District Telephone Compnnlos was
placed under arrest today, charged
with embezzling $10,000 from tho ilia-
trlct company. Ho confessed.
Scheduled End of Inland of
Martinique Failed to Fill Its
with vivid Imaginations and aro In-
creaseil In size with every eruption
This Is what he says:
"I talked with a great many poo
nln. Thorn is not one of them who
liollovos that the reports that Tracy
and Merrill aro whoro tho posso hns
supposed them to bo at all. When tho
stories are nil simmered down it
amounts to about this: Tho mon who
are believed to bo tho convicts aro
probably not Tracy or Merrill at all,
but merely a coupio oi tramps.
"Of course, every act tho tramps
aro guilty of, Biich as demanding food,
etc., are magnified In Importance
Under other circumstances thoy
would not be thought of.
"There Is no one who has actual
ly seen tho convicts. At least Buch
is tho talk In the section whoro I
have been. The dogs wore on the
trail for two hours. It wns Bupposed
that the men were only 30 yards in
the woods. It seems ridiculous.
"Then, again, If Tracy and Morrill
stolfi tho team of horses Monday
night, It Is not reasonable to bollovo
that thev would bo so foolish as to
hang around In a section whoro thoy
were being hunted. AH these mattors
aro traceablo to tho story of tho boy
who said that ho saw two mon go
into tho woods. Tho conclusion was
jumped at that thoy wore tho mon
wanted. It is my opinion that Tracy
and Merrill aro many miles away
from tho point whoro thoy were
thought to bo oven yesterday morn
ing, and tho various acts roportcd to
have been committed by thom aro
tho work of tramps."
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pondle
ton, Chicago Donrd of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York. Juno 13. Tho wheat
market was firm today on tho bad
weather conditions in tho wintor
wheat districts, prices advancing
sharply at tho opening and closing a
hair cent hotter than yostordny. Liv
erpool closed J higher, C 10. Now
York opened and closed 78. Chica
go clospd 12.
Closed yesterday, 78 VI.
Opened today,
Itango today, 78yi870.
Closod today, 78.
Sugar, 129.
Steel, 30.
St. Paul, 1726.
Union Pacific, 105V&.
Wheat In San Francisco.
San FranclBco, Juno 13. Wheat
Natives Are Returning to Their
Homes and Confidence In the Ex
Istence of the Island Is Doing Re
stored Once More.
Fort do Franco, Juno 13. Yostor
dny was tho day set down In the
minds of tho natives for tho total de
struction of Martinique. Great anxl
oty reigned and thousands of eyes
woro turned towards Poleo.
Noarly ovoryono was oxpoctlng the
Inst fatal blast. Thoro was no dla
turhanco, howovor, and thl amornlng
tho o.xcltomont bus calmed tlnwn.
Morchants who had flod are roturnlng
and rooponlng tholr stores.
, Wheat In Portland.
Ohicngo, Juno 13. Wlicat-72.
Fire Started in Leather Novelty Fac
tory and Is Now Sweeping the Bus
iness Part of the City.
Philadelphia, Juno 13. A big fire
which seems to be menacing the
great textile district of this city, Is
raging. Tho flames began in the cel
luloid room of Rosenblatt & Co., man
ufacturers of leather novelties, and
swept through that structure, com
pelllng tho employes to leap from the
windows over a dozen being injured.
Several adjoining structures aro now
Armed With a Shotgun and Revolver,
He Fought With Thirty Police for
Several Hours.
Philadelphia, Juno 13. All day yos
tordny and until 1 o'clock this morn
ing, Gcorgo Shorman, a crazy negro,
barricaded hlmsolf In his homo and,
armed with a revolver and a Bhot-
gun, hold 30 police at bay.
After ho had fired noarly 100 bul
lets, tho police, aided by an oqual
number of cltlzons, broke Into tho
room and captured tho maniac.
Everything Is Serene Today,
Trouble la Feared.
Pawtuckutt, Juno 13. Sovoral cars
guarded by deputies, woro moved this
morning. No paBaongord woro aboard.
No attempt was mndo to rold them
up. Tho govornor announced today
that ho would not withdraw tho mill
tla un'.ll pcaco was absolutuy assur
ed. Tho sovoro thunder Btorm which
passed over thls city this morning,
dampened tho ardor .f tha striking
conductors, motormon tnd tholr synv
pathlzors, Hardl;' a halter's dozen of
peoplo could' bo .Bern rn tno streets,
whoro yestordayV exctting scenes oc
curred. It Is conceded, however,
that tho storm only acted as a 'ora-
porary chock to tho qreraiionB. The
tnlllMn Is ntinrto ml in the amory to
day under nrmB ahd await' g ordore.
Platform Arkansas Democrats.
The main planks of the Arkansas
democrats platform are as follows:
"Wo recognize the Kansas City
platform as the declaration of tho na-
xi t jnMA.nlM M.-ti. at. nntlnnfll
questions until supplanted by action to steal a ride and bad been pinion
- m .....II.. oflnnot fiinVATlllnn ' -J A a fl.mlu t.v frolffflt whlrll
Elevator In Veneer Mill Cansed Death
of Two Persons and Injured Many
Itlchford, Vt Juno 13. An eleva
tor containing 24 people fell throe
stories In tho veneer mill of C, C.
Manuel & Son last night. Two were
killed and several Injured.
Found Dead Man.
A ghastly discovery waB made by
trainmen in a Northern Pacific
frolght car at North Yakima, whon
tho putrlfylng remains of an un
known man were found under a pile
of merchandise. Tho car belonged to
a northbound train and had como a
loin? distanco from the east. The vie
tlm had evidently concealed himself
of a succeeding national convention,
and as such we hereby declare a gen
eral indorsement of the same."
"Wo denounce the trusts and all Il
legal combinations In restraint of
trade or commerce which have for
their purpose? tho control pf the mar
kets or the products of the country,
and declare for the passage of Bch
laws as will effectually prohibit the
operation of all such combinations In
the state of Arkansas."
Because he wanted to elope with a
white girl at Idaho Springs, Col.,
Lou! Sing, a Chinaman, was twice
strung up to a tree by a mob, and
then ordered to leave town.
ed down so firmly by freight which
tarraA innso and fell on him that he
could not move. In this awful pre
dicament be bad lain until death
Baling Out the Ocean.
To prevent tho people from reading
the Sunday newspapers, and patron
izing excursions on Sunday, the
Methodist ministers of Richmond,
V5rg.na, propose to publish a paper
which shall contain only what they
think the people should read on Sun
day and distribute H free. They are
also providing for. counteracting entertainments.
They Were on Their Way to Thunder
Mountain Country.
Writing to hla wife In Walla Walla,
from Warren. Idaho. O. F. Btatter.
now en route to Thundor Mountain,
tellit of a horrlblo accident that oc
curred on tho Big Salmon river, In
Idaho, about tno Din oi mo present
month. Through tho breaking of a
fnrrv cabin a boat on which woro 10
mon and their outfits bound for tho
Thundor Mountain country, drifted
Into tho rapids, wont to plocos and
all woro drowned. This Is bollovod
to be tho first news of tho disaster,
No details woro obtainable from the
lo'ttor, Information having como sec
ond hand to Mr. Stattor, through an
oxprosB rldor from Qrangorvlllo,
The Bellinger Code.
Oregon lawyers aro looking for
ward with some anxiety to tho time
whon tho now code preparod by
Jude nollonger and W, W. Cotton
shall ho ready for uso, snya tho
Portland Journal. Tho work will
comprise 2600 pages. All tho copy Is
In tho hands of a local printing firm
Tho now code will consist of two vol
umes. Already sovoral hundred
pages of tho work have been set up
and part of those have been printed
The state printing office at Salem Is
grlndlngou t tho code at tho rato of
24 pages a day. The Intention orig
nlally was to have tho work'lssued
by September, but at tho present
rato of progress such seoms hardly
possible. Tho exceedingly poor In
dexing of tho Hill codo makes it an
aggravation to attornoye, and all will
bo glad to get tho new code.
Testified to Cruelty.
Washington, Juno 12. Mark Evane
of Dos Molnos, former sorgeant of
Company F, Thlrty-Bocond Volun
teers, testified today boforo tho sen
ate commlttoo on tho Philippine,
that he had soon two Filipinos duck
ed in tho bay at Oranr, and tho ad
ministration of tho "wator euro" te
another at tho samo place. Soveral
towns and villages In tho province ef
Ilatan woro burned becauso Amert
cans wero fired upon.
Has One Which Has Been Busy Ever
Slnco June 3, and a Big Erupt. en
Is Expected.
Honolulu, Juno 13. Tho volcaa
Kllauoa has been In activo eruptto
alnxn .Tnnn 3. So far onlv flaaaW
appear, tho reflection being seen fee
It la bollevod that a big eruptloa ta
certain In tho near future. Earth
quakes and oxploalona were freo,uet
throughout the past week.
Fr.unlon to Denver.
The O. H. & N. Co. will Bell
n.rmir-h tlnirntfl tn Denver and return
on June 22 and 23 at $ 42.00. Ticket
good until July si.
Notable Horse Sale.
Now York, June 12. The most no
table horse sale that has takea
placo In this vicinity in a long Ubm
oponod under tho auspices of thm
Faslg-Tlpton Company at Sheep
imn.1 nnv tnrfnv. it hoInK the thirty
fifth annual sale of tho Belle Mead
yearlings. Tho horses to go up under
tho hammer comprise 83 colts and It
fillies, the got of Imp. Loyalist Ka
ron, Imp, Tlthonus, Inspector B., Imp.
Madison, Longstreot, Imp. Maiette
and Imp. Dnndlo Dlnmont.
Committed 8uclde, ,
Rnnlrnnn. June 12. Frank BarWML
a musician of this city, suicide r
taking lauoanura toaay, lie ana, m.
suit pending in the federal cc-uri
against tne. rsonnern raeiao w
000 for personal Injuries And la Mir
or tno BIQW process w iw 'mw ,
bringing tho case to trial.. K r 'M
in the dteUace,
tlons,J:or JBOod ana emcieni pyiv