BRING IN THE BABIES AMD CHILDREN "We will delight them and plea.te you with the price. Never, no never in the history of Pendleton -was there shown Buoh a beautiful line of Children's and Babies' Shoes than we have just received. Our new arrival includes Patent leather vamps with white, pink and blue tops; ox blood, inlaid with black; black kid with mat Md trimmings, and black Md with pnrple trimmings. To be appreciated they must 'be seen. .Good Shoes Cheap Dindmget, Successors to THURSDAY, JUKE 12, 1902 THE TriENA NEIGHBORHOOD JACK MORAN SUSTAINS FRACTURE OF RIGHT ARM Wrs. I Hodgens Falls in a Faint With Her Baby in Her Arms Hen ry Lloyd and Miss Nelson to Marry Gus Bushman Falls Under a Gang Plow and His Leg Is Broken. Athena, June 11. T. J. Kirk and "William Parker are in attendance at the Masonic grand lodge in session att Portland this week. Sheriff Blakley was here on official business Tuesday. Jack Moran suffered a painful frac ture of the right arm Sunday evening by his horse falling while he was racing him. Mrs. Ralph Black, wife of Third Baseman Black, of the Yellow Kids. arrivAd here Sunday morning from her home in Portland. David Williams, of the Pacific Coast Elevator Company, returned home Tuesday from a few days' visit ! srlth friends at "Walla "Walla. "William McBride is in Portland, serving on the United States grand Jury. James Swartr, oL La Grande, visit ed his brother, Jack Swartz, here Tuesday. He and his bride left for Portland on a brief wedding trip. Bob Estes was a visitor here Tues day, leaving in the evening for linn. "Wash., where he Iz engaged in busi ness. Mrs. Sam Booker has returned from "Walla "Walla, where she went for treatment, much improved in health. Amateur and Professional PHOTOGRAPHERS will iind it to their advan tage to call on us for their .supplies. We. have the largest and best selected stock fn Pendleton. You will obtain the best re sults with your work if you use material pur chased of us, and you will be money ahead, TALLMAN & CO. THE LEADING DRUGGISTS AND mower and rake. For particulars ad dress or inquire of R. Lalng, Fenole STATIONERS ton, Oregon. 7" I MEN'S $2.50 SHOES In Colt Skin, Oalf Skin and Vici Kid, both Lace and Congress; all style toes. Wear like iron. REAL BARGAINS THE PENDLETON SHOE COMPANY Phone Red t26 nmtiiiiiiiiimniiitmtnmnticttJ JRrfflg Yor Shoes to C. BERQUIST, the Shoemaker, and have them repaired, Sty With ftUMM Nto Cwpuy. ft Wilson & Co. BX Cleaver Bros. , ... n O. At-,. 1 UnJnann foil 1 n faint on the sidewalk. At the Ume she lell she had hbr baby Jn Tier arms, which had a severe fall, but escaped without serious lnjurv. Miss B. Phillips, of Jacksonville 111. , one of the teachers in the pub school of that citv. arrived here lie Tuesdav mornins to spend her vaca - tion visiting relatives, the families of James and "W. H. H. Scott The announcement is made that there will be a game of ball here Fri- day between Everett and the Yellow Kids. The Yellow Kids go to "Walla "Walla' to play ball on the 4th. 5th and 6th i Wednesdar evening from Eugene of July. Next Saturday the sharp-1 where shfeJ aauatpd f rom the ttatt ' shooters wiU be here to play theu, e Z1 lTOm tae statt j Yellow Kids. normal. i E. A. Brotherton and family of Van- L B- Reeder eft this moving for; sycle passed through town this morn-' ing on their way to Bingham Springs ; where they will camp during the summer. Thomas Purdy, son of Samuel Pur-1 dy of Athena, is spending a few days I with his father, prior to going to! Portland to take a position with an! implement house. j Cards are out announcing the wed- ding of Miss Effie Nelson and Henry ! Uoyd, at the bride's home, near Havana station, on Monday, the 17th ' instant Miss Nelson formerly resid !r ed here and has many friends among ( peujjit: ot jiuiena WUU wish her much happiness. Mr. Uoyd: Ge0rge Foley, who has been em-' is a youhg business man of Milton , plored at the PendIeton woolen mills,1 Gus Bushman, while plowing on is Buffering from blood poisoning the Bell place Tuesday afternoon icaused bv BUcking a knife in an inno- lost control of his team while turn- cent looking carbuncle on his finger i ing a corner, fell under the plow . T, . T ,r , TT sustaining a fracture of the leg at! ,.DTC ll' "cwuw- the knee joint "f S"' 5'Apran Jere flf 'IS H1 f end 6t0n f eiT Wi Celebrate. IJSrS ST Dick and R. N. Adams and J. A. j normal at Weston. Hubbard, who were in Pendletonl n;i- ' a -r.. ! of McKay creek, 20 miles from Pen-' dleton, stated that the citizens of that ' tterourfh Tnf TnirUft to ceieorate' thP fork a h "JUU ut tne forks. A fine literary program will be prepared for the occasion and 1 a pavihon and dancing platform ' erected so that all kinds of JnTTi be eniovPH thnc. JLTTZ . 1 tracK is being Drenared. ThP festiviUes will begin on the 3d and last until the evening of the 5th. Will to Be Probated. A petition was filed at the court house Wednesday in the matter of the estate of William Brown, deceas ed, asking that E. D. Boyd be appoint ed executor of the estate for the heirs, without bonds. Mr. Brown was a resident of the Juniper country leaves an estate valued at between $-1000 and $5000. For Sale Cheap! One lS-foot combined harvester. One 14-foot steel frame header. One 645 Main St See tS- Tl:tlAo bridge, on the 0. JL ft N and PERSONAL MENTION. j J. D. dane. French is in town from Gur-j i John Keppeilger is ill at the Sls- tors' hospital. F. n T?n.orc fc nt Tfntfl SL fJeorce from Athena. Frcnk Hardman is ill with fever at the Sisters' hospljal. C. D. Drake ha"s returned from a visit to "Walla "Walla. Luke Hawley left this morning for Portland to spend a week. VT. T. Campbell and J. "W. Beckett, of Heppner, are in town. Jacob Bets, the brewery king "Walla "Walla, arrived in town forenoon. F. M. Canfiold, W. H. Gay and J. J. Adkias. of Heppner, are at the Gol- don Rule hotel oen j.uie noioi. T. C. Taylor left this morning foi ! Portland to attend the meeting of the . ,.ito draw up an orammt iu c , ,air- ae""' ""u I e?,f " ,s ieiM X Mrs. "W. i "c " ....... be ill with diphtheria Mrs. Jesse S. Vert has returned -wrs- Jesse s- uas remrneu frm Portland, where she attended a meeting of the Eastern Star. ! Dr. "Wkitaker left this morning for . : the Olynipia Mountains to spend a couple qf months hunting and fishing. , Jas. H. Estes' new residence, on i Stonewall Jackson street, between ; 1 Court and Lewis, is nearing comple-1 i tim, ,.', XAa tnrnltA hnm, ! " l"u lo feuu lue uuu.uauuu , i erases at the state normal this af ternoon. Edgar Thompson, Otto Gibson and , Fred Wilson are spending a few days i hunting and fishing in the vicinity of s Gibbon. j H. E. Collier and bride arrived in j Pendleton Wednesday evening from Portland, where they were married; a few days ago. j to purchase an additional hose cart Mrs. J. D. Slater James and Willlfor the citJ" and t0 p,ace tne ol(1 fire Neil, who have been visiting, rela- 'tives in Pendleton returned to their home in La Grande Wednesday even-'Tnis log. care of mnnti - Q Dr. Blalock for several He is much improved in! health and says that he is all right now- is going into the hills to re- main several weeks. i x n.i.o a , , t & antS, aml George W- Jones e 1 .ornlaS for Washington to Ke positions as track walkers and Mr, Banks will be near Utarbuck. Sam White is in town from Free water. He says that Freewater is forging to the front at a rapid rate and he looks for it to outrival its neighbors before many years. The citizens of Freewater are alive to the I interests of their town and will stop short of nothing to further its! growth and upbuilding. Conductor William Shults and wife arrived in town Wednesday evening from Spokane afld Mrs. Shults will vist for several weeks with her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nye. Mr Shults has resigned his position as conductor on the O. R. & N. out of Slokane and is no won his wav to Salt Lake, where he goes to locate. I He will take a similar position there.! W. K. Foster, o Hutchingson, Re-' no county, Kansas, la in Pendleton' for the purpose of "looking over thei X II lit. 1. V . . i ' country wnn me view oi locating i and investing "a small bunch" of money in realty. From what he has, seen he says the country is all right' He Is particularly interested in wheat; lands and comes here because he has heard of Umatilla's famous wheat fields. Portland Journal: Mr. and Mrs. J V. Tallman, Miss Tallman and Master Folsom Tallman of Pendleton arc guests of Mrs. Tallman's sister, Mrs. J. H. Franz and will be here several days, visiting Astoria and Oregon City before returning home. Mr Tallman is the senior partner of the Tallman Drug Company of Pendle ton, one of the strongest retail firms in Eastern Oregon. T. W. Jackson, who has been run ning as a brakeman on the O. R. & N. between Pendleton and Portland, has been transferred to the other end of the line and is now running be tween here and Spokane. The change was made because of Mra. Jackson's health, they thinking that the dryer climatic conditions at Spokane would be better for her than Portland. E. H. Burke takes Mr. Jackson's run to Portland and back. The Hood Jtlvor strawberry crop is said to be the largest in years. ! TUT f ! MELLMANN-ROMO APPLICATION ' DCCnnP THE COUNUIU Matter Referred to Street Committee Ordinance to Regulate Chickens Discussed and Several Bills Paid. The citv dads met "Wednesday nicbt in regular session and transact ed city business which had not been cnvnrnl weeks. All th oflconncllnien wore present except T. a. this ' "Wells. . The. application of Mellmann and Romo. of elec We ,,wny j franchise to build and an electric road on our streets was re committee with re 1 tton. ttofney was instructed out any Tim llfV ailOmej sidered at the next nweuus : , regulaUon of chickens in the city Urn ! , Jts A noa, OI tilll,ia ' v,I mnflo rorentlv about chickens neen mane recenuy auum nnu,ine at large and the council has , g concluded to follow in the wake of ; f other cities and pnss an ordinance h forbidding owners of fowls trom iei i ting them run. at large at ceruun times of the season, Bids of the Thompson Hardware Company and the Boston Hose & Rubber Company for supplying thi fire department with 1600 feet of new i se- .ere I"s"f"!d to nurche committee authorized to Purchase S00 Teet from each company. This is to be paid for after the hose is test ed antl al, faulty lengths replaced. Tne rep0rt of A. K. Hoimes, wuc experted the city's books, was pre seated and everything was found tc , i)P correct The matter of extending the Cour i street sewer to drain into the .Wal ; ters mill race, was referred to a com ! mittee consisting of Mayor Haile Counoilmen Clopton and Johnson. The fire committee was authorizet engine with Temple : Hcox, auth . onzing tnoni to dispose ot it at mui engine is not used since the jjicaauie tit, put iu uuu o the ore- ,f dn,g on town; , 4 t "ar Mconses were granted to ;ntone Nolte; Foser & MrUrtjri j Momeuh & Howard aad F- J- Bacon., The actions of recorder and , mayor in drawing warrants for fixed; salaries and of Councilmen Hartman ad Clopton in making a loan of -$2, 000 to Mossie & Sons out of the sink Bi,ls Allowed, Brock & McComas. S"3Sr PphHIa- Water Works, $200; Frank S ' r It Will Be Cooler for j'ou if you dress your feet in Low Shoes FOR HEN $2.50 TO $3.50 FOR LADIES $1.50 TO $3.50 FOR CHILDREN 75 CENTS TO $1.50 SLIPPERS FOR THE BABIES 9 PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Saving's Bank Free END YOUR ADDRESS TC the Pacific Newspaper Union 927 Market St, San Francisco, an secure free, a beautiful Nickel Sat lngs Bank, also full particulara rt garding the new Three Volume 1904 International Encyclopaedic Diction ary which Is now being furnished U readers of th paper for only Flw Cents a Day. CALL FOB COUNTY WARS&NTS. All Umatilla county warrant leriiterorf in January and February, avo wilTS 'SjJ it my office at the court bouwupoa prnutioa resaieton, Oregon, June 10. itea. B. XL. YATW Ttmaunr el DaaUUs Oeusly. Day, V, T. T. Nelson, $3.05; Pendleton Planing Mills, $4.75; Wal- ' ter "Wells, $223.35; P. E. L. & P. Co. $296; Eaat Oregonian, sn; u. a. war ne, $1; Ervln & uaKer, si; unarics , Be'ale, $2; B. S. Waffle, $1; John Gosh, ?; benrawz urcuueu, ji; JOlia aubiv, f-y Richard Smith, $20; F, B. Fitch, $14; J. W. Maynard, $4; J. C. Mathney, $2; R. Alexander, $1C50; T. C. Taylor ?G0.3G. California Excursion. On July 30 and August 4 for pas sage by steamer from Portland and on August G. 7 and S by- rail, the O. R. & N. will sell tickets Pendleton to San Francisco and return at $26.85 via steamer or $31.S5 via rail. Call Also n.. .. J nt the O. R. particulars. & N. tir.;et cii'ce for fuil Excursion to Denver. The O. R. & N. Co. will sell through tickets to Denver and return on June 22 and 23 ,at $12.00. Tickets good until July 31. JOE M GENTS' NECKWEi t i : i j . r u iwvc juai ici.mvcu uireqi irom, the manufa; The Nobbiest and Prettiest Line of Gents' ever shown in Pendleton All styles and prices, to our order. Come and look them over if neckwear. THE LYONS MERCANTILE THE LEADERS Millinery Said We have too many TRIMMED HATS,so "make jrasj move them. This gives the ladies a chance to get A STUB HAT CHEAP at the height of the season. CAKKIKk MM I IN FURNITURE TO SUIT t rr cffo of Furniture aoo r- juvw k.' fcsJ . r-i sri mr r ir,. x w w ' . I oo'e II W Univ Kc.mpnV IUI " .1 IrtT Kniv Knr for Wilrh nw:. PoulttV foods BHO . SEPT. RPRI.TZ r. F. COLESWORT8' hv firkin anu - m -F m r 137 tad 129 East Alta Street. m iiwf'5J GROVt: Dancing Begins at 2 o'clock e Ty RESTAURAMT OM GROUNDS. piciic partiM by applying w IM -St. George. 1 thoseWaterset; er,butitl arc rt; ""'Ifc ?rc going e ? REMEMBER -biers and a bS tr-y ALL FmJ UwlTea 301 COUBT ! We selected the silk and hid thai you want the neyarfftiJ 1XU UlttllCI niiuij"- IT. TTT HOT Vi'l f !inn Tina VATf id ns ior h. ncuoi" ' lesigns of this s I1CUC VI VUU m the home. 1 . mmerr VMBfOfl M he bill. 4 -.M rinesr. an r CAKrx .1 r 1 A If L.L. 1 u ww-i ! jVSBBBBBW i Gooa. Ti--rT; Mil