1-. to. to tos to-, to, tov. S r4llllll""""'n"'1"""" I Ml II ATI nAiio yuAUif UfcUIUES, See Our Window till I CLOSE IT SIX The greatest one time purchase ever made by any retail concern in Pendleton. The entire stock of pillows of a large jobbing house, bought by us at less than manufac turer's prices, which enables us to sell them at these prices : lateen FINE Head Rests I5c A Fine Assortment All Colors t A i Alexander Dept. Store I Two Old Ftfends find a faithful third in SCHULTZ'S PILSNER BEER. . . It is true and steadfast and offers the best of beverages for health, while for fiavof and taste it cannot be surpassed. HEREAFTER PENDLETON i STORES WILL CLOSE EARLY. , Clerks' Union Has Been Organized and the Day of From 13 to 16 Hours ' With No Sunday Rest, Will Be Done Away With, j After the 5th of August all business houses of Pendleton will close promptly at C o'clock In the evening except Saturdays. j This was the decision of tho Clerks' i Union nt their meeting Tuesday I night. Recently tho local clerks of , Pendleton organized themselves to gether to further their own interests j and arrange, if possible, to make their hours shorter behind the coun ; ter. as at present they are in the ; stores at 7 o'clock in the morning : -.r. l remain there until S o'clock in ix..c evening. This is 13 hours in tho ; store, counting what little time they I usually take for their noon meal, and . is longer than anyone should have to Iwoik. To get away from this, if pos , sibie, and get shorter hours, the I clerks have organized a union and are now going to arrange to close earlier. This will be done without j working any material injury to the I employers, as it is a recognized fact j that where the early closing move ment is in vogue the merchant does just as much business as where they keep open for 13 or 14 hours. There is seldom a case where the purchas ing public cannot secure what it wants between 7 a. m. nnd G p. m. and if the people once get used to this they will get along just as well as if the stores were kepi open all night and the clerks made to work long hours. The Sunday closing law will b enforced and no business houses will be allowed to open on Sunday. This will give the over-worked clerks a chance for a little recreation, which they have not been allowed in tin past, as all business houses have been kept open on Sunday and the clerk have been compelled to be at their posts not only long hours through tin week, but most of the day Sundays. At the meeting last night Edward Ebon resigned from tho union and Fred Karl was appointed nnancial clerk in his place. The committeo on the early closing reported favor able. They have been quietly work Ing, and find things coming their way. The committee Is composed of Mrs. M. A. Clark, J. C. Allen nnd Charles Bean. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a womlorful ad-' vnnce In medicine is given by drug-i gtst O. W. Uoberts. of K'Uabcth, V. Vn. An old man thero had long suff ered with what good (Utters pro-, nounccd Incurable cancer. They be lieved the caso hopeless till he used Electric Hitters and applied lluck len's Arnica Salve, wlil-'j treatment completely cured him. When Elec tric Hitters are used to i'pel billons, j kidney nnd microbe pot .ons at tho came time this salve cxovh its match. I loss healing power, blond diseases skin eruptions, ulcers an 1 sores van ish. Hitters COc, Salvo. L'Pt, at Tall man & Co.'s. The St. Agnes Guild will give an ice cream social on the lawn at tho parish house, Wednesday evening June 11. Everybody Invited. Pa Wall Paper C) Picture Frames HAY TIME Attention, Farmers ! I hnvo n full lino of FORKS, HOPE, CABLE, HAY CARRIERS, Etc. Prices uro lowest, quality considered. T. C. TAYLOR T l-I t HAK1) V A R 15 M A N 7'U Slrcct A sewing machine -AT- Is a necessity in every homo and parents should not nog loot teaching thoir children how to sow. A good investment is made whon yon purchase a Standard, Whito or Wlioolor Wilson. They aro tho highest standard of sowing machine excellency and are tho most improved made. Pon't send your money for a cheap machine for we have thorn for $'20.00, so if yon want a cheap ma chine come in and see ours. Pon't buy u"pig in a bag." Oil, needles and extras for all meohinos. Jesse Failing, Sewing machines, furniture and carpets. HO COURT STREET Thin HlKtiM'iro in mi overy Un of tho (irniinin I axat i vc HroiiwQiiinme t.iuu thn ri'iucily ihiil ciirrn u colli In onti ln.v. CLOSING OUT SALE! I Everything in My Store Must Go. Nothing Reserved. Great Bargains in Groceries I have disposed of my fixtures to Lee Teulsch, and will retire July 1st. The sooner 1 dispose of my stock of groceries the better I will be pleased, Prices will be cut to the lowest possible figure, and cash only will be accepted. No Credit will be given. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please call and settle in cash or by bankable paper before July i. All unsettled accounts July will be pat in the hands of my attorney for collection. The Comer Grocery D KEMLER