r '4 sp.no MEN'S 902 GARMENTS 1 OR... SUMMER WEAR Wenre ncqunintliu; greater num bora of the men of this viisinity with the many mlvuntatrea timt lie In making selections from onr excep tionally well appointed stocks of faultlessly tailored garments. $3.ffO to Saved on Kvory feult or ('lotliliifr HullKlit at Our Storo. BuitB of Fancy Mixed Cheviots and Tweed, $9.60 to $17.50. Suits of Serges, $10 to $15. Outing Suit In large variety. Toustrs, $1.50 to $5. Summer Underwear, good goods, 25 and 50 cents a garment. BAER & DALEY, ONE-PRIGE CLOTHIERS. TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1902. GENERAL NEWS. Despite the orders of the faculty to the contrary,- the Berkley baseball team played a Sm.day game with the S. A. A. C. at S iokane. Thoy went on the diamond under the name of "Smith's Independents." And thoy won the game. Paul Underwoou, who is charged with having thrown his three-months old baby into the bay at Tacoma, is said to be making his way toward Oregon. Five masked men stole 90 head of horses from Morton Bros., on the Owyhee river, Idaho, and got away with them after a pitched battle in which many shots were exchanged. A unique feature of a recent bull light at Nueva, Mexico, was the suc cessful performance of Romulus, the famous Mexican wrestler, who grap pled with a wild bull and throw him at the first attempt. He broke the bull's neck. St. John Dix, who wrecked a bank In Whatcom, Wash., a few years ago, has been captured in England, brought bp.ck, tried and convicted and will shortly take up permanent lodg ings in the Washington state peniten tiary at Walla Walla. Charles Hill, who died at Los Ange-1 les, Cal., recently, leaving an un claimed fortune of $142,000, is believ ed to bo Michael Hill, who disappear ed from Milwaukee, Wis., 19 years ago, and Milwaukee relatives are ac cordingly trying to claim the fortune. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. A. G. Saig, Portland. A. K. Taylor and wife. S. S. Talford and wife, Arkansas. II. C. Baker and wife, Walla Walla. J. A. Livingston, Portland. J. A. Cooke, San Francisco. Helen Delano, Portland. W. D. Parker, Athena. F. J. Ginger, Spokane. H. B. Rees, Spokane. Dr. E. M. Anderson, Sumpter. J. B. Light, New York. John Beaton, Kansas City. Al Mann and wife, Knoxville. J. M. Comider, Montreal. P. Peters, Portland. P. L. Marden, Portland. H. L. Smith, SanFrancisco. Nellie Rulison, Athena. Archie Galbraith. W. Nelson, San Francisco. T. C. Elliott, Walla Walla. E. Klein, Cincinnati. ISA 1 HI E BERKLEY PLAYING THE INDIANS THIS AFTERNOON. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEW8. Free public swimming baths will bo in operation in Portland shortly. Walter Hill, of lone, has been an pointed deputy sheriff of Morrow county by Sheriff-elect E. M. Shutt The prico of raw fish at the Astoria canneries has been raised from C to 7 cents per pound for fish over 25 pounds. Two features of the 1902 fair at Salem will bo the livestock depart mont and the county exhibits, indica tions pointing to more interest being taken in these departments than over before. Jack Marshall, a well-known Mai heur county character, has made $1,- B00 during the past three years trap ping coyotes, having been paid din ing that time bounties on no less than 750 coyote scalps. Oregon captured ono diploma of highest award, GO gold medals, 43 sll ver medals, 55 bronze medals and 90 diplomas of honorable mention at the recently closed Charleston exposition More than any other state in the Union. An inebriated party of excursion ists, Sunday, entered the homo of II. L. Hendricks, editor of the Salem Statesman, and attempted to take possession of tho dining room while dinner was being served. Mr. Hen dricks ojected thorn but was severely bruised in the melee. He was knock ed unconscious with a stone. At bedtlmo Itake a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my complexion Is bettor. My doctor says that It acta gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys and la a pleasant laxative. It Is made from herbs," and Is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tallman & Co., sole agent. The Golden Rule. William Foyer, Baker City. James A. Scott, Athena. D. C. Kirk, Weston. F. E. Klise, Portland. Julia Woods, Moro. Ellsworth Woods, Moro. Emma Pinkerton, Moro. J. H. Arnold, Berkley. F. E. Reed, Berkley. T. L. Hamlin, Berkley. A. McKeown, Berkley. W. W. Adams, Berkley. F. W. Hondrick, Berkley. W. F. Heitmuller, Berkley. R. L. Williams, Berkley. L. J. Kennedy, Berkley. W. G. Thompson, Janesvllle. O. Overall, Berkley. G. G. Hutch, Berkloy. E. P. Gardner, Berkley. J. G. Woods, Moro. A. E. McBreen, Portland. W. W. McLellan, Colorado. L. Cunningham, Portland. Will M. Peterson, Athena. F. J. MacGougan, Walla Walla. C. D. Rinker, Spokane. W. W. Cameron, Spokane. A. S. White, Iowa. Mrs. N. W. Windom, Harrisburg. R. C. Hagar, Bingham. A. W. Downar. W. A. Morse and wife. Fred Searcoy. William Folsom, Pilot Rock. Jerry Stone, Athena. B. O. Aylesworth, Colorado. Walter E. Black, La Grande. D. A. McLachlen, La Grande. Bea Phillips, Illinois. J. W. Hackett, Salem. How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of Cuturrli that cannot be cured by Hull's C'atnrli Cure. I' J, I'UIJNHY & CO., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known 1 J. Cheney for the past 10 yenrs, and believe nun to ie perfectly Honorable in all busl ness transactions and tluuuclally able to curry out any obligations made by tuelr mrm. WEST & TltUAX, Wholesale Druggists, -loieuo, u. WAI,I)1.(J, KIN NAN & ilAUVl.N, Wliolesalo DiiiKKlsis, Toledo. O. Unll's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, ncllui; directly illion the blood ami .sunaie or tne system. Testimonials sent iree. rnce too per bottle. Sold by all DruxKlsts. Unll's Kiiinlly I'llls nro tlie best. A. O. U. W. Excursion to Portland. For tho meeting of tho Supreme Lodge, A. O. U. W., which will bo hold at Portland June 10 and 20, the O. R. & N. has made a rate of $9.15 for the round trip on the certificate plan. Tickets for tho occasion will bo good until June 21. and will be on sale beginning Sunday, Juno 8. For Sale. Pure bred Scotch Collie puppies, $15 each. Write B. M. Brltts, 1015 Raleigh street, Portland, Or. College Lads Are About the Heaviest Team Pendleton Hao Yet Gone Against, anda Spirited Contest Is on Tap. The husky lads from Berkley, ar rived in Pendleton last evening and are trying conclusions with the Pen dleton Indians at Alta street grounds this afternoon. The college lads arc nmong the swiftest the locals have ever gone against and there is a con siderable element of uncertainty as to which team really has the better of the argument. But one game will be played, the Berkley lads returning to Walla Walla tomorrow to play the Sharpshooters another game. Following is the line-up of the teams this afternoon: Berkley Hamlin, cf; Kennedy, 3b; Adams, ss; Hendricks, lb; McKeown rf; Heitpniller, If; Overall, 2b; Hutch c; Williams, p. Overall, their big twirler, was scheduled to have pitch ed today's game hut decided to hold himself off for Walla Walla. Pendleton Rhea or Brown, c; Ziegler, 3b; Fay, ss; Knox, cf; Clem ens, If; Stovall, lb; Schmidt, 2b; Wil nor, rf; Taylor or Hayes, p. If Tay lor, pitches, Brown will play behind the bat, and if Hayes, the now strike out cyclone, officiates at the slab Rhea will wear the. mask. A number of business houses have closed for the afternoon in order to allow the clerks to see the game. to give it a lift. After our travels, 1 ! nther narts of the state and even ' hi far-famed California, we have come home with increased pride In n,.,Tn., niwi Pmirtlcton in nur ticular, hut have to admit that there are some things we have not yet at tained. - a D' CHANGES AT COURT HOUSE NOTES OF WOMEN'S CLUBS WHAT THE ORGANIZATION IS DOING IN PENDLETON. Plans Being Laid for Next Year's Work and a Goood Season Expect ed The Field Day on Locust Hill Was a Great Success. The vacation days have already ar rived, and there will probably be no more meetings of our local clubs un til September or October. Mrs. Lillian Cole Bethel, the noted parliamentarian of , Ohio, has been teaching classes in the Northwest states for the last two months. She was a guest at the Oregon Federa tion meeting, and made many friends among our club women. We hope to have Mrs. Bethel in Pendle ton during the summer, and have no doubt that a largo class will be made up, and that we shall gain a great benefit through her able instruction. Field Day on Locust Hill. The Field Day on Locust Hill, last Thursday, was voted by the large number of representative club wo men present a great success. Field day will doubtless become a perman nent feature of closing the club year hereafter. The visiting club women were Mr. Emma Curtis, of Chicago one of Illinois Fe leratlon'.s vice-presidents; Mrs. E. R. Cox, wre3ident of tho Athena Friday Club, and Mrs. Paul, recently from Boston. Sketchy reports of the state and general fed erations were given by the delegates and visitors, both interesting and hu morous, and strange to relate, after all we have heard about our "club women taking themselves too serious ly," the receptions, decorations and pretty gowns came In for the larger share of the accounts. And this, too, when we had heard such subjects as "Forestry," "Municipal Reforms," "Juvenile Court Laws," "Industrial Problems," "Social Settlement Work,'' "Fads in Education," "Respect for Law and Good Government," "Civil Service Reform," "Factory Inspec tion," "Use of thq Consumers' League," and a host of lighter sub jects ably presented and discussed by experts in the various lines, near ly every one of them earnest, force ful nnd interesting speakers. , "Civics" was an interesting subject, and ably handled at our own biennial, and the civic bee is busily humming In the bonnets (?) of some of our women folk. We would like to see our town look up a little along this lino, and after a while we shall try CIRCUIT COURT ROOM WILL BE CUT DOWN. Room Will Be Reduced to One-Half Its Present Size and Adequate Ventilation Provided. It is now a settled fact that the circuit court room in the county court house is going to be remodeled and worked over to make it more up-to-date. Ever since the court house was erected it has been a rec ognized fact that the circuit court room was a nuisance for court pur poses and the present plans for re arranging it will be welcomed by those who are compelled to work therein during court sessions. In tho first place, the room is en tirely too large. So large a room is never needed for court purposes, as there is seldom a case where half the present room is filled with spec tators. Secondly, it Is impossible to heat the room during the cold winter months because it is too large and any one having to remain in the room in cold weather will suffer more or less from the cold, but perhaps the greatest reason for making the change is the lack of ventilation. The present court room is built so that it is incased with rooms almost on all sides and there is little access to the outside and consequently the venti lation is so bad that to stay in the room during the hot weather is al most an impossibility. Hereafter, according to the plans of Architect Howard, the room will be reduced just one half and will be 33x44 feet. The two judges' rooms will he nut out from back of the judge's bench, throwing the court i room to the wall and giving access to the outside of the building. The west end of the building will be cut into office rooms. .INTRODUCTORY SALE COLLARS! Plates Papers Dovelopers Toners ARE KODAK DAYS.... Take a "Premo," "Poco," "Weno" and all the other good ones not to forget the 'Imperial" on your summer trip, and you will be sure of good pictures. We guarantee our cameras perfect, and give you in structions free. Easy to use. Good in daylight. All the new ones from $5, and a Better One $i0 F. W. Schmidt & Co., Reliable Druggists, Association Block. QTTTT TTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT fTTTTf II TTTTTTTTTT TTTTT Wake the Hair Grow With warm ahainpoos of CuTiconA Soap and light dressings of Cuticuiu, purest of emol lient skin cures. Tills treatment at onco stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the lialr follicles, supplies the roots with energy ami nourishment, and makes the hair grow when all else fails. 80M throurhont Bi. world. Potter D. and C.Cotr.. SaU l'rep. , Uotws. " Usw la Um UuutifaU4r," tea. ...NOW OPEN.,. I' Health and Summer Resort Twenty-two Miles East of Pendleton on 0. R. & N. -Excursion Rates irom all points For further information address Manager Bingham Springs 1 GIBBON, Ore. A urall. fi Friii ' an.l Vnrr Jrtrltcli ln t r RjmirkiblK vahus at this new popular nr' ' for 25c. v ce' o -1 2 ...COLLARS For... 25j .. .mi 1. ..:,..-, . u.... ,.t.: ... ji win uc ct saving iu uuy mis new "Arrow" B ; 1 vuiii". .- w v u.iu luteal attics, irythcni This Price Will Interest You Turnover Styles in Six Heights Standing Styles in Six Heights I Tarn Points in Six Heights Fifteen Different cp-to-date Styles. Seen I at once about these. oston Stori HAYING Til We Can Supply You with Forks, Pulleys, Ro . Flexible Steel CaN And All Kinds of HayingH ware. THOMPSON HARDWABB . JESSE FAIL! The Big Carpet Sh You Can Beat Our In lust this one way they'll kind of beatiuc all right. T' In varietvofpi in anmllness of cost. In length tn niiv imnil eiirriet Quality. Ji troii ran boat that WILTON' ooiHnirni-. l5a vard. Tie our new line of fiber carpet ) Main 24. Regular beauties. Prettiest ever brought to rendleton. Largest line Lowest rnw. RKFRIGERATOR that will save you money on your ice bill BArER & FOLSOM Furniture, Stoves, Carpets TheitA let Mn OuestiOll ABOUT THE MERITS OF BYERS? " : ' " '. Mnthin? a It is the finest grade it is possible to mane. j but the choicest wheat enters into Byers' flour, , .. . . . . . : ..orl for breao j sausiaction is tne result wnererever u j or fancy baking. PFlSjriT T7TrKT PHT T JRR MlU W. S. Byers, Proprietor. For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor.