EVENINGEDITION DMLYEVENINBEDITIOI n A TT V Eastern Oregon Weather Fair tonight and Wednesday; warmer Wednesday. l .tlvcrc1 t your residence tXl flnew' by carrier at J5CA wccv PEXDLETQX, XlATILLA CWXTY, OHEGON. Tl ESDAY, .117X15 10, 11)01. xo. 4 ir( pmsais Signs Bill Granting Am- to All Americans ged With Crime Be-Inauguration. (NE AND NEELY GO FREE TOMORROW used of Postal Frauds Will Out of Prison Tomorrow Famine Threatens Havana Riots Started. June 10. The amnesty oning all Americans charged nes previous to the inaugu ' the new government, will by President Palma today nd Rathbone, the mfn accus- Implicit' in the Cuban postal will he released tomorrow .3 hesitating ahont accept iase as he has declared that (acquittal vould be acceptable ler amine is threatened as i ",e bur ting this morning of ednct which was the whole pf supply for thousands. wonstration was made at the Ihis morning by a mob of Ha- poorest class, who surround- palnce and cried for bread. lent Palma took 1000 out of Irate nurse and purchased Hiich he distributed to the HIS MAJORITY INCREASES ! ERROR FOUND IN VOTE OF SHERMAN COUNTY. IVESTIGATING A FIRE. lies Will Place Blame for Fa- tal Conflagration. go, June 10. An investiga te cause of, and responsi- br the fire at St. Luke's asy 1 Inebriates, Monday, which re in the loss of 10 lives and the over 50 people, was begun orning. The authorities are lit that criminal prosecution low. All the injured are doing lis morning. It. Winders, a printer employ- Ithe San Francisco Examiner ad dead in his room at the hotel this morning, having Imself through the head during He came here as a dele- the interest of the Interna- rypographlcal Union. A letter on his person indicates that he at 507 Sixth street, Oakland Dtive is unknown. Unofficial Figures Gave Furnish 49 Votes Too Many Chamberlain's' Plurality Now 289. Portland, June 10. All the coun ties have sent in the official count of the vote on the governorship ex cept Multnomah, but no material change is expected in these. Today when the returns were received from Sherman county it was found that an error had been made in the unofficial figures favoring Furnish. The error of 49 votes Is now in favor of Cham berlain, whose total plurality is now 298. I FTl F HTII I -r I i- 1 SUNT A BRITISHER M0MB! Brooke Gets Left. Washington, June 10. The house committee on military affairs today decided adversely to the bill to make General Brooke a lieutenant-general The senate today passed the naval appropriation bill. Many Surrendered. Pretoria, June 10. There Tiavo been 7000 Boer surrenders up to today. GEER TO CHAMBERLAIN. ivas A. O. U. W. at Portland. Iland, June 10. The supreme A. O. U. W., mot here this PE with delegates from every IPresent. The address of wel- delivered by William Cal- Oregon, and responded to by Master Workman Harwlck. Denies Combination Story. York, June 10. President of the North American Trust ny, today made an emphatic of the statement that his com was the promoter of a gigantic le to COnblne tho nntlnnnl hnnlrR Pry flnannl his. u Most Must Serve Time. anV. N. Y June 10. The su- 5 COUrt tlifo a p sentence of one year's imprls fit imposed on Johan Most, for tl uuurcnisuc article v after McKinley's assassina- Shrlners at r?r!c 1 Francisrn .Ti in rm, lIHrll ' ''" AUO UUUU- rention of MvsMn f?hri K v'B't,nB uniformed patrols il cnim ii nn,I where tne in. erea thp nrii- , I eltw i, . . U"5BB ul welcome 7 elaborately decorated. Fatal . Paul t '-"-ao. iter iL Jun ln- A tornado pass- tsuth nf t on 01 farming Coun- TtSf ;r fur to io. Kino firu. ii ncRKer, toy dLu 8trneas ho .was 6ral h0Ur8 Bleep last night Governor1 Congratulates Successor Upon His Success. Governor T. T. Geer sent a letter of congratulation to Governor-elect George E. Chamberlain on the latter's election. The letter follows: "Hon. George E. Chamberlain, Port land. Oregon. "My Dear Sir: You will please ac cept my congratulations upon your election to the ofiice of governor of Oregon. I regret very much that circumstances made the election of a democratic governor possible, but since it was so, I wish to assure you that there is no man in your party to whom I would surrender tho office with more pleasure than to yourself. "I can wish you no better good fu ture than to express the hope and belief, that the end of your term may see the state in as good condition in every branch of its public service as you will find it on the day of your inauguration. "With best wishes, I remain, re spectfully yours, "T. T. GEER, "Governor." Helix Happenings. Helix, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott have gone to Sprague, Wash, on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Richardson. Miss Edyth Epple Is a guest at the home of Miss Myrtle Hill. John McEachorn and Lin Gamble have gone to the Sound country. Mr McEichorn goes in hopes that the change of climate may benefit his health. Charles Huson, who has been trav eling for his health, the past nine months, through California, Texas and Mexico, has returned home. His many friends are glad to see him so greatly improved. Miss Clara Richmond, of Weston, is here on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, of Vancycle spent Sunday afternoon In Helix. Will Russell and family, of Athena, spent Sunday at the home of L. W. Pierce. The pound social given at the home of Rev. Huglet last Tuesday evening was attended by 7C persons and en Joyed by all. Refreshments were served, consisting of Ice cream and cake. Vansycle Notes. Vansycle, June 9. The lumber has arrived to finish the warehouse at Stanton. Mrs. Ben Stanton and sister, Ruby Joy, went to the Walla Walla valley Thursday, after rruit. W. J. Stockman and wife were In Pendleton Tuesday. TTlftAfin nf the members of Prosner ity lodge, Degree of Honor, of Helix, visited Magnolia lodge, uegree or Honor, of Pendleton, Tuesday even ing. Among those who visited were William Dale and wife, Fred Ray mond and wife, A. C. Brotherton and wife, Bert McFarron and wife, Mrs. Minnie Bosye, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Cramer, Arthur Martier, Elmer Dale and Dr. Grlswold. Chris Campbell was In Pendleton Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Killlan went to Pendle ton Tuesday to attend tho Sisters' noVinni ontfirtainment Tuesday even ing. Her daughter, Prudy, came home with her Wednesday evening. Mina TCmmn Green's school at the Vansycle school house, closed Friday. Rha mvo n nntertalnmont. There was, about CO present and they enjoy NAVAL ATTACHE PRIED INTO DEPARTMENT SECRETS. Convicts Who Escaped From the Ore gon Penitentiary Still Evade ' Their Pursuers.,4. 4. - Salem, June 10. Unrry Tracy nnd David Merrill, who escaped from the state penitentiary hero yesterday after kill-4. 4. nig three guards and so severely wound in c a fellow convict 'that ho has since died, returned to Salem last night, hold up! ,,H,,la r'n'Rod Congressman two men, took their clothes, stole a team and escaped into 4. 1 y" tiurrivn'lviVfto tne lulls. They are still at largo but bloodhounds received from the "Walla Walla penitentiary at' 11 o'clock this morning, nro now on their trail, followed by a largo posso armed with Winchesters and it is apparently only a matter of hours be- 4. fore the desperados arc captured. , 4. Both are desperate men and it is moro than probable a that thev will fip-lit, in tlm dontii niwl .1,1,1 to n.n!,. t T s O utivi it w vt v j tllvil 1101 VI IV tims before going down. They Are Notorious. The two men are brnt.hnrs-in.lnw nml - . w . u ( 1 1 vy iviiu n 11 110 utfv .j. of the most desperate and notorious characters in tho North- west. They wero members of tho infamous "hole-in-the- 11" A)ymi fc""fc 1U UUUI, 1I11U 11IO 11113 all)J)OSO(l i murderers of a sheriff at Salt Lake. They wore convicted of highway robbery in Multnomah county, tho.crjino having been the holding up of a train on Fourth street, Portland, tho 4. men being captured after an exciting chase by the polico. Break Was Unexpected. Their bold break for liberty yesterday was entirely un- expected and tho manner in which they started off, by dolib- erately murdering the shop guard, Ferrill, entiroly unnerved 4. the other guards and prevented them from shooting as they should. Tracy is positively identified as tho man who killed For- rill, shooting him in the back. Both men wero armed with rifles, apparently newly purchased, and immediately they killed Ferrill thoy turned their attention to two other shop guards, who managed to got out of tho way. , Then they opened up on the guard housos on tho wall, completely riddling the guard box to tho north, without hurt- ing anyone. One shot to tho south, however, killed Guard Jones. Then tho men seized a ladder and mado a break for "5 4. the wall, which thoy quickly scaled. Murdered Tiffany, Guards all along the wrll kept up a rapid firo but failed t Hannn and Roosevelt Had n Long Conference and Agreed to Over look Their Differences. Washington, Juno 10. Cnntntn Lewis llayley, naval attache of Great Britain In Washington, has gone to Uitglnnil and Is not expected to ro turn. Complaint was received at tho navy department some time ago that llayley had surreptitiously vlowod tho naval ninneuvora at Nnrragansott liny Inst summor nnd was lator discovered at various Florida coast points mak ing surveys of the hnrborn. Ilunna had a long conforonco this morning with KoohovcH over tho rases of the Cleveland federal or itur-there ftor tho conference Hnnnn said Hoosovelt had decided to pay no further attontlon to the nmttor, which at ono time threatened to resolve Itself Into a na tional issue and a serious split be tween llauiia and Uoosevolt. NEW YORK MARKET. " 4 a pfftn 4 K n nrJcAtiorc it'lir 1 1 1 tti t inl fiTtin i urttllr .,....,1, . One of tho guards, Tiffany, jumped from tho wall and off. followed them, firing as ho went. Whon his ammunition , ,was exhausted he was captured by tho convicts, who took 4. him about 100 yard up the mill race from tho prison and then deliberately placed a rifle at his heart and fired. Tiffany's rifle was then thrown into the mill raco. Whoro. the men stopped to do this there was found a pool of bloody and it is thought that perhaps one of them was wounded. TI7t T!J Tf D!- S Where Did They Get Rifles ? Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trado nnd New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York", June 10. l'ho wheat market opened lower this morning on easier enbles as well ns the antlelpa tlon that tho government report would be heavier when It would be made public later In tho day. Tho effect has probably boon discounted in this break. Liverpool closed yt lowor, f i :i . Now York opened at 77V4 and closed at 77r)d. Chicago opened at 70!)'t. and closed at 71 Vi. Closed yesterday, 77, Opened today, 77 't. Rungo today, 77'i77!i. Closed today, 77. Sugar, 128 ft. Stool, 38. St. Paul. 170. Union Pacific, 105. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Juno 10. .Wheat 70 Wheat In San Francisco. San Francisco, Juno 10, Wheat ?1.I0&G1.10 por cental. nil No Probability of ho Mitchell-Wright Conforonco End ing tho Groat Anthracite Strike. MINERS AND OPERATORS ARE FAR APART. Day In the Senate. Washington, Juno 10. Tho house this afternoon began tho general do bato on tho Corlltis bill, providing for tho construction of tho I'nelfle cable by tho government. Tho proaldont today sent tho Ronuto tho nomination of llonjamlii Crocker to bo collector of Intornnl rovonuo for the district of Washington state. The secretary of tho treasury has received tho roslg nation of Colonel Silas Wright, dop uty collector of customs for tho Alas ka district. Barricades and Homes for Non-Union Men Are Delng Built as Rapidly 3a Possible Fire Fighters In Jersey Colliery Have Gone Out. WIlkeHbnrro. Pa., Jmiio 10. Olootn has again fallen upon tho anthracite region now that It Is gunerally known that nothing tangible In tho way of a settlement nf the miners' strlko can bo expected to follow tho confor onco between President Mitchell and Commissioner Wright. Today thoro Is every ovldonca thnt tho minora and operators are as far apart as ovor. Tho work of erecting barricades anil homes for the non-union men, In bo lug pushed with vigor, The strlkei-H this morning InduceJ tho fire lighters at the Jersoy colllory to quit work, leaving six mon In tho mines to chuck the Humes which havn been raging for tho pnst 1(5 montlta Unk'HH the company can manage to till the places of tho strikers thoro will be an Immense loss. President Mitchell, of tin Mtno Workers, and Secretary Kasly, of tha Civic Federation, held a conforenca this morning, but both disclaimed that It had any bearing on tho strlko situation. Large numbers of desertions havo occurred at Mantlcako, and tho ques tion of providing for the inen In tho Htockndes threatens to resolve itself Into n serious matter. Merchants threatened with boycott, aro rofuslns to sell goods for tho use of the barricades. GRASSHOPPERS THREATEN. California Fruitgrowers and Farm ers Fear their Coming. Tho pluguo of grasflhoppors Is threatened In tho foot lilll districts of H Dorado, Placer and Sacramon to counties, California, and tho farm- FIRE AT PHILADELPHIA. More Than Quarter of a Million of Dnmago Done. Philadelphia, Juno 10. Five por sous moro or less seriously injured, IS private residences, two big grain ole atoiH and warehouBcs and a coal viud were destroyed by lire today Territory covering more than a city block and bounded b) Droad, Thir teenth and Clarfleld streets and Indi ana, Sedgeley and (lion wood avonuea was practically Hwopt clean. Loaa quarter of a million dollars. MONSTER GOLD DREDGE. Its Buckets are Carried by a Chain With Links Weighing 500 lbs Each. Dr. Harvoy Foil, of Canyon City, who Is In town visiting his paronts, Postmaster C. K. Fell and wife, saya the Poinoroy dredge being built at the mouth of Canyon Creek, on the John Day river, Is nearly comploted cm are considerably worried over tho possibility that their crops will , and operations of digging gold with bo destroyed by the pests. All signs ft fltoam drodgo will soon bo com- navo pointed to enormous yields of moiiceu fruit and grain, but tho hoppors havo made their appearance In armlod of countless thousands In tho foothills 4.J of Placer county and the farmora There seems to bo considerable mystery connected with fhr manner in which the rifles were (rotten into the nriHon " O I" . .The first idea was that they had boon taken in by excursion-J ists, but it now seems probable that thoy woro taken in by 4. somo one who scaled the wall after dark when but ono guard is on, and secreted tho arms. Harry Wright, an ox-convict, is susnected of this. Offered $1,000 Reward. JU Prican ft ii nnri ti t nn A mi i I nn ci t mmn imiiAtnirmfl n rnum vA oi ipijUUU each lor tne capture 01 tne two men. bovoral posses 4. were organized and u search instituted for tho convict-mur- derers. The incident has served to emphasize tho practica- bility of having blood hounds with which to accomplish, ox- peditiously, the capture of such convicts. There is some ugi- tation that some legislation covering tho need bo enacted by 4. the next legislature. 4, At 11 o'clock Company F, O. N. G., under command of Captain II. A. Kurtz was called out, and contributed its sor- vices in searching for the murderers. Ingram, the convict who was shot yesterday by Merrill, 1, t..m iitaUin. irii-K 'Ptxisti. l ri .-i n44a.Vinf in Otl UA 1 1 (I 1-1 i.-i :m i:c d X 4, J.' CI 1111 a iiiu, utio diiiu uxcu. nnd frultgrowors aro greatly aliinnod. The Invnslon of grasshoiipors bo camo so coat .n Placer county that an appenl was sent to tho agrleultur al department of the Stato Unlver- A monster chain, each link of which weighs COO pounds Is a feature of tha construction of tho dredge. Thoro are 729 of those links making an ag gregate weight of 305, 100 pounds. Tho chain Is to carry 27 buckets weighing 1000 pounds oaeh, and bo uiiild Ih tho action of tho hugo piece of machinery that It Is calculated slty, asking that an oxpert bo sent' that twelve buckets a mlnuo will (Continued on- Page Five.) to that county to look over the situ atlon and suggest a way to got rid of tho pests. Tho unlvorsPy professor who responded to tho call Is quoted as saying that a grasshoppor plaugo was at hand, and ho suggested de stroying tho pests by Arc. James Kasoberg ono of tho wealth iest stock raisers of Northorn Cali fornia, who has grazing fields in tho neighborhood of Itosovlllo, was In Sacramento, necking legal advice. Ho wanted to learn whothor the Hor ticultural Commissioners of Placer county had tho power to carry out tho plan which thoy had mapped out to sot flro to and burn Hovoral thou saud acres of his pasture In order to destroy tho grasshoppers. Ho waB told the commissioners had no such right. The commissioners are also seohipg legal advice. If tho pasture lands aro burned there will he law suits. Klovon years ago a plague of grass hoppers destroyed thousands of dol lars worth of fruit In Placer county. como around. Thoy carry eight :u- hie yards of dirt oach, making 98 cubic yards of dirt lifted each ml unto. So rich is tho oxhaustless placer bottoms of tho North Fork canyoa, however, that big interest Is oxpoct on the outlay Involvod. Tho com pany lias put ovor $100,000 In tha drodgo already, of which $30,000 was wages, It will cost 5100 a day to rim tho machine when finished, ono Item being 12 cords of wood which will bo required oach day to run the plant. Thoro are 15 mechanics work on tho drodgo construction. It Is principally Portland money hack of the ontorpriso, Fell In Hot Lake. Word reached Pendleton, just m the East Oregonlan was going to press, saying that J. M. Ferguson employed at tho Hotel Pendleton", who has been at Hot Lake for a few day.) had fallen Into the lake and was bad ly scalded. The extent of the Injurlea cannot be learned. - ed a very nice basket amner.