1Bj,jjsBMBnBW . -- i i i ---------- i immmmmamammmmmtmmmam Business Cards and Societies I FESSIONS AND TRADES ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANGED. mm&MM I Classifiecl Advertisements I pHYSISIANS. -TTrTaue., office in judd 5TCG- office honrs.p to 12 a. a; 6 5 p in. Telephone, t. ;.Tirr M D.rnKSiA1N BLOCK. 1 I- M,LL?rrec eye troubles, catar Wt,?iI nd impaired bearing. ?Kly fitted for refractive er- ! r-STn-rn OFFICE OVER THE DBASr Telephone 305 Jldence telephone31. T"nTnnELD. M, D.. HOMEOPATH- .,titM nOOSE, PHYSICIAN AND Offlcft n 20, Judd bnlldlng. SfMaln 72. Residence Phone Bed 23. T"t vtaCL ROOM 17 ASSOCIA- unfi Telephone Main vtt; rcsi- . "r Tionhone. black 161. mm - T-ZT i nRSDERSON, ruwiwan n, i. 0 ii,t ni mr. nose Mu ou.o" ,n c.vincs Bant DUllu- 1'HOue iixniu OPAThxC rni'SICIANS, DRS. 1"" una MfV VMt owv. fl nervous aisvanra - - Man"I rintol rendleton. cor. Water a 11. n Sffl . I-UU1CLUU V- V -. ATTORNEYS. - vr liAT.EY. A'lTUIiflr.l O Al Law. Office in savings u- -un-i-t,. Koom 14 Association oiock. icuuici, :fiv. otoct i,EV. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Association diock. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court Street. "r REEDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. AM ro n. " i n T A TV I I h h 1 1 rU 1 IH al 11 UkJ Building. 1 . . im)n a "ri i ti rv r. i pi " it Law. Mr. SUiiman una utreu uuiuicu .i i- tt 1 1 ai4 RfntPR nntpnt offices ' LIVERY AND FEED STAPLES. M MKII I A I I'flU lir.A. . IV . ' J.. WU- Prnn T.Wpr-. VtA nnrt BoardlnC. All , Stables. First clafls slnple and double i fA ii AAAMniA.. nfT I'nttnfivAnn ' r . rnnnp it n in ii h:ititi i :rniir i run. LlTerv. feed and boardlnc. The nest mniiT- in in rir-Aim rr.. rwrween Prop. Special care plven to horses left l iir: un: t cuu ulii.-i a uuuc ikeu CABS AND CARRIAGES. arr cab line, erwin baker, prop. Telephone Main 79 Stand in front of French SECOND-HAND DEALERS. hand poods bought and sold. Court St, T TrvrT yn t tw k t T7- TUT OffnAWH uiuuDur., 7r.u.i.u aai u.v.r ---- I. -t .., .tl..a ca iu uew or necuuu uaiiu iui uuui nis prices. No. ziz court c BANKS AND BROKERS. flBST NATIONAL BANK OP ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, $50,000 surplus and ua. t.(iiiii. intprMir nn rime nennnirs. ! in ri i -n nn TnMrri arpninra Collections promptly attended to. Henry i aaams, president : T. J. liirK, vice-preoi- . ? i. uaiuciii oux . . mv- mw ao-i,M nia a PKxnr.nTnn rivinrs hank. 1 Ptnrllatnn n,nn n.nnn!.Dr1 Xfrvh 1 ; capital. $50,000. snrnlus. $00,000, n-p-ka' iii-. ., in . Pfnge booght and sold on all principal . Special attention given to collec tions, w. J. Furnish, president; J. N. g". vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. IIE FARMER8' BANK OF WESTON, Weaton, Oregon. Does a general banking jwntsg. Exchange bought and aold. wnectiong promptly attended to. R. "meson, president; Geo. W. Troebstel, J President : J. It. Kllgore. cashier: dl- Jrtors. G. A. Hartman, M. JL Johns. T. J. 0. D. Graw. j, p. Kllgore, Robert s, T. J. Robert --vu, u. v. rroebetel. iT NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLB T. .CaP'tal $70,000: aurplns, $05,000. 2??ct a general banking business. Ex ,as and telegranhie transfers sold on rinrti s? Francisco, New York and vnnetp&l Points In th nn-fhnif nr.rta mimi n Ch,na' JaPan -nJ Europe. Makes gtlons on reasonable terms. Levi An Uto.'int: W. R, Matlock. Tlce-prea-, T..B--Wade- casWer; H. C. Qnern. lstant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. P. nOTVAnr, . ,,r,r.... ..... BtrV p t0T .b-dl" In the city or !fyRoom 17 Jndd building. & COT.IB nnvniD 1 rviuMia . tta Mfct. Estimate fnralahed on abort wtIc. R? "ork apeclalty. Proa.pt . ohm on Rlnfr - n. r.i a &At.9ONTRACTOK AND BUILD- 5frT rnnS on all kinds of i bSS? atone wall, etc oT cn left at the Baat Orecoalaii DENTISTS. bmidl.t11, DENTIST, OKFICB IN ir--ATIiiV ki r v v.-b ao tw-e. block. over 8ctuMf new FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA wlldwood Camp, No. 2S33, tnotfta second and fonrth Tuesday of each month in Odd Follows' ball. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs, Xe..e Robblns, Recorder. -I..Tli.I.A TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and tourtU Tuesdays In each month. AH visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kecs, Record Keeper; E. D. Esta brook. Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. C2, A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parkes, Sec PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, H . P., F. F. Wamslcy, Secretary. Meets first and fonrth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL llam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Heudrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. -.ampkln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGnTS OF Fythlas. J. . Nowlln, C. C; R. W. Fletcher. K. of R. . S. Meets every Mon day In Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 0300. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' nail. George A. Hamblln, Con sul; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Fcndleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W., are held In Secret Society nail every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, C. C. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. YOU CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAR ket price for your "pelts, hides and all kinds of lnnk. such as rubber, brass, cop per, lead, line, rags and boitlcs. Iron of all kinds a specialty. You can bring In GO cents worth of rags or ship In $500 I worth of hides and will be treated in tne game way. We have come here to stay. Give ns a call and vou will be satisfied. L. i Shank v. Co., office and warehouse next to I Eastern Hotel. Pendleton, Oregon. Tele phone. Red 221. MISCELLANEOUS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS SEND for catalogue. Ferney'B Stamp Works, Walla Walla, Wash. IN POUN D THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED a.iinal has been taken up by the marshal of the titv of Pendleton, to wit: One gray mare, with roached mane and foretopj about 5 ycarg O'd, weight about SKX) pounds. Branded with "H" on left shoul'icr. If said anla.nl is not claimed by thoowers or those entitled to the possesion of it, costs and e. pontes v gainst ft P'lid and it taken a ay within ten days from the date hereof, tlten.at 2 o'clock p. m . of the 12th day of June. 1902, the eaid animal will be sol-1 to the highest bidder, at public auction, for at thn nltv nniind. an the corner of Cottonwood and Webb street!, In tald city of Pcndletoa, the p-occeds of su-h rale to re applied to thi -payment of such costB and ex peuscs of making sale. Dated this 81st day of May, ISO-. J . A. tfiatiey Jiiy aarsuai. IN POUND TUB FOLLOWING DESCRIBED animal has been taken up by the ma'sLal of the City of IVndleton. to wit: One black horse, about 8 years old; weight about 1,000 pounds; a deficient in the right hind leg, sweaneyed on the hip and branded "60" on left stlttla. Jf aald animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of it, co-ts and expenses against it paid and it taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock, p. m. rf the Hth day of Jane, 190i, the .oM .nlm.l nrlll tu llld tn tllP llll?hClt billUer. at public auction, for cash, at the city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets, in said city of Pendleton, the proceeds of such gale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making s Je Dated this 3rd day of June, 1902. J. A. Blakley, City Marshal. KELLAR BROTHERS, PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Estimates furnished free. Work guar- .1 T . iHm nt Unrllov A Zfth- ner's cigar store. Main Bt.,. P. O. box 10-. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, "IF YOU papers in the United States or Europe, remit oy posiai note, l-u:, m dc EAST OREGONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we w.il have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the East Oregon lan, in remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publisher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, uregon. WANTED ADVERTISRS TO MAKE USB of these classified columns. If you have someth.ng you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business. You may have an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehi cle. Somebody may tiave the cow and vehicle and want the horse. A fifteen or twenty-flve cent want ad will probably, do the business. FOR HALE NEW CHICAGO TYPE writer, universal key-board, first-class machine. Take a look at it. Thirty dol- lards w.il buy it East Oregonian omce. FOR RENT Rooms In the East Oregon Ian building for rent; steam heated, hot and cbld water and bath room. FOR SALE AT THE EAST OREGONIAN office. 'large bundles of newspapers, con taining over 100 big papers can be ob tained for 25 cents a Dunaie. FOR SALE GASOLINE ENGINE, WITH pipes, tanks and fittings, ready to oper ate, five to six horse power. Economical In the use of fuel. Price $250. East Ore gonian office, Pendleton. ELECTRICAL 8UPPLIE6. .nrrT nunc romiT HTltEKT. IjA Dow block Electrician-, dealers In elec trical euplles. Houses, stores, wired for electric Jlgnts, teiis or leiepnones. cieciri cal fixtures of all kinds. Get our prices Repair work a specialty. OBEGON KLECTIMCAli WOttKS. C. F. K1NE Prop. Corner Main sud Webb streets. House and bell wiring neatly and promptly done. (Jive ua a trial. All work guaranteed. Phone Hcd 403, C. P. Kiae. prop. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. 8. BOWMAN. LEADING mOTOGBA pber of the city. Harvest views, In dian photos for sale. FlnUblns; done for amateurs. Main St, sear bridge. Pbone Bed 271 jjj 1hhbi- li HOTELS. TRANSPORTATION LINES, Iff mtffi&Wi rjsxsiz. 11 W IMmffi c- pill - fM -OREGON .Mi.it wi'l ll lio, my ladles fair, The world a b.f.rt yi u nowT Iy ln with khIiUmi ttntid linlr. There's a love for . rotnnttcc printed there Upon your perfect brow. Hut ah! little rr.ald with the -vCs of blue And Kmi'ef! HKo' M'li-llt hour.'. The ftrrt yiv.i hold Is plain t view For Cupid h:is knocked n'ld .mired, too, And your lite Is strewn !th i!ower, Ji .in C Have.. COMMERCE-TRADE Local Market Prices, The following shows the price paid on the local market: Strawberries, 15c per box. Parsnips, 76c per sack. Cabbage, 4c per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. Onions, per cwt, $1.50 to $2. Green onions, 25c doz. Beets, per lb, lc. Potatoes, per cwt, $1.50 to $1.75. Garlic laMs c per lb. Pendleton Llye Stock and poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $3.50()$4. Roosters, $3.50 4. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $3.50. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 20c in trade. Butter, 25c and 60c per roll. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc Cows, per hundred, $3.10. Steers, T4.264.50. Hogs, live, 5c. Hogs, dressed, Cc. Calves, dressed, 78c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.25 per sack; do., 16 lbs, $1. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next, grade, 35c per lb., lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb; package coffee, 16c lb. Rice Best head rice, 12 c per lb; next grade, o l-3c per lb. Salt Coarse, 8uc per 100; table $2.20 per 100. Flour, B. B. $3.40 per bbl. Flour, Walter's $3.40 per bbl To Bring Back, Liberty Bell. Philadelphia, June 4. A committee of the city council has arranged to go to Charleston tomorrow to bring back the Liberty Bell, which has been ono ot the attractions at the Charleston exposition, and restore it to its rest ing place in Independence Hall. While it has been at the exposition the bell has been under the constant guaru of a half dozen Philadelphia police officers. In response to numer ous requests, the journey homeward will be broken by stops at many cities and towns to give the people a chance to see the historic relic. Murdered on a Train. Los Angeles, Juno 3. iDan E. Mel ius, chairman of the grievance com mittee of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, this morning murdered James Landon, also a railroad man, at Colton. Melius Is a conductor on the Santa Fe, and Landon is alleged to have attacked Melius in the ca boose of the moving train. Melius struck him over the head with a brake handle and beat his brains out. wellus has surrendered. Mrs. McKlnley's Pension. Columbus, O., June 4. This was tho day for quarterly pension pay mcnts and among the warrants issued by General W. M. Jones, United States pension agent for Ohio, was one for $1,200 payable to Mrs. Wil Ham McKinley of Canton, O. The sura represents the first quarterly pay ment of the pension of $5000 per an' num voted by congress to tho widow of the martyred president. Happy Time In Old Town. "We felt very happy," wrlteB R. N. Devil), Old Town, Va., 'when Buck len's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head." It delights all who use it for cuts, corns, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, eruptions. Infallible for piles. Only 2Cc at Tallman . &,Co. v Am! you with the glistening raven lock, lt. w will your I'l'f 1-k1ii Will ymi opui the door when Cupid mk i1;f. Or r!vo him a cynical smile that mucks, And ri'ver let him In? A NEW INDUSTRY. (Concludod.) Graves Mountain, Georgia, Magnet Cove, Arkansas, and on both sides of the Tyo River near iioseinnu post office, in Nelson County, Virginia where tho deposit is very largo. Under favorable conditions titan ium oxide imparts to porcelain n lino yellow color. It is capable of being used with other substances to pro duce secondary colors and It will withstand without difficulty, tho heat ofstho kiln, although at a very high temperatures it increases tho fusion ity of V,10 porcelain homu.::., act Ing a sn flux, Mr. Snelling docs not seem to think, however, that any ex tensive market for this Virginia ru tilo will develop In tho pottery in dustry. With regard to steel, tho ex perimental work, so far ns tried, seems to show that tho addition of titanium gives tho steel a high Hm it of elasticity and a greator olonga tlon as well as an increased ductility over simple carbon steel; and as ti tanium steel takes a good temper and is very hard a number of possi bio uses suggest themselves for it, dependent only upon tho economical preparation of some titanium alloy, tho commercial production of which seems not to bo an easy matter. As llmenito is at tho present timo used exclusive as a source of titanium for steel, tho outlook for tho market for Virginia rutilo seems to bo a poor ono in this Industry also; and its use, amounting to c few hundred pounds annually, in the artificial tooth Industry is suplled by tho ru tile deposits of Chester county, Penn sylvania. Even under tho most fav orable conditions, says Mr. Snelling, tho anual domestic market for ru tilo is not likely to exceed In value $2000. In l-Oo the production of ru tile in tho United States amounted to 300 pounds, valued at $1,300, and the production in Norway amounted to 57,485 pounds, valued at $5,043. The production of the Virginia ru tilo deposits, beginning in 1000, havo amounted, up to date, to about 40,000 pounds, making an estimated out put of rutilo in the United States for the year 1901 of about 44,000 pounds. 1. L,. Ray & Co., Bar and tell StockB, Bond and Grain (or cash or on margins. New York Stock Exckagt. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. nrt ..-, -i-llat-t, Or, SEALS! Notary and3 Corporation $3.50 to $5 Delivered Order of us aad save money. Orders for Rubber Stamps also solicited, EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO TVmm mMlMIlT Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 per day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, livery modern Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLP RULE HOTEL. Corner Couit and Johnson Btteott, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. HEATED BV STEAM. LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American Plan, ratoi 11.25 to 12.00 a day. Snropean plan, bOo, 75c, ll.W) Special ratei by week or month Free Et fWL nil Tt&.i.a. Commercial Trade Solicited. Pine Sample Rooms Special attention given Country Trade QUO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan Block and a half trots depot. Sample Room la connection, Room Rate 50c, 75c, Sl.00 Farmers Custom Mill Fred Waltus, Proprietor Capacity lf0 burrol a day Flour exchfuiifed for wheat Flour. Mill FiH'il, Clionped Fowl. etc. alwuyd on liunU. ! E fl i s S fa I ic 5 1 1 V j JIP--S a" til SI. in: H jpy HRbm L D.r.RT Tim Sehsduls aaaira roR From ror.dlaton raoai -. Chicago- salt Lake, Penrer, Ft. 1'ortUnd Worth, Omaha, Kan Special ta. City. Bt Louii, Chi- SSMa. aa. M-Opm eagoandKait. via Hunt In a ton. Atlantis Salt Lake, Denrer. Ft. Ksproai Worth, Omaha, Kan 5:ll a.m. laiCltr.Bt.Louli.Uht-11:10 . Via Hunt- cago and Kut. tngton. fit. l'.ut Walla Walla, Lewliton, Fait Mail 8pokane.Wallaco,Iiil. H.lti a, m. man, Minaeapolli, Bt. 5.-30 p. m. via i'aul, Duluth, Mllwiu Bpokane. kee, Chicago and Kait. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM l'OUTLANl). All tailing datei lubject to change. 8:00 p.m. For fan KraneUro I p. m. N Bill overjr & -Ryi. ran? oxront Columbia nlvnr Similar 4pm 8 p. m. To Aitoila and Way Bandar Batutd.y Lanllngi. 10 p. m. Ttoati loavo Portland dallr, except Bnnaay. stage ol water permitting) (or Wlllametts sad Ifauiblll Klyer potnti, Leavo IMparla 4:05 a. m. Loaye Lewlltoa t nn m n Snaka lllvar ItlpatU to Lewliton. Daily jKxcpt kor F. F. WAMBLKY, Agent, l'endlaton. RUNS Pullnmn Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars BT. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO I GRAND FORKB OROOKBTON WINNEPEO HELENA and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all poinU East and South Through ticket! to Japan and China, Tla Taooma and Northern iraclflo Bte-aii-lp Oo, and American line. TIHB SCHBDULB. Traim leaye Pendleton dally except Bandar at 7XO p. m. For further Information, tlms cards, maps, and tickoti, cillon or writs W. Adami, fen. dletou, Oregon, or A. V, OIIAKLTOR. Third and Morrlion NU 1'ortland. Ora. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louia, Kan (ut City, Bt. Joo, Omaha, and All Points East and Soulfi Portland aad pelata on the Sound TiUX CARD. Laayo feadlatoa, dally except Baadsis at 7xjo. pm, Arriya rendletoa Monday, Wodoaiday aad Friday VilM pm. Arrire Pendleton Tnoadar. Taaraay aaa Saturday 10 Mam i Leaye Walla WalU daily, east boaad iMiaa. Arrive Walla Walla daily west eeaad Me aat. For iBtenaallaa regaj-lag rates aad -.rwl.tlaoa. cll nu a. tdM a W. ADAHS, AaeaLi PM-ietwiTteeeea WaUa Walls, Wash. The Eaat Creoenlan Is latter) C gon' repreaentatlve paper. It laasv, and the people appreciate ft and anew It by their liberal patrenafe. H M IM advertising mtium er mmm m if i i Ii i 1 1 1 i titC-. Jf. ... ...7- :Mmmms n mi m