East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 03, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Wednesday partly
cloudy and occasionally threaten
IL. 15.
XO. .M30
I-.. landslide!
Lies from the state aro as 7et
I incomplete but sun cnougu
L . tn establish beyond doubt
fat that despite the energetic
of the repuDiican canui-
niri Knlid reoubiican Ore-
Kgone on the doubtful list by
E, a democratic suvwiiui.
fcly has the heavy normal re
. mninrltr been overcome,
EL, te nlreadv known to as-
Ithat Geo. E. Chamberlain has
elected governor or me siaie
on by anywhere from aouu to
Lt this result was not nccom-
1 without aid from the repunu
fc, 1c nrnven bv the fact that
republican strongholds have
. nhamherlain goodly major-
whiifl nt the same time casting
Inormal republican vote for the
kce of the ticket. Voters or tne
Dm nartv ticket were less in
knee this year than for years
bt only has Mr. Furnish been de
ka in his own county of Umatil-
Ciit it was onlv bv a majority of
that he carried his home city.
was something of a surprise to
sides alike, as early in the day
as conceded by democratic lead
that Furnish would carry the
Pendleton precincts by close on
f rotes.
The Successful Candidates.
bvernor G. E. Chamberlain, Dem.
iipreme Judge R. S. Bean, Rep.
fecretary of State F. I. Dunbar,
ate Treasurer C. S. Moore. ReD.
tpt Public Instruction J. H. Ack
n, Rep.
ttorney-General Doubtful,
jte Printer J. R. Whitney. Ren.
irst Congressional District Thos.
Tongue, Rep.
tcond Congressional District J.
Williamson, Rep.
tint Senator, Umatilla, Union and
tow W. M. Pierce, Dem.
pint Representative, Morrow and
axilla G. W. Phelps, Rep.
tate Senator C. J. Smith. Dem.
lepresentative W. M. Blakey,
Representative C. E. Macomber.
Iheriff T. D. Taylor, Dem.
flerk W. D. Chamberlain, Dem.
Recorder W. H. Folsom, Rep.
freasurer E. J. Sommerville, Rep.
Assessor C. P. Strain, Dem.
tommissloner T. P. Gilliland, Rep;
urveyor-J. W. Kimbrell, Rsp.
Coroner V. G. Cole, Rep.
Justice of the Peace Thomas Fitz
raid, Rep.
onstable J. M. Bentley, Dem.
The Vote In Pendleton.
ne votes were all in fairly early
Ithis city, the democrats making
pecial effort to get their men to
! Polls In the forenoon, while many
the republican ballots went Into
! box along toward closing time.
t both The democratic and repub-
a headquarters, arrangements
been made for receivlnc the re-
ras.by telephone and A. C. Haley
aided over the democratic end of
e wire while Frank Curl officiated
publican headrmarters.
it nlnntv nKn.it. -in 1.nn
--"Uf, auuuL j.u u uiuun wucu
first, rot n u i
ivmmo uuguu iu cumc 1U uuu
tney did both the 'nhone opera-
"ams, GO votes counted," an-
- vcuum, uunniDenain 10,
a -i", Hunsaker 5."
s Is a strong reoubllcan pre-
norraallv nnH hntti the
tn lnniiln 41. . . 1
-- .huc luu seconu lime to oe
mere was no mistake.
Its a Lanrlsllrlaf
"t the fieurPfl mora xnrroot an A
' UIKUL WOrA nn nrwl Iho i-ntnrns
COmlno- t- t . . a. .
iU iruin an nans or ine
iv - ,
muu 2111 nmnrnrf tha oama
DflH twnll .
- biuereu to listen to the re-
'n tne firm belief that their
ould win out finmn viv.
-"w gan to wear broad
"18 Of nmlloo xi..i.
ri.. . "v-o upuu Lutsir meets
Ullty 1 ..nUr amt
j' it's a landslide!"
Word j6p"bUcan headquarters not
a . - uiiLii THLiirnR namn
T?Bns that Inman was dowji
"l rortlaml 1 .1, , ,
-. vonciidftH ti.-i. . . .
1 1 UUUlHHriHHl Will
m.r. wie' and onee again all
80 on" ,..;8tl-
TttaZ 1 thB Hlght' Bl0W"
r tame ia tna as tne
Democratic Candidate for Governor Sweeps the State With From 3,000 to
5,000, Carrying Umatilla by at Least 250.
hours dragged along, some showing
heavy majorities for Chamberlain,
some equally good for Furnish, but
all the time it was becoming more
and more evident that the Eastern
Oregon candidate was losing ground
in his own county, and when morn
ing dawned it was conceded that
Chamberlain's majority in Umatilla
county would be anywhere from 200
to 300.
The first 28 precincts heard from
out , of the 35 in this county, gave
Chamberlain a plurality of 276 over
Furnish, and while it was believed
that the remaining seven precincts
might cut this down somewhat it
was seen that they could not change
the ultimate result.
The precincts heard from up to
the hour of going to press and their
respective votes for the two leading
gubernatorial candidates are as fol
lows: Cham-. Furn
berlain. nish. P'lty.
Adams 87 6G 21
Alba , 44 34 10
Athena, N 1C9 55 114
Athena, S 6G 15 51
Bingham Springs.. 9 2 7
Echo , 70 77 7
Fulton 51 49 2
Heli$. 38 C9 31
Milton, N 173 67 106
Milton, S. 151 49 102
McKay . 64 .46 18
Pendleton 94 140 46
Pendleton, N , 134 199 65
Pendleton, E 126 157 31
Pendleton, S 103 109 6
Pilot Rock 85 155 70
Ruddock 9 7 2
Reservation 55 85 30
Ukiah 69 46 23
Juniper 37 35 2
Umatilla 18 11
Hogue 25 25 0
Union 26 62 36
Valley 77 17 60
Yoakum j.0 27 17
Weston 114 48 66
Weston, E 80 39 41
Willow Springs ... 15 26 11
Prospect 13 21 8
State Returns Scattered.
As yet the returns from other coun
ties on the state ticket are but frag
mentary, owing to the length of the
ticket and the long time required to
make the count. Another cause of de-'
lay in getting complete returns Ib
that many of those who are interest
ed in some particular candidate are
sending in only the figures regarding
their favorite and omitting any refer
ence to the other candidates.
Consequently it is impossible to
give any accurate figures . regarding
the vote in the different counties at
this time. By tomorrow evening,
however, practically full returns
should be available.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the lat
est figures available at democratic
headquarters gave Chamberlain the
state by" 4000 majority and Multno
mah county by 1500.
Raley May Be Elected.
The latest returns from different
parts of the state, taken with the
splendid vote given J. H. Raley, the
democratic candidate for attorney-
general, In Umatilla county, wherein
he receives a majority of 750 votes
over his republican opponent, gives
good grounds for hope of the election
of Mr. Raley.
J. H. Robblns Wine.
Sumpter, Or., June 3. J. H. Rob
blns, formerly of Pendleton, candidate
for representative on the democratic
ticket, is 28 votes ahead of George
Chandler, his republican opponent,
with two or three precincts to hear
from, which will increase Mr. Rob
bins' plurality to about 50.
Initiative and Referendum.
Tim votfi' for the initiative and re
ferendum in Umatilla county is fa-
foraole. In the returns irom most or
thfi nreelncts In the county the vote
for or against the measure was not
Included, being overlooked in the gen
eral baste and excitement, in tne
nrnHnrtfl tho vote In favor of ihe
amendment is very large, for instance
in Juniper precinct the vote Doing to
for to 1 against it.
Cottonwood for Chamberlain.
At 3 o'clock the returns from Cot-
Jas, H, Raley Has Carried the County by at Least 750, and
Has a Good Chance of Being Elected Inman May
- Defeat Williams for Mayor of Portland.
tonwooil precinct came in, showing
Chamberlain 36 and Furnish 23, a
plurality of 13.
Short Interviews With Prominent
Pendleton Politicians.
The East Oregoniau man circulat
ed among a few of the politicians
this morning and got the following
expressions of the situation since the
election In answer to tho question:
"How do you feel over the election
Frank Curl.
Frank Curl, republican county cen
tral committeeman, and who said in
the East Oregoniau a few days pre
vious to the election that he would
not concede a single man to the dem
ocrats, only replied:,
"I never felt better or had less."
A. D. Stillman.
A. D. Stillman, democratic central
committeeman, was the next man
seen, and as A. D. is a man who
talks as well as acts, he had the fol
lowing to say:
exception every democratic canilitlnto i
reduced tho normal republican ma
jority in the county and stnlo.
"As a wholo, tho affairs of tho state
and county will bo in excellent hands
until the noxt general election."
L. B. Rceder.
"The result of tho election was duo
to ninny reasons. The dlsnffocted Si
mon and Geer forces and tho Mitchell
faction worked against tho republi
can ticket. Another thing was tho
placing of tho most corrupt man in
the state of Oregon in tho chair ns
chairman of the republican stale cen
tral committee ami the carrying of
the convention in Multnomah county
fcy misrepresentation and jobbery.
There was a lack of organization
li om a party standpoint nnd tho ef
fort of the chairman of the central
cnaimlttec to make sure of the .elec
tion of Ills friends worked to tho det
riment of tho party as a whole. Tho
Impression also went over tho coun
try that Furnish carried the conven-
I tlon by unfair means and this was
greatly exaggerated. Many thought,
i too. that Furnish was too new In tho
Wnnn, 1069; Crawford, 11G4; Raloy,
912; Godfrey, 973; Wimnoy, 105G;
Tongue, ll-o; Wcntherford, 90G;
Gcer, 1142; Wood, S53; Jones, repub
lican, 1092; Simpson, democrat, 921;
llutlor, dnmocrat, SS6; Hawkins, re
publican, 1138.
Elected Governor of Oregon, on June 2d, 1902, by the Democrats of Ore
gon, Materially Assisted by the HcpuLilicans of the 8tato.
"The present victory is sweeping
and one of the best things that could
have happened to tho state. It Is
not necessary that It be construed as
a condemnation of Mr. Furnish, nor
of the men on the ropuM ' '
hut rather a condemnation and ex
ample in no uncertain terms, of the
methods used to control the republi
can party.
"It is a fact worthy of note that the
candidates on the republican ticket'
who were defeated were the candi
dates who spent the greatest number
of dollars to secure their elctlon.
"As an indication of the general;
excellence of tho democratic ticket it
is only worthy of note that1 without j
nartv to ho a leader and tho results
will bo disastrous to tho party for
years to romo unless tho republicans
of the county see fit to place tho prin
cipal of tho party above tho personal
laadership, and cease taking sides
with factions of Multnomah county
and its corrupt practices."
S. A. Lowell.
Judge Lowell said: "Tho people
have snoken and I have nothing to
The Oregon Short Lino will spond
between ?300,000 and $100,000 In
track betterments this year, over and
nbo-.e tho usual maintenance work.
How the Vote Went In Various Parts
of Oregon.
Portland, Juno 3. Noon. Only
pa vial election returns have boon re
ceived and the city of Portland Is not
yet completed. Enough is known,
however, from tho Interior of tho
state to Indicate tho election by a
eloso vote of George E. Chambeiinln.
Nearly nil tho state ollleers and
tho congressmen aro republicans. In
man, democrat, leads Williams, repiih"
llcan, for mayor of Portland. Accu
rate results will not bo known be
fore tomorrow.
Chamberlain Gets Marion.
Salem, Juno 3. Clinmbeiialn car
rlos Marlon by from 3300 to 500.
Furnish Winn In Josephine.
Ashland, Juno 3. Furnish will car
ry Josephine county by a majority ot
125, falling nearly 200 behind his
party vote. Tonguo will receive a
majority of 200.
Wasco County Safe.
Tho Dalles, Juno 3. lncompluto
returns from 10 precincts In Wasco
county aro Cliainhorlaln, 296; Furn
ish, 349. Thoso returns aro from tho
strongest republican precincts, and
tho. county is regarded as safe for
Geer Runs Well.
Portland, Juno 3. Governor Goer,
candldato for popular voto to tho
United States sunato, Is polling nn
enormous voto, running ahead of
Wood, democrat.
Douglas for Chamberlain.
Ilosebiirg, Juno 3. Cliainhorlaln
carries Douglas county by 200 to 100,
tho deniocrals electing assessor niwl
coroner. Tho election was quiet with
a full vote. Returns aro slow.
Portland and Chamberlain.
Portland, Juno 3. Tho only 10 pro
ducts comploto In Portland glvo
Chamberlain a big load, Inman, for
mayor and I.ano, for senator, aro
Furnish Gets Lane.
Eugono, Juno 3. Incomplete re
turns for Lano county glvo Furnish
and the outlro republican state ticket
a small majority. Harris, Sholloy and
Edwards, republicans, aro elected
representatives and It is vory closo
between Travis and Kiiykoiulall for
Clackamas Went Republican.
Oregon City, Juno 3. Incomploto
unofficial reports from Clackamas
county, 15 precincts, glvo Cliamhor
lain 13G9; Furnish MOfi; Goor, i209;
Wood, 1051; Tonguo COO ahead. En
tiro republican legislative and county
ticket elected by pluralities rnnglng
from 100 to 500. Many populists,
democrats, socialists and prohibition
ists throw their votes to Ilrownoll
who will bo oloetod senator by ovor
100. Tho Inltiatlvo and referendum
vote is nlmost unanimous,
Raley Carried Douglas.
RoBoburg, Juno 3. This county,
Douglas, Is republican and Is tho
homo of A. M, Crawford, candldato on
tho republican ticket for attorney'
general, but in splto of this, J, II,
Haloy, tho democratic candldutu for
allornoy-gcneral, will receive 100 plu
rality, If not moro, In tho county.
Chamberlain Captured Baker,
Baker City, Juno 3. Incomploto re
turns hero show that Cliainhorlaln
has carried Baker county by ovor COO
plurality with a good possibility of
running it up to 650 boforo tho votes
aro all counted.
Union County Is In Line.
La Grando, Juno 3. Union county
has gone In tho neighborhood of 400
In favor of Chamberlain. Tho votes
aro not nil counted and this may bo
There Was No Particular Ceremony,
the Doer Delegates Signing the
Agreement Which Was Immediate
ly Started for England.
Loudon, Juno 3. Tho details of
signing tho peace tonus reached Lon
don today. The signing was without
any particular ceremony. Tho sign
ers met tu tho dining room of tho
house occupied by the Hoor dologntcB,
and without delay tho Boers slgnod
tho agreement. After tho paper was
duly signed, Kitchener's secretary
took It and immediately started for
England with It. When tho fnct that
peace had boon secured hocamo
known In tho concentration camps,
tho occupants beenmo hysterically
The Exchange Telegraph sayn tho
prevailing view Is that tho house o.
commonii will authnrl.n a voto of
(hunks to Lord Wilchner, which will
ho accompanied by a voto ot .C100.0U0
and nn earldom. Mllnor Is nlso to bo
raised to an earldom.
Denied Abandoning Tax.
In tho house of commons today tho
chancellor of tho oxchequor again do
tiled that the corn tax would be abandoned.
Chamberlain Carried Polk County by
Almost 200,
Dallas, Juno 3.-The totals of Polk
county aro: Chamberlain, 1121; Fur
nish, 924; Bean, 10C9; Bonham, B4Z;
Dunbar, 1084; Soars, 940; Blackman,
890; Moore, 1133; Ackorman, 1049;
Jollet, III., Swamped by Heaviest
Waterfall of Years.
Jollet, III., Juno 3. A cloudburst
struck Jollet and vicinity at midnight
last night, causing tho loss of at
least, threo lives and Immouso dam
ago to proporty, almost ovory railroad
track entering tho city being washed
away and railroad traflle complotoly
suspended for hours. Tho peoplo
wore asleep when tho raging wntorn
poured down upon tho. city and boforo
thoy could bo aroused woro punned
in their homes.
Tho alarm was quickly given and
tho work of roscuo began, Hundreds
woro taken from their honion in small
boats, hut many worn still prlsonors
at daylight. Tho huulncsa of tho city
Is practically suspended and tho mil lr
and factories closed. In sonin placos
tho water Is flvo feet deep and sever
al houses havo been washed away
and scoros rendered uninhabitable.
Scores of railroad cars woro com
plotoly siibmorgod, many cattlo
drnwnod and thousands of dollars
worth of merchandise damagod, Tho
dead are: Eddlo McGoveru, Mabel
Ford, Llzzlo McOraw. Tho damago
Is roughly estimated at $200,000.
Storm Was General.
Chlcngo, Juno 3.-lJito dispatches
Indicate that tho rain and oluctrlcal
Htorm that culminated so disastrous
ly at Jollet was gouoral throughout
Northorn Illinois, Wisconsin and por
tions of South Dakota, Outside of
Jollet tho must Hurlous dnmngo was
dono at La Crosso, whoro sovoral
buildings nrn reported partially de
stroyed. Near Rockford, 111., ono man
was killed by lightning. At Desoto
and Brownsvlllo, Wis., considerable
damago was dono and ono life lost.
Heavy hall fell In South Dakota, bad
ly damaging tho crops.
Men Who Wouldn't Strike.
WJIkosbnrro, Pn,, Juno 3. About
tho sumo proportion of firemen, on
glnoors and pumpmon, who vlolutod
tho unions' order to Btrlko yoatorday
wont to work again today, A fow
woro porsuadod to remain away from
tho colllorlos, but so far no violence
Is reported. Englnos nnd pumps ar
working ovory wlit-ro and no damage
Is being dono by floods. About 4000
armed coal and Iron pollco aro pa
trollng tho yards, Sovoral secret
meetings of tho railroad men aro be
ing held and tho strlko situation 1b
being discussed.
Vale, Spanlth Justice.,,
Ponco, Porte Rico, Juno 3. The
last executions undor tho Spanish law
occurred hero this morning when four
men woro garrotted, Tho men had
confessed to murdorlng a number pi