East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 02, 1902, Image 5

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i ,f cKles and nobbiest patterns, shapes and colors.
..latest ii . , rft.f,ttiaA ,..-,tu
aCn Iiai J3 1U11JT guamun-v-u .......
Sold and Guaranteed by
gs2Sgig'40:H PENDLETON, ORE.
.tamped on the inside band. Take a look at the dis
play window, or, better still, drop in and try one on.
The Teutsch Hats Sell at
$2.00 to $3.50 Each
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
xir k.
MONDAY, JUNE 2, lyuz.
Fhltaker, the dentist
Uh Crabs at Castle's.
A. Howard, farm loans.
... , i.. -., Of
111, -unv
t ir nn rrn innnn i'i in ii i f i . uui t
nL -1 -J nlrrtif
'phone Main 70.
.1.. 1 l t 1Cn at TTimb.
Implement Company.
headquarters for berries.
. . . f L
TTnrvc no nrnnm a n iwh vh ritiiL.
1 V t. A. o
nurn urnpprv nr. rwn nniPH mr
an urn.
or country property. J. It. Dick
East Oregonlan bulldintr.
auieu rosiuon as iarm lauorer,
OTTIO n est Ainu r 1 vsim nun nil
references. Aririrosn Wftllarfi P.
A Fall
llCDr rvtn.... J. 1. J.
vlwaiu ataxia; jewuxo
id pivots cannot withstand
Mh a shock. Should this
on to have us look at your
-u m unce.
lewder and Optician
Castle's for fish.
Lunches at Phillips' restaurant.
Schliftz's Milwaukee beer on
draught at the Maze.
Extraordinary low prices on street
hats at Miss Campbell's.
Columbus buggies $150, at Uma
tilla Implement Company.
For that tired feeling take Dut
ton's pure delicious Ice cream.
For Rent A four-room house near
Academy. Inquire at this office.
Schlltz beer on draught and fine
lunches In basement of Golden Rule
Scnlitz beer on draught and fine
lunches In basement of Golden Ruly
Palace lunch counter, on Court
street, Is now open. Everything, in
Cannon crackers for the successful
eovernor. Store open late Monday
evening. Nolf's.
Wanted. Indian curios, arrow
points. Quote prices to Mrs. Froh
man, Portland, Oregon.
TTnwlfiv Bros, are comlnK to the
front on groceries and are turning
out large quantities every aay.
. We give a free ticket on the bicy
cle with every dollar purchase. Mar
tin's Family Grocery and Bakery.
To close out my entire stock of
spring and summer millinery, I will
offer great reductions, Mrs. Camp
bell. The basebali team, calling them
RBivpH the "Its." have arranged for
a game next Sunday at Adams, with
the Fanners.
Withee, 305 Court St, agent for Dd
mestic and Davis sewing machines.
Drop heads from $27.50 to $65 on In
stallments. Everything guaranteed.
All kinds of real estate for Bale.
Homes on easy payments, will fur
nish part of- purchase money.
Rlhorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor
James A. Howard received this
morning another box of specimen ore
just taken from the Golconda mine,
which can be seen at his office on
Court street.
A contest to decide the infKt pop
ular lady in Pendleton has been ar
ranged at the Merry-go-round, and
persons are entitled to one vote for
each ticket purchased. The prize is
a beautiful gold watch, 20-year Du
ber case, purchased of W. E. Garri
son, and is on exhibition -in his show
A very strange thing happened in
the Wonders and "Its" game, the
"Its" cot 14 hits off of Rebbins. tho
Wonder's pitcher, while tho latter
never made a safe hit on" Drake, tne
"Its" pitcher, and yet tho score was
Wonders. 9. "Its' 0. This shows
great team work for the one and very
poor for the other.
Fresh Invoice of Helnz'a apple but
ter just received at Hawley Bros.
LostOr. train betwean Pendleton
and Weston, Saturday ,Ucrnoon, a
medium-sized lady's gold watch, with
butterfly rtone on back. Finder re
turn to Mrs. S. P. Sturgis, Water
street, and receive reward.
Adams Advance: Dean Schull and
Victor Eliot, painters for C. C. Sharp,
the well known Pendleton painter,
have just completed one of tho finest
jobs of painting on Purl Hale's resi
dence that has been done 1: this sec
tion. Charley never keeps any.
thing but first-class workmen, and a"
a natural consequence his work is
always the gest.
A large crowd attended tho Thomp
son Street M. E. church Sunday even
ing to hear Rev. James A. Tate, of
Nashville, Tenn., deliver his temper
ance gospel address. Mr. Tate is one
of the most forceful and pleasant
speakers on the road today. He has
the faculty of keeping hlri listeners
in a pleasant mood, at the same time
impressing the truths of his subject
on their minds.
Weston Leader: The seven
months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. J
lj. Fuson attempted to swallow a
small piece of concentrated lye
Sunday morning that had fallen from
a table that its mother was clean
ing. The child's tongue and mouth
were fearfully burned, causing great
alarm to the household, and Dr.
Best was at once summoned to its re
lief. It was found that none of the
firey stuff had gone down the little
one's throat, and aside from the
burns, nothing serious t'eveloped.
When we say fruit flavors we mean the real fruit, and we jrom
QU the best satisfaction from the beverage you buy here.
Plenty of good for those who'wnt the healthful. pleasing drinks.
Ye Name the Flavor We Furnish ihe Soda
d It's going to be the beat soda you ever tasted. Five cents
ys for a good big glass of it We suggest " Uma Soda.''
irom Alain Sr. I nward the Uofttt ilOUSe
S0 0
Closing Exercises at the Opera
House Tomorrow Evening.
The 1901-1902 school term of the
St. Joseph Academy has ended and
tomorrow evening will ocnir the 15th
annual commencement exercises at
the Frazer Opera House, beginning
at 7:30 p. m.
The past year has been a very sue
cessful term tor the academy and the
school is not only proving a great
success but is growing to the great
satisfaction of all concerned.
There is only one graduate this
term, Miss Helen M. Uardman, for
merly of Wa.tsburg.
Following is the program to be
rendered at the commencement exer
cises at the court house tomorrow
Selection . . St. Joseph's Orchestra
Instrumental Trio. ..Sweet Clover
Duet Violin and Piano
Vocal Solo Miss Anderson
Selection ..St. Joseph's Orchestra
Recitation Miss Rabinnorltz
Piano Solo Miss Hardman
Bouquet of Pendleton's Flowers . .
Wreath drill
Pantomime,. ..Lead Kindly Light
Sword Drill Class of Boys
The Shades of Shakespeare's Women,
Gossip Pantomime. . . ; . : . . . t
Columbian drill
Essay and Valedictory
Poetry of the Soul.
Conferring of Grauduating honors
on Miss Helen M. Hardman.
Motto: "Nisi Dominus, Fiustra."
Archbishop Alexander Chil3tie
will deliver tho closing acldress.
Great Ocean Current Does Not Influ
ence Climate.
In tho light of scienco today tho
Gulf Stream as a determining fac
tor In climate-forming loses all of its
old-time glamour. Moreover, what is
true of Its relative lnstgnlrlcanco in
this respect, is also true, a fortiori,
of tho Kuro Siwo, or Japan current.
This currcut, a very much feebler
stream than the Gulf stream, owing
to this onormous size of tho mid-Pa-cidc
basin and of tho unfavorable
configuration of the Asian continent,
has few -of tho dramatic characterist
ics of tho Gulf Stream, and yet tho
Mauryan myth has endowed it also
with tho virtues of supposedly be
longing to its Atlantic congener, and
it is but recently that tho chamber
of commerce of San Francisco was
nassinsr resolutions about it, since
they believed that it its shlftlngs
could be studied California weather
might be foreseen long in advance
In this they were confusing effect
with- cause, and wero on tho wrong
track. Had they passed tesolutions
about tho shifting of tho great Pnci
fic anti-cyclono, they would have hit
the nail on tho hend, slnco It Is tho
variation in its pressures and In Its
position that makes for climatic and
weather changes on tho Pacific coast
and also causes nny shift in tho drift
ing of ocean currents. And the
same is true of tho Atlnntlc bnsln
tho Gulf Stream shitting with tho
winds and tho general barometric
stresses; which shifting far from be
ing the causo of any weather vagary,
Is an indication of tho jjiondary re
latlon of the "ocean current, to the
primary causes of weather changes,
tho shifting of tho aerial currents;
in fine, the anti-cyclono itsolf. Wo
who live in tho Atlantic soaboard
states of tho United States notico tho
effect of tho shifting of tho nntl-cy
clone less than people in Europe
perhaps, slnco for tho most part
weather In tho east Is not browed
in the ocean because tho aerial drift
moves from west to cast, am! carries
the oceanic influences eastward, or
away from our shores. But occasion
ally the Atlantic antl-cyclouQ ob
trudes on our southern, const with
iumuMwiu tesuitB, ut . uiies
aPV?,rently reversing tho Basoua by
sotting up a south to north (south
east to northwest, southwest to
northeast) circulation that is tho
primary cause of tho spells of hal
cyonlc weather that havo beon var
iously christened "Indian Summer."
From tho Gulf Stream Myth and
Ihe Anti-Cyclone," by Harvey M
Watts, in the Juno Scribnor a.
S ALWAYS assured at Martin's Family Grocery and
Bakery because we are particular and our aim is to please.
People who buy of Martin's know that Cloaallno88,
Bost ami Froshost Goods are our special t (forts.
No matter what you want in the grocery or baking
line, come to us for it, and
With What You Get
Wo doltvor goods to nil parts of- tho city and
give prompt attontlon to telophono orders.
II 5 in ten I Bote
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
A Clean Up
Very Pleasant Evening Spent by the
Young Ladles of the Academy.
Although Saturday evening was a
little disagreeable for the class re
ception for the Btudents of tLa Pen
dleton Academy, given ay Miss Delle
Beagle , a good crowd was
present and a very pleasant time en
joyed by all. The reception was to
have been given on Mrs. J. H. Tur
ner's lawn, but owing to the damp
weather and cool evening Mrs. Tur
ner kindly threw open th? doors to
her palatial home and invited all in
side, where many enjoyed tho even
ing out of the weather, but some
preferred to remain on the outside,
and spent a largo part of the even
ing in tho hammocks stretched for
the occasion.
The house and yard were elegantly
lighted with Chinese lanterns and
the reception was a succe&B through
out, which was greatly owing to the
efforts of the hostess.
Farewell Given MIbb Starkweather,
Who Is Soon to Wed.
A very pleasant party was given
at the homo of Mr3. Lee Held, north
of tho river, by Mrs. Held and Mrs.
Starkweather, Saturday afternoon, as
an announcement party in honor of
the marriage of Miss Evelyn Stark
weather, of this city, to Mr. Harry B
Rees, of Salt Lake. Tbo afternoon
was spent In playing hearts and re
freshments were served. Mr. Rees
and Miss Starkweather will be mar
ried Wednesday morning at the
home of Mrs. W. J. Furnish, on Water
street, Rev. W. E. Potwino officiat
ing, end the happy couple will leave
immediately for Spokane, where they
wJH make their home No cards will
be issued.
The prune crop in tha vicinity of
Silverton, Or., is estimated at 100.00J
pounds for this season; about half
of what was shipped y Iut year.
The Philippine Matter.
Mr. James H. Eckels, who was
comptroller of tho currency in Clove-
land's second term, a democrat, takes
the proper view as to what his par
ty should be on tho Phlllpplno nint
ter. Ho says:
"Tho democrats should take tho
position that tho Philippines havo
Come Jnto the possession of tho Unit
ed States, whether permanently or
not wo cannot siiy.- However, wo do
know that tho islands will bo our's
for a long time, so we should enact
legislation that will result in the! wiso
and Just exercise of governmental
authority In our new possessions."
His position is tho correct one.
Future questions should bo loft to
the future. The Filipinos should not
be promised Independence, of course,
because they are not fitted for It.
They must bo educated, civilized,
and grow out of the tribal Idea Into
homogeneity as a people. Tho right
and proper course is to give them
a good government, enforce peace
and order, and have them understand
that whatever of good tho future has
In store for thom must bo dotermln
ed by their own conduct as a law
abiding and industrious people. To
ledo, O., Blade.
.S RE.
Now Is the Time
for the
to consider their
Oxford Shoes
A fine line to select
$2,50 to $3.50
The prices that please and
the qualities that wear
Boston Store
We have taken a lot of odds
aiii) lls of 5oc 75c
and $1.25 Sloth books, and
will offer them for one week
at the special price:
One lot, choice 15c
Another lot, choice 25c
We are prepared to do your work
and ask yru t0 C?M 6n iis
Charg'cs will be right,
Office at-
Here is a chance to secure
cheap summer reading, or
to procure reasonable books
for your library.
Remember, a great many
books sold at $ i .25
Frederick Noif
Office and School Supplies, Sta
tionery and Toys
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
Kit Hays & Connerley
The Plumber and
For First Class Work at
Rou8onublo Prlcos
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joo Store, Near Court St.
..It Is a Pleasure.
to advertise a good article. When we put in a furnace
we are pleased as well as our customer, because
Tr)c "Perfect" Hot Air Blast
is as good a furnace as can be bought
W. G. McPherson
47 First Street, Portland, Oregon
Just Before Retiring
a glass of
beer will insure a peaceful, un
broken sleep. It is soothing and
restful for the nerves, aids diges
tion in its tonical effect. In the
morning you will awake feeling
bright and vigorous. This is
another guarantee of its purity.
Gasoline Engine for Sale
A five horse power gasoline engine with pipes and fittings, oil tanks
and water tanks, everything necessary to set up and operate. Engine
and fittings are all new, being in use only a few weeks.
Engine is very economical and guaranteed to be satisfactory. Price
$250 including fittings. Address
East OregOnian, Pendleton, Oregon.
TMMlgtuUare U on rr box ef th aU
Laxative oromo-numMe .
ho motdr Ut mm ft M la