SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1902. Court Bt. Fashion's Favorite designs in wall paper are found at our store. All the newest ideas are in our stock. Our prices mean a saving to you. Our work is first class. Come and let us figure on your work. C. C. SHARP Opera House Block E Tl n CHANGING METHODS OF CAT- TLE RAISING IN THE WEST SOLD ON GUARANTEE tO hC nVPrvHllll" nlfltmeri fnr It n i- mnnni n funded, livery vehicle offered for rat by u Is terial. Notilitll? wlmtnvnr i. TnicrpnrnEnntoil Our reputation asures you of that. Have on hnuii a vnriety of handsome carriages and light wagons, all styles They're serviceable iimi no uenumui aim low priced, too. See Us About Gasoline Engines NEAGLE BROTHERS water St., near Main, Pendleton, Ore mm Again ! The Pari Exposition has made the Gold Medal Award to I.W.HAHPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY! Gold medal ivcrp nlo nwnnled or tiw Orleam 1003 nnd Worlds Fair Chicago WAS. Atered Conditions Not Entirely Re sponsible for Cost of uieat Rapa city of Packers Who Took Advan tagc of Financial Stress of Cattle men Boom Days on the Plains and the Collapse. A bronzed face man, with wide brimmed white hat sat In the lobby of the Now Wlllard, In Washington City, a few days ago reading the text of the petition filed by the United States officials against the beef trust, Vlio reader was emphatic in his approval of the eleven speclfica Hons against the big packing com panies. "If the government had only hauled. those fellows Into court a doz en years ago, wo cattlemen of the west would have been making some money all these years, and the meat eaters of the cast would have saved enough money on their meat bills to have made them all rich." Then he confided to a reporter of the "Washington Post that his name was John Battersbee and that he had been ranching with varied success for the past twenty years in Wyom ing. Asked to explain in what man ner the meat trust had been prejudi cial to the Interests of the cattle men of the west, Mr. Battersbee said- "Well it is just about a quarter of a century since It was first practi cally demonstrated that the " grasses of the then virgin west would cure while standing and furnish abundant winter feed for cattle. It was soon after the war that adventurous set tlers began to pour Into the western range country, extending from the British possessions on the north to Texas on the south, and embrace between the Missouri river and ih crest of the range of the Rock mountains. Many followed the ad vanclng lino of -the Union Pacific railroad and others concerned them selves with prospecting for precious minerals. The line of railway was the ba3e of supplies for the scatter ed settlers throughout the country and the means of transportation from the railroad to the settlers' camps and the military posts was by bull teams. When the character of the conn try becamo more generally known cattle raisers followed as a matter of course. The grasses were necu liarly succulent and stood knee deep rue rolling character of the wind swept plain assurred plenty of bare spots no matter how great Ihe snow fall, while the bluff alone tho nrrrir State Republican Ticket Governor. W. J. FURNISH, of Umatilla. Supreme Judge. R. S. BEAN, of Lano County, secretary of State. F. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop County. State Treasurer. C. S. MOORI of Klamath County. Superintendent of Public Instruction. J. H. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah. Attorney General. A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas. State Printer. J. R. WHITNEY, of Linn County. DIS SECOND CONGRESSIONAL TRICT. For Congressman. J. N. WILLIAMSON, of Crook County LEGPLmTIVE DISTRICT TICKET. Fen- Joint Senator. J. W. SCRIBER, of Union County. For Joint Representative. G W. PHCLPS. of Morrow County. Bold by JOHN B0HMIDT The Louvre Saloon PKNDLKTON OREO Oft Cigars Trjat Please Pride of Umatilla Pendleton Boqttet Emblem Best Ten Cent Cigars Made HERALDO Clear Havana. Two for 25 Cents. (Union Label) Manufactured by THE PENDLETON CIGAR FACTORY ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice m m W3 fiiL Telephone Main 105. No Sediment to Foul Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health moeiLL & ROSS or in the foothills assurred protec tlon to stock from tho cold winds. "The beginning of the stock busi- ness was very modest, but as the de mand increased and the markets ex tended, new sources were soiiirlir rmr o replenish the supply. These were reauuy found in Texas, whore the cost of raising cattle was slicht. anu soon the Texas trail was ouen over which thousands of head vero driven to the vast ranges of the Rocky mountain region. Old Days on the Range. "In the earlier days of the cattle business the stockmen lived at their ranches, varying- the monotony of life by an occasional visit to town, which thoy usually painted a rich, red hue; but they looked very sharp ly after their business, lived and rode with their men, shared their hardships, eating precisely the same faro on tho roundups and personally overseeing the business in all Its de tails. Tiiey owned HttlR te o '", aim muir -squatters rights were protected by their neighbors who wore enjoying precisely the auuiu iiriviiuges. i lie lirst sharp advance in tho price of cattle came In 1879, and the iweun mat year and 1882 they uu.iuicu in vuiue, anu men who had uwu lending the hard, rough-and-ready life of frontier stockmen found umiiiBeives suudeniy rich. Then be- b.ui an era of speculation. Eastern and English capital began to flow ...iu u.o western country. In addition to the big nrlces ami ninin,innn r i i,. . . . "'" toBu, iiiu winters about this Mmo mi .. uxce,?(Ungly ml and favorable Millions of dollars of foreign capital ttivcaiuu in uie can n iiuiti0 and scores of big herds were sold to .Ti V tuiuign investors on book account." thnt i n,, ,.i., what the ownors showed should bo mo lunge, regard osr rf nnt..i pnnmwli. A . " ml .vvuumuiK, uno Knir n hmnn ,11.1 ... aid , . . UIU III 0,01 u ii actual tai vinir r " Prown. the financial writer, hut the cowboys outwitted him. Thev drove many,ia r . ' nun jJiiiuiiiisintr nnnt ill... i. V ', ,n" ,U0 ",s compatriots, WllO bought On 'hnnlf n... , ,.' w nwttuv lw no no mnmr as lie actually bought. ' iaon thoy conceivoii fi.a crossing ti, ,.i.. 'uw Ul l,ln lTl . " , i"uu,H c'"lo with mate were imnortnd T"' 1 ,""V and aold at almost fabuVous" The purpose waa to Increase tho beef-prodnclng qualities of range oi t noly matured cattle would hnvn In tho rustling qualltloa 0? t l oir pro Bony was not taken infr, SL?!?" (Concluded on page 7.J UMATILLA COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Senator. F. W. ViNCENT, of Pendleton. Representatives. HENRY ADAMS, of Weston. C. E. MACOMBER, of Pendleton. Sheriff M. J. CARNEY, of Pendleton. Clerk. F. O. ROGERS, of Athena. Recorder. W. H. FOLSOM, of Pilot Rock. reasurer. E. J. SOMMJERVILLE, of Pendleton. Assessor. GEORGE BUZAN, of Pendleton. , Commissioner. T. P. GILLILAND, of Uklah. Surveyor. J. W. KIMBRELL, of Pendleton. Coroner. W. G. COLE, of Pendleton. Justice of the Peace Pendleton District THOMAS FITS. txERALD, of Pendle ton. Constable. A. J. GIBSON, of Pendleton. PROHIBITION TICKET. Governor. REV. A. J. HUNSAKER, of Yamhili County. Secrel ry of State. N. A. DAVIS, of Umatilla County. State Treasurer. T." S. McDANIEL, of Mul Somali County. Superintendent of Public Instruction. R. W. iCELcuSY, of Yamhill County State Printer. TT. W. BROOKS, of Multnomah County Supreme Judge. C. J. BRIGHT, of Wasco County. Attorney General. T. H. GOYNE, of Tillamook County Congressman, First District. HIRAM GOULD, Yamhill County. Congressman, Second District F. R. SPAULDING, of Wasco County State Democratic Ticket G. COUNTY TICKET. State Senator. W. RIGBY, Pend on. Representative. I. W. BERRY, Freewater. Representative. S. S. PARIS, Athena. Sheriff. M. B. SCOTT, Pendleton. Clerk. G. W. INGLE, Milton. Recorder. W. G. HOPSON, Milton. Treasurer. THOMAS CHANDLER, Pendleton. Commissioner. H. L. FRAZIEk, Milton. Surveyor. R. E. BECK, Athena. Joint Senator. R. A. COPPLE, . endleton. Joint RepresentaSive. J. J. ADKilsiS, Hoppner. The Prohibition party wants the vote of every man who Is opposed to the legalized saloon. This Is the only way you can make your opposition ef fective. Remember this on election day and vote right. Look well to your own ballot Governor. GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN, Multnomah, County. Secretary of State. D. W. SEARS, of Polk. State Treasurer. HENRY DLACKMAN, of Morrow. ATTORNEY GENERAL. J. H. RAL2Y. of Umatilla. State Printer. J. E. GODFREY, of Marion. Superintendent of Public Instruction. W. A. wann, ot iane. Supreme Judge. B. F. BORHAM, of Marion. Member of Congress 2nd District W. F. BUTCHER, of Baker. Senatorial District, Morrow, Umatlll and Union Counties. Senator. W. M. PIERCE, of Umatilla. Representative, Morrow and UmatllU Counties V.". F. MATLOCK, of Umatilla, The initiative and referendum amendment is No. 80 an 81. Mark an j" between No. 80 and the wora yes. COUNTY. St ;te Senator. C. J. SMITH. Representative. WM. BLAKLEY. Representative EDWIN A. RESER. Sheriff. T. D TAYLOR. Clerk. W. D. CHAMBERLAIN. Recorder. C. H. MARSH. Treasurer. W. D. HANSFORD. Commissioner. JAMES NELSON. Assessor. CHAS. P. STRAIN. Surveyor. JAMES A. HOWARD. Coroner. T M. HENDERSON. Supreme Deputy of the Maccabees of the World. 3 ins. Mcdonald, in o.4 JJeaubien Street, Detroit, mien., is a prom inent woman who was greatly benefited by the preat woman 's medicine, Wino of Cardui. Mrs. McDonald is the supremo deputy of tho Maccabees of tho World, and ono of the most widely known women in tho United States. Thousands of women pather to hear her lecturo everywhere she goes. The great work she lias done for the .Maccabees is appreciated by every member of the order. She was so ab sorbed in her work that sho neglected to give her health proper care failed to take warning that the symptoms of approaching kidney trouble gave her, the sallow complexion and torpid liver. But Wine of Cardui cured her tho same as it has cured thousands of others and Mrs. McDonald has written this letter in order that other, suffering women may secure from Wine of Cardui -the same relief she got from it. "For four years I suffered with torpid liver until my skin looked yellow and dull I then found my kidneys were affected and had severe pains across my back, and I felt I 2ln. IdjitcDmalti. that I must do something $ to retfain my health. A a friend advocated your Wine of Cardui treatment so strongly that 1 decided to try it, although I had little faith in patent medicines. ' am now very thankful that 8 8 1 did so, for within ten days Diesscu rciier came to me, and in less than three months I was cured, and have enioved fine health ever since. I know there is nothing better for a sick woman who wishes to enjoy per. feet health and am very pleased to give my hearty endorsement." No suffering woman can afford to ignore such a letter as Mrs McDonald writes. Her plans and advico havo proved valuable in building up one of the greatest women's organizations in tho United States and she take time to give advice which she knows will help you. t Do not delay in securing this medi cine There is nothing to gain and everything to lose by delay. Tho choice is before you Will or will vou not secure relief now by taking Wine of Cardui? All drucreists sell S1.-00 I inf f loo of Wine of Cardui as well as 25c pack ages of Thedford's Black-Draught. I WINE of CARD VI A million suffering women uuvo rounu reuet in Wine of Cardui. JUSTICES AND ROmD DISTRICTS . ;ams. T. C. REID, Justice of the Peace. F. W. WILKS, Constable. C. U. DARR, Road Supervisor. Alba. J. W. GALLOWAY, Road Supervisor Alta District Pilot Rock, Gllllland Willow Springs Precincts. E. C. BEITLE, Justine of tho Peace JOHN WILSON, Constable. HENRY SMITH, Ro. d Supervisor. Athena North and Soutl. Athen and Bingham Springs Precincts. ORANGE CHAMBERLAIN, Justice, of the Peace. J. L. SMITH, Constable. W. H. BOOHER, Road Supervisor. (North Athena.) CLARK WALTER, Road Supervisor. (South Athena.) EncampmentEncampment and Rud dock Precincts. G. D. HILYARD, Justice of the Peace. J. u. BAKER, Constable. G. D. HILYARD. Road Pendleton Pendleton, and North, fcast and South Pendleton, Reserva tion, Fulton, Onion, McKay, Hogue and Prospect Precincts. A. W. NYE, Justice o. tho Peace J. M. BENTLEY, Constable. uuiu x1 ia, Koad Supervisor. (Hojrue PrenirW 1 Echo Echo, Yoakum and Umatilla Precincts. JOHN DORN, Justlci of the Peace. J. G. McCLELLANT Helix Helix, Juniper, Vansvcle rccincts. E. O. '' ASEY. Ronrt Si Milton North and South Milton, Val ley and CottonwnnH d.i. AA ST& Justice of the Peaee- ... niuirun, itoad Supervlaor. (North ATiltnn W. W. DOT? ATT-TV V "uau fsuperviaor vooutn iuuton.) wexon East Weston and mountain rreclnct w Js l& Constable, ... . xvoaa supervisor, Wes ,, ton. R0AC,H. Road Supervisor i. . . , . mountain. Uklah Uk ah ail. . JOSH CLARK, Justice' of The Peace H. H. .e.ace' ALONZO DOWNS. ReJd 8". IT t r.. I IIHlUr It nn.1 ... o "'viuua i u-Uc.ji III n. . I . U , o Jv uh a 1 "'UfVU.. . - w,u' f Lin. MUL ILL Iflft r. TiTV. No rr,,m. " "un"lt upon your shirts., collsr.- ""' Him nnish. -M cine i DOMESTIC J. F. liobiuf-.on, Prop. I Have Si Immigration West 5880 Acre of land. I stili have choice farms for sale. 1 T i weeK j can enow as good I fyaiTia nn I u 1 i ist, City property at a J sacrifice, both improved J unimproved. N. Berkele THE REAL ESTATE MA SavIngB Bank Building, PendlctoLl r Mountain Resorts Let Us Our Best Known Brand We make several kinds of soap. Our best known brand is Diamond XT It is a laundry soap the best on the market. Use it acconimg to directions, and wash-day Is robbed of half its terrors. easilydeS US Wrk quickly thoroughly, and Premium Dept. Tho Cudaay Packhf Ce, So. Oaaba, no. ngure ON YOUR BILL I If you are goint? tn h.,;M : dence, barn or other building, or intend to make improvements where you will require Lumber, Building Paper Lime, Cement, Brick Sand, Terra Cotta Pipe or anything in this line and you will be monm, ,ua Our facilities for supplying yOU with the above articles and also SASH, DOORS and BLINDS is unsurpassed. Pendleton Planing Mill and lumber Yard. ROBERT FORSTER, Proprietor FOR SAL1 j. lie ceienrmen "liiturn-ntn Minnrt.- 0 iucaiau iu uie uiue iuouniains tlie Umatilla River, complete, r nsniiiiM pnnrrni ni ! vp mi s m irv Tlll 4c In tur ct-Ani t I Irorrnn ui Rf!1 Xr ncri tmnr itiHnrlmcr r.rm grounds with water tiriviletres.orQM inrni. rnnrrn i!iir iiiir rnTiip. ur Li lease. Call on or address: Pendleton, Oregon mm w .mm Y OUR MEALo Will be Rrently enjoyed if you dine at the French Rest The table wo set is sure to please you ns we serve eyery thiug that is in geason aurant OUR 25 CENT Are the Best in Pendleton. The French Rest; QUS I.A FONTAINE, ProP- WOOD! COAL! WOOD! COAL! WOOD! C0AL!: W. C. MINNIS SELLS BOTH. 4r " m AMAMAM fl I til IV I ll 41 HHV Orders Promptly Telephone, Bed 401, or call W. 0. MINI Offloe Main BtreetJiMtcfg .told Tnompeou'B l&x" 4