East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1902, Image 8

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    Tfcese Price Drops
Are Truly Refreshing
"We are giving bargains in
Misses and Child's Shoes
that have never been
heard of before
Prices 75c, 95c and $t
Specials in LADIES' TAN
Regular $2.50 Stock
Price Only $1.50 Now
A Summer Shower. IT'S
Come in out of the wet
while we talk to you.
Good Shoes
Dindinget, Wilson & Co.
Successors to Cleaver Bros.
Black 91
MONDAY, MAT 26, 3902
Adventists in their camp meeting,
which opens there the 10th of June.
Xo business was transacted on the
camp ground Saturday or Sunday,
the business connected with the con
ference having been completd before.
At nil the meetincs Saturday the
THE ADVENTISTS ARE GONE AdventlstB' Sabbath-good crowds
! attended, and especially was a large
' crowd out at the evening services
to hear Elder Martin tell why bis
GROVE ENDED LAST NIGHT, j people keep the seventh day holy in
stead of the first. Elder Martin pre
sented some very able argumnts to
substantiate his doctrine and his re
marks were weighty.
Sunday was the banner day for at
tendance, however, and the large pa
vilion was almost packed at the even
ing meeting, regardless of the fact
that there were many other places of
Vising .Yi
G Ihrdtlaol shrdltua o ishrd tashr
Last Sermon Was Preached, Tents
Were Struck and Now the "White
The closing sermon was preached
at the Adventists' camp meeting last
night by J. A. Holbrook and this,!
morning, beginning at 4 o'clock, thel
"I should denrlv lovp to attend the coronation," remarked the younj- lady
who was rat and fair It she wasn't for.... , i,, niin
"I read jn th. pa; era." said the Uwugluless person, "thnt they could allow
but sixteen stiuarp Inches of floor spare Lc cadi spectator.
And then he recretted and regretted and regretted.
the leaving of the S o clock train T . - .
if " ";c narna I A- Holbrook, of Spokane, spoke to
by mil, left for their respective! e P.ePIe at the ev,enlD,f sen-Ice ana
7..' : his discourse was also directed alone
HGiSeS. i ,. . ,. , . t. , xurs. n iumm nxassig is visiting
-AUh'ough most everybody is gone I na o tig IPtag of the ; right L flnd
Geo. Van Dran has retur&td from
Frank Spike and wifj are 'n town
from Echo.
Mrs. Jas. R. Agee is visiting rela
tives in Albany.
E. W. Helm is reg.3terel at the
Golden Rule from HelLc
Ed Zimmerman and v.ife were in
town Sunday from Athena.
v. J. JrocK, circuUvioa it anager
of the Portland Ore?onian, is in
& crew of workers are still on tn
ground tearing down the tents and
getting them iv.dy for shipment back
to College Place or to some other
place where they will be used again.
The large tent will go to "Weston
where it will be stretched to hold
the Pioneers' reunion on Wednesday
Thursday and Saturday of this week,
day for the Sabbath. He held the
attention of the people for more than
an hour in a most brilliant appeal to
them to study well the commands
of God and become convinced that
Saturday was the Lord's- holy day in-
! stead of Sunday.
i Following this sermon a beautiful
j quartet was rendered and a solo by
k , Tl r i 1 i i i : .
the Adventists bavinc kindlv con-! -.. "tsuium uirecior
Eented to donate the use of it to the ane ' ,B& ac'leBe p'ace
Pioneers. Some of the smaller tents . Al cl.ose .f meeting Elder
will ro tn Milton Wh(,rp thov will ! J' areea callea on tne Campers,
be used at a camp meeting to be held j
by the Christian churches of Eastern ;
Oregon and Washington, while others
will be shipped to Endicott to be;
used by the German Seventh Day
When Drugs
Are Required
be sure the drugs are
and carefully compounded
If you come to us you can
iesl perfectly safe. None but
pure drugs can reach our
shelves, and our system of
compounding prescriptions
assures absolute correctness.
A. J. Breed called on the
who were pleased with the treatment
received from Pendleton people, to
arise to their feet and a unanimous
vote was cast thanking the people
for many courtesies. Elder Breed
said that he had been in many camp
; meetings in different towns, but he j
i never was in a camp meeting where j
the young folks treated them with so !
, much respect. No rowdyism or dis-!
turbance was raised at any time by was the guest of Mr.
ine young nooaium element wnlcn is i tfryson Saturday on
often in evidence at a gathering of
this kind.
"We Never Make Mistakes
Must end sale Tuesday evening. 1
still have a good refrigerator, two
bed rntr. j'iS( a cooking Btove ana
cooking utensils, a lot of fruit jars
and jelly glasses, a dining room ta
ble, two carpets, several parlor
chairs, a lawn mower, 50 feet of gar
den hose and numerous other house
hold goods. Anyone wanting these
articles can get a bargain.
H. L. Hester.
Don't Use Too Many Words.
Multiplication of words Increases her brother.
i n. - j - - . '
wo uAjituDt; uuu ut-"(Jl cust'b lilt euec-
tlveness of advertising. Say what
T Jl I I MM 111 0 AA j you have to say in as few words as it
Mt-IIMH & Uila can De fcaia men stop, ay so doing
" jyou can set what you want to say Jn
STATIONERS i wou'd u wor(Jy discourse set In small
E Patent Leather
Something unnsual in patent leather shoes for
gents is offered by us. It is a patent colt which we
guarantee not to break. Very latest shape and
style. Price only $5.00.
See them in our display window.
SUa lisnmt&M 1m on erory box of tha kmlbIsc
Laxative n niiinr
the iMMdr Utat mmwM tmmmu
Xeach. in Weston,
Rev. W. H. Zeller ant' F. V7 Kim
berk, of Adams, were transacting
business in town Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Bryson arrived Sunday
to spend several days in town visit
ing her son, R. S. Bryson, and wife.
W. H. Babb, a prominent business
man of Echo, spent Saturday in
town and returned home in the even
ing. A. J. Dillon, of Echo, is in town
Mr. Dillon is a staunch democrat
and says he never saw better pros
pects for the party. .
jVuston and Alton Hulburt, of Al
bany, are in town visiting their sis
ters, Mrs. H. H. Maple and Mrs.
Dines Turner. They are looking for
a location.
Miss Esther Johnson, of Eugene
a ad Mrs. R. S.
her -way home
after completing a term as teacher
in the Baker City schools.
ArchbiBhop Christie, of the diocese
I 9r?S0, !!: be in Pendleton Sun
day, June 1, when he will confer the
sacrament of confirmation on a class j
of about CO, at St. Mary's Catholic,
Mike Ryan, a farmer living 9 miles
east of Pendleton, was in town Sat
urday. Mr. Ryan is one of the pros
perous farmers of Umatilla countv
and he says that he never saw better
prospects for a large wheat yield.
Miss Frances Mann, who has spent
the past two weeks as the guest of
Dr. E. A. Mann, and
wife, left Friday evening for Seattle,
where she will visit a few days be
fore returning to her home at Salem.
Mrs. John Halley, Miss Rosine Ep
ple, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gibson, John
Lawrey and J. P. Mendernach have
returned from Newport, where they
attended the grand lodge meetings of
the Odd Fellows and degrees.
P. O. Elliott has made some ex
tensive improvements at the Palace
Cafe. He has added a lunch counter,
which occupies the east room, where
hot and cold lunches will be served
at all hours.
Mark Patton received a letter Sat
urday from Geo. Lash, who left here
two weeks ago for Phoenix, Arizona,
stating that he arrived at his desti
nation all right and was comfortably
located. He said he was quite weak
and worn out by the trip but was get
ting better and had hopes of perma
nent restoration to health.
Right Rev. Lemuel H. Wells, D. D.
of the Episcopal church, will arrivo
in Pendleton tonight and will hold
confirmation services in the Church
of the Redeemer Tuesday evening
beginning at 7:45 o'clock. Nine can
didates will be confirmed at this
meeting and following this a recep
tion will be given in the Parish
to have gone to Athena, but was in-
disposed. ,
The parade, headed by a band, will
be formed at headquarters, corner ot
Court and Cottonwood streets, at i
o'clock p. m., march to Water street
down Water street to Main, down
Main to Webb, where they will counter-march
to Court and thence to the
court house, where the addresses will
be made. Torchlights and pyrotech
nlcal display will be a part of the
Prohktionists Wednesday.
Next Wednesday evening the coun
ty prohibition candidates will be in
Pendleton and hold a rally. Speak
ing will be at the court house, begin
ning at S o'clock.
The Hthena Meeting.
Athena, May 26. A small but en
thusiastic crowd turned out this
afternoon to meet Hon. C. W. Ful
ton and a number of the republican
candidates who held a rally here
this afternoon. The peoplep were
disappointed however, because Hon.
W. J. Furnish, candidate for gover
nor, did not come, but it is under
stood that he was not able to do so.
The speakers and candidates expect
to return to Pendleton this evening
for the rally tuere tonight.
Hon. C. W. Fulton, Hon. J. H. Acker
man and Others Will Also Address
the Meeting A Big Turnout Is
All preparations are now complet
ed for the big republican rally to be
held in the court house this evening
when Hon. W. J. Furnish, republican
candidate for governor, Hon. C. W.
Fulton, Hon. J. H. Ackerman, Hon.
A. M. Crawford and other speakers
will address the electors of this city
in the interests of the republican
ticket in the coming election. One of
the biggest turnouts of the campaign "J
is expected and the questions of the!
day will be discussed at length.
Hon. C. V,'. Fulton was la Pendle
ton yesterday and went to Athena
this morning. There he addressed a
meeting at 1:30, meeting with u
warm reception. He will return to
the city on the 5:20 train this even
ing. Hon. W. J. Furnish was also
Wool Growers' Meeting.
The Wool Growers' Association
will hold a meeting in Pendleton
May 29, at 1 o'clock p. m. There
will be a wool sale May 29th and 30th
by the sealed bid method, officers of
the association will be elected and
other important business transacted.
To the Ptt
Our cre.it rwTT, .
Ve are unn,: 8005. J
lobber's nc.
lust for .1::::'
annnitiino . '5 a
sale we will sell
Common Tcmbkts 111
Yours for Barg ,
Owl Tea Hi
the Padfic N
w Market St, San Fn
secure iree, a beautiful
ings juanK, also full pj
gardlng the new Three
international Encyclo
ary which is now being j
reauers or tn" paper for q
benn a uay.
Wc offer great bargains in
all departments of our store
for the next two weeks.
Hank Wells has opened a restau
rant on Court street. In the room for
merly occupied by William Flint
The room has been repapered and
painted, and presents a very neat ap
pearance. Thcmas Oldfather has purchased
the interest of W. W. Pangborn in
the St George Restaurant and Is
now In charge of the business, having
taken possession this morning.
The Very Best
Stylish and up to now.
That's the story on our
Ladies9 Dress
$4 a Pair
Same qualities in Oxfords at
lower prices
Millinery Sale
We have too many TRIMMED HATS.'so make prices to
move them.
This gives the ladies a chance to get A STYLISH
HAT CHEAP at the height of the season.
i 4
i Jgk The Litti
I fK Darlings!
CIGARS, the beBt brands i
TOBACCO finest for
smoking and chewing 3
PIPES to suit all. 1
Mothers, take the
out and let them
the fresh air and I
breezes. You'll feel proud of their appearance if thejjl
cniirrl,. mHA : r 1- i oocv 111 P CieS 0 ? 1
s. No matter what you ir ay have a f pecial fancy ion
f - I J Tncf I
d ui a Duggy or go-cart, we can suu yuu. j
lane a iook. we are proud ol our siock auu jmv j
proua 01 one ot them.
Main and Webb Streets
Pendleton, Ottf
Th Eatt Creflonlan It Eastern
fen' representative paper. It lu
nd th people appreciate K and the
It by their liberal patronage. It la the
advertlalni medium f thla atUiL
Lee's U. S. Hog Remedy for swine plgu
Stock Food for horses and cattle. Linseed Oil Meal for J"
jww n.ure ior Milch cows. Poultry foods ana - . (
C. F. colesworth.
Hy. Ontln lind Feed.
l7(ila9EstAlu Street. - - - r