East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1902, Image 5

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Embroideries, insertions find headings, newest
patterns, latest designs. Come and see us for
Summer Underwear
have a complete line of muslin and
underwear for Ladies and Gents.
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
fofe. (jgggBBB
"MONDAT. MAY 26, 1902.
taker, the dentist.
Lee Teutsch for hats.
es A. Howard, farm loans.
. j i
bney saved at tne sianaaru.
;e lunches at the Gilt Edge.
iter's for ice cream. Court St
Bt-edge lunch counter, uouri
avberries and cream at Philip'3
llumbus buggies, ?150, at TJma-
Implement Company.
br that tired feeling take Dut-
pure delicious ice cream.
bu'U advise your friends to eat
Ion's ice cream if you try it.
niton's ice cream is always right
luse it's made of pure cream.
Ice, fresh, white comb honey, also
cabbage plants, at Hawley Bros-
ilace lunch counter, on Court
let, is now open. Everything in
bney to loan at lowest rates on
or country property. J. R. Dick-
East Oregonian building.
fithee, 305 Court St., agent for Dd-
Wc and Davis sewing machines.
beads from $27.50 to $65 on in-
Iments. Even-thins: guaranteed.
kinds of real estate for sale.
pes on easy payments, will fur-
part of purchase money.
cm & Cook, room 10, Taylor
have 3 sets of Haviland
h l n i 1 J 1 . r ...
wv al a sduiiutc.
$7 Set for $5.25
7.50 Set for $5.50
9.00 Set for $7.00
Jeweler and Optician
Castle's for fish.
Hot lunches at Philip's restaurant.
Boiled hams, ready for the table, at
Hawley Bros.
For first-class cab, day or night,
call 'phone Main 7.0.
Fireworks, flags, bombs, cannon J
crackers, Chinese lanters, etc. Noll's
A. W. Nye, candidate for justice of
the peace, Pendleton district. Vote
for him.
Fall in line and do your trading at
the strictly cash grocery, which Is the
Beginning Monday, Mrs. Campbell
will close out 100 trimmed summer
hats at reduced prices.
The ladies of the Maccabees will
meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock.
Lena Burton, commander.
The young Indians, or Roy Alex
ander's baseball team, have issuea
challenge to the barbers for a con
test on the. diamond.
The total enrollment for the cur
rent year at the State Asii'Mitura.
College in Corvallis, is '488, an addl
tion of 52 students plnce last June.
Damon Lodge No. 4, Knights of
Pythias, will meet in regular session
this evening at 7 o'clock sharp. Bus
iness to transact. All members re
quested to be present.
Pendleton Messenger Company dis
tributes bills, delivers trays, letters,
messages, packages, etc., at all hours.
Headquarters employment office, 22u
Court street. 'Phone, black 136.
John Siegel and Ruth Van Dike
fieoree H. Siesel ana Laura van
Dike, the bridesgroom's brothers and
the bride's sisters, had a double wea-
ding at Pine City, Was,u., last Sun
day evening.
A contest to decide the ioohI pop
ular lady in Pendleton has been ar
ranged at the Merry-go-round, and
persons are entitled to one vote ior
each ticket purchased. The prize Is
a beautiful gold watch, 20-year Du
ber case, purchased of W. E. Garri
son, and is on exhibition in his show
The local Salvation Army people
are having a series of entertainments
and SDecial meetings on the streets
and in their hall. Major Harris, of
San Francisco, and Major Dubbin, of
Portland, are here and they are en
tertainintr the people with lectures
and stereopticon entertainments
Saturday evening the hall was
crowded with people to hear the il
lustrated lecture, entitled "Side
Lights from Hawaii. This lecturo
was very good and all were pleased
Tonight another illustrated lecture
"Darkest America," will be delivered
at the hall. Major Harris and wife
are making their last visit through
this country previous to their de
parture for the Hawaiian islands
where they go to do missionary work.
Urn Soda It certainly the moat delicious S
cent drink ever .erred la Pendleton. Some
drink, yon like, and come you don't; but Um
Soda U a, favorite with everybody. Sold only
at Koeppen. Drug Btore, which i. K etejn Uom
Main street toward the Court Houm.
Saturday and Sunday Contests Were
Poor Exhibitions of the Great Na
tional Game and But Two or Three
Better Than Ordinary Plays Were
The Pendleton fans are getting
their fill of baseball. Saturday, Sun
day and today the Indiaus have
crossed bats with the Rod Jackets,
from La Grande and the Pendleton
players won the two first gamea
without much effort The Ln Grande
boys have hardly played enough this
season to get their batting eye and
they did very poor work In the field
in both games, although It was worse
Sunday than Saturday. They have
the material for making a fast team,
but they have only Been organized a
little over two weeks and have had
little chance to get themselves ln
Few sensational plays were made
in Saturday's game other than the
catch of a foul pop-up by Brown. One
of the La Grande boys was at bat
and he sent a foul up and back
Brown was behind the batter and
made a run for the ball. He got un
der it and held the ball but was go
ing at such momentum that he could
not stop at the visitors' bench. Sev
eral men and boys were sitting on
the bench and seeing that he was go
ing to run into them, Brown made a
leap, cleared the bench, heads and
all, but held to the ball. Zeigler cov
ered his usual large territory at
third, Clemens made two good runs
and captured files, but he missed an
other, a difficult one. With the ex
ception of a few errors which allow
ed two of La Grande's men to cross
the home plate, this game was quite
spirited and fairly good.
Score by Innings.
La Grande ... 00000020 0
Pendleton 01012000
Sunday's Game.
There was little life in Sunday's
game. The Pendleton players tried
to get up a little enthusiasm, but the
La Grande boys appeared to be look
ing for defeat and did not play with
confidence or much vigor. Little ex
citement was manifest among the on
lookers although a good crowd was
present. Zeigler was hit in the head
bv a ultched ball from Blair and
knocked senseless for a minute. This
caused some excitement among
the ladies in the grand stand, but ho
was soon on his feet again and went
on with the game apparently none
the worse for the accident. Clemens
also got a ball in the wind and took
first base.
Score by Innings.
La Grande ... 00302020 07
Pendleton 2510220 113
Next Games.
The Pendleton tossers will cross
bats with the "Walla Walla team in
Weston Wednesday- and Thursday,
during the Pioneers' picnic. Friday
they will play the Colfax team two
games in this city, at iu a. m. anu t
p. m., and will return to Weston and
play Colfax again saturuay. meir
return games with La Grande will
be played June 1, 2 and 3.
Tn b Ooened June 1. Under Man
agement of Mrs. A. R. Stiahon
Martin's new modern lodging house
will be opened to the public about
June 1st, in all Its completeness and
Hpanliness. The Martin lodging
house is located in the new brick
block on Main street and is the best
equipped, most convenient and best
arranged ln Pendleton. No pains or
exnense have been Bpared in fitting
un the nice large, cool and well-veu
tilated rooms, with fine furniture and
especially good bods, so that comfort
h assured all.
The Martin lodging hou&e will be
conducted and under the direct su
norvlslon of Mrs. A. R. Strahou, who
has had wide experience ln this lino
of work and thoroughly understands
what is necessary for tha pleasure
of guests. She was for a long time
In charge of the lodging house in
the Despain block and gave splendid
The Rro 24 laree rooms In the
Martin block and persons desiring
good clean place to room are invited
to take advantage of this opponun
Dislocated His Shoulder.
Athena. May 26. B, F. Mansfield
otherwise known as "Doc," Is laid up
with a dislocated shoulder, Last Frl
day he hitched up his team and he
and A. W. Nye, democratic candidate
for Justice of the peace, drove over
to Weston to attend the political rai
ly. Everything went well until they
returned home and Mr. Nye had at
lighted from the rig. Mr. Mansfield
started to drive across a ditch and
when the wheels struck the bank the
couDline broke and let the front
wheels pull from under the rig. Mr,
Mansfield fell on his shoulder with
the above results. Dr. Smith was
called and set the dislocated member.
Old World and Xetr 0&.
We must look to the solar system fot
examples of stars ln tlio Inst stage of
development. Each of the planets mny
ln fact be regarded as nn object of thla
kind. The bare and rocky surface of
the tuoou affords a desolate picture of
what-may result from the long contin
ued proecs of condensation. The vol
canic region gives no evidence of the
existence of life In fact, the spectro
scope Indicates that If there is any nlr
on tho moon It Is much too rare to sup
port life as we know it.
Fortunately tho moon Is not the only
example of n wornout star. The earth,
which probably has many counterparts
ln tho universe, is nuother example of
a less desolate kind. Here, though tu
process of condensation which is the
chief cause of celestial phenomena baa
censed, the problem of evolution has
not ended. In fact, though tho cos
mlcal problems which wo have consid
ered ln their barest elements will not
be completely solved for centuries, It
may be truly said that the questions
raised by tho countless living organ
isms ln a single drop of ditch water are
still more complex and will require a
still longer tlmo for their solution.
Popular Science Monthly.
A l'rdcatrlnn Feat.
If you desire to travel on foot through
two kingdoms, two duchies and three
principalities lu the short space of five
hours and ten minutes, you have no
need to transplant yourself to fairy
land or put on a pair of seven league
boots. The feat can bo accomplished in
the fatherland without any great exer
tion. You select as your starting point
the village of Stelnbnch, lu the Bava
rian district of Oberfrnnken, a station
on the Gera-Saalfeld-Llchtenfels rail
way. From hero you proceed In hnlf
an hour to Llchtentanne (Saxe-Melnln-gen),
and nn hour and a hnlf Inter you
arrive at Ileuschengesess (Houss o. 1.).
The next halting plnce, Glelma
(Schwnrzburg Rudolstndt)cnn be reach
ed ln ten minutes, nnd hnlf nn hour's
walk takes you to Altengesess (Reuss
y. 1.). From here you march on to Drog
nltz (Prussia) ln an hour and a half,
and lu nn equal space of time you reach
the final stage of your journey, Sanl
thai (Saxe-Altenbourg).
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse
We Will Sell for This Week
20 Pieces Striped Dimfty J
The ideal hot woathor dress goods ; is lloworod
and in a splendid variety of colors lavondor,
pink, red, black and whito, bluo, light blue,
navy and green
Dimity Stripes
Regular Price, 12 Yds for $1
Sale Price, 6 Cents
Have a few small cuts of
Mercerized Dimities tht aro regularly worth 33c, to close
20c Per Yard
The Peoples Woriouse
Send for
An Editor's Advice lo Yotinn Writers
Kditors nre just as likely be af
fected by appearances as other people
nro. They try to be Impartial. But they
are only human. Strive as they mny
to live up to tho conception that some
of you have of them as superior beings
who are above tho influences that sway
ordinary mortals, they cannot always
avoid being pleasantly Impressed by an
attractive looking manuscript. Its lit
erary merit may in reality bo no great
er tunn tnnt or tuo poony pn-purcu
manuscript lying alongside of It. But
Its more presentable appearance may
bring out its good qualities so much
more effectively as to make It seem to
the editor to be decidedly tho better
piece of writing, aud thus lend to Ita
acceptance In preference to the other.
Franklin B. Wiley lu Ladies' Uon
2500 tooth picks 5c.
Very latest effects in fancy box
stationery 25, 35, 45 and .octs.
Large kid body dolls, 20c.
New books and other fancy gifts
for "commencement" day.
Hammocks 48c to 3 95, largest
line in Pendleton.
The sixth annual meeting of tin
Spokane Baptist Association will b(s
held ln the Baptist church at Latah
Wash., from Juno 3 to 0 Inclusive.
Leaders in
The Pioneers of
the Pacific
A Strictly Up tq Data Infuranc
Afford Absolute 1'rotectlon and Pty
CUImi Promptly.
head ornci:
Ii Well Katabllihed
jn Sto Stalei,
Child's set of fork,
spoon, 22c to Si. 95.
to select from.
knife and
Large line
Plain and decorate crepe paper,
From five cents a roll up.
Base balls, gloves, mitts, bats and
Fancy vases. Some extra pretty
"Bohemian" goods, also large
line of American patterns.
Frederick Nolf
We are prepared to do your work
and ask you to call on us.
Charges will bo right.
Ollice at
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
Kit Hays 8: Connerley
The Plumber and
For First Class Work tit
Roasonublo Pricos
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joo Store, Near Court St.
Cleanliness Is Next to
Said the late Henry Ward Beecher, and our grocery
and bakery is as clean in all departments as it is pos
sible to make it.
The strawberry season is here, and we have taken
special precautions to keep our berries elean and in
proper condition. We keep them under cover, where
they are free from flies and have not been in the fingers
of Indians and handled over by them.
as well as everything we handle
Are Clean and Give Satisfaction
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
ThU signature N cm overy box ot tho gouulno
Laxative BrornoQuinlne Tablet
y7nDrtr0t'.M remedy that cure xM iu