East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1902, Image 1

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httc n A TT.Y
Eastern Oregon Weathe
Fair tonight ami Tuesday;
cooler Tuesday,
.. delivered t your residence
? of bwlneM by wrier t
3C A YCii.
NO. 4444
( "
fountain of Death Continues
to Pour Forth bmoke, Ashes
and Hot Mud,
r Ti-i TUP P. R A .
NUI ui- i -
. n.ninnlct and Party
Made an Unsuccessful Attempt to
Scale the Mountain From the North
But Were Driven Back by an Erup
tion of Boiling Mud.
a Franre. May 26. Two
..uuimbn shrinks were lelt
iimi caiui i
this aiierpoou, rauoius
. . . if..n hnnnm
rm ui lilt - -
Robert Hill, United states geoio-
; .,,wi H ntHr nffirlfliR
. nf rnrrRnnnnpntfi
pa lo reauu me it.ci
v, vnetorriav thp trin
P fUUIl. 11 U t I V- i I w
rnmblinc. followed by a muo
i ik. 1 n rtrt A f urannaiir
. V. I. n 1 1 Ann im n 11 ft
get away in time to avoid the
n snnwer s tie i eauueu aiuiuoi
Close to St. Pierre many small
p niE muri cevsnr is in hiimuii uii
i inp ttihtiv vpnis i n 1110 vnifHnn
ashes heavily today. Ashes fell
Fort a'Belle. 14 miles awav.
Rumor of Tidal Wave.
Paris May 26. A Brest dispatch
ve at Fort de France has badly
E&PAri thp Prpnnh initcpr Tflprf
1 Suhet.
Refugees Cared for.
Washington, May 26. The navy
uaLi.u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiin tt? nnntir Murrv 1 1
! Dixie this morning: "St. Lucia
UH, cjvi a v.Autwuub
needed. Provisions are now on
! Is badly needed. Volcano ac
No additional damaae. Care
refugees and Injured, approxlmate-
""p in nana, Dy local au
Evacuate Immediately.
London, May 26. 'A Paris dispatch
w umuK 10 me aiarming
ri nt r, ... . 1 ....
"as been instructed to consider
situation with a view to immedi-
evacuatlon of the Island.
Walla Did Stunts With the
Yellow Kid Annr.fiflnn
'Ua Walla, Mar 26. With a
iu j., vrjuia vvana won
jvuniunj bLLClUUUU
1 kim ......
v jjupie witnessing ine
cnur oy uucnei aiiowea
maim a run. me only onu
- lii t' i' m o wo ta won.
una nun nna m hin.
Mi . . .
uioue nine errors iitirl four
crn a 6 6 was interesting, and
Ideal VOPm
out o i . 0
- mice crowd or Indies Tho
alia U',i!
alla . niAon.,.
p - .vvv " 1
I n A b l 1
QI Into onJ iL. 1. I..
wnsidered v.
wjo were no v.
.uulgnation was expressed,
ZJyZ at nce took the cue
- t urrnrt i .
Patun .r, 18 now being made
flj" ood ball. .
ar ri vuiictu
KTOllnHn t.w . .
LD n. ... " liil L 111 lit.
r- i Mtco t . . . .
J011 m.1 ..
fcDl J 8tore get a
M iL? .Saberlaln'i Stom-
ttl m.i.. ieia- OB r two
W. F. Butcher, democratic congressional nominee in the second dis
trict, was born In the state of Virginia In 1858. He came to Oregon in
1885, settling in Pendleton, where ke soon became recognized as an able
lawyer. In 1890 he moved to Baker City, where he has since resided.
He was a candidate for presidential elector in 1892, but in that year tho
state for Harrison. Mr. Butcher Is a good lawyer and a stump speaker of
ability. "Butch," as he is familiarly known, is worthy of any man's vote.
Wherever he is known he Is popular.
Two Cars on Portland & Oregon City
Line Came Together Through the
Fauit of the Dispatcher With Seri
ous Results.
Portland, May 26. A serious accl
dent occurred today on tho electric
railway in which three persons were
dangerously hurt. Two cars on the
Portland & Oregon City road collid
ed through the fault of the dispatch
er. Those injured in the collision
are: Jess Keck, motorman, both logB
crushed, one requiring 'to be ampu
tated; Mrs. L. R. Rathbun, leg
broken; Thomas Kelly, of Seattle,
badly bruised and cut.
Body of Ssicide Found.
Oregon City, Muy 26. Burt Batty's
body has been found In the rivr. He
shot himself through tho breast on
account of despondency. He was tho
son of a former well-known Port
G. W. Rigby, a good citizen and a
successful horticulturalist, says the
crop prospects are excellent. Mr.
Rigby thinks there is no county on
earth any better than Umatilla coun
Miss Florence Atchlnson Carried off
the Honors Saturday Evening.
Miss Florence Atchlnson won the
honors in the oratorical contest in
the assembly hall on school house
hin Saturday evening over her seven
competitors, and she was selected by
the judges to represent Ufe Pendleton
high school in the oratorical contest
between the Eastern Oregon high
schools to be held at Baker City this
The hall was well filled with
friends of the contestants eager to
see who would win this honor and
all the orations we're good. Mis
Atchlnson did not have any walk
over at all for she was only only
point ahead of Miss Mary Rotbrock.
The winning oration was entitled
"Not So Fast, Sir," and the trend
was to show that too many people
In the present day tried to rush
through life without deliberation and
as a consequence made a failure.
School Superintendent J. F. Now
Hn, Attorney L. B. Reeder and Coun
ty Recorder J. W. Maloney were the
Left for Baker.
The track team, representing the
Pendleton high school, which com
petes with the Eastern Oregon high
schools at Baker today, in a field
meet, left Sunday evening. They are:
Robert Cronin, Will Wyrick, Del Mc
Carty, Sam Neil, Roy Leezer, Fred
Hartman, Se Williams, Lester Cron
in, Harry Taylor, Ed Jay, Roy Alex
ander, Olln Arnspiger and Elmer Ba
ker. Those who went as visitors are
H. J. Taylor, E. B. Conklln, Roy
Conklin, Guy Wyrick, Miss May Tay
lor and Miss F. Sloan.
Edwin F. Lindsey Has Gone to That
Bourne Wnence None Return,
Edwin F, Lindsey, ged 76 years,
8 months nd 10 days, died at the
8 months and 10 d ays, died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Mor
gan, in the east end of town, Sunday
night at 10:30, of paralysis.
Mr. Lindsey was well known iM
Pendleton, where he has resided with
his daughter for the past 10 months,
having Teen in the county for 12
years. He lived with his son, James
S. Lindsey, at Alba, until last fall,
when he was brought to town, where
he could have better medical atten
Nearly three years ago Mr. Llnd
sey was stricken with paralysis In
one side and has been an invalid
since. Two weeks ago he became
worse and gradually grew veaker un
til the end Sunday night
Mr. Lindsey was born In Kentucky,
grew up In Ohio and lived several
years in Illinois previous to coming
west. He leaves two sons and two
daughters, James S. Lindsay, of Al
ba; Ben Lindsey, who Is in Montana;
Mrs. Martin Finneran and Mrs. Ed
Morgan, of Pendleton.
The funeral services will bo con
ducted at the home of Mrs. Morgan
at 9; 30 tomorrow.
Most Effective Advertising.
That advertising is the most effect
ive which attracts the eyo and ap
peals to the brain. Strong adjectives
may be as much out of taste In an
advertisement as in a bit of more
aspiring literature. Exaggeration Is
always to be avoided. People nowa
days demand sincerity in all matters
of business. It is observable that al!
the big and successful advertisers are
moat careful as to tbelr statements
of fact. They realize that confidence
Is the key-stone in the arch of trade.
Their Luccess came of their jealous
regard for their work
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Boor Dolegatos Ready to Ac
cept British Terms and the
Struggle Practically Ends,
W. A. Wann, of Eugene, candlrtito for tho office or suporin'oiulcnt of
public instruction on tho democratic ticket, received his education at tho
Monmouth Normal School. He was then called to the chair of nmthoiimt.
ics at Ills Alma Ma'er, and also occupied tho position of secretary of tho
faculty for 10 years. Last September Professor Wann moved to Kuroiio
intending to enter the University of Oregon, but his eyes failed him, ami
he was compelled to give up his couiso. Ho is now In the life Insurance
business, with headquarters at Eugene.
.This Meeting Considered Significant,
doming Immediately After the Mil!
Men's Announcement That Vhey
Would Make No Concessions.
Portland, May 26. There seems to
be a prospect that tho planing mm
strike may be settled sooner than
has been expected, as a conference Is
being hold this afternoon botweon
Attorney Fenton, representing the
mill-owners and the executive com
mittee of the building tradeB. This
meeting coming as It does after the
mill men had announced that they
would concede nothing, is nigiilficnm.
The hearing of tho Injunction against
the strikers came up this morning
before Judge Sears, and was contin
ued until tomorrow afternoon.
Ladles of That City Will See That
Law Is Enforced.
Walla Walla May 26. Tho saloons
of Waltsburg, In this county, are to
be closed on Sunday, as has boon the
custom In this city since early har
vest of last year. Three saloon
keepers of Waltsburg havo boon In
formed against In the superior court
by Prosecuting Attorney Cain, and
two cases have been passed to tho
June term of tho superior court. Sim
ilar action hi anticipated with tho
other case. Tho men charged with
breaking the law are Louis GroHsmll
lor, Smith Hunt and L. Small.
Recently a committee of iadlea
visited the saloons of Waltsburg, an1
i on a Sunday found tho doors open.
The acts were made known to tlio
prosecuting attorney and warrants
were promptly Issued. It Is said
that tho saloons will have to keep
their doors closed hereafter, from
midnight Saturday until midnight of
Tho Hast Oregonian artist visited
tho O. It. & N. depot and caught a
picture of "Fatty" Turner, the local
"baggage smasher," ns ho was about
to "eat something up alivo." Mr.
Turner Is perfectly harmless, al
though he looks us if he could put
up "a good stllf light" if ho tried to.
Suicide Near Athena.
Athenu, .May 26. Word was ro
co.ved hero today that Jacob Uoo
her, a rancher living in tho Weston
mountains, hail committed suicide.
A coroner's Jury has gone out to sit
on tho case but as yet they havo
made no report and particulars are
not obtainable.
biones were inrown at the Kings
Train When It Stopped at Naples
Attack Believed to Be the Result
of an Immature Anarchist Plot.
Loudon, May 26. More Important
dlspntchcs wero received from Pro
torln Inst night and the catiliU't will
moot tomorrow to consider them. An
announcement Is expected in tho
house this afternoon to tho effect
that all tho Boor dolegatca, excopt
Christina Dowot nro prepared to ac
cept tho British tormB. Tho author
ities, It Is understood, consider tho
strugglo practically closed.
Italy's King Attacked.
Rome, May 26. Tho civilian pollco
consider tho attempt ngalnst tho
king's life, which wns nuulo yostor
dny, when two stonoa wore thrown nt
his train when It stopped nt Naples to
ho tho result of an Imnmturo anarch
ist plot. Strength Is given to this
Idea by tho fact that tho authorities
have strong evldonco of mich a plot
nmiliiHt the life of tho popo. As a
result, there Is renowed vigilance,
both nt tho imperial palaco and at
tlio Vatican.
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Tradu and
New York Stock Exchange Drokera.
Now York, May 20. The grain
markets wero nil strong and hlghor
today, corn leading with an advance
of lHic Tho viBlhlo supply shows
a decroaso for the week of 3,000,000.
milking tho total only 30,000.000
compared with 10,000,000 at thld dato
last year. Liverpool closed V4 lower
6. Now York opened 79 Id nml clos
ed 7!)-Ti. Chicago closed 73.
Closod Saturday, 79.
Opened today, 79.
Closed today, 79.
Range today, 79.
Sugar, 128.
Steel, 40.
St. Paul, 170.
Union Pacillc, 104 V4.
Caught by a Cow.
Salem, May 26. Aldorman E. P
Walker was attacked by a fractious
cow today and had his hip bono
Aeronaut Injured,
Tho Dalles, May 2(1. Frunk Miller,
tho noronaut, was badly Injured In
an attempt to make nu ascension
yoHtorday, his hallooon being caught
on a tolephono wlro nml burned.
Miller foil from his parachute,
Rooms In tho Ea.'t Oroeonlan hulli!.
Ing Cor ront. Steam heated, hot and
cold water uui ' uth room in connoo
Word Received of Death of John
Watson in 8eattle.
Word was received hero this morn
lng of tho death of John Watson In
Seattle last night. Mr. Watson will
bo remembered by all tho pioneers of
Pendleton as one of tho most respect
ed business men and pioneers of tho
town where ho resided for many
years was connected with John
Luhrs In the planning mill business,
where Robert Forsters mill Is.
The telegram did not say what
was the cause of death, but Mr.
Watson has not been well for several
years and recently went through an
operation, but whether this was tho
cause of death or what tho operation
was for cannot bo learned.
Mr. Watson was 70 years of ago,
For Sale.
A Holt Brothers' "Junior" combin
ed harvester, 14-foot cut. Been used
one season. All Jn goed running or.
der. Call on or address William
Head, Arlington, Oregon.
The Inspired Orator of the Hew Crusade
Will Speak at tie Court louse
TUESDAY, MAY 2t AT 8 f. I.
Ignorance is not a virtue. Investigation is no
Failing to hear this grand orator you wiJl
miBB the treat of a iifo time. ' 1 -